《The Reincarnated Heroine》Sara, The Village Girl


The next thing she remembered was the face of her mother.

Or, at least, someone whom she feels like a mother to her, since she looks nothing like her actual mother. She has a single braided brown hair instead of a flowing blonde one.

However, in everything else, especially in her motherliness, she was just as gentle as her own mother.

She couldn't really shake off this odd feeling that the woman holding her was not really her mother, even though she should be since she was born to her.

Of course, she herself didn't realize a baby couldn't have such thoughts in the first place.

Her father was the total opposite of her mother. He was big and strong and gallant. Many times he would laugh loudly in the middle of dinner as he retold the events he had from work. And he was really proud how his baby wouldn't cry even when disturbed by his noise. He had thought her daughter would be a really brave girl in the future.

"The perfect blend of my courage and your loveliness, dear!" he said triumphantly.

At merely one year old, she had started walking. At two years old, she had started talking. At three years old, she had started reading.

And, at six years old, she had already become the spirited girl her father thought she would be.

"Na na na na Tom still wets his bed!"

"What a baby!"

"N-no! I-I'm not a baby!"

Some said children can be cruel. This was a good example.

Three boys, aged around seven to nine, were teasing their "friend" of the fact that he still wets his bed at his six-year old age.

The poor boy was slumped on the dirt, having been pushed down by his bigger peers. He was choking up, trying to hold back the tears that's coming.


"What are you three doing?"

The boy looked up. At that moment, to his poor heart, it was as if he saw an angel descending from above to help him.

 "It's not a very nice thing to bully someone like that."

"Ceh, it's Sara."

"Spoilsport! Spoilsport!"

The girl ignored their insults. Instead, she walked towards where the poor boy was and crouched, giving her hand towards him.

"Come on, Tom," she said.

Tom looked at her face directly, and his heart instantly skipped a beat.

She was cute.

Real cute.

Terribly cute.

Her brown hair curled a little at its end. Combined with her serious expression, it was just too terribly cute.

He already knew about Sara, played with her a few times. But he was never this close to her before.

 "What's the matter, Tom?" she said, confused on him staring at her.

"N-nothing! N-nothing at all!" he panickly replied. He could already feel his face reddening.

He took her hand, immediately noticing how soft it was, then with her help stood on his two feet once more.

"What a baby, hiding behind a girl like that!"

"Yeah, Tom is a baby! A baby! A baby!"

"I think someone who gangs up on a boy younger than he is is more of a baby," Sara responded. Her glare right now actually put fear into the boys' hearts.

"S-shut up, you're just a girl. I-I'll make you scream just like I did with the other girls."

And then, before she could react, one of the boys lifted up the hem of her knee-length dress, showing off her pure white panties to the world. Tom immediately caught the fact that they have a really cute blue ribbon in the front.

If Sara were like any other girl, she would definitely scream out of embarrassment right now. However, she instead merely blushed a little before slapping the boy who did it right on his right cheek. And the force actually threw him down to the ground.


Seeing this, the two remaining kids immediately ran, followed by the one on the ground.

"T-that was great, Sara! How did you do that?" Tom remarked.

"I...I don't know. I shouldn't have had the strength but I somehow did it," Sara answered, looking distressed.

"A-anyway, t-thanks! I-I wouldn't know what to do back there without your help!" Tom said.

"You're welcome." She smiled a little, but that smile went through straight to Tom's heart, along with the image of her blue-ribboned pure white panties.

And thus, from that day on, Tom fell in love with Sara. 

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