《Godmaker's Gem》Chapter 16. Separating Paths



Using all my strengths, I pushed her blades aside destroying my weapons in the process to the point I couldn't reconstruct them.

"Reconstruction Shot!"

With all the mana left in my body, I fired the green ball of threads in her face, from point-blank range.

The second the treads touched her body, they cursed through her body, covering her armor and skin in green markings.

"Sory Amu, but I am going to break her a little. Limbs, twist in 360°."

As i commanded her legs and arms started to move on their own, dislocating themselves, with horrible sounds.

I could see her screaming in pain, but I didn't allow her to open her mouth.

And done. A broken supper princess ready to be sent.

'...This is going to be a pain to heal.'

"At least she is alive. I will knock her out and you can start the transport."

Forming a fist with my hand and punished her in the face.

Before I could even touch her an invisible force stopped me.


"You should have finished me off!"

T-The butler! How the hell did he get here?! No matter I have a way to deal with him.

"Princess, get on your feet and kill this old man."

With the same disgusting sound, her limbs went back to their place and she stood right back up.

I was sure that right now she was in agonizing pain, but my threads will keep her standing.

She slowly walked behind me holding one of her silver swords.

"Princess... You need to wake up. Please, I don't want to hurt you."

"No luck, old man. Till my eye has the energy she is my pet!"

"...I understand."


I could hear him being cut, which was followed by the dispersion that was keeping me hostage.

"Well, that was entertaining. To bad for the -"

While I was talking I turned around to see the work of my puppet, to come in face with a hand.

The crazy bastard was missing his lower abdomen, yet he managed to make himself fly!

In the split second that took me to process what was happening, he grabbed my gem.

A pain unlike any other washed over me, making me scream!

"You are coming with me!"


With his last strengths, he went over my shoulder, but not without ripping the gem out of me my head, which was followed by y fountain of blood.

[Disconected from the body]

[All body states, techniques, and skills been lost.]

[Collected EXP will be stored till a new body is found.]


While I got my old vision back, the butler fell next to the wall, breaking through it.

How strong is this guy?!

At the other side was another section of the severs but this had a stream of flowing water with a very strong current.

But before we could fall into the water something even more frightening showed up on my face.

[Low mana capacity detected]

[Entering sleep mod]

Oh, shit, no no no!


The body that he left behind, collapsed on the ground, leading heavily.

The princess who was standing there also collapsed, her body slowly turning back to what she was like before.

"Sebas, I am so sorry. I -I just couldn't..."


The monster's body not far away from her started to scream while its body was shining in a bright yellow light, completely developing it. When it finally started to fade, in place of a monster a young woman was getting up from the floor.


"Finally I am in full control. Even though he was super annoying he served me well. I hope we will meet again. "

"W-Who are-"

"Hmm oh, you are still conscious! Well, my name is Amu, you're new over."


- The Capital, 2 days later: -

Two figures were standing over a rooftop, showing the city in all its glory.

"How those your body feel?"

"Still a little sore. The gods' blessings are still fighting against me, but I can tell they are getting weaker."

"Well, in any case, you managed to get your dream body. What will you do now?"

"Phhh, good question. I will surely leave this place, after all that trouble. Then I might go and kill some peoples to build my strengths up or go back to our realm."

"I recommend staying on this side of the universe. That place is in a bigger mess than ever before."

"Still no luck finding it he?"

"It's not that. Those Star Soldiers are acting up again. They sent squads to the Lowergrounds and causing a scene. They even found a portal, luckily for us, it leads them to the wastelands."

"The poor things. Remember when we went there when we were young? We almost died."

"Speak for yourself. The worst wasn't the desert, it was the scolding we got from Mephy."

"Ugh, don't remind me of that! It makes my skin crawl!"

"Hehe, are you ready?"

"...Do we really need to do that?"

"Yep, the only way. Just don't kill me."

One of them took off a long sword from their cape and slashed the abdomen of the other one.

In the city a scream could be heard resonating in the air, marking the start of something truly terrible.





[... Exiting sleep mod]

[Exited Combat area.]

[Recieveing a huge amount of EXP]

[Recieving a huge amount of SE]

[Some skill imprint found.]

[Skills kept: [Earth Magic] [ Sound Magic]]

[Imprint found from possession.]

[New skills received: [Electrick Magic] [Plant Magic] [ Song Magic]]

[Skill: [Sound Magic] absorbed skill [Song Magic]]

[New skill received: [Music Magic]

[Level 20 reached]

[Evolution starting...]


[ Evolutionary branch been found for skill Skill [Reconstruction+] ]

[Please select future evolution to continue evolution]

When I woke up I was still in the hand of the butler, who sank to the bottom of the sewer.

Seriously? I have been beaten by a dead man? I might have deserved it since I was too confident in my abilities, but it is still so humiliating.

Well, this was fun. Time for me to go. Reconstruction Puppet.

From my core, my lines spread all over the butler's body, slowly moving it towards the beach.

When it reached it I made it crawl out of the water then let it collapse there.

Now that I'm out of the water let's try figuring out what am I going to do.

Amu has probably taken my old body to that Phil guy to change it if t not dead so I need a new one.

I could maybe use the old man till I find something more suitable for me.

But first, let's see what is this evolution business.

