《Sun Collector》Chapter#5 Sunburns


The thing was if I gambled everything on black sun and it was a useless ability to me it would be the biggest regret of my life.

I needed a plan to gather sunlight. Or should I say mana? It didn't matter, what I needed to do right now was collect.

I needed food that was the only answer. It had to be nourishing and able to keep me full for the entire day. Which meant I needed money and enough to feed me for a long time.

I had to take out the money my family had been saving for a rainy day.

I walked down the hall and grabbed out the purse from behind the boxes in our closet. Next, I walked out of the door and towards the market.

I needed ideas and options. Just laying in the sun everyday would never grant me status and power. The amplification of this power was what I desired.

The two factors were sunlight and food.

I needed to be full all of the time and be in the sun as much as possible. I had already made a plan by the time I entered the market. I needed three things to test out my theory.

I stopped at the first vendor.

"Good day I'm looking for the most powerful pair of sunglasses you have," I said.

"Try these on they cost a pretty penny but they help even the deep sea fisherman keep their eyesight." The merchant said.

I was on an island were everyone was a fisherman so I had a pair of sunglasses, but they couldn't compare to the pair I had just bought.

As soon as I put them on the world turned black I could only vaguely make out general objects. The sun didn't seem so bright anymore.


"I'll take them," I said.

He looked at me in surprise "are you one of the fabled deep-sea fishermen?"

I ignored him and said, "here's the money thank you very much."

He looked like he wanted to say something but fear held him back as he just nodded his head.

The next stop on my list was industrial-grade mirrors.

I knew where to find them because fishermen used them quite often.

"Hello, I was just checking to see if you had any mirror fragments for sale." They sold them to scavengers who wanted to protect themselves on their individual boats.

"Yes how many pieces would you like to buy," he asked

"8 pieces between medium and small sizes" I responded

He went back into his room and came back with a bag that clattered with every step.

"That will be 100 sea coins." The currency of the village was called sea coins. And I only had 200 of them in total.

In fact, the most expensive thing my family owned was the plot of land that my house rested upon. It had been past down from generation to generation.

The last thing left to do was to buy heartbeasts that had actually accumulated some mana in there hearts to see if by chance I could absorb mana that way. If I couldn't it would be cool because I could absorb the nutrients and not have to eat for a very long time.

There was no better use for my family's fortune now that they were gone. My father was trying to save up enough coin to buy a deep-sea fish and grant someone in the family with the ability to be a deep-sea fisherman.

That was one of the pathways to power on the island that was possible for my family to take.


I arrived at the market and immediately found a 10-year-old small heart beast and ate it. The man who sold it, spoke and said.

"The nourishing effects will be significantly greater if it is cooked."

I played dumb and pretended not to know.

"You will have to point me in the direction of the most long-lasting nourishment heartbeast." I said

"You miss the point they have to be cooked. That cost you 10 sea coins and judging from your clothes that should be a lot for you." He said

"Just point me in the right direction," I said.

"When it comes too nourishing heartbeasts it's just based on age. I suggest you walked to the end of the dock and find a daily special of an undesirable heartbeast that's really old. Who knows there might be a bonus beyond nourishing.

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