《Revan Between Worlds》World between Worlds
Many legends are associated with Revan. He was a Jedi, a savior, a Sith, a conqueror, and one who was redeemed. To some he was even the one who held back the Emperor from devouring the galaxy. But the one who the Emperor captured and held for three hundred years was not the Revan he had first encountered. That Revan was his twin brother who had been infused with the memories of his brother the actual victor of the Mandalorian Wars. He had been a scout for the Republic and he was slowly given more and more of Revan's memories.
Bastila had not only the ability for Battle Meditation, but a previously unknown ability that linked her to Revan's mind. Unknown to her, but known to the Jedi Council, the real Revan was still in a bacta tank deep inside of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant the entire time the recreated the path to the Star Forge. Even Malak, formerly Alex 'Squints' Squinquargesimus did not pick up on the deception. By the time this new Revan had encountered Malak he had nearly all the memories from his brother pushing out most of his previous identity. This identity death was one of the most heinous crimes the Jedi Masters of the Dantooine council committed. One that Meetra Surik had no problem allowing Kreia to kill them as they were going to do something even more heinous by removing her connection to Force permanently.
Due to the Jedi Purge of the time every single master that knew where the real Revan was vanished. Over the span of unknown years his body was restored and the Force kept him hidden. Then he woke to a darkened room with only the lights of the various machines to see by. He floated in the tank as his memories swam in his head and puzzled as to how he had gotten here. Instinct made him reach out to many of his old bonds he found not a single one and he knew the one bond that he had never broken had been suddenly severed.
Flickers of memories that were not his came to him. Bits and pieces that made no sense to him. He flexed his muscles and moved all his limbs as he spread his awareness out with the Force. Feeling nothing missing he pushed upwards as he removed the mask from his face. As his head came out of the Bacta, Kolto mix he hissed in pain as the mask must have been in place for way too long.
The amount of effort to get out of the tank left him exhausted. It was a feeling he had never had as he could run for days even without the aide of the Force. It was a quirk of his body that very few people had. One that had helped him endure on the battlefield. He took the time he needed to recover to infuse his body with the Force to further examine his condition and used the Force to help his eyes see in such dark conditions. He looked emaciated as if he had not been eating correctly and looking down, he saw the tube that entered his stomach. He disconnected it and the other cables and wires. The IV's bled until he used the Force to heal those areas.
He tried to verbalize his thoughts but he could not even croak out a sound. Slowly with using nearly just the Force he stood and climbed down the stairs. His movement tripped some sensors and lights quickly illuminated the area. His eyes slowly adjusted as he reached a dust covered chair to sit his naked body down on. He called on the Force again to heal himself as the effort to walk was painful. The tube was also painful and against common sense he slowly pulled it out as he shoved the Force into the long-term wound. The tube came out as pain lanced through his body. Further meditation closed the old wound completely, but it was far from healed.
Reading several crates, he used the Force to bring one over to him and open it to pull out a bottle of electrolyte water. For the next hour he did nothing but take sip after sip as he sent healing waves through his body. He had to push his rising anger away at finding himself in such a condition. Who had put him here? Why did they do it? What could they have gained? How did it happen? When did it happen was the only thing he could vaguely answer as he remembered being on the bridge of his ship? The scene appeared in his head as a team of Jedi breached the main doors. He had known that this team was still not enough to defeat him. But then he remembered the hint of warning just before everything went black. Yes, that was the moment, but why did he have these other glimpses? Were they from his twin?
He stayed in that chair drinking water slowly until his body signaled, he was properly hydrated. The need to urinate got him to stand and direct the stream at the medical tank. This even was a lot of effort but his muscles only barely complained. Sitting back down he used his feet and the Force to inspect several of the crates. Most were completely filled with empty concentrated food paste containers. He moved from one crate to the next and found a dead droid next to one of the crates that looked to be recently opened. Scanning the droid, he saw the main power converter had failed disabling the droid. He scowled at the canisters, but food was food, and he was regretting the removal of the feeding tube.
