《Adorne: (A LITRPG adventure) (DROPPED)》Chapter 7: Guilds
Waking up, I did my morning routine and made my way into the street. I saw a building yesterday that I wanted to check out so I headed in that direction.
Pushing open the doors I made my way into a cheery building full of people drinking and talking. I ignored them and headed to the front desk. The attending elven clerk looked up when I approached him and gave me a bright smile. “Welcome to the ‘Dronic adventurers guild’ what can I do for you?
“Hi, I’m looking about joining the guild, what does that entail? I said slightly leery. In books adventurer's guild have some sort of downside. It could be that you can’t leave the guild for a few years or you have to go into indentured servitude. The problem was that I couldn’t really do much at the moment without help. Just going into the dungeon has a high probability of killing me, and even if I level enough to survive I still need training in sword combat and information about … well, everything.
"To join the guild you need to at least have a profession and after that, we will do some tests to see if you are suitable to join the guild. May I ask what level or profession do you have?" The man said somewhat dubiously. as he looked at me.
"I am level 2." Well shit. I didn't even know at what level you get a profession, let alone what profession I want. Looks like I'm not joining the guild today.
"How are you only level 2?!" The man looked at me slightly dumbfounded. "What have you been doing with your life?"
"Mysterious things you won’t understand." Ignoring his snub I just answered completely truthfully and vaguely for this little shit head.
Getting back on track I asked him a few more pointed questions about training my stats and skills. The guild allows non-guild member (as long as they're not affiliated with another guild) to purchase someone to help learn a skill. That's all fine and dandy, the problem is how much it costs. One sword training session cost five silver, and just for beginners, the cost only multiplies after that. Guild members pay less but that information is not going to help me right now.
Still, I coughed up the five silver from my quickly dwindling purse and was told to come back in a few hours to join the class. While I waited, I decided to do some experiments.
. . .
Stepping outside the gates I was greeted with the forest where I came from. I walked into the forest before starting to sprint. I ran for an entire 5 seconds before I tripped on a root and stumbled over my own feet. Stabilizing myself I started running again, tripping ever so often.
I continued the cycle of running and waiting for my stamina to regen for a few minutes. I could sprint at max speed for about 10 seconds before my stamina drops, I could probably go farther if not for me running in the woods.
I gained a point in dexterity and endurance from my sprint cycle. The strange part was that I didn't gain a point in agility. Doing this kind of training is perfectly suited to agility so it's strange that I didn't get a point in it. Probably has something to do with it being harder to gain points in attributes that are larger. This just means that I need to be even more stingy with points that I get every level. I would be kind of a waste to put an undistributed attribute point into a stat with 15 when I could just train for 10 minutes to increase it.
Getting back to training I started to work out my strength and endurance next. Doing the normal training things like push-ups, sit-ups, throwing rocks, and last but certainly not the best (*kill me*) burpees.
I also managed to find out that I could do a whopping half a chin-up. Truly one of my greatest accomplishments.
Repeating the cycle for 45 minutes (with breaks), I gained a total of 3 points in strength, 2 in endurance and 1 in vitality.
I considered doing a bit more physical training but I was starting to get tired. Even with my stamina's full, I could feel a bit of exhaustion and muscle fatigue. Doing some intelligence training would also be nice, but I have very little idea on how to increase intelligence. Like do I just need to read books or do math? Because I can do that, I mean I don't want to brag or anything but I can read and also get this, do addition. Amazing right, no no, save your applause, it's nothing really.
But seriously how do I go about increasing intelligence. Do I need to do something mentally challenging things to increase the stat? Or is it like learning new things, or both? The only way to test it would be to try one of them. But I don’t have anything new I can learn right now, and the only mentally challenging thing I can think of doing is puzzles and math, and I'm broke AF, so no puzzles. That only leaves (*shudder*) maths. I have nothing against maths, and I even enjoy it sometimes, but who wants to do math for the sake of math? Still, with the only option open to me I started doing multiplication in my head on the way back to town.
