《Revan Between Worlds》Final Conclave
Master Yoda and Yaddle landed on an unmarked planet. One hidden from the rest of the galaxy for hundreds of years. One that had seen battle after battle and had seen the rise of the Sith and the down fall of Sith. Many times it had played its part. Many times it may yet replay such a role, but long gone relics were of no interest to the current Sith. The ancient tombs and temples held no one, but the beasts and the plants of a thriving world. This was a world that had seen the true Sith modify themselves and those Sith go extinct just as their more normal cousins. It was hear that the Sith Emperor lost the connection with the realm of the living.
The destroyed Force engine was no more than an over grown mound of rubble. As they rounded the base of the mound they came to a clearing made into a series of ever smaller circles and that the life of the planet was wary to reclaim. Only a light covering of green moss covered the otherwise ornate stone lying underneath. In the center was a bulge that some how did not belong, yet had been there several thousand years itself.
"What is this place?"
"Moon of Yavin we have landed on and this is a grave. A jedi died here one not himself. If the Force is telling the truth. Master Rey Van Surik is not who he says he is. This place will tell us." Yaddle looked around and felt in the Force for what Master Yoda was hinting at, but she felt nothing. Only the Force as it moved through the rain forest.
"Light and dark rest here. This mound feels no differently. That temple over there feel the dark side I do."
"True that is, but here lies the Revanchist, or Revan as the ancient records have stated."
"Revan the one who both destroyed the Jedi and saved it?"
"Yes terrible things he did and even more terrible things he stopped. Though if the records speak true even more evil was done by the Jedi Council of that time."
"I feel a story you do not tell the younglings about to hear I am." Master Yoda moved around the tiny mound and then settled on one cleared spot.
"A story I could tell, but know the truth I do not. Perhaps the Force can tell us, show us." They both closed their eyes as they opened themselves to the Force. At first nothing happened but slowly the Force grew and they saw bits and pieces. They heard words from dozens of languages and felt the feet of many who built the very ring they sat in the center of. They saw the battle of one fighting many who worked together to see a mask fall from man who dropped to his knees. They saw another ghost come closer and they talked as one. Two souls split, but not the same. Twins in all but body. It was a lie, yet somehow the truth.
"That is not Revan." Master Yoda opened his eyes to see a glowing form.
"Revan it must be. Lie the Force can not."
"From a certain point of view."
"Ghost who are you?" Master Yaddle asked.
"Bastila Shan I once was known as. A fragment of her I am now. Tied to this spot where my husband finally died."
"Husband? The Grandmaster of the Jedi Order married?"
"A difficult time it was. Love is not as dangerous as you think it is, but it does have its down sides."
"Not Revan this was then who?" The ghost flew around and then came to the other side. With a wave of her hand two young boys appeared playing. Running and jumping, laughing and screaming as children do, but they showed the skills of those gifted with the Force. The two boys circled each other and it was clear they were twins. The scenes moved fluidly from year to year until one got on a ship to leave the other behind as a faceless master lead them away.
Though from time to time they came back together as others came into their lives. If either Jedi knew the face shown they would have seen a younger version of Meetra Surik. Other faces came and went until the twin who became a Jedi fought their first Mandalorian. He wore a mask much like the Mandalorians and the other the common wear of a spacer far from the war and battles that raged.
Then they saw Bastila Shan and a group of faceless Jedi board a ship and fight their way to the bridge only to be caught in an explosion of light and fire. From there is was flashes of images as one was removed and taken to the Temple at the same time the twin showed up looking for the other not realizing what his brother had become. Then the scene darkened as the faceless Jedi looked to the twin.
It was there that the twin was taken in by the Jedi, by Bastila and slowly from battle to battle the once free spirited twin turned slowly into the Jedi he never wanted to be. This was the truth that was concealed and at the same time the evil that the council hid. Yoda looked at Yaddle and she shared the same sad face. A face that held guilt as the ability to imprint a person onto another was a skill they both knew naturally. Only Master Tokare could have done such a thing with the help of the rest of the council.