Several hours later he had forced down the concentrate and meditated off and on. Further exploration revealed the next room was filled with more equipment that screamed that the patient was no longer being monitored. Using the Force, he shut off all the alarms and found that he had been in this state for years. From the number of crates that were empty he was sure nearly a decade had gone by. Though as he went over the data files, he found that none of the were dated. The code in place of the date was scrambled either due to a programming glitch or intentional. This began several days of healing meditation, walking, and eating. He found a few ration bars, but even after seven days his stomach could not hold them down.
His attempts to reach out with the Force was met with a barrier somewhere around him. He could draw on the Force without issue, but he could sense no one for some distance. He could pick out others, but they felt very distant and without the Force, normal beings. He just could not feel a single Jedi or Sith near him. The small medical lab was inside of an even bigger warehouse. Slowly he came into contact with crates that held robes, pants, and tunics of the Jedi. Once he found under garments, he quick found what fit him before all this and something that he could wear now. He gathered enough outfits to bridge the gap as he would fill back out.
This brought him to the large entry doors that from this side were sealed shut. He was not so concerned with leaving as the amount of dust showed that someone was not going to be opening those doors any time soon. It worried him that where he was that no one knew. Had he succeeded too well? Did Malak go too far and kill everyone off or was he just in an abandoned temple? He could feel the light side of the Force strongly but it felt as if it was moving to a more neutral feeling in the Force. He had to stop himself from raging every hour or so as his need to heal and restore his muscle would only stop. The dark side ate at you and he could not afford to use its power. Not before he was ready not before he could channel it to maintain his balance.
So more and more he channeled nothing but the light side of the Force. Once he could run a hundred laps would he feel he was physically ready to leave this place. It would have done him no good to leave in such a weakened state. Plus, he had found much more than clothing. Uncut armorweave, standard utility belt items, some basic combat shields, and many other parts that would allow him to assemble several lightsabers or other equipment. Finding the blaster pistols was one of the better finds. Sadly, it must have been someone personal items as it was the first of dozens of boxes. He could feel that these beings would no longer need the items as they felt as if the owner had died.
After a count of sixty days and several failed attempts to get the droid to function he finally looked to the large freight door to leave. He still did not any lightsabers, but all he needed was the Khyber. Another thing he had not found was a single face razor or pair of scissors. Even the pattern cutter had no usable blades in it. The medical section lacked any field medical kits that would have such blades. His usual last resort was not available either so he just combed and brushed it until it was all loose. This had been meditative and using the Force to braid it all was as well. The few mirror like surfaces hid the scars that having the breath mask on too long had caused. It would take months or a good healer to cut them out so they could heal properly.
"Okay open up." He pressed on the panel and nothing happened. "Okay hard way." Using the Force, he searched out all the locks and one by one disengaged them and with a final effort spread his arms out as he shoved the doors to the sides with the Force. Long unused lights slowly brightened, others flickered, or did not come on at all. Again, he wondered where he was as he looked at the vault placard. He picked right as the numbers seemed to go up and that would most likely lead to the center or to the main entrance from what memory told him. After several hours he came right back to the spot he started from. This caused him to rage for the first time in the last sixty days. He focused the rage and shoved it at the door that had been across from his warehouse. The doors groaned and then they gave way before flying into the darkness.
The dark side crackled around him as he calmed down, but it felt so good letting it all out. Yes, this was the problem with using your emotions. It was what caused one to fall as you chased the high your body gave you to compensate for using the Force in this matter. He took a moment to balance out his endorphins before sighing. The door he had ruined was the very exit passageway he was looking for. Walking down the hall led him to several lifts and stairwells that would get him off this level as he read the data plate it came to him that he was several hundred level below the Jedi Temple and not just any temple as if he was right this one suddenly felt like the one on Coruscant. Yet, something was off as he moves to one of the lift call pads. There was not light behind it but he pressed the pad just to make sure several times and he could feel no change.
