《Godmaker's Gem》Chapter 3. The User and The Used


That bitch, how dare she challenge me?!

Joey was so angry her face became crimson red then she became calm in an instant.

I planned to take on that stupid commoner, teaching him once and for all not to mess with us. But this might be more useful. I can first get rid of this pretentious bitch THEN I will deal with that guy. Yes, she will make a fine test subject for my new weapon.

"Fine. I accept! At the arena tomorrow at noon! But the winner wins all!"

She stormed out not caring about her answer.

There was a sort of tradition between nobles. They would challenge weak commoners in accepting duels under this condition, then when they beat a pulp, they would take everything they have. Even though they couldn't keep their victims weapon if they already had one, but there was no rule about giving it to someone close to them, strengthening further themselves.

Tomorrow will be a very fun day!


I will rip you apart! You hear me! I will find, I will hurt you and I will certainly kill you! You hear me?! You're a dead man!

"Ugggh, this should do it, for today. It's time to go to bed."

Oh, you dare leave me here?! Half-finished, in agony?!

To be fair I didn't felt any physical pain, but it was a horrible experience seeing your body being destroyed before your own eyes.

Fun fact, it seems like fear makes me smarter like hell. My mind was racing like crazy, making my thoughts more fluid.

I also screwed him over a little, just to check one of my hypotheses.

At first, he was using a magic device to take me apart. By using the energy that it emitted I dissembled it in his hands to its smallest parts. This proved my theory that with an external source of power I won't fall asleep.

The result was that Living-Beard grumbled then he went at me with his bare hands. Even for me, taking his hands apart would have been too much.

I have no idea what took him so long, I was a freaking pair of glasses! Yet he toyed with me for hours and he only dismantled half of me. Literally, half of my body was gone!

There must be an easier way to do this! Wait I am an idiot! I can always reconstruct myself! Reconstruction!

I made my core shine again, but this time I focused my vines on myself. While he was SLOWLY dismantling me, I saw the blueprint of what he intended to turn me into. I was not fond of the design, but i don't want to be disassembled again. I starched out my lines as far as I could reaching the box filled with silver dust.

Okay, let's get this over with.

-3 hours later.-


I didn't want to brag, but I created a masterpiece.

It was a silver monocle doubled as an earring. It was entirely made from silver, that glittered in the candlelight.

The original plan was only the earring, but I discovered something.

By channeling some of my energy into the monocle I could see through it. It wasn't my 360° vision that I was used to, but it was better than nothing. With it, even when I am hidden behind her hair I could see.

Hehehehehe, I am the best. I am -sleepy. Oh, not ag-ZZZZZZZZZ

And I was back into the abyss, with the floating screen as my only companion. Luckily, I only needed to wait 5 hours this time. Yea, luckily.



"Who the hell finished this?!"

"It was probably that senile bastard!"

"Was he? That old fart should retire. I will take it to its owner!"

"You will have your ass handed to you if you do that behinfód your back!"

"Oh yeah? Screw him!"


Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Do you even realize how late is it?!"

Joey, slammed the door open, wearing a nightrobe and a green face mask.


The man, wearing the tainted uniform of Engineers pushed a small package in her hand and left without a word.


She closed the door and emptied its content unto her table. It was an earring with a green gem embedded in it. The earing had a chain connected to it that ended in what seemed to be a monocle.

"This isn't what I asked for! Who put this ugly thing on it?!"

Even though the idea disgusted her she put it on in the end.


She felt the familiar power and markings cursing through her body.

The lines then started to spread from her barefoot, slithering through on the floor then they were everywhere in the room.

Through the monocle, her vision changed. It became grey and colorless as if a filter was placed before her eye.

When she decided what she wanted to create, the image in the monocle showed here where would it appear and what will it use for it.

The more amazing thing was that it allowed it to move the image with her mind and it took her only a heartbeat.

"…Even though it is ugly I will keep it like this. For now."


Is it me or it takes more time for me to wake up?