Benar Surik and Reyil Surik were twins as Meetra Surik was their younger sister. Reyil was the Revanchist turned Revan and later Darth Revan. Benar became the Prodigal Knight Revan against his will as the real Revan faded into darkness. This explained some of the truth that had been hidden in the past but did not solve how Revan or Rey Van Surik survived to the present. The ghost of Bastila sighed as the scene shifted to one of a medical bay with a single bacta tank. Inside was the burned a twisted body of who had once been Revan and a shadow form that neither Jedi could deny was that of Bastila as the ghost hovered around her.
Master Yoda knew what was happening at first, but then the shadowy form walked out and did not come back for some time. Then it was as if she never left for a while to then vanish as the person was tended by droids. The six or so droids slowly stopped working or did not come back into the medical bay. Then the vision stopped as both Jedi were tossed on their backs.
"Survive for thousands of years a being can not."
"Pulled forward in time this Revan was. Warn the Jedi we must. A full Sith he is. One more dangerous than we can know. Yoda looked to the mound and felt the Force urge him to move it and so he reaches his hand out and the large mound was a rock and once lifted it revealed a preserved box. Master Yaddle pulled it to her and it opened with a touch as if it was only placed there the other day. Inside was a damaged black and red buy'ce, the Mask of Revan.
"Proof this is. He will not be able to hide once this is returned to him." They moved back to their ship, but it had not been easy to get to the planet. The hyper lane that had brought battles to the planet had shifted and made it take much time to arrive at the system. Though as they left they found the new hyperspace entry point. It had taken several weeks to find the system and the planet. As the two masters returned to the core they came across blockades and choke points of the hyperlanes filled with ships on either side of a war that had started not long ago.
They were even more surprised as they landed on top of the ziggurat that was the Jedi Temple. It was a spot reserved only for the Grandmaster of the Order and one he had never had to use until now. The two Temple Guard in fully functioning armor came racing up to the shio as its ramp came down. A far younger looking Master Yoda and Yaddle came out of the ship and both the guards bowed dropping their combat posture.
"Masters, it is good that you have returned." The one said.
"Yes, cause the conclave is about to start." Yoda looked to Yaddle and they nodded to each other.
"Then go and Watch the conclave we shall."
Asajj felt the strain as they carried this large disc. Even using the Force did not do much to relieve the strain of how much it weighed. Way more than two fit Jedi could handle or Sith as Asajj was not really certain that he was a Jedi. Though he could be neither and he had not claimed either. He had denied being a Jedi and not claimed to be Sith. He had been training her in the ways of the Force that she had been week in with no correction on whether she should use the calm of the light or the rage of the dark. He only taught until she managed to be successful. Though much depended on her control and she tended to be too rash and bold if she called on the dark side.
It was why she was pulling hard on the light side of the Force as this disc might have been easier with the dark side she would have tired much faster without being able to cycle her anger effectively while also trying to maintain a void in the Force to keep herself safe. It was what she was telling herself as she moved around the Jedi Temple. A place that she had vowed to kill everyone who lived inside it for forgetting her first master existed, but now she knew better and that part of the long story Revan had pulled out of her with all his very deliberate and focused questions he had learned nearly everything about her. She looked up to her newest master and she could say she barely knew anything about him, but he had told her his life story as well.
Her thoughts were brought back to the present as the y entered the conclave chamber at the same time as some thing dangerous and threatening to her and her master. Obi Wan stood from the chair he was in on top of the stage and came to look both down on them and Master Yoda with Yaddle.
The snap hiss of two lightsabers activating brought a hundred eyes to bear down on the two masters who face two others trying to hold on to a large disc. They watched as with effort the disc was propped up against the stage so the older of the two turned to bow to the aggressive Grandmaster and his species mate.
"Surrender your weapons to us you shall. A request this is not. Refusal will be met with deadly intent."
"Master Yoda you must at least explain a part of your reasoning."
"Darth Revan you are. A Sith forever you will be."