I reached the guild house while trying to find out how hard a truck would hit an object with a bunch of factors involved. I managed, to my great shock, gain a point in intelligence, however that took extensive thinking. I even ended up doing percentages, algebra and physics. After I gained the point I was done. No more math. NO MORE.
I waited for 30 minutes before I entered through a side door into a large courtyard. On either side were racks of weapons, armour and shields of all types. In the middle of the courtyard were 9 people, and at the end of the court was a raised empty platform. There were 5 elves, 2 humans, a 6 foot tall bulking green dude, and a small pale (around my height) women. The green giant was interacting with a mix of elves and humans. The girl, on the other hand, was twiddling her hands alone. She has an albino complexion with a slim petite frame. Her eyes were a pale silver colour that matched her hair.
I was always nervous about approaching new people. I especially had trouble asking girls out on dates, but once I start talking I'm usually more confident and relaxed. Still, I like to be alone more often than not. The only problem with that right now is levelling is damn near impossible by myself. So I'm going to have to make 'friends'. Ahh, what a hassle. At least the girl looked nice and cute with her nervous look.
I walked up to the girl with a nervous smile. God, I hate starting conversations. "Hi"
I could hear her startle slightly before turning to me, "h-hi." A slight blush came to her face, which was very noticeable with her pale face.
"I just came to this town and was hoping you could give me information about this place." She really did have a lovely looking face. Her eyes were like swirling pools of silver of light that seemed to draw me. I may have stared slightly too long and a blush started to creep up on my cheeks. Which only made her blush more. She really was quite cute.
"I ~ ahh ~ yea. I don't know much about this place either. I only came here with the guild a week ago." She said. Tilting her head down slightly so part of her hair fell over her face.
We didn't get any more talking done as a rather sour pinched elf man come upon the stage. He clapped to get our attention. "Hello everyone. I will be your instructor for this session. Grab a training sword and line up in a straight line in front of me." The man waved off to a rack of wooden.
. . .
It started off by him teaching us how to hold a sword and some basic footwork before showing a few sword combinations on the stage and telling us to do them. The next 30 minutes consisted of me fumbling my way through the sword strikes and then being corrected by the teacher, before doing it again. It would have been infuriating if it wasn't so mentally draining. My entire focus was on my footwork and sword strikes so that everything else seemed to fall away. The flow of time, my surrounding everything disappeared. It was actually quite refreshing being so single-mindedly focused.
The rest of the class consisted of him teaching us some basic strikes and blocks, and getting us to practise them with a partner. I got paired up with the pale girl (probably because she's my height).
We repeated this pattern until the end of the lesson. After we finished I ran up to the girl before she left. Man, this is going to be awkward. "Hi, their again. I was wondering if you wanted to pair up and go into the dungeon together. As I said earlier I just came to this down and it's been hard to dungeon dive by myself." I smiled at her as I was saying this.
"I ~ Uhh, think that's good. I mean sure." Her cheeks grew red again as she fumbled her words. I could tell that she wanted to end this conversation as soon a possible. Her body was tilting to the exit and I could see her eyes dart away.
"Great, I'll meet you at your place sometime in the morning." Before I even finished the last words she was making a beeline towards the exit. I called out before she could leave. "Wait can you at least tell me where you're staying, and what your name."
She briefly paused to look behind her. "I'm staying at the guild. My names Anthea." And she was off.
Done with my daily social interaction I checked my notifications.
A person with the 'teaching skill' is teaching you.
-Skills level 27% faster while taught
-Memories retention increased by 2% while being taught
You have gained the skill swordsmanship.
Description: Fight enemies or friends with the sword in your hand
Level 1 novice
- Parrying with the sword is 1% more effective
-Sword deals 1% more damage
You have increased the skill swordsmanship.
Level 1 novice -- Level 6 novice
- Parrying with the sword is 6% more effective
- Sword deals 6% more damage
For your excursions, you have gained stat points!
