《Godmaker's Gem》Chapter 10. Bodymate


[Evolution started]

[Comencing body modification]

From the gem in my head, the familiar lines started to spread all around me destroying me, collecting the fragments in a single spot.

While I could see I couldn't hear a thing.

From my point of view, the now normal orc seemed to be in a state of intense rage while pointing at me. Soon he started to send flying attacks at me that mysteriously dispersed in thin air before they could reach me.

What is happening? Do the one who is evolving in some sort of invincible state.

My vision changed again and I soon find myself in what seemed to be some kind of cocoon filled with transparent fluid.

I could see the bits of my body changing and twisting in this liquid, transforming into something.

When my body seemed to be finished, there was almost o place left in this thing, and a pressure started to press on me.

I need to get out!

With my new hands, I tore open the cocoon and I emerged, spilling the fluid everywhere.

[Evolution complete.]

[All states increased by 10]

[ New skills received.]

[Downloading skills into mind...]

[...Download complete.]

[New title received: [Servant of the Void]]

[Skill [Reconstruction] evolved into [ Reconstruction +]

While I read the screen I inspected my new body.

I stayed tall and thin like before. My hands and my new feet had sharp claws on them and were covered by long black fur.

The rest of my body instead was smooth and hairless showing my black skin.

My hands were going up of my neck when-

"...You son of a bitch, I hope you feel lucky because I am going to kill you!"

The orc came running at me at full speed.

"Annoying. Just die already. Reconstruction."

From my eye, something came out that hit the blade of the orc. From that point, my lines spread all around the thing as if it was alive.

This was the power of my upgraded skill. Now I didn't need to touch something to control it. By sending a ball of threads at my target I could spread them and control them from distance.


With a loud clanking noise, the sword of the orc twisted in several different ways.


The orc threw away his horribly deformed weapon in fright.


I sent another projectile, this time hitting his chest.

"IIII! Let me go! I command you!"

"Shut up. Die. Shred."

Where my lines spread the skin and the meat ruptured. spilling gore everywhere.

[50 EXP received.]

[40 SE received.]

[New spell learned: [Recontruction Shot] ]

I went to the carcass and with a glance, I could tell that I destroyed its core and sac.

It's a piety, I wished to eat it.

I approached the barrier that the mage created.

"Reconstruction Shot. Open."

While I slowly walked I sent another shot on the barrier.

My lines spread all over it, like a plant, and they tore a passageway to me to enter.

If it can touch it, I can control it. This was the rule of this new power.

The mage babbled something about heresy and rules, but I tuned it out while I entered the barrier.

Inside, I finally saw what they were protecting.

It was a jet black coffin with a white cross painted on it.

In the smooth reflection of the coffin, i could finally see my own face,

Not much changed. The green gem serving as an eye got a spot of blue in its middle and two small horns like spikes grew on my back where my shoulder blades where.


I look even more demonic. I hope it's like a phase and I will get a more humanoid look.


I jumped back a little, evading the attack of the orc warrior.

I completely forget about them. Well, they can become a perfect experiment for me to test the limit of my new power.

I sent a projectile to the mage and the soldier, who just stud there completely frozen in fear.

" Kill yourself."

Nothing happened they just kept on struggling to move.

Okay, let's try it like this.

"Snap your own neck."

Per my order, the soldier and the mage snapped their necks then they fell on the floor as if their strings were cut.

[ 87 EXP received.]

[50 SE received]

[New spell learned: [Reconstruction Puppet]]

So to control these guys I need to be specific in my orders. Noted.

I went to the two corpses and devoted their mana sacs.

[60 SE received.]

[Level 6 reached]

I should see my status now that things calmed down.



Lv: 1 (Lv:1)


DP: 39/39=> 50/50

HP: 5/49=>60/60

MP: >16/16=>30/30 (+17/17=>37/37)

DEFF: 27=>40

ST: 37

SP: 17=>29

INT: 4 (+55=>75)

CH: 1=> 0

LUCK: 5=> 8



Not bad, my states are over the roof! And these new skills look really useful. I can't wait to try them out in action.

'I can see that you managed to kill everyone. And you even found a demonic crypt! Congrats!'

"Ah, the voice. I forget about you.

'Ahhhh, you are making me sad!'

"You said this place is a demonic crypt. Then the one in the coffin is a demon right?"

'Yep, he is one of the 79 demon nobles. Guessing from the state of the place he was in the middle of the hierarchy. A duke or duchess.'