"Jedi Sith neither of those titles apply to me." Without even touching them his lightsabers came off his belt and floated up to Obi Wan.
"A servant to the dark side you became. Forever will it dominate your destiny."
"I did not serve the dark side. Nor does it control me. At one point it controlled me, but I learned there is much to the Force and only the balance matters."
"Lie you can not."
"Why lie when the truth is that much more powerful." Revan turned the disc around and revealed its facing. It rose up in the air and as if it was constructed just for this shield a darkened indention took the disc as Revan settled it into place. There on the disc for all to see was a depiction of three beings. One in the center holding the hand of one who radiated the light and another hand on the other side who was covered in shadow. Both stood on plates that in such a way looked as if the formed the shape of a scale. A scale that leaned heavily to the shadow even after Revan turned it so that the central being stood straight. Every Jedi in the great chamber saw that the beings represented their species or were just three glowing bipedal forms. To Asajj they were more than that as one was a winged goddess and the other was the fanged god. In the middle was a form that sent chills over her body.
"I am not controlled by the dark side no more than your fear of change holds you to the light."
"Master Yoda even I know that Darth Revan is long dead. How can you be so certain? Time travel is unheard of and extremely rare dealing with events that can not be changed." Master T'ra Saa glided to the front. Master Yoda sighed extinguishing his lightsaber.
"In search of answers on who Rey Van Surik truly is lead me to Yavin IV. On a moon there we visited the final resting place of Revan the Prodigal Knight." Master Yoda started to then let Yaddle take over.
"Experienced the ghost of Bastila Shan. Showed us what she did to defeat Malak and his Sith. Benar Surik and Reyil Surik were twins as Meetra Surik was their younger sister, the Exile. Benar was mind wiped to be Revan. While Reyil the true Revan was put away deep below the Temple." Obi Wan hopped down to take up a position by Master T'ra Saa. He studied Rey before looking to the disc placed high above the stage as Master Surik shook at the revelation of his true name. Then he calmed himself and used a standing meditation to balance his emotions.
"That name I have not heard in a long time. A name that I gave up to become the Revanchist and later shorting it to Revan as I butchered the Mandalorians. Once I encountered the Sith Emperor I became Darth Revan. I was Forced at first to use the dark side and I truly thought I had fallen, but then decided it should not control me. I gave in to this sacrifice to build up the Republic by remaking it into the form that would survive against the horde that the Sith would have been. I was sure that was the only way to have the galaxy survive the Sith as they tried to consume the Galaxy. Malak attacked me and my goal was lost and my brother took my place and not only stopped the Sith, but allowed time to change them. I am no longer Revan, nor Sith."
"A Jedi you are not." T'ra Saa stated to clarify to the others and herself.
"No. I am neither Jedi nor Sith. A darker version of a Jed'aii perhaps, but neither the light or the dark has power over me. Just the Force, and the Whills." Master Yoda thought for some time and then pulled out Revan's buy'ce his mask. With the Force Reyil took it and examined it closely feeling it with the Force as a thousand memories invaded his mind at once. While under the influence of psychometry a Jedi initiate came forward followed by a Togruta female of the same age.
Anakin was suddenly vary aware of the girl as he came up behind them to pull them back as he felt the Force was telling him it was not safe. Ahsoka turned her large eyes on Anakin and gave him a sly smirk that did not fit in with the situation. As he touched her he felt a spark from the Force that gave him insight into Ahsoka and her him. A bond was formed one that neither understood and one that Master Yoda noticed before turning his attention back to Revan. Revan looked to the boy first once his attention was no longer being consumed by his old mask. He stepped to the boy and handed the mask to him.
"One day you may need this mask. A day that will come about if they do not change their ways. What is your name boy?"
"Jerik." The boy answered as he took the mask from his ancestor. Obi Wan moved to take the boy to the side.
"Jerik what?"
