《Evolution of the Twin Xenomorphs》Chapter 1 New Life


Thump Thump.

『So noisy...』

I mumbled in my half-conscious state, tossing and turning around in what feels like a squishy, wet, and warm liquid. Eventually, I curled my body around something that felt familiar yet also unfamiliar. I didn't know, and I couldn't think properly at the moment. Thump Thump. 『Where is that thumping sound coming from?』 I questioned to nobody in particular. Is it the neighbors? But what are they doing that needs to be so loud in the middle of the night!


A wave of information, memories, started to return waking my mind from its dazed state. I'm dead. That was a fact. I and my twin sister died last night so how is it that we're still alive? 『Are we still alive?』 I could feel the warm liquid substance that wrapped around me, and the thing that I was entwined in. My sister. She was currently sleeping beside me while I wriggled my body around furiously.


I hit my head against what seemed to be the headboard. I tried opening my eyes but nothing happened which scared me a little. Where did my eyes go? Where... are my arms? Examining my body closely I realized that my limbs were all gone except for a tail which I'm positive I've never had in my entire life.

Thump Thump Thump!

The thumping sound that dizzied my head was getting louder and faster. The first thought that came to my mind was that of a human heart. But, how was that possible? Did we get eaten by a monster? The more I thought, the more questions surfaced in my mind. Slight movements were felt beside me and I turned my head to see what it was.



It took a few seconds to process what we were looking at and then we both let out a screech. An eyeless worm with sharp teeth stared at each other.



A feminine voice softly enquired within my head with uncertainty, to which I responded with a shallow nod. 『What happened to us? Why are we like this? Where are we? Didn't we die?』 My poor sister asked questions rapid-fire, gunning my defenseless down since, I too had no answers to those questions. When I was to suggest what we do, I felt a little suffocated. My sister beside me was also feeling restless and we decided to break free from what it was we were entrapped in.


Our small heads thrust into the wall-like object until it broke apart. Blood gushed out along with the flesh that tore from our emergence. We both greedily sucked in the air and let out a triumphant screech as we took in our new world. The thumping sound which was now underneath us slowed down to a stop. The thing we were in revealed to be a humans' now dead body. Beside his head lay a weirdly shaped creature that looked somewhat like a scorpion. A creature that was on the tip of my tongue but couldn't quite remember.

『Wait... is that a Face-hugger?』

『From the aliens movie?』

『Yes, then we should be...』

I couldn't finish what I was about to say as a metal claw so rudely interrupted me. Two claws clamped our necks and tails tight restricting our movements. We were then moved into a cylindrical glass tube, unable to escape.

『Brother!』 Her cry for help translated into a hiss as she tried to look in my direction.

『Sis, are you okay?』

『Mhm, what should we do?』

『Stay calm for now until I think about our situation.』


In front of us was a glass window with a few scientists inside.

"I didn't expect to get two from 1, huh. Commencing specimen retrieval."

A scientist said as he walked into the room we were held captive in. He retrieved the cylinder tube we were wriggling around in and placed it on a cart before transporting us down the hallways and through several rooms. Eventually, we stopped outside an empty room though large as it was, there were no openings and only a glass window opposite the door we entered through. The scientist placed the cylinder on the ground and pressed a button which filled the cylinder with a type of sleeping gas, temporarily knocking us out. By the time we returned to ourselves, the scientist was long gone and only several chunks of meat were left behind.


Observing the room we were in, I noticed a small closed vent in the veiling, most probably where the meat came from. We were aroused by the meat's attractive scent and decided to think later, caving in to our instincts and devouring the meat. Moments later we were much taller than before and now with limbs and a tail. Under our feet were the molted skin we shed off after eating the meat.

『Now I remember what you were talking about earlier. We're Aliens, right? From those movies we watched together.』

『Yes, you're right. We can only accept this as fact. There's no point in bashing our heads in figuring out how and why we are what we are.』

『I think so too... Then, do you think we're on earth?』

『No, I don't think so. Based on the situation and the events that have transpired thus far, I'm 80% sure that we're within a game which takes place on another planet.』

As he was deducing their situation and what he knows so far, she silently listened to him occasionally adding some things in, watching his figure that circled her body round and round.

『That brings us to the last worry of mine. We don't know that exact time and date, so I can't tell when the aliens' outbreak will occur. It could happen today, tomorrow, next week, or even years away.』

『What should we do then?』

『We can only eat and slowly grow. We're test subjects right now, so there really isn't much we can do at all.』

『Then, I suggest we get used to our body. It would be better if we knew how to move around in this weird body, right?』


The two then started their 'training' climbing walls, ceilings, running, crawling, everything they could think of. Every now and then food would drop from the ceiling and they ate it greedily, shedding their skin and growing rapidly. A unique trait to xenomorphs that I had always been impressed by.

Several days passed and we now stood at a height of 6 and 7ft respectively. It's a little odd as she is smaller than me even though we did the exact same things and ate the same amount of food. Xenomorphs should all be female or both male and female which caused my confusion on this matter. She is also a lot slimmer than I am with a hint of feminine traits to her body, while I have the standard xenomorph appearance.

『There's another matter that I only just realized until now...』

『Hm? What is it, brother?』

『Most of my memories are lost and the remaining are blurred. Can you remember your name?』


『I also don't remember mine.』

『Theres also the fact that our emotions are a lot more stable?』

『It should be the genetics of the Xenomorphs, as they are all fearless bloodthirsty assassins. So it's a given that we can stay calm in this situation that normally would freak someone out-』

We both heard footsteps nearing our location and turned to the glass window to our right. 2 figures walked in and stopped outside the window, observing us. The leading figure of which was a very important person.


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