"I am not ready for stairs." He mumbled as he shoved the door open. The light was just enough to show that he was not going up this one. The second one still went up if her could jump the six levels to get to the bottom rung. He didn't need the Force to tell him that was a bad idea. The third only went down. Open the fourth door made him jump to the side as a shower of water nearly soaked him in one second. The water did not slow and what he could see was not a single step.
"Okay down we go." Each level was showing more ancient long-term storage and vaults. Several he felt the Force guiding him to explore. Though what he was supposed to find he did not know. Perhaps it was just the looking that mattered or opening the door. This really did not make much sense until he came to this mural of a circle surrounded by symbols and depictions of animals or beings. This mural lead to another and then another until he entered into a room that seemed endless. It was at this point he chuckled to himself before he finally sighed. The Force had never left him alone and here he was a Jedi or Sith out of time. It was not the first time he had found himself in such a room.
That room he had seen many things pass and only a small portion had ever come true. Facing the Sith Emperor the first time was one of those points. The battle that they fought for days on end only to be twisted into his agent before being released on the galaxy. Had he never found those Sith and the Sith Emperor he would never have decided to prepare for war. He would have assumed that the Republic was way too strong as they defeated the Mandalorian Crusaders. This time he heard voices most from his past, but then many he did not know, but one that was his brother's. Though it was not the free-spirited scout that he had known who had rejected the Force when he was young. No this was his brother sounding like Revan himself. Before he could grasp what was said it moved to other voices. Kneeling down Revan meditated on who or what was said.
There was a point where he could feel that Force changed several times and then he could feel the Sith Emperor's influence fading from the Force and the Galaxy. Over and over again the balance of the Force swung from one side to the other like clockwork never changing and he could see that if you just turned it just so it all fell into a great circle. A wheel of time that you could unravel to get to view certain points in time whether the future or the past. He disliked this place he found himself in and how time neither moved forward or back, up or down, or even sideways or half ways. He winced as a crack sounded out of place with all the voices. Then another as opened his eyes to see these cracks of light. More and more cracks developed until small chunks broke off and fell away. He stood need to move but there was nowhere to go.
He still ran as the sound of collapsing rubble drove him to flee. It was not until he slammed into a wall and was engulfed in dust did, he know he was back in the world where time moved. He had learned some things, but many questions were raised. Opening his eyes did nothing to remove the darkness and he again focused on the light side of the Force to give him eyes to see. The hall he was in was blocked off on both ends, but the collapsed structure opened the way further up.
"Okay great well looks like I have to climb." He put his gloves on and began a task that would take all of his energy and test him with his endurance in using the Force. Even with time moving again he was not sure if it had been an hour or twelve since he started climbing, but he was glad it was over as he entered a broken room that had a working light inside. Exhaustion took over and he slept for some time.
Waking up he left the remains of this small room to enter a hall that ringed the mountain. He reached out and touched the stone and felt the Force shift again under his hand. This is what was missing before as he felt the presence of hundreds of Force users. This was a Temple that was in use. Glancing at the door to the room he came out of he hoped that it would not get big enough to swallow the Temple above. He found several signs showing he was a few hundred levels higher.
It was not until he had reached a lift that he realized his hands had been balled into fists as he opened his hand to press the plate a stone fell. He used the Force to stop the stone to find that it was a Khyber crystal. Opening his other hand to grab it revealed a second crystal. He thought back and it was some point on his climb that he had found the crystals. However, it made little sense on how he could have held them in his hands and still been able to climb?
"Karking Force." The lift opened and he got in. Looking over the crystals he found them resonating with his Force presence. With that fact he opened one then the other lightsaber and put the crystals in place. Though it would be some time before he would be able to test them as the lift was far too small. He could have, but the second reason was he never tested a new blade unless he was more than ten feet away. The lift came to a stop on level fifty and this level did have some activity as several droids had passed him on his way to the next lift.