"They said about reviving her. Is that possible?"

'Reviving? With enough sacrifices sure but it's quite a risky business. The chances are great that the one who is doing the ceremony will also become a sacrifice.'

"I see. Then I shouldn't touch i-"

While I was talking a smell hit my nose.

It was... mouth-watering.

Not thinking I opened the coffin. from where the smell came from.

Inside was a skeleton wearing a tuxedo, holding a trumpet made from white bone close to his chest.

'What are you doing? Don't you know it's impolite to rob the dead?'

I didn't care, I took the trumpet and put it down next to my foot.

Then, without hesitation, I stabbed the skeleton's chest and took out a red orb from it.

'Is that a demonic orb? What are you do...

Before he could say anything else I unhinged my jaws and swallowed it whole.

[ Demonic orb consumed]

[Downloading data from demonic orb.]


[Soul corruption started!]

[Soul corruption level: 0%]




[... Due to a lack of soul, demonic energy will be spread all over the body.]

Ghaaaaaa! Yet again a huge amount of pain washed over me.

It was as if every inch of my body was destroyed and replaced by something else.

[Demonic energy have been spread at 100% of the body]

[Re-writing memory of the host...]

I braced myself for the worst, but nothing happened, my body only went limp.



[No memory detected.]

[Comencing perfect assimilation...]

A white chitin like substance started to spread over me.

When it was all over me, i started to shrink to the size of a human.

While I was wondering what was happening, my point of view shifted and i found myself in a room.

What is happening?!

The room was simple with brick walls and a ceiling.

As for furniture, there was only a wooden chair that looked super uncomfortable to sit on with my current size.

"What is the meaning of this?"

I went near to one of the walls and I pressed my hand to its cold surface.


My power coursed through the wall and soon it crumbled down enough for me to go to the other side.

"Okay... I might have some mental problems."

Right now I was standing in what seemed like a garden. There were flowers of different colors blooming around me with some tree standing near me, shielding me from the sun.

I should go, being in the open makes my skin crawl.

I started to walk looking for a place to hide.

While walking i noticed something in the distance.

It was a snow-white pavilion, that had plants growing around it bend in an unnatural way.

"Not scary at all."

I entered the building with my hands glowing with magic.

The indeed of this place was much larger than what I expected around 50 square meters wide, completely furnished with luxurious furniture.

When I came in two people were waiting for me.

One of them was an orc who seemed dazed, looking at the ceiling while saliva was pouring from his mouth.

My body's original host. Looks like his mind couldn't withstand what his happening right now.

The other person was a young lady drinking something from a cup.

She had long black hair and porcelain white like skin. she wore a white dress that allowed peoples to see her curves perfectly.

Plus with the two bat wings on her back and the horn that grew on her forehead that should have ruined her image made her look even more charming.

Yet I felt nothing.

Yes, i know she is pretty but other than that? Nada.

"I presume you are the reason why I am here."

She looked up from her tee, showing me her first physical default.

Her eyes were completely black with two red points. It was like looking into the abyss.

"Yes, sorry for drawing you here. To be frank I expected you to stay in your little cell for a month giving me time to prepare."

"Sorry to disappoint you, Miss?"

"Amdusias, but my friends call me Amu."

"Miss Amu, why did you brought me here?"

"Right, straight to the point I like it." She put down the teacup, with a nearly audible thin. " What I want is this body to invest till - I don't know, the end of times. I already talked with its owner and he agreed to me. Isn't that right?"

She looked at the orc who continued looking at the ceiling.

"...Are you serious?"

"Extremely. Sooooo, get out, please. ~"

The mature beauty that was sitting before me disappeared and was replaced by a stupid brat trying to act smart.

While letting out a sigh in my mind I took sat down on one of the caóhairs that was in front of her.

"No. I was here first. You get out."

"Can't do. I have already fused with this body. If I leave it now, my level will decrease."

"That's bad. Good luck with that."

She gave me a smile with her eyes burning with hate.

"You were the one who waked me up in the first place, so take responsibility for it!"

"Responsibility? I was just eating a corps. A male corps to bust! Why do you even here?"

She looked away from me with an award face.

It took me some second to get what is happening.

"You are a mal?"

"Wa-No! I am not! It's only that my previous owner was a man and-"

"You changed gender?" Lent forward. "So now you are a man dressed in a woman's clothing?

Her face was getting redder, the more I teased her. She angrily slapped the table.