[Time till exiting recharge mode: 1 s]

[Time till exiting recharge mode: 0 s]

[Recharge mode exited.]

Aaand hello world! Did you miss me? Cause I misse- where am I?

It was strange as if I was in a brown basket, with some light coming on through the gaps. With my 360˙ vision, i noticed that I was hanging on an ear.

So she put me on and then hide me under her ear. Ok, then what about the monocle.

I tried to use it to see but it seeéed like she was hiding it in her hair as well.

Is she hiding it for a surprise?

I decided to listen to my surroundings and discern my current position.

"Oh, my god, I love your new hairstyle!"

"Did anyone bought an extra practice sword? I forgot mine at-"

"-Then I told them to-"

"50 gold coin on Joey! Come on come all those who want more money come here!"

Is this a school or something? God, I wish that I could see something!

This continued for a long while, driving me mad. My porter must have been a woman since she just doesn't stop talking and being talked to.

At first, I was glad since I could learn something new about this world, but when the topic became something connected to clothing and 'make up' my (probably mail) mind started to dwindle.

Bored. So bored! Should I use my power to entertain myself? Na, that would be dumb. Then I will just endure it. But I swear if every day will be like this I will go mad!

"-Hey, are you scared about the duel?"

"Me? Bah, they should be scared instead! With my new weapon, I will crush them!"

"B-But, I heard that they are super strong even without any weapon. The one you are facing is supposedly really good at fire-based prayers."


"Then she can pray that she won't burn herself."

Worst joke ever. Also, am I being dragged into a fight? I never fought I have no idea what to do. I will leave it at her. I am an object it's not like i will be killed. Maybe a change of owners will be better.

The discussion soon changed and I tunned out.

To pass the time I tried to open my [Drawing Board] skill, without using my main power. The result was a half-baked version, showing a flat landscape, where I could draw into the air.

It was entertaining.

Then finally something interesting happened.

"I should go, the match will soon start.

Finally! Something to do!

I could feel as we were going somewhere. A multitude of people was there, guessing from the sound they made.

This is going to be so fun!


??? POV:

I am so sorry Froid. I couldn't tolerate how they talked to you and -and-"

"Don't worry." I put my hand on her shoulder to calm her down." It is going to be fine. With the protective talisman that Eclaire gave you, you should be in perfect safety."

"B-But isn't that cheating?"

"It isn't."Eclaire showed a confident smile." I checked and the rules don't say anything about using talismans. Also, there is a rumor going around that Joey just received her own weapon already so it would be an unfair fight."

"Weren't we supposed to get those when we collected enough contribution? She came with us and she hardly does anything so why those she has one already?"

"She is a noble like me, so there is no surprise in that." while saying that she tapped on her sword's hilt.

Before they could continue, the sound of a trumpet could be heard signaling the start of the duel.

"Good luck. We will watch you, so don't panic."

"Yeah, wish me luck."

We sent her away and looked for a seat to watch.

Since the place was shaped like an arena we could see and hear everything.

There were not a lot of people outside us just some of her followers.

Our friend Ana stepped into the ring, where joey was waiting for her. She seemed completely relaxed with what seemed to be a monocle on her right eye.

Is that her weapon? It looks like a support type. Ana shouldn't have any problem with it then.


The instant the judge commenced the battle, both girls went down on their knees and started to pray.

It was excepted since they were both long-range types.

Contrary to me who is a close-range fighter these two were long-ranged ones. Meaning that they will throw prayers to each other till one of them collapse. In that area, Ana should win.

They will soon fire.

While Joey was incanting a one kill attack, Ana already finished hers.

"Wind Blade!"

Nice with this, she will lose her focus on her prayer, dispersing her energy and attack.

I could see the attack landing, pushing her aside, and before she could react another one hitting in the head, ending the match.

Yet, something unexpected happened.

When the attack was about to be fired, lines like green vines started to spread all around Joeym seemingly consuming the floor.

"W-What is that?"


Close one.

[Do you allow?]

Yep, keep at it.