Another forty levels and he stepped out again surprised that this lift did not arrive at level one as its board had directed. Many more droids passed him as he moved down the hall. He could hear many sub systems working to support the Temple above. Pipes ran down the hall overhead and crossed through from other sections. He felt living beings were down here but none were close. The next lift was even more stubborn to get him to the top as it only covered five levels.
It was here that the placards showed that these were training rooms or a lightsaber salle. Entering one such room the lights came on and it show an obstacle course that looked challenging. Here he shoved his two lightsabers away from him and the expected colors did not appear. He had expected a form of red for one as it radiated the dark side more than the light and the other, he was thinking a pale blue. The one that leaned to the dark side was nearly black with sparkles of yellow and the other was nearly yellow with tiny black particles two blades optically the opposite of each other. Not the most unusual colors, but nothing he had ever heard about before. He pulled them to him and with several trial swings he was satisfied they would do before attaching them back on his belt. With those finally tested it was time to find someone to talk to or fight. Though talking would be preferred.
Leaving the next lift, he was hit with the living Force rolling off dozens of Jedi in the hall he came out of. Most were young or younger than him and their robes very different from the reinforced tunics he was wearing. Probably more comfortable, but he could not remember the last time he had gone without armor. The younger ones sped on by giving him small nods as they hurried to their next class he assumed. The older students would add a bit more of a bow to their nod as they passed him. Even the adults, knights, or masters, he did not know as they wore no symbol of their rank or status. Revan had not found any for himself not that he was ever going to wear the rank of padawan or a knight. He was a Sith, no not a Sith. Fallen yes, but more than the Jedi he had been before.
These knights should have felt him and challenged him at least if not outright attacked him as he was not just radiating the light side of the Force though some of them felt tainted as they went by. All in all, this was what he had felt during the war. Could it be these Jedi were in some war with the Sith? He wanted to ask so many questions, but the Force urged him to wait. Finding a meal hall, he just joined the line and loaded up his tray with things he had not eaten in a long time. He hoped his stomach would not revolt on him as he ate. Fresh food beat eating the food paste or even ration bars. Even on his flag ship it was rare to have a normal meal. Food had lost its appeal a long time ago, but it came back with a vengeance as he ate.
As focused as he could have been he observed. This gained him a lot of information. These Jedi felt nothing like the ones he had trained with. Their Force signatures were different. Calmer for the older students, a bit arrogant mixed in with the knights or masters, and the younglings were not exactly friendly as they had appeared in the hallways. He could feel their animosity to each other and their feeling either too meek or too full of themselves. It was not hard to pick out the Initiates from the Padawans. What shocked him was the ages that these children were at and how they radiated the training they had so far received training that should have waited until they were sixteen or species equivalent. The Jedi of his time had come from thousands of planets and at most there was a two percent human ratio, a twenty percent near human ratio with about thirty seven percent for humanoid species. Semi humanoid made up another twenty eight percent. All other type of sentient beings made up the rest about eleven percent.
He had yet to see any non-humanoid or any flyers in this group. Semi humanoids were a small part of the hall and seemed to have a certain spot they gather according to dietary type with many of the humanoids mixed in with their groups. The rest were all near humans. Unless he stumbled into a hall that catered more to a human's dietary palette it was way different from what he remembered but the Force was not urging him to think this as the hallway had been about the same. Where were all the species that were exceptional in the Force? Had they all died off?
Now he really wanted to find out when he was as this could not have been the actions of a few years even a decade could not explain this difference. Once he was finished, he continued to listen to how they spoke and pronounced their words as Galactic Standard had been taught for thousands of years and did not seem to change, but there were many words he did not recognize. Not that he much trouble adapting to a new language but unless he pulled the meaning from someone head which he had done to a Sith on Dromund Kaas he would have to find the meaning for these new words he was absorbing.
