《Death With Benefits》Date and Stella request


was in front of the mirror adjusting my clothes and my hair, As they were long now reaching my back, they were often in the way. In a few minutes, I had a ''date'' with Stella.

I took out my car and I was on my way to her house, the fact that I had to go pick her up at her house was unpleasant for one principal reason, she lived with that creepy Atticus and that madman Luke who by the way seemed to be planning my downfall. I still wasn't sure he wasn't the one who sent the werewolves two days ago. But she assure me Atticus seemed very busy these days and rarely came out of his laboratory, concerning Luke he hasn't come home these past 3 days. As I was driving I took out my phone, I know bad road manner but with my improved reflexes and my immortality(sort of), I doubt it was going to be a problem.

I dialed her number and she picked up at the first ring.


''hi, you're coming?''

''Yeah I'll be there in 25 minutes'' She lived outside of the city in the gigantic manor of Atticus. I guessed he wanted peace hence the faraway location of the manor. Stella told me that most mages lived in deserted places to avoid prying eyes when they conduct their studies and experiments, they only came to the city for magic council and for work for those who still had a normal human job.

''Alright, I'll be ready when you're there, just holla at me''

With the free traffic, I arrived sooner than expected I parked my car in front of the massive iron gates. The thing was decorated with mysterious markings and circles. The propriety was big, there was a garden labyrinth before the manor. The manor looked just like it was plucked from the 1800s. I send a text to Stella saying I was waiting for her outside.

Soon enough I saw her walking the alley to the gate she was dressed in a baby blue one-piece that complimented her devilish curves, she smiled at me when she came through the small door next to the big iron gate. I tried to walk toward her but I was repulsed by something. She gestured to me by pushing her hands toward me, but it was blocked by an invisible wall. As I focused on it I could finally see it covering the whole property acting as a protective dome.

I was amazed by the mage home security system. As I was in awe of the barrier, a hole in the shape of the gate opened allowing her to pass after she muttered an obscure sentence. As she came next to me I could smell her fragrant perfume, her blond hair was drifting through the small breeze, I was once again made aware of her exquisite facial features leaving me breathless.

Regaining clarity, I asked her


''So where are we going?''

''You're not charming at all forgetting to compliment me'' she said in mock anger. She knew perfectly how her appearance affected me she could sense lust, moreover lust directed at her.

I rolled my eyes at her antics but still complied

''You look stunning'' I said looking directly into her eyes.

Despite her asking for it, she blushed and looked sideway, before muttering something inaudible and heading toward the passenger door. I was amazed by her 360, I thought that with her nature such thing as flirting wouldn't affect her much and that she would be better at it even but that bashful look on her face left me perplexed and intrigued.

Shaking those thoughts I sat in the driving seat and started the engine. I made a turn and after a moment we reached the road. As I was driving she was looking at the scenery passing by, the sun was already setting it was 6 PM. I broke the silence by asking her:

''Atticus didn't notice you getting out of the house?''

''He did but Chloe had called him earlier saying she would come and get me.''

''Ah, I see.''

''Won't he notice that it wasn't Chloe that came to pick you up.''

''Even so, he would think that Chloe sent you, he always acted nicely to her, the proof is that even though she didn't give him face with the whole 'boyfriend' thing he didn't lose it. Before I thought that it was because he wanted his son to have harmonious relationships with her as they were fiancees but it seems untrue now, it's like he has a special design in mind when it comes to Chloe. Of course, Chloe noticed it and she's been using it to get me out of the house as often as possible.''

''Is that so.'' I also found it weird that at the party he simply looked at me creepily and didn't try anything after, concerning my attack at the hand of the wolves I felt he wasn't involved, given his power he didn't need to hire a mercenary to end me. Even when Luke couldn't take it anymore he restrained him. His attitude was making me uneasy because for Luke I could at least predict his actions up to a certain point, but Atticus was like a large dark forest covered in mist. I had a bad feeling about all of it.

''Anyway he isn't going to be a problem, as to your earlier question we are first going to a new restaurant I discovered online, rumors have it their chocolate cake is to die for.'' she said looking excited.

Because she didn't go out often, she was often on the internet, it is what allowed her to keep her sanity living with a father who didn't want her and a brother who ignored her existence. So every time she could go out she would visit all the places she heard about.


