《Glory be to Arria》5. Ah, My Empress


I cry in my room. These past days of marriage had been wonderful, Michael may not have treated me with love but he was gentle and fair. But today I was walking down the halls when I overheard the guards gossiping about the morning court.

My father had been completely ignored each and every step of the way, many of his speeches were ignored and that most likely the Emperor plans on uprooting his power. I feel lonely and displaced.

Does he want to divorce me once he gets my father out of the way? What will happen to my family? I just want him to comfort me, to tell me that he won’t go too far. That he will simply weaken my father’s power and not go after him.

“Are you alright?” Cecelia De Anzio, my personal maid, asks me with a worried voice. I just shake my head, I am alright? Can I trust my own husband? “Do not worry, the first Emperor faced the challenge of uniting the Arrian people. It was not an easy task but through strength and willpower he managed to succeed.”

“Do you think the Emperor will divorce me? Will he go after my father?”

“Do not doubt for a second that the power your father has needs to be eroded, no noble in history has his wealth and strength behind him. As for removing him... I seriously doubt the Emperor would take the time to go that far, it would be too difficult and wasteful. Divorce, on the other hand, is a silly notion. No Emperor in history has ever divorced his Empress, you have been chosen by god to stand by his side.” I smile a tad bit, while I do not share Cecilia’s zeal it is reassuring to know that he won’t kill my father.


“The Emperor stands alone, it is a difficult and burdensome road but it is his duty. He has been groomed since his birth for a life of service to country and people, all his actions reflect this.” Cecilia begins to rant past my questions, towards the glory and duty of the Emperor. It is funny to consider the fact that I have never once heard of Michael talk about the first Emperor.

I clean up my appearance and begin to eat dinner alone, while this isn’t the most uncommon occurrence Michael’s absence stings more tonight than any other. Perhaps I shouldn’t have attacked him for doing his duty, instead I should be understanding and virtuous.

“Ah, my Empress! It is a joy to see you, I have been waiting for the day that I would see you wearing the crown.” I look up to see Matteo De Ante, he is of a rakish disposition and a sharp wit. “Do not give me that look, I am a happily married man. I have long since left my days of dalliance behind me.”

“I have not said anything as of yet.”

“Ah, but you see. You may not have said anything but you were thinking it, I can see it in your eyes.” He smiles at me and I avert my eyes. The eyes are the gateway to the soul, Arrians have faces that naturally don’t change from a neutral mode and thus eyes can be important in deciphering one’s intent. Perhaps that is why the dog emperor is so unnerving to the Arrian people.

“I see you are back from your trip, how was it?”

“It was wondrous, I met with the leading scholars and young minds in Arria. The Allonians may look down upon us as backwards but soon they will be eating their arrogance, Arria isn’t out of the race yet...” Matteo begins to rant as I slowly start listening less and less. I am sure everybody in the castle does the same, Matteo never stops talking and thus it is easy to be overwhelmed by his endless assault of words.


“Matteo!” I hear Michael’s voice from down the hallway, it seems some time has passed since Matteo greeted me and Michael grows impatient.

“It seems somebody has grown green eyed, I shall see you some other time my Empress.” Matteo says doing a guard’s bow and leaving the dining hall. I do not understand what he means, Michael has the royal red eyes of Arrian nobility. How can he have grown green eyed?

I look outside to see that it has grown dark. Tonight, for better or worse, will be a long one. I get up and head to the bedroom, Cecilia following closely behind me.

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