"So what? I am 500 years old, I can do whatever I want! Rather tell me why shouldn't I kill you and take this body over?"

Here we go. The gamble.

"Because you wouldn't. I made sure that if my mind dies so does this body. If you don't fancy becoming an orb again, you will leave me alone."

This was a bluff of course. I have no such power, she could erase me anytime she wanted.

This bluff should keep her in check till I find a way to get rid of her easily. Maybe by finding a spell or by evolving, I might be able to dispose of her or eat her.

"...Hmmmp, annoying bastard. Then what?"

Ok, Let's see if my 5 points in luck do something.

" What about this? We will both use it."

"...And how will we do that. Two possessing entities cant control a single body at the same time. "

"Right, but the body's original owner is brain dead. We will simply lock him up in that room that you tried to put me in. This should solve the problem of overcrowding."

"...Even if it those, we can't control this body at the same time. Do you have a solution for this ....Ehhh, what is your name again?"

"I don't have one. Feel free to call me whatever you want."

She gave me a cheeky smile making my skin crawl.

I might have made a great mistake.

"So, getting back to the main topic, the solution is quite easy. One of us will stay in this place while the other controls the body. After a day, we will change places. This way both of us can control this body."

"But what if one of us is in a situation that we can not change places?"

"Easy. The outside one will stay in control, till the situation is resolved. After that, the other one will take its place, and stay outside for the number of days the previous one stayed."

"That seems fair. But how do we decide which one of us starts this thing?"

"Well, I haven't figured that one out."

"Then"-She stud up her body exuding a strange air around herself. "-I have a solution for that."


In the underground ruin:

The monster that fell on his knees started to shake violently and the white chitinous material started to peel off its body, revealing the beautiful woman in white dress under it.

" Uggggh it feels so good to be out! 100 years dead gives such a sore shoulder!"

She stretched her arms and legs than with a satisfied grin she picked up the trumpet placed on the floor.

"Ahhh, my old friend how I missed you! It's been ages since the last time I used you!"

She put it to her mouth and beloved in it, making the entire ruin tremble.


At the same time, outside the clear sky became dark by heavy grey clouds. A sudden storm devastated the forest, bending the trees in natural ways while lighting struck the mountains, taking big chunks from them.

The monsters alike that were too slow to find shelter died on the spot, painting the ground red.


At an alien realm, several figures were looking at a crystal ball, showing several natural catastrophes:

"She woke up."

"FiNaLy. ShE ToOk HeR TiMe!"

"She is only a lower duchess, so it's not surprising it took this much time."

"Hehehehe, the loud one is finally here!"

"No, not yet. First, she needs to replenish her level that she lost when she got killed."

"Sigh, at least the 63rd woken up. We will be soon together.


Star Soldier headquarters:

"What is happening?!"

"Sir, there is a huge weather anomaly in sector Gamma!"

"Damn it! Is it one of those stupid locals doing a ritual?!"

"No sir! The anomaly contains a big amount of demonic energy!"

"Demonic... Send all available troops there! I want this cleared out right now!"

-Medical bay-

"Master. I am so sorry. I will... I will avenge you... No matter what..."


At a nearby kingdom:

"MY king! One of the demon lords has wakened up!"

"What?! Send out all the soders and the heroes! Hell even the hunters! Kill it before it regains its power!"


What is she doing?

While she was in control of my body, I will only be able to see through her eyes and feel her surroundings, but unable to move.

It was an unpleasant feeling to see your own body move without your concern.

While watching the scene, i notices that she could make her trumpet disappear in thin air.

Is it some sort of skill? I wonder when could I use it as well. Talking about skills I wonder if my states changed from this ordeal. Self View!

[ NAME: MR Right (None)

RACE: MODIFIED MiMIC BODY (+SENTIENT MAGIC CORE) (Possessed by:{ Weakened Ducchess})

Lv: 1 (Lv:1)


DP: 50/50

HP: 60/60 { + 300}

MP: 30/30 (+37/37) {+ 300}

DEFF: 40 {+ 200}

ST: 37 {+200}

SP: 29 {+100}

INT: 4 (+75) {+ 100}

CH: 0 {+400}

LUCK: 8 {+ 100}



What are these states! They are insane! Is this an advantage of being possessed by a demon?! Eating her now would be a huge waste!

But this name... Ugh, it makes me feel like a pet. MR Right. What kind of name is that?

"The cute kind."

