《Naru Tower: Journey to Stronghold》Chapter 11: An Arm Up



Location: 12 Barkley Place, Floor One

Date: July 23rd, 304 PS (Post System)

Time: 1:00 PM

I peeked my eyes open, and winced at the sunlight that shined through my window - someone opened my blinds. I stretched and ran my hand through my hair, then paused.

“What the crash!” I shouted. My mother sprinted into my bedroom and looked in horror. I have a working arm. “Who did this?” I asked her. My mom shook her head.

“Vinny was in here earlier to see you, but there’s no way he could’ve done this. The Scarlet Guild’s Rune Scratchers and Radiance couldn’t even heal you. Not even the Artificers could create a fully working arm for you, Connor.” My mother told me.

I flexed my new arm and wiggled my fingers. Rune markings are carved all over the appendage and on the hands. I recognized the penmanship as Vinny’s - I’ve seen his rune work since we were young.

“This is Vinny’s Rune Writing,” I said to my mother. “Which means he’s a Rune Scratcher just like he wanted. Of course, that plebeian did something nobody else could do.” I chuckled. Vinny and I loved calling each other plebeians. Sometimes we shorten the nickname to pleb. “Does this mean I can take my trial?” Mother thought for a moment.

“If your healer clears you for combat, then I will allow it.” She said begrudgingly. “I’ll call him immediately.” My mother pressed into the air a few times. “Hector will be here soon. I will be in the kitchen cleaning. Greta made a mess this morning.”

“Greta was here?” I asked. She seems only to be here when I’m asleep.

“Who do you think made you breakfast this morning?” My mom said with a wink and left the room.

I stood up from my bed and held my new limb up. Let’s test this thing. I thought to myself. I put my hand under my bed frame and lifted it. In one swift motion, my bed flew into the air and flipped twice before falling on its side and breaking into pieces.

“What was that?” My mother called from the kitchen.

“Nothing, I fell trying to reach a cobweb,” I responded before whispering to myself. “I’m strong.”

I started cleaning the mess when a knock came from the front door.

“I’ll get it, mother!” I ran out of my chambers and to the front door. I opened the front door, and Hector’s tired face greeted me. “Good afternoon, Hector.”


“Pleasure,” He replied slowly. He gawked at my right arm. “How?” He pulled back the sleeves of his scarlet robes and felt the mannequin’s arm. Hector brushed his fingers over the runes. “Who did this?” Hector looked me in the face, his face inches from mine.

“My friend Vinny Hallow,” I responded. Hector breathed harder, and I could smell his dung breath.

“I need him, his work remarkable!” The healer’s face lit up in amazement.

“So am I ready for my trial?” I asked.

“I would assume so, but you might want to be wary of using that arm in battle. It’s untested technology.” Hector turned around. “This Rune Scratcher needs to join the Scarlet Guild. Where is he?”

“I don’t know, either at home or climbing to the next floor,” I said, shrugging.

“Let him know my guild will be looking for him,” Hector made his way out.

“Mom, I’m cleared!” I cheered. Mother leaned against the doorway of the kitchen.

“You need to sharpen your swords and polish your armor; then you can go,” She told me, her arms crossed. I yipped and bolted to my sanctum to clean up the broken wood and do as my mom requested.

Sweeping the wood didn’t take long, so I spent the next hour with my whetstone sharpening my blade. I then used Murdornet wax to polish the metal on my swords and the metal on my gear. My leather belt needed to be repaired, so did one of my sheaths.

I strapped my armor onto my body with ease. I attached the swords to my newly repaired belt, and I gathered my potions and elixirs, then tucked my rolled-up Monster Seal in my belt when I walked to the kitchen from my bedroom and stood in the doorway for my mother to see me.

“I’m not ready for you to go yet,” She told me with tears in her eyes. “I remember when your father wore that armor to his trial. I helped him tighten it.” She pulled the straps on the armor, and it drew closer to my body.

