《Glory be to Arria》26. Charming Personality


I look around the corner. Ever since meeting Luca at the ball I have had to look over my shoulder. He seems to have found time each day to find me. I hadn’t thought it would have been a big deal but it turns out he convinced Michael to have me stay.

I was sure he would do as his wife wished and gotten rid of me.

“What are you looking for, Lady Casttica?” I jump after hearing the familiar voice. I do not understand how he can walk up on me. I heard they trained members of the royal guard, depending on rank, on how to assassinate people but I never took it to heart. “Perhaps I could assist you.”

“No need, I am perfectly fine.”

“Fine? Then may I ask why you were looking around the corner suspiciously?” He smiles at me. I take a step back for each step he takes towards me until my back hits the wall. Does he like this position?! Why does he keep doing this?

He gets dangerously close to my face. I thought they broke down the emotional states of royal guardsmen, he seems perfectly normal. I try to look anywhere but at him. He is taller than Michael. While I am fairly tall for a woman it feels as if he towers above me.

“We couldn’t get married!” I blurt out due to nervousness. He has the audacity to chuckle in response. I want to stamp my feet and yell at him. How is this funny? My heart is beating at the pace of a galloping horse. “Do not laugh.”

Instead of stopping he just bends over and laughs even harder.

“I-I can’t even! You are adorable!” I try to step aside but he has me trapped. I try to shove him but he doesn’t even budge. I try to stomp my foot on his but he dodges it slightly. “Forgive me, it is much to rude of me to laugh.”



“I am running out of time, I shall see you later.” He says taking a step back. I suddenly feel like I can breathe again. I gives me a small bow before turning around and leaving. “Oh, and before I forget. We can get married, we just have to keep it a secret. So... if you don’t mind the small slight against your honor...”

I blush at his implication. Who said I wanted to marry you? You are the one who has been coming onto me. I am perfectly fine being unmarried. I joined the army in order to avoid a political marriage.

Lord knows it wouldn’t have been a good one.

A shiver runs down my spine. No need to get caught up in something too deep.

I should go visit the empress. She always gets into a bad mood when I do so and it often helps cheer me up. Besides Luca doesn’t really spend all that much time near her and it is probably safe.

I walk past the guards and enter the room. Like usual she is drinking tea. “Lady Casttica, you seem a bit flushed.” While I did rush over here that hardly explains anything. I walk over and sit down.

“I rushed over upon thinking of you, I enjoy your company so much.” I smile at her. She just glares at me. I can tell that she doubts my answer but I am not going to tell her. She can suffer a little bit for the trouble she caused me when I had just come here.

“How kind of you.” Her voice drips with sarcasm. I feel my mood lighten up.

“What will you be doing while you stay here?”

“I have been overlooking the military training. Instructing generals how to train troops. Just some small boring things.” I explain but Isabella just continues to drink her tea. I bet she expected me to have more interactions with Michael but I hardly see him. “But other than that I just spend my days in boredom.”


“Is this why you keep visiting me?”

“No, I visit because of your charming personality. You always make me feel happier than before I talked with you.” I smile at her. To her credit she gives me a smile back. She is the only interesting person to talk to. The maids are all beneath my status and other noble ladies just avoid me entirely.

“I thank you for your kind words. Do you know how long your stay will be?” She asks a good question. I wasn’t given an estimate for how long I will be staying here. I don’t even know if Michael has really thought about it. Most likely it will be a year or two before I am sent off to do something else.

I don’t really mind, the quality of life in the palace is rather nice. Food is warm, more variety than soup and bread. Meat tends to be a part of most dinners. Much better than the army camps and I considered the camps a major improvement from my previous environment.

“I haven’t been informed. I will stay as long as my services are required.”

“Well, it appears tea time is over. I would invite you to join me in the imperial library but I wish to have some privacy.” She says before standing up. I better head back and prepare for dinner. Hide in my room. “I do recommend you hurry less, people tend to get strange ideas when a lady is out of breath.”

I blink. Did she figure something out? There is no way she knows... she is just an arrogant noble. She leaves the room not sparing me a second glance. A maid, her name being Cecilia, walks by me to start cleaning up the mess.

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