"Jerik Shan." Revan nodded knowing that a sliver of his brother's blood flowed inside his veins. His last name of Shan was of no surprise either as he had witnessed his brother's relationship with Bastila Shan. Obi Wan felt a connection to the boy nearly as instantly as Anakin felt one with Ahsoka. Unlike Anakin he knew what this connection was and would become. Obi Wan smiled and wondered as he knew this boy would be his next padawan. Obi Wan looked to Master Yoda and then to Master Surik or Revan if he could believe it. Though as he thought about it, the report Surik gave of the incident on Geonosis and the Clone Army he saw the general he had been and key comments that could only come from one who knew the Sith.
He moved back to the stage and then to the podium. Using the Force he reached out to all that were present and all that were watching from the Grand Hall as there just was no place to house all the Jedi in one place unless they had hired a stadium. He looked to the large disc and knew that it was an accurate depiction of the balance in the Force. There was a story behind it and how it fit so perfectly in the place above the stage and how it blended right into the symbol of the Jedi Order's rising winged sun.
"Master Yoda and Yaddle much has changed and Master Surik has shown nothing but a willingness to say what needed to be said and to restore a part of the Jedi Temple one that shows how far we truly are from the light and the balance of the Force. As Master of the Conclave I will have to ask you to hold your accusations until after the Jedi Order has determined a course of action in the coming conflict."
"A Clone war this is. Started already it has."
"That may be, but again will you defer." Obi Wan was joined by the other named masters who neither held a council position nor sought one. Then Yoda saw several Jedi he had not seen in years as Master Jon Antilles walked up behind Master Surik.
"Step down as Grandmaster I have not. Called this conclave I also did not."
"But I did Master Yoda. Picked these master to lead the conclave the High Council has while you and Master Yaddle were away. Revan's report calls for the Jedi to change and only the entire Order can bring about this change." Mace Windu came up behind his friend and mentor.
"Meditate on this I will. Accept the decision of this conclave I have yet to decide."
"Then have a seat." Windu pointed off to the front row to the other masters of the High Council. The conclave started and the full topics revealed. There was really only one true question and that was whether the Jedi would enter the war and fully support the Republic or do something else. Though the war slowly started to spread as the CIS began to take poorly defended key systems. The Jedi were oblivious to the outside world as they had slowly become over the decades. After a week the Service Corps Jedi took off in their ships while the Jedi bound to the Republic remained though when they got in their ships the Temple was left with only a few Jedi. Everyone a long time master and near the end of their days.
Revan smiled as he walked to one of the bridges with Asajj Ventress at his side. The ship they flown in was given to other Jedi to complete their missions. Anakin had been knighted along with Obi Wan officially becoming a Master. Each took on a padawan before going out on a mission. He looked up to see a transport speeder taking the High Council to the Senate chamber. A conversation he truly wanted to listen in on. Though it most likely would be broadcast across the Galaxy.
Palpatine was miserable and on the verge of a complete rage taking control. So many Jedi so many lightsiders just radiating the Force which was pushing back against the natural and unnatural presence of the dark side on Coruscant. He felt it in so many different ways that was already showing if he just looked at the local reports. Murders and other violent acts dropped drastically while arrests of every violation rose as these Jedi caught them in the act enough to call in local security forces to have them arrested. Now that they were inside the Temple the arrests dropped back to normal.
Only his busy schedule was keeping him partially sane enough to resist falling into a dark side fueled rage. With so many lightsiders on the planet he could not even go to his shrine to meditate on a course of action that would negate what the Jedi were doing. The risk of some of them noticing was too high. The Coruscant Jedi were numb to the dark side of the planet, but these others were not. Individually they could not stand against him, but more than once the lone Jedi Service Corps member had surprised him by detecting him. Luckily they never lived long enough to survive to tell anyone.
Two weeks went by before a second mass of ships took off from around the Jedi Temple. The event interrupted the current session of the Senate just before the first Jedi entered the Senate Rotunda. Palpatine was not happy as Jedi appeared on the senatorial pods reserved for the Jedi Order. He felt the Force surge around him as the Jedi projected calm. The Senator from some nonseated system was drowned out by the greetings being exchanged as the Jedi appeared.