As the day went on, he slowly felt as if he was a ghost as no one even came close to talking to him. Sure, his braided beard and hair were really long and he had some dusk in places he knew he did smell so it could not be because he was unkempt. Maybe part of it was how old his tunics were? No maybe out of style that had to be it as he had yet to see anyone in armor except for the Temple Guard and he remembered their uniform had not changed. He had figured he had been in some type of trance so it could be possible a hundred years had passed. He thought even that was ridiculous, but it was the only way to explain the disparity he was seeing and the language shift. That was the case until he entered a hall that had more focus on learning and the time pieces had the full date and year in several different forms.
7955CRC, 3255 LY, 3631ATC, 978ARR, 13GrS were the five different years posted. This stopped him in his tracks to the detriment to a half dozen students. The particular day was shown in five different formats except the last one was listed with the year first ending with the time. Not that it really mattered to him at the moment if it was three in the afternoon or in the morning. What had shocked him and froze him to the spot was the date of 7955 was almost exactly 4000 years from the last date he could remember. This put him at 4028 years old. He then felt the Force giggle which made him angry. He was so tired of being a tool of the Force.
He heard the crunch of his fist hitting the wall the same time this initiate screeched in front of him. The Togruta if he was not mistaken had white and orange markers that he had not seen before. He pulled his hand away from the wall he had hit and was glad it had not been durasteel. The Force protected his hand from breaking, but durasteel was another story. He looked down at the young female and showed her a toothless smile. No need to be aggressive on top of being angry.
"My apologies padawan, but sometimes my anger gets the best of me." I spoke in Shillian the language of Togrutans. The girl had no problem showing all her teeth as her feeling threatened was replaced with a feeling of pride and surprise.
"Thank you, shaman elder. I should not have been so unaware." Then she sides stepped and hurried on her way. He had this feeling that he may have misspoken as the surprise felt like it was linked to him calling her padawan. She felt old enough for it and only those with hair wore such braids. He crossed his arms behind himself as he accepted the date was real and released the anger it causes him to the Force. It was something he had not done for a long time. Perhaps it was all his meditations on the light side that helped?
Still, it did not explain how he had traveled so far into the future. He continued to wander until it was meal time again. Gaining some more food his observations remained consistent even if this was a new meal hall. This one contained many more Jedi than the last one and the feelings they leaked were very similar to what he felt earlier as well.
For Jedi they should be much calmer than they were. This sense of unhealthy competition was something he had felt somewhat stronger in the Sith Academy he had formed. It was only missing the one who would fall to poison of some type during the meal. Evening meal had been known for the daily poisoning. Then again it was part of the training. If you could not purge an unknown poison then you died. Though only the most resent Sith that passed his poisons class would be targeted. Even then they still lost one out of ten. His last meal very few had sat on his table and not a one had sat close to his end. That changed the moment a Kiffar dropped down across from him his hair in a traditional twisted style. His black hair twist very similar to the braids that formed his current style.
"I don't think I have seen you here in the Temple before, and I know all the Kiffar, but I have to say I have never seen a pentagon facial marking before either."
"Probably because I am not a Kiffar. I am from Dantooine." Which was not exactly a lie as he had trained there. "For what happened to my face let's just say I spent a long time in a medical tank. For the last part it has definitely been ages since I was in the Coruscant Temple."
"Oh, okay long-term shadow mission that went bad, or are you one of the wanderers?"
"Wanderer." though this was not very truthful. Conqueror was more like it." The knight I could only assume felt a mixture of both light and dark. Definitely how a shadow should feel. He started eating and that silenced him for the duration. These were surely strange Jedi. It was almost to the point where his tray was empty that he settled his stomach with what passed for tea. It was not bad just that it wasn't exactly good either. Then again it was better than just water. As he took his first sip another Jedi sat down followed by his padawan. The master was nothing special, but the padawan made him blink several times as the Force seemed to boil around him.
Other Jedi had told him the Force swirled around him and while he was a Sith it others said he burned. This young man was as blinding as he was dark and the Force did not just boil but it screamed. The feeling diminished as the boy started to wolf down his food, and released Revan from the hold it had on him. Somehow, he had a bad feeling he was here because of this young Jedi.
