《The Seventh Hero》Prologue


Fog, that's all there was surrounding me; a dense, pale fog, as if nothingness itself. I look up and see the dark silhouettes of birds circling overhead, framed by the same grey above tham that surrounded me. There was light somewhere beyond the clouds, trying to break through the overcast, but all I felt were droplets of rain on my face. As I look into the grey before me, my arms hanging heavily at my sides, I start walking. I didn't know where I was going, but I knew I didn't want to be here.

As I lumbered lazily through the seemingly endless fog, the only sound to fill the air was that of my boots sloshing in the mud. My foot catches on something and I fall face first into the mud. I cannot move, my body isn't stuck in the mud, it simply hasn't the energy to do so, but as I lie there in the mud I see the expressionless face of a man, his skin pale and caked in mud, his eyes sunken and clouded. This man was dead.

I find the energy to lift myself from the mud onto my knees, the fog has lifted and I find myself in the middle of a sea of corpses, men, women, children, each of them as pale and hollow as the first, dressed in muddied and bloodied, soaking wet clothes.

I gaze forward and see a shadow in the fog, I think it's a person, and while I cannot see them, I can feel them looing at me. The air is still and silent as I stare at the shadow and they stare back, until the distant sound of footsteps in the mud draw near, but there's another sound, like chains rattling softly. The shadow grows darker as they approach, and slowly the figure behind it is revealed; it's a child, a girl, I think, small and frail, her boney limbs stemming from a rag of a dress hanging from her boney shoulders, chains hanging from metal cuffs around her wrists and ankles, and her hair looked as if it was silver.


Though she stood just a few feet in front of me I could not see her face, but I could feel her looking into me. Then I heard her speak, her voice so small yet it penetrated my very being.

"Who are you?"

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