《Evolution of the Twin Xenomorphs》Chapter 4 Yautja


『Sister, are you okay?』

『Wuuu... it hurts, that was really painful』

『Yeah... I'm glad you're okay. System, can you give us an explanation of what's going on?』

[Most of the energy extracted has been used to grant the hosts more access to the system, the remaining energy is flowing within your bodies. Only through this can you accurately enhance certain areas and traits within your bodies. Available options the hosts can view are: Status. Objective. Evolutionary path.]

They listened to the systems monotone voice while exiting the research base. 『Status?』 The two questioned and a simple interface appeared in their minds.

Name: N/A

Race: Xenomorph Drone

Height: 7ft


ATK: 54/100

DEF: 55/100

DEX: 81/100

VIT: 96/100

WIS: 12/25

Evo Points: 155

Name: N/A

Race: Xenomorph Drone

Height: 6ft


ATK: 48/100

DEF: 50/100

DEX: 92/100

VIT: 76/100

WIS: 10/25

Evo Points: 155

『Can we add points to our stats?』

[Yes. It is because of the circulating energy within your bodies that this is made possible. A reminder that the two hosts share the system thus sharing Evolution points as well.]

At this point, the two had long since left the research base and were now entering a lush forest. Climbing a tall tree, the two hissed and casually looked around the slightly familiar but different fauna. 『Brother, should we give ourselves names?』 she asked.

『What names do you have in mind?』


『How about Jun?.』 He said, leaping from a branch and onto another, his sister following after. 『Then ill go with Juno』 she hissed happily. Jun smiled in his mind and thought about the Evolutionary path.

Evolutionary path

1. Warrior (Conditions for evolution: 100 in all stats, excluding WIS. 1,000 Evo points)

2. Carrier (Conditions for evolution: 100 in all stats, excluding WIS. 800 Evo points. )


『Brother, I can smell humans』 She hissed at him, bringing him back from his thoughts.

『I can smell them too. Possibly survivors.』

『Should we kill them?』

『We do need the Evo points... okay, let's go.』

Minutes passed and we suddenly stop to stare at the sky. Entering the atmosphere were 3 burning hot objects heading near we were standing. Stopping in their tracks the two sniffed the air and picked up 3 different kinds of scents vaguely drifting in the air. Xenomorph, Human, and something else. 『Yautja?』 『Predator?』 The two said simultaneously.

[New Objective. Survive the xenomorph wave and injure or kill the Yautja.]

『Is it necessary to confront the Yautja?』 I asked hissing angrily at the air.

[It is determined that the hosts will not suffer any fatal injuries if they are careful. It is also beneficial for the hosts to obtain the Yautja's DNA. Note that the System will not intentionally put the hosts in an impossible situation.]

『Alright. Sis, be careful when we fight the Predator. I'll make sure to make openings for you to attack.』

『Okay.』 The two assigned their points to the appropriate stats then followed the unique yautja scent.

Name: Jun

Race: Xenomorph Drone

Height: 7ft


ATK: 54/100 -> 90/100

DEF: 55/100 -> 100/100

DEX: 81/100

VIT: 96/100 -> 100/100

WIS: 12/25

Evo Points: 0

Name: Juno

Race: Xenomorph Drone

Height: 6ft


ATK: 48/100 -> 100/100

DEF: 50/100

DEX: 92/100 -> 100/100

VIT: 76/100

WIS: 10/25

Evo Points: 0

Our focus turned away from the status UI in our minds because there were more important things to focus our attention. Several xenomorphs tried ambushing us from above and to the sides, but with our speed, it was barely avoidable. The spear-like tails whipping through the air to the position we once were. Juno lashed out her tail and decapitated 2 of the Xenos near her, with 100 points in attack, it could easily tear through steel. Jun wasn't idle either as he jumped onto the closest Xeno, biting through its head with his inner jaw whilst stabbing his tail through the other Xenos head.



Several hissing sounds surrounded us, thankfully only a smaller portion of the xenomorphs ambushed us while the rest swarmed towards the Yautjas location deeper in the forest. The iconic Yautja clicking sound was faintly audible from this distance along. Stealthily making their way to the Yautja's location, the two crossed paths with more xenomorphs unsurprisingly, taking them down swiftly. The battle between the Yautja and the Xenomorphs was at its climax.

The Yautja leaped across the trees effortlessly, shooting his plasma caster towards farther targets and slashing his wrist blades near closer ones. Although it only sustained small wounds every time the Xenos attacked, it had accumulated enough injuries to put it in a dangerous position, thus it carefully took down the rest of the xenomorph wave. The last of the Xenos fell under his blade and he let out a triumphant roar that shook the trees, scaring the birds away.

When the Yautja knelt down to claim its trophy, Jun leaped from the bushes and directly towards the kneeling Yautja's face. As a veteran hunter, it wouldn't be so easy to kill it right away. Tackling the Yautja with his Inner jaw attempting to bite through its face, the Yautja grabbed onto 'tongue' and forcefully pulled on it. A hundred points in defense proved useful as the tongue wasn't ripped out right away, but slowly tearing at its base.

Jun yelped in pain clawing at the Yautja's body leaving deeper wounds on its body. Amidst Jun's struggle, Juno stalked very quietly in the bushes, circling around the two and towards the Yautjas back. 『Now!』 Jun shouted in his mind and Juno dashed fiercely appearing as just a swift shadow. The Yautja sensed a crisis coming from behind and from the front when Jun's tail came striking towards his face he dodged it to the side, releasing his grip on Jun's tongue then kicked his abdomen, launching him towards Juno.


The two stabilized after rolling on the ground together and glared at the Yautja. The three confronted each other, hissing and clicking noises filled with killing intent aimed at each other. Thankfully, the Yautjas plasma caster had run out of energy and was only occasionally switching targets between the two.

As we were all fierce creatures, we didn't bother playing any more mind games and rushed towards each other. Jun leaped to Yautja only to be met with a fist to the face, cracking his hard skull and sending him flying back. Juno took this chance to slash at its thighs, running past him with her tail whipping towards his torso, intending to cut him in half.

The Yautja caught the coming tail then ruthlessly swung her around in two circles before being tossed towards Jun who had stood upright, again, only to be thrown back to the ground. Jun was embarrassed and calmly picked Juno up. 『Sorry sis... I'm not much help here』 He said apologetically. 『It's okay, It's injured right now and seems to be severely fatigued』 『Right. Then let's end this soon』

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