[Skill [Reconstruction+] can evolve into two skills:

[Advanced Lesser Reconstruction]: The user of this skill can recreate anything that was destroyed in any way. Depending on the power of the user, they might be able to bring back the dead without any negative effect.


Restrictions: Physical contact is necessary. Due to [Lesser] status, usage requires more energy and there might be things that can resist this ability.

[Lesser Polymorphing]: The user of this skill can transform, alter or transmute matter, energy, elements, objects, beings into anything else, either completely or partially, permanently or temporarily, in exchange for a huge amount of energy.

Physical contact is necessary. Due to [Lesser] status, usage requires more energy, and only things whit a physical body can be altered]

Wow, that's something that I didn't expect. It's quite easy actually.

First of all, the first skill seems to be the natural evolution of my power, but I didn't like it too much.

Ever since I had it, I used it to build weapons and such and not fix things.

So yeah I am taking option number two.

[Do you chose [Lesser Polymorphing]?]

[After the evolution path has been selected, there is no turning back.]

Yes, I am certain.

[Evolution started...]

Oh, this is new.

I started to float a few centimeters above the ground, my body shining in rainbow light. In the light my body became liquid and it started to twist and turn, taking on new forms. From my surrounding, some particles of materials started to converge to me fusing with me and the light.

When I was back on the ground my body was completely different.

I became dark blue with a green light in the center. Even though my body mass became smaller I could feel that my mana capacity became immense.

[Evoloution complete.]

[True name received: God's Tear]

[All states enhanced]

[Titles [Servent of the Void] and [Blessed by the Void] been lost]

[New title received: [Heroic Weapon] ]

[ Sending out signal...]

[Signal sent]

[Owner been designated as the [Dark Ground Hero]]

What I am now someone's property?! Forget about that, I am an independent piece of rock! And speaking of independent-

[Mailbox assessed]

[Invitation found]

[Do you wish to accept?]

I have been pushing this aside for a while now. No point doing it further, since I just lost everything, and I love being independent.

I accept.

[Invitation accepted]


[ You have joined The Macsarade]

[Comencing full conversion.]

the ceiling over my head started to shake and something like a black hole appeared over it.

From the hole, a gray goo started to use out on me and the butler's corps.

This is disgusting.

I could feel the slime covering me and moving me around, while something started to spread from me.

The closest thing I could describe them is my lines when I use my power, but these ones were more thicker and permanent than the ones I could make. Slowly these lines were everywhere creating something complex that I could never make.

[...Full Conversion finished]

[New skills received: [Dimensional Displacement] [Spirit Weapon] [ Deal Making] [ Silver Thung] [Hive Mind]]

[Job unlocked: [Layer] ]

[Title received: [High-Masked]]

[Collected EXP will be transferred to a new body.]

[Level: 20 reached]

[Comencing evolution...]

[Evolution finished.]

[Madnesss Familier been digested.]

[New skills received]

[All states been enhanced]

When I could see again, several changes happened to my body.

It seemed like the slime of whatever that was, fused me with the butler's carcass, changing it in the process.

It or to be correct I, now had chalk-white skin and hair, with a pitch-black suit. The legs that the princes chopped of were now back and wearing black pants with shining black leather shoes.

Feeling uncomfortable I slowly stud up and made some stretching to get used to my new body.

" Test, test. 13232424. My name is Right. His name was Sebas if I remember correctly. So I think I should call myself Sebas Right from now on? Nah, Right will do just fine. Let's see what my sates."

[ NAME: MR Right (God's Tear)


Lv: 1 (Lv:1)


DP: 50/50 => 100/100

HP: 60/60 => 0/0

MP: 30/30 (+37/37) => 340/340 (+60/60)

DEFF: 40=> 60

ST: 37 => 65

SP: 29 => 50

INT: 4 (+75) => 56 (+98)

CH: 0 =>60

LUCK: 8 => 30



Man, this is a serious upgrade. I lost some skills but I gained a tone of useful looking things.

And this, feeling. I felt stronger than ever.

By impulse I hit the nearby wall, shattering it into pieces.

"Not bad. Let's try some of them. Masked form."

As the name implied, a mask formed over my face, but that was not all!

The deer skull mask came with a black coat that had black fur on its neck and the end of its sleeves.

In this form, I could feel an increase in strength and magic. I checked and it gave me a bust of every state by 50!

My Monster form was, in my opinion, far more interesting.

The black suit melted and spread on my body reshaping it in seconds.

The result was something a mix of the butler's and my old body.

I was tall, with long limbs that were covered in black fur. But now, my skin was grey, there were four fingers in place of three and I had a face.

I was quite savage if I can say so myself.

Two green shining eyes, a beak-like a nose, and a super-wide mouth, housing a series of sharp black teeth.

The hair on my head was black with some grey in it.

Also, the spikes on my back have multiplied.

There were now six of them, bending inwards, towards my spine, making the look like ribs, jagging out from my body.

By curiosity, I turned both of them on and the result was fascinating.

The coat went down to my legs covering my entire body and the teeth of the mask became the same black as my own.

"I like it.

" Are you the new leader?"

Behind me, another hole appeared and a block cloaked figure came out.

"Probably. I see no one beside us."

"...Then follow me. Also welcome to Dis, headquarters of The Mascarade."

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