《Bloodline plunder》Elf archery


A week has been passed since Sage ordered the bow and arrows to be made today is the day he is going to pick it up.

After a week has passed since he started hunting azure wolf and boar-like crazy in the day and at night he cultivates because of meditation he doesn't need to sleep anymore.

Except for strength that makes cultivator different from the ordinary people is sleep, of course, some race sleeps to cultivate such as dragons, Titans etc.

After a crazy week of hunting, he got used to his strength now he can make full use of his strength effectively and his mighty fist and phantom steps are also upgraded one more level he can even say that he is invincible in bronze level in humans, of course, he is not abnormal as Titans and high-level dragon bloodline who can as bronze level defeat a silver level peak warrior from weak races.

Sage walked in the market finally reached the blacksmith shop he entered the shop and find the blacksmith uncle and he walked to him and said "Is my bow and arrows are ready.

Blacksmith uncle also nodded and took out a wooden crate and gave it to Sage.

Sage opened the wooden crate inside the wooden crate there was silver Bow with magnificent ruins carved these runes is also from his memory of elf inheritance this is a basic carving he didn't expect blacksmith uncle is quite competent after asking around the market he heard the bronze level metal is quite expensive more than 100 gold coin blacksmith uncle gave him in only 7 gold this is not even his work price but he is being generous so he should accept his generosity he gave him 6 gold it was more than what they agreed on.


Blacksmith uncle didn't say anything and took the money he guesses it's true that In any world you can't buy artist with money he just want to make this bow that is why he accepted this job Sage said " Thank you I will make good use of the bow and arrows.

Blacksmith uncle looked quite satisfied after hearing Sage say this he was looking quite proud of his work Sage took the bow and arrows put them on his back and started to move towards the jungle he needs to practice the bow and arrows best place in town to practice defiantly the woods.

Sage reached the woods he knows a place that is quite open and good for practice archery after reaching there Sage started to remember all of the basics of the elf archery so Sage started with the target practice he stand 100 metres away from the tree because of elf bloodline he can see longer distances easily he took a stance put his left leg in front lift the bow and put an arrow and pulled it to his chest and looked at the target shot the arrow it moves extremely fast and missed the target with a very large margin.

Sage guess if he wants to learn some weapon he just can not only depend on bloodline he also needs to practice so he did practices for the whole day after doing that he can at least hit the tree but not the mark he guesses he needs to practice more so he started to pack the things and started heading towards the town sun was setting today was quite a productive day he not only not just got a new bronze level boa but also learn basic archery.

After reaching the inn he straight goes to his room took a bath and ate some food and started to meditate get himself in top condition not only he wanted to practice bow and arrow but also the spell it is a light basic spell light bullet he can use light to make a bullet to attack.


Best way to use spell is not chanting you will be killed before you could finish the chant so you have to engrave the spell in your mind space then you can use the spell without any need to chant this is the most popular way to use the spell in this world of course engraving spell in your mind space quite difficult if you fail you will backlash you need to be really careful.

So Sage made sure everything inside his head was clear and started to engrave the spell in his mind space word started to appear in his mind space he concentrated all his energy it was using his qi to engrave words in his mind space his mind power exhausting at very fast speed the elf that he plunders the elf bloodline he himself didn't learn the spell so it is quite difficult to learn the spells, of course, some races are exceptions their bloodline is powerful enough they can ignore the backlash and learn spells easily, of course, many races learn but it is more difficult for them humans also have many legend mages.

When the spell reaches half complete suddenly Sage mind space started getting unstable and his qi also reached near exhaustion he couldn't control himself and pain hit him and everything started getting black he guesses this is what they call backlash.

Sage was unconscious for the whole night when he woke up it was already afternoon he had a little headache but the spell that he was practising was just a basic spell so the backlash was not much and also his strength was better than the normal bronze warriors some mages died or get cripple because of backlash.

Sage sit in a lotus position started to look inside his mind-space luckily half spell that he completed yesterday was still there he could continue from there, of course, he is not going to try right away his physical and qi recovered but his mental power it will take at least a week to return to its peak.

Author note: Hey guys thank you for reading tell me how you like or not and to support me paypal.me/sage811

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