"Order! There will be Order!" Mass Amedda pounded his staff which slowly silence the chamber. The Senator looked infuriated as his plea was ignored. Palpatine stood and made the center platform rotate slowly. The dark side was silent, but wary so perhaps this was not necessarily a bad thing.
"Senator you will have to defer to a different time as I see that a more pressing matter has developed. I do hope the Jedi will not disturb this session much further. I hope Master Yoda or Master Windu is present?"
The Jedi pod moved to the center of the Rotunda showing that all twelve of the Jedi High Council was present. Palpatine looked at the Master Jedi and resisted the temptation to snarl at him. His features were normally dour, but today he looked happy which he felt was a bad thing in itself.
"Master Windu I expect this signals the end of your retreat inside your Temple."
"It does and as Master of the Council I shall be speaking as I will report on the current disposition of the Jedi Order. I will also disclose how the Jedi will assist the Republic in the future." Palpatine could feel the temperature dropping around him. He was getting a warning from the dark side to be very careful to not deviate from his chancellor personage.
"Oh has something changed? I am sure you will support the Republic in all aspects as you have in the past."
"Not if a war is caused by our actions."
"Were the clones not ordered by a member of the Jedi High Council?" Palpatine smiled to himself as the master lost a bit of his happy demeanor as his face returned to looking dour.
"That has not been confirmed, but what has been confirmed is that the clone template was a Mandalorian hired by someone name Tyranus. This Tyranus has been confirmed to carry a distinct title of Darth Tyranus. A title that is synonymous with the Sith." The reaction was varied from the Senators, but mostly one of confusion.
"The Ancient enemies of the Jedi were wiped out nearly a thousand years ago. Surely you must be mistaken."
"Supreme Chancellor it is true the Sith have not risen again, but it was confirmed ten years ago that some of that order survived. It was also confirmed that Count Dooku the leader of the newly formed Confederacy of Independent Systems is the very person that hired Jango Fett and is also known as Darth Tyranus." Shock pulsed through the Senate as those two names were put together. Palpatine nearly had to sit down from how the Force reacted.
"Count Dooku the former Jedi Master who at one point was on the High Council? Surely you can't be saying that one of your own is now a Sith?"
"It is how most of the Sith Empires have formed. Still, that is not the purpose of revealing what we have discovered about him, but to inform the Senate that the very Clones that have been acquired to serve as the main force of the Galactic Army of the Republic are not only slaves in the eyes of the Jedi Order but have been created through deception by the very government that they will fight against."
The Senate chamber broke out in chaos that did not last as the Jedi present radiated calming waves through the Force. Palpatine knew he would not win any concessions today and he was on thin ice if he tried to sway the Jedi to reconsider. The dark side was also warning him that the other shoe was about to drop. The Senate went silent by itself so Master Windu continued.
"We also have evidence that a certain Darth Sidious has influence over hundreds of current Senators. That such a situation can not be tolerated, nor can the Jedi follow any mandates from the Senate until this Sith is revealed and removed from the Republic."
"What does the Jedi Order plan to do? Is not the Sith a religious order? Such a thing is not against the law?"
"If a Sith is influencing the decisions of this governmental body than any decision that you produce is suspect and not in the best interest of the Republic. For this those Jedi that have studied strategy and previous wars under a voluntary basis may assign themselves to sector defensive fleets. The Jedi Order will not lead or serve under any Kamino clones."
"Then I am afraid that my hands will be tied if you refuse to defend and serve the Republic."
"We will serve the Republic, but as you can see the Jedi Order is much smaller than it was before. In fact we are all that is left of the Jedi Order."
"The Jedi Order has over ten thousand active knights."
"The Jedi Order decided to follow the will of the Force to restore the balance. The Society of the Whills was created by merging the Jedi Order and the Service Corps into one. The Jedi Temple is being turned into a museum and hospital as we speak."
"I do not understand. What does this mean?"
"It means the Jedi will not be led by a Sith."
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