《Democracy in Cultivation World》16 - Equilibrium


Majid took a deep breath, and let it out with his mouth as his head leaned back, a smile draw on his face, the progress wasn't based on his meridians. He was still curious though. How much they grew, 'hopefully they didn't progress a lot'. He rubbed his hand against each other, 'System, show me meridians progress'.

[Please wait...]

[Meridians growth 16%]

He did some calculation in his mind, it should be 25% if his levels' meridians were completely solidified, this further confirms his findings. 'System, show me each level's meridians' progress. Seeing the result, he shook his head, 'I should start to use the system more often', it could have got him on the right track from the start. The arms and legs were about 45% each, the torso almost 13% and the other levels all-around 5%. Everything was in display the leakage's side effect, the faint channels he discovered.

He stopped to lament his wasted time so he won't lose more, he shifted his attention back to the problem at hand. An effective training routine was his top priority. Excluding his legs and arms that performed superbly, the other levels increased almost at a similar pace and he has some ideas to help narrow the gaps. Only his Visciras and Senses worried him though.

Even if he gave them more time it would be inefficient, and it would resurface the leakage problem a little bit. His Viscera level must have been dragged along by his heart's and lungs' progress. Like his brain and soul sense pulled his senses' level. These organs were easily trained, almost any kind of physical activity involves his heart and lungs, that might be why his Vitality increased above the average mortal level, It should only be at 1. Unlike them, the other viscera organs were hard to target, if this continues in this way his vitality is gonna end up flawed. He thought that the boulder exercise, where he crushes on his back might pressure them, but it didn't work as effective as he hoped for.

Back in the clan, disciples exchange blows to temper their torso's skin, bones, and viscera. They consume pills, elixirs and other medicinal materials to multiply the effects. While he has the Ape's viscera as the medicine, he has no sparring partner. Even if Fiery was alive and kicking, he wasn't her much with his weak toughness, fighting her would only not finish well. He could take a few of her easy-going blows, relying on his Qi before he would be forced to stop, that's it. Without long sessions, it wouldn't be enough to temper his body. Maybe when his toughness increases, it would be great. If he was stubborn and made some shonen like resolve, he's gonna end up hospitalized wasting more time instead. He lamented that he didn't keep contact with Teemao, but then he brushed that off as fast, 'it's too risky'.

More worrying though was his senses. Unlike his Vescira, they weren't touched. His brain and soul were growing for many reasons dragging the senses' level while the others were stagnant, he couldn't think of an effective way to target them. Like his viscera, training senses need a sparring partner, someone fast enough to challenge the senses' reactions. While Fiery was the perfect much for that, she was still recovering, and she needs to attack him for his reflex to be challenged, which leads to the same hole. Foxy, on the other hand, wasn't a challenge to him anymore.


Thinking about it, he trained his reflexes with Fiery before, why was he unable to make any progress. 'It seems the soul and the senses aren't easy-going'. That means the increase in his sense before was just a lucky encounter, it was already close to the threshold because of all his fights with Fiery and the Ape.

Majid was helpless, It was indeed a dilemma. If he insisted on giving them more time they would drag the other levels down. If he didn't, they will lag behind and became his Achilles heel. Should he sacrifice these levels for the favor of the majority? no, definitely not his senses at least. 'Ok, let's try to think more before we decide?'

Majid breaths deepened sending relaxing rhythm all around, even the little Foxy put his head on his arms and closed his eyes. Qi seeped inside his body stoking for another round of training. His thoughts were a mess, his mind navigated between them sort the wheat from the chaff. He failed to find something for his viscera training though, his senses prospered on the other hand. His geek archive finally opened up, pouring out some goodies. It started with a classic, he came across it many times throughout his life, in anime and manga, movies and novels. 'Man really!' he felt like starting a slapping session, 'how can I forget something like that'. It was something that inspired him even in his real-life, but he let it go reluctantly when his forehead was filled with bumps. Yes, it was blindfold training. Even though it ignores his eye, with his main sense absent, the other ones would prosper, they would need to recompense for it. But that wasn't the end, it opened the door to the wonderland, alternatives popped one after another, for every one of his senses.

Some of his ideas didn't involve moving around, so he put them straight to the test. His senses flared in all directions, his eyes squinted making out blurry shapes deep in the darkness, his ears catching any drop of water, breath, or move. His soul made an absolute domain around him, and his skin receiving weak waves in the water like a spider. His brain orchestrated all of the signals, trying to assimilate the surroundings in his consciousness like a Maestro, the symphony playing though was a complete mess, majid didn't care, all he wanted is to strain his senses' organs, the progress could be asked for later. Qi kept nourishing his body unperturbed.