"So, Quinlan who is your braided friend?" The young master or knight asked the guy next to him who had long ago finished his meal to stare at his datapad.
"Oh, him ya. Obi Wan meet the Wanderer. Wanderer this is Obi Wan Kenobi and his Padawan Anakin Skywalker. I am Quinlan Vos. I should have said that earlier." This last bit was a very open statement that would need to replied to with his own name. However, he could not just say he was Darth Revan, but he had given up his name and it was painful to pull up the memory.
"See talkative." This Vos gave up waiting and made is little declaration.
"Don't be rude, Quinlan." Obi Wan then sipped his tea before setting it down as his face signaled it was too hot. Revan felt he would have to say something then the Force poked him hard enough that he remembered at least a name he would respond to.
"Surik, my name is Rey Van Surik." His real name suddenly popped into his head but it was too late now."
"An interesting name. I do not recall the last name of Surik. Are you a knight or master?"
"Just a Wanderer." Revan picked up his tea and the act silenced the curious knight. Though his shields were tested several times, but he had them locked tight which these three could not match though Kenobi had the strongest shield and Vos his was weaker but that could be due to how it felt slippery. Skywalker's shield was strong but leaked like a blaster shot riddled bucket. He had encountered shields like it before, but his felt natural. Either way his tea was finished and though dessert was a option he felt full enough and he did not really want to stick around, so he got up and left.
"That guy is weird."
"Anakin not all Jedi feel the same or even are as talkative as you can get." Revan smiles as he got that right. Revan only said what was needed and it had been ages since he felt the need for idle chatter. Not that he was one to hold conversations. Perhaps the archives next? The archives are impressive and way larger than he could have imagined them to be.
- In Serial112 Chapters
Touch is a story about a boy named James, and his friends: a group of young, superpowered people brought together by trauma; all trying, in their own ways, to come to terms with what that trauma means to them and who they want to be in response to it. This is a learning process, and mistakes are made, but they grow, learn, and adapt to these difficulties in ways that some might say only young people can. While it may look it at first, this is not intended as a sad story, merely an honest one. I wanted to make the characters human, and unfortunately, that means that difficulties hit them in very real ways through the story, but then again, they have some equally human moments of warmth between one another as they grow. Triggers: Explores the aftereffects and recovery process of sexual abuse, and some other forms of physical abuse. I like to think I avoided making it edgy, but you deserve to be informed. Some readers have told me that it can feel a bit too real at times. A bit too honest. If you like what you read, feel free to comment or review. I like the feedback. Or you can vote for Touch on TopWebFiction. Touch also now has both a Discord and a Patreon! Updates weekly.