Her enthusiasm was contagious and elevated the heavy mood and made me focus on the fact that I had a date with such a beautiful woman.

''And so after dinner what's next on the program?'' I asked.

''After that, we go to the « Drunken Moon Club »''

''What's that?''

''It's a supernatural club, it's Chloe's, she doesn't look like it but she has a sharp business mind. She owns a lot of buildings, houses, and other properties that she rent for money. Even though her father is loaded, like, I mean even your family can't compare, the riches accumulated in 5000 years by that old man was significant, she still won't spend her life in leisure like most of the supers in her case''

I got to learn another side of the cold beauty.

'Yes, she seems like the type.' I thought smiling while her image appeared in my mind.

After a 10 minutes ride, we reached the city and headed toward the restaurant. I stopped in front of the place and a Stewart took my car to the parking lot.

Written in front in bold characters was «The golden tongue ». We passed through the door and were greeted by a beautiful woman dressed in uniforms.

''Welcome dear clients, do you have a reservation?''

''Yes it's under the name White'' Stella answered.

The woman promptly checked and replied:

''Certainly, come this way'' she directed us to our table.

After we sat down and perused the menu a bit, a waiter came and asked for our order. We gave him and asked him for a bottle of wine before he left.

''It looks nice'' I told Stella, it was true, the restaurant was tastefully decorated.

''I told you so, what I want to know is if the cake is as good as they're saying'' she said

''Oh last time the Cleaning team you sent was quite special'' I said thinking about the duo, two days ago.

''Ah, What did you think of Clarisse?''

''She seems nice'' I said making a painful expression.

''Ah, it seems she asked for a large fee'' she said looking at me knowingly.

''Yes I didn't think just cleaning would require that much money''

''In fact, it's normal that the cleaning of a supernatural incident is expensive but as most supers are rich and only she has the monopoly of this business on the entire region, they can't complain''

''WHAT entire region? Did nobody think about trying to insert their own cleaning business here? ''

''Yes they did but they were scared out of their wits by Clarisse''

''Clarisse? not Shawn?''

''She indeed possesses a lot of employees but they are not the deterring force, Clarice by herself is.''

''She is powerful?'' I asked intrigued

''To a ridiculous degree. Don't be fooled by that sweet-looking appearance she's older than Atticus and Thorn combined, her age is somewhere above tens of thousands, even I don't know her precise age.''

Most of the race in the supernatural world get stronger as they age so if her age correlated with her power, then she was scary powerful

''It's not all she has an extremely shocking identity, she's the daughter of god'' she said lowering her voice and speaking solemnly.


Gods were existences that I previously thought were intangible never to be seen or understood, who would have thought that I had met a demigod.

''If that's the case why does she waste her time with this business, with her status she shouldn't require money'' I asked curiously.

Before she could answer our orders came in with the bottle of wine. When the waiter left we started eating, it was delicious, my tongue too was among the senses that were improved so I could taste all the flavor, they weren't clashing with each other but promoting each other making the food a delicacy.

We were a bit distracted by the food but after we finished eating she answered my question

''Nobody knows for sure, she used to inhabit the faerie realm but seemed to have been banned because she offended one of the power-that-be,'' she said before drinking a cup of wine.

''The person she offended must be monstrously strong for managing to banish her.'' I pointed.

''But the most astonishing about Clarice isn't her lineage but her special power. Her dad is the god of time in faerie, so she can manipulate time to a certain extent, that's how she can make a place recover to its previous state after a supernatural phenomenon.''

'So that's how... I thought amazed.

After that, we talk about lots of things, her childhood with Chloe, and other stuff. We also managed to taste the chocolate cake.

Just for the pleasured expression of Stella, it was worth coming here. She looked like just a bite of the cake almost made her come. Her blushing face and enticing expression put me in a daze.

After our dinner I paid and we left for the « Drunken Moon ». On the road, I said to Stella.

''I think you wanted to ask me something, that's why we are on a date not that I don't like it but we are already friends don't stand on ceremony,'' I said voicing what has been bothering me about this impromptu date.

She looked surprised before sighing and saying:

''You're sharp, I have a request to ask of you. I talked about it with Chloe and she agreed that you were the only one I could ask.'' seriously.

''But let's wait until we arrived at the club,'' she said mysteriously.


I was wondering what was this request she and Chloe agreed I was the only one she could ask. Full of questions I stepped on the accelerator.

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