I don't know what she is planning so I will just let her do as she please. With the monocle attached, I could see perfectly my surroundings and her target so I could adjust a little bit of her terrible aiming. My only concern was the mana that I used to create the wall, but my user seemed to have plenty of it.

As she wished I started to spread my vines around us.

I destroyed the upper layer of the floor and used the material to build a stone cylinder around our enemy completely locking her in it.

when the front part of it got demolished by her attack i quickly rebuild it not giving her time to breathe.

All this took me a couple of seconds and she was still doing her incantation.

Well, this should do it. I don't believe that she will kill her, but I will keep prepared. Hmmm, someone entered my area.

Since I didn't have my 360° vision I couldn't tell it exactly, but something touched one of my vines and coming closer.

My user didn't seem to realize it since she just continued her chant.

Well, I can help her out, right? Reconstruction.

Where I suspected our attacker's next footstep will be, I dig a hole.

To my wonder, I soon lost his position.

Did it jump?

My hunch was correct, something did land before us and kicked my user in the face.

Hey, don't disfigure her. She is only pretty.

"W-Who dare kick me?!"

It was a guy, with very long black hair that covered his eyes.

I like your style.

"Joey, you wone. There is no reason for you to use that attack."

"Wha-You! Reconstruction! "

Here we go.

I allowed her creations. They were a bunch of spikes that came out from the ground. If not for the guy's keen reflex he would have turned into shishkebab.

Interesting. If only my owner was like this.

Not stopping, she continued to create more and more spikes, soon destroying the previously created ones, littering the ground with debris.

She is running out of energy. Should I help her? Nah, she got this.

She didn't her body started to be covered in sweat while her breathing became irregular.

Her opponent on the other hand evaded the attacks not showing any sign of fatigue.

"Son of a- Just die! Reconstruction!"

Oh, she is doing a big one!

Using her energy, I destroyed the debris from her failed attacks and reformed them into, what seemed like a huge hammer made from stone, that fell right in the direction of the boy and the stone cylinder that she mad.

If he evades it, his friend will be squashed, if he blocks it he will die with her. Tough luck, he lost.

The boy muttered something when his body became covered in a light blue aura.


My user seemed unfazed by the aura. She just made a swinging motion with her arm, making the hammer start falling at him.

Contrary to my expectation, the boy made a strange pose and jumped, his fist covered in a thick blue energy.

Is he-

He was.

With one punch, he destroyed the giant hammer literally punching so harm it became a pile of pebbles.

This guy. He is so strong! I will make him my new user!

His combat capacities were much higher than this one anyway. With him as my user, I can safely evolve, till I find a way to get a body of my own!

Sorry, nothing personal.

Even though she had a tiny amount of energy, I started to siphon it up, making the markings on her body shine in a brighter green light.

"W-What's happening?"

MY user looked at her hands that almost became entirely green when they moved on their own.

It was my first time doing it so I wasn't sure how the human body worked or moved.

I only need to get close to that guy.

While I was controlling her like a puppet, I slammed her palms on the ground.

From them, my vines started to spread in my target's direction, even faster than before.

Not letting himself touched by them, he yet again jumped in the air and with a kick in the air, he appeared before us.

Before I could react, he did something that I couldn't believe.

He punched d her again in the face, this time so hard that he broke not only her nose but also the monocle that allowed me to see.

My user made an arc in the air then she fell on her back unconscious. Plus, from the shock, i lost control making my vines vanish.

Well, this is annoying. What now? Guess I can keep her as a user till I found someone more suitable for me.

While I was thinking, someone detached me from my users' ear and lifted me up.

It was another woman with blond hair and yellow eyes. I could feel a dens amount of energy coming out of her body.

"Hey, Froid, can I keep this?"

"You are a lighting user; it would be pretty pointless to have that with you."

"I know, so will give it to Clara."

"…Fine by me."

Not for me. Is she strong? Useful? Com on don't keep me in the dark.


"Did you see that?"

"Yeah, that guy cheated!"

"Not that! That earing is powerful. We need to have it!"

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