8 310 - In Serial39 Chapters
A World Forgotten
***This story will contain lite-litrpg elements, mainly character pages and a town page. There will also be settlement building and adventuring, missteps and achievements. But one thing it definitely won’t have is a harem. Nor will it have an overpowered MC. Contains mild cursing.*** ***feel free to critique my writing and offer input. This is my first venture into writing. I've always enjoyed litrpg/gamelit books. I feel like I write how I talk, so it may be a little different. You won't hurt my feelings if you see something wrong or out of place! *** ***What follows is a condensed part of chapter 1. Enjoy!*** Drew Cooper is thrust into a new, unfamiliar world. Waking up in his sweats and t-shirt near what seems to be a forgotten path through some woods, he struggles coming to terms that he's no longer in his apartment. As he tries to cope with his new reality, he hears a horse coming down the path. He hides behind a nearby tree dreading what may happen next. As the horse approaches, he sees a man walking next to it. The horse is burdened with packs and gear. When the man nears, Drew nearly panics. He has a large sword strapped to his waist, obviously a fighter. He continues to hide as the man slowly passes only for the man to stop a dozen meters past his hiding spot. "You may as well come out, ya know. You weren't as well hidden as you thought," the man stated matter-of-factly, letting the horse’s reins go and putting his hand on the hilt of his sword. Slowly and scared for his life, Drew raised up and walked from behind the tree. "I-I'm sorry. I wasn't planning on attacking you. I-I don't know where I am. I heard your horse and hid. I didn't know what you'd do if you saw me. I'm sorry," he nervously blurted out. A minute passed. Then two. The man seemed interested with Drew and stepped closer, eyes squinting as if trying to see something. "What's that on your shirt? Is that. What is that? Is that, Pac-man?" The man was visibly shaken while pointing at me. Looking down at his t-shirt nervously, "Yea. Yea. I woke up here a few hours ago I think. 3 maybe 4 hours. I’ve just been sitting here. Where am I? What's going on?" Drew asked. "That's not important right now," the man replied. " What's important is where you're from. What year is it?" "What year? April something 2020. Why? What's going on?" Drew continued now worried. The man was taken aback. After a few moments, he seemed to calm himself some. The man sighed and looked at Drew in earnest. "Well, I've got good news and bad news for ya. Bad news is you're not on Earth anymore. Good news is you happened to run into me and not someone else. You’re either really lucky, or it’s fate we met in these woods, and I don’t believe in luck." The man continued to walk towards Drew while talking and put out his hand. "I'm John Mitchell from St. Louis or thereabouts. You’ve got nothing to be scared of by me. Walk with me and let’s talk."
8 94 - In Serial11 Chapters
The Head That Wears The Crown
It's a tale as old as time. Boy goes to funeral. Boy gets sucked into a different world. Boy has to lead a settlement. Boy has to lead a settlement? Boy has to lead a settlement. This is a story about that settlement, and some other stuff. Maybe. Disclaimer: Not sure if it qualifies enough for a gore tag. There is a description of someone's death somewhere in this, but I don't think it is descriptive enough to justify a gore tag. Disclaimer part deux: I initially started writing this as background for another story but got so into it I just ended fleshing it out a bit. Disclaimer part tres: People love reading disclaimers don't they? It's why I've included so many. They're just for you. Disclaimer part four: I know, this is getting egregious. You're starting to find it less funny. Just wait till the twentieth disclaimer, it will start being funny again. Disclaimer part five: I'm kidding, this is the last one. I don't promise I'll read every comment or message, but I certainly welcome your feedback. Disclaimer part six: I lied, it wasn't the last one. I wrote this story without breaking it down into chapters. It just goes, that means that the chapter ends when it ends, not when there is a convenient break in the story. That means that it's very annoying for you as a reader since chapters can end mid sentence. Hah! Sucker! Disclaimer part seven: Get ready for slow updates. Who knows when this will continue. Toss it on read later and come back in fifty years. Disclaimer part eight: Cover Photo by Arthur Ogleznev on Unsplash
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Princess Yasuline Mona Lights has lived her life only within the grounds of her castle home. Only understanding the world of Atlas through stories by the castle workers and the incredible adventure stories from her father. However, her life took a change on the day she met the infamous assassin who is called the White Reaper. After being saved from an assassination attempt from a united band of demons. She is then flung out to the world of Atlas on a quest to find the group and stop them before they strike again and hopefully prove herself to be an incredible adventurer just like her father.
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Adrias Lucion lives in the Dominium, an interstellar empire where twelve races of mankind follow Paths inspired by the Olympian gods and seek to advance their Rank. Adrias was born a lowly slave but is given a chance to be something greater. TL;DR: Red Rising is going for a jog when Will Wight's Cradle mugs it at gunpoint and then Warhammer 40k shows up with a steel chair while Percy Jackson and Mistborn eat popcorn in a corner.
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When a zombie apocalypse breaks out whilst Bella is still at school, she decides to stay, unlike her friends who are risking their lives and fleeing. But has she made a mistake? Will she find a group and will they have to fight to survive together? Or will it all be over too soon?
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