What?! Ar-Are you able to hear me?

"Well dah, I am possessing you. You can hear me and I can hear you, it's a part of the package."

"... This is going to be troublesome."

'Ha, trust me, you will get used to it!'

We went up the stairs and exited the ruins.

The scenery was horrific, with dead burned bodies and tents everywhere.

"What happened here?"

...Don't know, it was like this when I arrived. Lets, go there is no point in staying here.

Thank god she can't read my mind!

When we left the destroyed village, we met with a big surprise.

"Ehhh, are those your friends?"

At the border of the village, there was, for the lack of a better word, a boatload of monsters waiting for us.

There were goblins, orcs, wolves, and other things mixed into it each wearing metal armor. Each one of them seemed to be battle-trained and ready to rip us into tiny bits.

No. Newer meat them.

The monsters right in front of us stepped aside letting a figure step out.

At first glance, I thought it was a human if not for the two horns popping out of his forehead. He was wearing a red armor that was made to look like an angry monster face. Pared with his long red hair, this gave him a fierce appearance.

Yet, for some reason, it looked kinda funny. He is like an angry walking tomato.

" Demon, my lord wishes to speak with you. Come with us now."

"An oni? Why are you here? You guys usually seclude yourselves to your mountains with your monkeys and peach trees."

Do onis like peach trees? I learned something new.

"My reason to be here doesn't concern you. Come with us willingly or we will drag you there, halfdead!"

Listen here Amu. I believe we shouldn't follow them. The air around them seems dangerous. Are you able to escape from here?

"I can do better than that! Come here, Trompete!"

Her instrument appeared from thin air with a sound similar to that of thunder.

'"Allow me to show you what I can do! Music Magic: First Verse of Rain!"

She blew in her instrument yet, the sound that came out from it was completely different from what was when she first used it.

Around her different sounds came to be, guitars, drums, clarinets an entire orchestra. These invisible instruments created a music of pure chaos that was horrible yet beautiful at the same time.

The monster army surrounding was shaken to the chore. They started to cry uncontrollably some even fell on the knees.

Nice distraction.

"I am not done yet! Music Magic: Second Verse of Pain!"

The tempo of the music became more intense, carrying a feeling of dread and death in it.

The monsters hearing it now started to pass out.

Some of them, including the oni, stayed conscious, but they were also affected by the sound. He was on his knees, with tears in his eyes.

That's enough. We need to go before reinforcements arrive.

"Uhhh fine!"

She made her trumpet disappear, then with a single lap, she was in the air almost touching the ceiling of the cave.

She is way stronger than me, I need to be careful around her.


While we were in the air something just passed next to us.

Before I could comprehend it, the force grabbed us and threw us far away from the horde of monsters, into a nearby stone column.

Are you okay?

"I think so...Damn, I just woke up! I am still rusty!"

We got out of the crater created by her impact and looked at our aggressor.

... A frog?

It was a green frog with yellow eyes. If not for its size that made a horse go to shame, I would have thought of it as cute

Amu, what is that thing?

"How should I know?! I am not a toad expert!"

"What did you just called me?"

This frog talked!

The frog on its hind legs showing us his fellow belly.

"I am the frog king of the great monster country, Rumuri!"

Rumuri? Sounds stupid. But if this thing a monster king then it should have a tone of EXP!

Amu, can you take care of this thing?

"Who do you think I am?! Music Magic: Sixth Verse of Shame!"

The invisible melody surrounded us again.

This time the music in the air became visible as yellow strings of electricity.

"HA, you want to bind me?! God luck with that! Demonic Armor!"

His skin became covered in a thick black carapace, changing his form that of a four-legged demon.

"Hahaha, nothing can harm me in this form!"

The lines of electricity that surrendered him quickly dissipated in thin air.

"Damn it. I didn't want to use it but you give me no choice! Trompete! Final Verse of-"

Before she could finish her chant a screen appeared before our eyes.

[Host is not yet compatible with demonic transformation.]

[Transformation blocked till host is compatible.]

Greate your strongest attack is blocked!

" Music Magic: Fourth Verse of Space."

The space around us distorted and we appeared in a forest.

The sky was dark and full of stars, while fresh air moved around us.

Ahhh it feels so good to be out!

"Right, I'm out. This was too much for me. I kinda feel dizzy."

Our body started to crack and from it, my old form emerged.

I moved it around a little to be sure that it functioned properly.

"What did I got myself into? "

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