《Evolution of the Twin Xenomorphs》Chapter 14 Hibernation and New World




A giant pale figure fell from the skies and crashed into the roof of a house, falling through the roof and into the master bedroom. The entire room was in a mess half destroyed by the figures' sudden entrance. Tsss the wooden floorboards were corroded rapidly corroding from an acidic substance, causing the figure to fall from the second floor and onto the first.

When the dust settled the figure was revealed to be Jun who was badly injured from the Super Tyrant in the last world. His wounds were healing at a slow but steady rate in his unconscious state. A clay-like substance mixed with dirt appeared from under the floor that was eaten through by his blood. Slowly forming a large pit that sunk several inches deep.

Clack. Clack. Clack. Clack. Clack.

Not too fast, nor too slow, but at a constant walking pace came the sound of echoing footsteps. White-collared shirt, black tie, black pants, and black shiny leathery dressing shoes, stood a very average-looking man holding a book. An obnoxious croaking sound filled the living room. The man, finding the situation unexpected and unable to deal with it currently, left the room as swift and quiet as he appeared.

Clack. Clack. Clack. Clack. Clack.

Echoing sounds of footsteps spread in the empty streets, becoming fainter and fainter until the eerie silence returned to the streets and houses.

An hour later, Jun recovered from his wounds and stepped out of the now 2 meters deep pit. He was currently inside a half-destroyed house, simple and normal in appearance. Spreading his senses wider, he discovered the houses that littered the streets were all identical in appearance. The same style, the same color, the same everything. There was also a faint smell of chlorine outside the pit beneath his feet, that lingered outside the door.

Severely lacking the energy to move about too much, he burst through the front of the house to track down this scent, sending splinters and shattered glass onto the front lawn. Making a sniffing action in the air while hissing, he discovered that things were abnormally normal. The grass smelled like grass. The air smelled like air. And the clouds above were perfectly shaped like clouds. Not paying attention to these 'minor' details, he followed the scent down the street.


2 hours later, Jun still was following the scent, turning down street after street, the house's perfectly aligned and identical to another.

7 hours later, the sun was setting on the horizon. Jun had stood atop a building only to see the distance filled with the same, expected sight of houses.

9 hours later, Jun continued to trace the smell without tiring throughout the night. He entered many houses searching them thoroughly, only to be met with the same items and furniture in the same places as each other.

4 days later, he did various experiments like running in a straight line, digging through the ground, silently waiting inside a house without so much as making a sound for days but no one, and nothing happened during that time. This only burnt through his remaining energy faster and his body grew heavier.

2 weeks later passed in this repeated daily routine of searching houses and following the scent. A familiar house was seen further down the streets from him which served to mock all his efforts and futile struggling. Hissing coldly in the air at whoever it was that was playing with him, he entered the house and curled down into the 2-meter pit, entering a hibernation state to recover some energy.

『It seems... I won't be leaving this place for a while.』


Little can be done now for what has happened. I calmed my chaotic emotions and looked up to take in view of the world I'm in now. Green. It was a perfect description of where I am. All around me, and everywhere I can see, there were trees and bushes within this vast land. White cliffs lined the walls and stretched to the skies past what seems to be clouds. I looked towards the center to see the trees were starting to turn inwards into a wide gaping hole like the maw of a gigantic beast.

『What do I do... The system is down again and brother won't respond.』


What would Jun do in this situation?

『First, look for an Energy source to activate the system.』

When she started to think more and kill less, she started to realize things she didn't before. The system's constant urge for energy, and the ability to travel worlds and establish connections between them...

『The system wants us to conquer the worlds?』


My heart thumped within my chest at this revelation. Like discovering an oasis in the Sahara desert. Or finding someone to relate to about your problems. It was ingrained in my body to form a HIVE and conquer other species, taking their territories and killing everything else. We've already started out wrong from the start! One of us, or even both of us, should've evolved into a Queen in order to give birth to younger xenomorphs. A new desire to form a HIVE and conquer all the worlds filled her insides.

『Brother, I'm a genius!』

Her happiness was short-lived as a cry for help disrupted her from her thoughts.

"Save... me..."

A strange-sounding voice was desperately pleading to someone, anyone, nearby. It was of course from a 'Human' but something sounded wrong with 'his' voice. She crept through the bushes and trees approaching the Humans' pleas. When she was closing on on him, she smelled the fresh and thick smell of blood in the air. There were the sounds of wind blowing around, like some type of large bird. with her head still behind the bushes and the voice just on the other side of it, she kept herself hidden as to who or what was calling for help entered her senses.

A flock of large birds was eating a group of delvers, the voices she heard were coming from these birds.

『There are roughly 20 of them within my senses』

Though faint, was her hissing, it was still heard by the bird in front of her. Turning its head around to face the bush, Juno saw its face that had a large eye at the center and a smaller one on the side of its face. A long red tongue hung from its mouth with blood dripping.

I pounced from the bushes and directly at the bird that was momentarily stunned, killing it in less than a second that it saw me. The fellow birds were alarmed by my appearance and loudly shrieked at me. Half of them fled from the danger that was coming from me, but the other half stayed to avenge their fallen brethren. Er... maybe they just wanted to eat the humans and the birds' corpse...

Hit and run tactics were used against me by these annoying pests, but every time they approached, I injured or took them down with a slash of my tail or claws. The birds retreated and left behind the large pile of dead bodies that dyed the lands red. 10 minutes later, I finished eating their brains and left the area, heading deeper into the forest towards the giant hole.

What I discovered from the delvers that died back there was some little information regarding where I am. Those birds are called Corpse-weepers and this place is the Abyss. Where I am right now is the 2nd layer, the layers further down you go added up to 8. There was also the strange force called the Curse of the Abyss that existed everywhere in the Abyss, like an invisible blanket. Going against this force will cause various symptoms to appear but I didn't have the slightest thought of testing them out, what did make me curious was the temptation from the Abyss that suggested I delve deeper...

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