+2 to dexterity
+1 to endurance
You have exhausted your energy and have gained the debuff 'tired'
-Stamina regeneration decreased by 10%
-Max stamina cap is reduced by 10%
-5% harder do anything involving the mind
It may have been expensive but the class was definitely worth it. Not only do I now feel I could use my sword without cutting my hand off, (thou I still feel I shouldn't use it in a fight) but I gained a whopping 6 levels in the swordsmanship skill. I was exhausted but I felt a smile creep onto my face. It felt like doing a good, hard workout plus the feeling of a job well done.
I also always have a fascination with swords, and actually using a sword (even a wooden one) made me feel like a Jedi. Now all I need is a plasma sword.
I had one more stop to make before I was done for the day. Grabbing my sword and my backpack I exited the guild and headed across the street. On the opposite end of the guild, a two-story monstrosity made out of black stone with silver cracks that pulsed in time with each other. There were gold-laced carvings that depicted what looked like magical beasts. The entire place gave off a mysterious and powerful visage. Quite the opposite of the homely guild house looking appearance.
As I entered the tower an enthusiastic elf greeted me."How may I help you, sir?" She said
"What is this place? I said a little surprised by her greeting. The inside of the tower was made of marble with blue swirls running throughout, contrasting with the outside of the building. There were a few people inside the building each with a guild member talking to them, like the one talking to me. There was also a receptionist desk made out of black marble, manned with people talking to a few customers.
"This is the magic guild.” She said. “I assume you're new here, so I'll give you a run down off what you can get here. The magic guild provides magical ingredients, books about magic and tutoring for magic. Of course, all of the good stuff is only available if you join the guild." The girl said almost jumping with excitement.
Why is she so happy? No one is this happy working in hospitality. It was kind of creepy "How much does the tutoring cost and what the cheapest magical book you have?"
"At the cheapest, tutoring cost 6 gold and a magical book cost 2 gold. Off course these prices are only for non-guild affiliated. " She said smiling at me.
What the actual fuck! While they're at it why don't they just shoot a fireball at my fucking balls, those goddam bastards. 6 Gold just for an old fucking prick to teach me how to how to summon some water. I could feel my eye twitch and it only got worse as she continues speaking.
"The prices I quoted will provide some basics on how to control your mana. I recommend doing them as it would give you the basics of how to control mana" She said bubbly with a smile. Okay now I know she's fucking with me. I am really starting to dislike the magic guild. I thought 5 silver was bad, but compared to this the adventurer's guild are cheap. linn
"How do you become part of the guild," I said through strained teeth.
"You need to be at least level 10 and have some sort of magic class. You will also need to complete a test to see if you are qualified to join." She said in her continually happy voice. I was really starting to lose my sanity talking to her.
"Thanks for your help." I managed to say those words before I mechanically left the guild. I walked around the city trying to get the stupid mage guild and that stupid bubbly elf out of my mind. Fucking bastards.
Thinking about the elf made my mind wander over to the girl I met earlier that day. Hopefully, with another person, the dungeon will be a little more fruitful. She was also very cute in an adorable sort of way, so that definitely hel... Wait is she a loli, AM I A LOLI! “No this can't be!” I said while falling to my knees. "I have become the very thing I swore to destroy."
. . .
Checking my status before drowsing off, I smiled at my progress. I was progressing nicely in this new world.
Name: Jacob Fox Level: 2 (40/3000) Race: Linn
hit points: 127/127
mana: 190/190
stamina: 220/220
Professions: locked
Regeneration: Fast health regeneration
Deity: Wade (The god of kinetic energy)
Combat skills:
-Daggers (novice 5)
-Unarmed Combat (novice 6)
-Swordsmanship (novice 6)
Rogue skills:
-Stealth (novice 5)
Gathering skills:
-Herbalism (novice 1)
-Skinning (novice 1)
-First Aid (novice 1)
Magic schools/spells:
Movement detection
The strong fear ME!
Strength: 15
Endurance: 22
Vitality: 17
Perception: 13
Dexterity: 15
Agility: 23
Intelligence: 19
Faith: 11
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