“I can do this, mom,” I said. “I’m ready. Please don’t worry about me too much.” She drew me into her embrace.

“Do me a favor. When you become an Adventurer, please don’t start a family then never see them. I love your father, but I do miss him.” My mother’s grip strengthened then she let me go. “Mitcem, watch over your child as he lives out your will.” Why do parents always pray over their children before they do something? I thought to myself.


You received Mitcem’s Blessing!

Potions and elixirs are 10% more potent when you drink them or create them; healing skills are 10% more effective.

“That helps,” I whispered. “Thank you, mom.” I felt drops of water hit my arms as my mother pulled away. Tears streamed down her face, and she inhaled a few sniffles.

“Come back to me,” She told me. I nodded, turned to my right, and made my way to the testing area. The next Dungeon Trial started at 3 o’clock, so I have some time.

Before leaving town, I stopped at Hawthorne Place - a restaurant well known for its Pyrull steaks. Pyrull are red bulls who breathe and eat fire, so their meat, once cooked, produces a burning feeling, even if it isn’t burning. I sat down at a small table, and a waitress greeted me promptly. Greta stood in front of me, her beautiful smile beaming at me.

“Hey, strange man, what can I-.” She paused when she saw the arm. “Where’d you get that?”

“I knew you’d ask,” I said with a smirk. “Vinny created an arm for me. He attached it while I slept this morning. Even the Scarlet Guild’s best healer is clueless. Hector cleared me so I can take my Dungeon Trial.”

“So, you’re leaving before we can have our date?” Greta asked, her smile fading.

“We can’t have it now?” I replied. She thought about it for a moment, then held up a finger.

“Let me see, give me a moment,” Greta walked away, her blonde, braided hair swinging right to left as she walked. She disappeared behind a door, and emerged moments later with a grin and two plates full of food. My mouth watered before she came to the table.

“Delicious!” I remarked. The dark red meat sat on top of mashed potatoes. Lobcrab legs, cooked golden brown, sat on either side of the Pyrull steak. “I’ve never tried Lobcrab.”

“Yeah, it’s usually costly, but I’m giving you my discount. The bill will be nine silvers.” She told me slowly. I gave her a wave of my hand.

“I’ll just charge it to my family’s account,” I replied to her before taking a bite from my dinner. I gazed into Greta’s eyes, and she looked into mine.

“How was your breakfast this morning?” She asked.

“It was great, but my mom said you made a mess,” I chuckled. She gave me a playful smile.

“What can I say? Great meals are messy.” She said calmly. I grunted as I tried to clear my throat - I took too large of a bit of my Lobcrab leg, and it got stuck in my throat. Greta reached over and slapped my back with vigor until the leg came loose.

“Oh my goodness, thank you,” I told her. We both chuckled lightly when someone put their hand on my shoulder. I turned my head to see a tall, overweight man with bright red hair. “Gene! What’re you doing here?” The teen smiled wide.

“Had to see my little brother off,” He said. “You should probably go see dad when you get to Floor Three. He’s taken a leave of absence from Stronghold Academy, and founded a city inside of a mountain - the Mountain Timms is what he’s called it, some call it the Timms. My Mekadrill and I aided him in carving out the mountain. So who is this lovely lady?” Gene winked at me and held a hand to Greta.

“Gene, this is my… friend, Greta,” I told him. Greta tilted her head to the right and the left.

“Something like that,” She said, shaking Gene’s hand.

“So, dear brother, I will see you around three o’clock when you take your trial. I might be officiating the test.” Gene raised his eyebrows quickly and scratched his stomach. “It was great meeting you, Greta.” My brother turned around and left. We finished our meal with little conversation, mostly quips and short silence.

“Return to me,” Greta told me, hugging me tight then kissing me on the cheek. “And maybe the next kiss won’t just be on the cheek.” I felt my face flush. I grinned and turned away to head to the Dungeon Trial.

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