His sensing withdrew as his body fully charged, the time to start his training came. He prepared a new schedule for this day, it was 5 AM. He didn't start immediately though, he first strode toward the Ape. The Foxes ears perked at the cutting of the meat, their eyes opened, they moved almost at the same time, with their tails behind doing their things. He liked that reaction, it wasn't a normal meal today after all. It was a business meeting, important for his plans. Though he knew they will accept, he knew it was a good manner, or bribery to treat them to warm meal to ask for a favor.


He couldn't find a job for Fiery, but the little Foxy still could do some work, 'Yes he has to pay his dues,' His fire attacks could temper his body a little bit if he doesn't guard with Qi. His main job was another thing though, he found a suitable role for the little fox. He could greatly help with his senses. The talks went without a hitch as they enjoyed their meal.

Rubbing his belly after the meal, Majid went on with his plan, he split his days into different sessions, the first one was for his senses, to get the full potential of his mind. Then training his strength, he needs firm legs to train his arms, then his legs, his viscera and his senses again. His toughness is gonna be trained all along with the other levels, with the slapping session as the finishing touch.

Majid was in the darkness, his eyes blindfolded, his soul withdrew, the little fox attacked. He raised his hands in reaction. Blow after blow came, all he can do is tighten his guard, he was clueless, the noises of the movement only confusing him, his opponent was faster than his mind. The little Foxy enjoyed the session hitting him left and right. It seems he wasted his time trying to convince them, the little Foxy was holding a grudge from the forest training. Majid didn't mind he can take his attacks. But they put him under pressure, no one likes to get hit, and they weren't a joke either the little fox was using his fire. Small bruises piled up on his body, his brain started to draw the sounds in the space, white fogs appeared and vanished, the fog remained longer but grow bigger. The direction became clear, the blow comes first though. His mind worked out some more, the timings started to clear, the fog condensed as it moved more and more, he guarded a blow, he took hundreds. He guarded another one and took dozens. By the end of a one-hour session, he was able to guess the direction to some extent following the center of the fog, he was satisfied with the result.

Next, his soul spread around him, making his own domain, it was wider than his first time, it reached a 6-meter radius. Even though his soul didn't grow much, his control does. It was too lacking when he first came to this world, but It grew quickly over these days under the pressure. He covered his ears as well, but it was easier than the previous session. It did challenge his reflexes though, as he kept withdrawing his soul range each time it became easier. The little Foxy made surprise attacks outside of his range. But by the time the next hour was about to end, he was able to react perfectly to the attacks, in a 3 meters range, so he switched to his last method.

He withdrew his soul and opened his eyes, but he could see nothing, it was almost complete darkness. He channeled Qi to his eyes and followed shadows' trace he could catch a few times, only to be surprised by a blow from behind, he turned back, his back received another blow. The smartass didn't use his fire attacks blending with the darkness, he liked the game. Majid was thrilled as well, and he started to think about the stories he saw 'lets became one with the world, hehe'. He calmed his mind though and let himself receive the blows, only reading the signal that came along. The air pressed on his skin again, he side-stepped in reaction his eyes following the shadow, it was circling him before it vanished like a mosquito. His skin merged with the spaces receiving the slightest movements of air. His eyes followed after the shadows more and more closely, he continued for 2 hours until his brain was exhausted.


"Young master Xugao, He's heading out again" a scrawny boy about 18 years entered the yard.

"Follow him!" Xugao didn't waste time directly ordered him away. He told his lackeys to spread a rumor, he wanted to impress his father after his mistake. Though he was lacking in talent only at the 4th realm at 14 years old, he was cunning like his father. He ordered them to report anyone suspicious. Other than Xiaolan's supports, he suspected that one of the herb gatherers might have witnessed the murder. He might even be associated with Xiaolan's supporters, otherwise, why would he take the body.

The rumor targeted the places frequented by herb gatherers. His scheme worked out faster than he expected. Some of his lackeys reported a suspicious boy approached them, as soon as he heard the rumor, he headed to the forest. He told them to follow him, he would lead them to hideout or the body. The boy only roamed around the forest and rested for some time before he gathered some herbs and headed back. But he was still suspicious, the boy holed himself in his room for 2 days.

"Leave it for us!"

Xugao looked to his left, 2 men were a few meters away, walked toward him, one of them has a long scar over his eye. He didn't like them, but his father warned him not to offend them. Even though they were weaker than his father, a core-formation realm' cultivators, their background wasn't that simple.

"It's just a small matter, why would you bother yourself the seniors" he wanted to solve this by himself but seeing Lao Ji smile, it didn't seem he can. Lao Bo on the other hand frowned as he looked at Lao Ji.

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