《Bug Bytes》28. Blood Stains


It's much more intimidating behind the wheel than I thought it would be. There are a lots of buttons and levers and dials, that the books never mentioned. It seems like I don't need them though. As I'm getting the hang of this pretty quickly and moving along just fine without them.

Going down the highway at a decent speed I'm making excellent time. Going much faster than a horse ever could. I'm guessing I'll be there in under half an hour. Now the only problem is I still have no plan on how I'm going to save Courtney. Pharaoh and his men were pretty heavily armed.

I consider checking in on Germaine first. See if we can come up with a strategy together. But then I think, I'd rather return with Courtney. Instead of bringing bad news. I also think Germaine isn't going anywhere, another twenty minutes won't make a difference. With Courtney time is limited. Twenty minutes could be the difference between life and death.

Thinking about it. I get more and more worried. I have no way of dealing with Pharaoh. No weapon. No plan. Nothing except the exact thing that gave the zombies their advantage when they first came. Surprise.

As I exit the highway back into town. I slow down significantly. Rolling quietly through the streets while I get myself oriented. I see the salmon factory and for the first time in a long time. I know exactly where I am. I drive near the clothing store Courtney and I had gone too earlier. And I park a block down the street from it. Getting out and creeping along, staying low.

I spot a hardware store directly across the street from the clothing store. I figure that's where They're most likely to be held up.

Sneaking I'm fairly sure no one sees me. I crouch below the window and look in. I see the backs of Two heads. They're sitting in front of the window, one in a chefs hat. Both looking towards Pharaoh. He stands in from of them. As if he's giving a speech.


I do my best to listen in.

"No man, It's just too weird."

"What's weird about it?"

"You want to cook and eat someone! what's not weird about that."

"Yes, I've always wanted to try eating human. Ever since I was a lawyer, back in the old days. That's why I took up this chef persona, when the world ended. What better chance would I have to eat someone."

"Why? If we were starving and there was no other choice then sure. But we still have plenty of salmon. The whole idea just gives me the creeps."

"Oh come on, you're honestly going to tell me you never looked at an ass and wanted to take a bite? This is the perfect opportunity. We have a nice lady ass right here just waiting to be fried up."

"Does it need to be a lady ass?"

"Of course, if I'm going to eat someone I want to be attracted to them."

"There it is. That's what this has been about all along. It's a weird sex thing for you."

"No, that's not it at all..."

Having heard enough I start to crawl away. Pharaoh seems pretty firm on the subject. But I can't risk the Chef acting on his own. I need to act fast if I want to save Courtney from being eaten.

If I had a gun I would simply shoot Pharaoh through the window. Then the other two in the back of the head. Before they had a chance to realize what was happening. Unfortunately I do not have a gun. I don't even know where I would find one. Except for in the hands of the three men I'm trying to deal with.

Returning to the car I know exactly what I have to do. Admittedly it's not a great plan. But with no other ideas I commit.

I go fast. Really fast. Faster than I had when I was on the highway. Giving myself A long runway so I can build up speed, I line myself up with the window and charge ahead.

Praying Courtney is far away, deep into the store.

I crash Straight through the window.

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