《The Archon's Legacy: Forgotten》Endless Dream


Her laugther was more musical now. if that was possible.

"If you free us, l will make any bargain you ask."

I smiled darkly

"Don't be so quick to agree and you are mistaken, I meant bargains as in the both of you"

I watch fear play on across their faces?

Strangely their fear doesn't smell as good as fear should. Why? Mm.. more things to ponder.

Now let's focus on one thing first escape then I can think about everything

Mentally I move my thoughts to the tab and the screen changes.

I focus on the first one. maybe it's something I can use immediately


Type: Channeling

through study you learned ice can burn like fire.

this consumes heat.

+80% damage +10% area of effect trigger Warning: applies absolute zero

another screen popups

[Title] regained:

You have abandon all other elements in pursue of ice spells.

The embodiment of ice.

From on you cannot be harm by ice. +100% resistance +4x spell multiplier

Memories of what magic, spells and skills are flood my mind. And I almost pass out.

[MAGIC] is one of the energies that exist in the world. It can be harness and manipulated by skilled adepts.

[SKILLS] can be inherited by blood or learned through dedication and training.

[SPELLS] are the manifestion of your will and magic on nature.

"Are you ok?" Asked the girl on the right " I can hardly see how you will recuse us in your state"

I still haven't asked their names

nevermind not very important now.

Facing the cell bars. I will in my palm and launch it.

My goal is to freeze and shatter the bars.

The Freezing is done now the shattering.

what can I use? no weapons or tools. using the girls won't work either.


I focus back on my status info. specifically [SKILLS]

[SKILLS] Attack Type Sonic Skill Rank ?? Those that hear your roar shake with terror +5% chance of death +100% chance of applying the fear status

I attempt to roar but all I did was a loud shout. I attempt it several more times. Each failure causing a depth illogical anger. Finally, my anger overtakes me. The roar starts low from my belly welling and growing until.


The ground starts to tremble under my feet. The ice frozen bars vibrates with a glass like quality.


You have used All smaller creatures will tremble in your present. The weak hearted might even die

With the sound of hundred of glass shattering the bars fall apart.


I turn back to the girls

"Now, what do you say about a bargain?"

They look back and forth between each other. Finally, dark blue eyes focus on me and ask

"What would you ask of us"

I thought to look inside of me to figure out what I need the most but I am empty except for pride, wrath and greed.

Might as well let pride run the show.

"Serve me and follow me. If you kneel before me, you will never kneel before another. Fear only me because I am true fear. I am proud and jealous. I do not forgive easily. I protect what is mine. Think carefully for this might be forever."

Blue eyes stiffens " you would have us as slave?"

I replied "servant, lover, companion doesn't matter to me which you call yourself. You will become mine."

I can see the anger in their eyes. green eyes on the right shouts "How are you better than these slavers?."

"Better? no beauty, I am the lesser of two evils and your time is running out. What do you say?"


The anger in their eyes are replace by sadness as they both reply "we accept"


[TITLE] Regained You have put countless souls between a rock and a hard place. Few consider you better than the devil if he exist.

Who was I? I will have to find out. same with these two

"beauty and cutie, its time for us to leave"

I started running out the cell and down the tunnel. I channeled into both palms.

Turning the corner, I saw armored men run in my direction.

let the slaughtering and pillaging commence.

Here's some for you and you. Oh I didn't forget you.

I spam left and right leaving ice statues in my wake. The fact that I am enjoying this is deeply disturbing.

We are finally on the upper levels of the building. It has been 45 minutes since I started my onslaught; I have yet to find an exit. people are fleeing and I figure it's wise to follow the runners.

I should keep one alive as a guide. why didn't I think of that before.

I was on my way past an unremarkable door when I feel something calling me.

Making my way over and kicking it in. I found chest, weapons and valuables just laying around.

"Are you stopping to loot?"

I reply "There is always time for looting. To leave these here is a grave offense to the heavens"

Now, how to carry these out. Mmn.. on my way here beauty mention something called an inventory.



Can I store everything, lets try. in you go. nice.

I made my way around the room loot and store. Until I made it to an alluring sword with blood red blade.

Focusing on it.


Endless Dream

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