《Evolution of the Twin Xenomorphs》Chapter 12 Umbrella Corporation


『Pfft-』 (Juno)

Suddenly, Juno burst out laughing and rolled over onto her back kicking her legs in the air and holding her tummy. Odd, as it is a very human action, but that isnt very important. What is, is that Jun now stood out like a sore thumb within the dark forest. His giant stature and pure silvery-white skin was like the reflection of moonlight on a calm lake; beautiful but blinding. Honestly, it wasn't that funny...

『...』 (Jun)

『Ah- Jun, come on its a little funny-』 (Juno)

Jun didnt want to bother with this fool of a sister and wondered further into the forest with a rhythmic thumping sound. He brought up the objective list again and sighed. 'Unknown forces' should be referring mostly to the Umbrella Corporation. Well, at least that's what he thought since he had not much memory of the other organizations within the resident evil world.

Several minutes later they stumbled upon an old abandoned manor that seemed like it belonged to the last era. Vines devoured the building like tentacles pulling it into the earth. Crumbling stone fell from the force of large gusts of winds, showing how old and long this manor has been standing for.

『Scary...』 (Juno)

『You're scarier.』 (Jun)

『...』 (Juno)

Jun walked towards the manor happily after he took his small revenge while the pouting sister followed behind sulking. Jun had to crawl on all fours to enter the manors doorway, but it was old and decaying so it was inevitable for the edges to break apart with his slight movements. In the entrance was a wide open area with doors on both sides and at the back behind the stairway. The staircase lead upwards and split off to the sides with more doors lined along the hallways, presumably bedrooms or storage rooms.


[Detected abandoned manor. Would the host's like to claim the manor as their territory?]

『Yeah, lets do that.』 (Jun)

[Abandoned manor claimed. Objective complete.]

『Now thats left is the energy problem and Rift Gate. Juno, you stay here and create the Rift Gate. Im going to the town to find its energy source.』 (Jun)

『Huh? Why are you going? You're so attractive it'll be better if I went wouldn't it?』 (Juno)

『Yes, it would. But don't forget that we're being hunted by 'Unknown Forces'. Im going to distract them away from you so you can concentrate on the Rift Gate while I get the energy. Its hitting 2 birds with 1 stone.』 (Jun)

『Oh, that makes sense. Then ill stay here, you be quick, okay?』 (Juno)

Jun nodded his big pale head and swiftly left the manor leaving a lonely Juno who sat on outside the manor, staring at his back. A sense of loneliness washed over her heart every time he walked away, as if she would never get to see her again... She hesitantly returned to the manor after his back disappeared into the forest.


30 minutes later I suddenly stopped in my tracks and let out a low growl from my throat. A fear instilling hiss echoed in the forest and scared all the birds in a 100 meter radius. The reason for my abrupt action was the soldiers with a red and white logo strapped to their shoulders. It was a small standard special forces squad. There was a total of 8 of them, 7 of which surrounded a soldier who was crouched over and examining something closely. I immediately knew what it was; mine and Juno's molted skin from our earlier evolution. It was then that I discovered the newly formed pits leading into his direction and towards the manor.


『Umbrella Corporation! How stupid of me. I should've known I'd leave behind tracks given my appearance...』

I clicked his tongue and cursed myself. Wasn't I the one who enforced the idea of being cautious? What was this in front of me then? It certainly wasn't anything remotely close to being cautious. I can only bash my head in and clench my teeth at my incompetence. The only thing I can do now is to clean up the mess I already made.

The whole squad had faintly heard the hissing sound in the direction the footsteps lead towards. They also noticed the anomaly of all the birds and prey frantically running away from that direction. The leading soldier had held his fist up tightly signaling the soldiers to stop their immediate actions. They hesitated for a few seconds, then the same soldier threw more signals to the other members. 5 of them split off to the sides and the 3 left behind very slowly advanced forwards.

『Good. I need to vent some anger and you are gladly offering yourselves as a target. Then I wont be polite with you.』

I said to no one in particular and picked up speed. Thump thump thump! The 3 soldiers ahead felt the ground shaking and glanced to each other, aiming down their sites straight ahead with a steady grip. When they caught site of my alien appearance and giant figure, they were visibly stunned. This wasn't anything close to the intelligence report given to them by their superiors!

It was laughable. They brought rifles to deal with me. But, I cant blame them though. The previous me would have been hurt pretty badly with the weapons they have, but unfortunately for them, I had evolved! My physique was, although far from, it was close to the Tyrants vitality and defensive capabilities. I can only drool about the thought of achieving the same abilities as them in the future.

Bullets deflected and ricocheted into the surroundings, I destroyed the terrain and caused a destruction to the trees and earth, snapping them from the trunk because they would get in my way. Swish my claws cleanly cut through their armor and split them into pieces. Too easy. My tail flung to the right straight through the soldiers chest that took cover behind a tree. 4 down, 4 to go. The other 4 already determined the mission to be compromised thus swiftly retreating as fast as they could, placing small traps behind like explosives.

Again, the old me would have been badly damaged by said explosives, but I simply ran straight through them, shrugging off the flames and only staggering slightly. Drip... drip... drip... The forest was silent and only the sound of something dripping into a pool of blood was heard. The squad was taken care of, but that was only the beginning. Soon a response unit was dispatched to their last location to discover their bloody corpse's. Intestines and limbs decorated the forest like a birthday party for a psychopath.

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