《Bug Bytes》10. The Journal


Saturday, October 10th

Susanna returned early yesterday morning. She was very sick and collapsed on her own front step sometime before dawn. Many of those who went to visit Susanna yesterday are now falling ill themselves. If not directly, than those who live with them are. Elizabeth and I went this evening to see how Susanna was doing. taking precautions not to get sick ourselves. Avoid touching Susanna, keeping our distance. Among other precautions. We found her in bed where she lay unresponsive. Curiously her eyes were wide open. Unblinking. If not for her laboured breathing we would have assumed her dead. Her Mother informed us she had been vomiting earlier in the day. Frequently and in large amounts. Remaining oddly still while doing so. Just laying there mouth agape, as it flowed out. She began her demon scream while I preformed a routine exorcism on her. It seemed to have worked as a silvery slime began to excrete slowly from her mouth. Which her Mother then confirmed to be very much like the vomit she had produced earlier in the day. I continued to pray as Elizabeth Collected this excrement in a jar the Mother had on hand, for further examination. Once the prayers were finished, we looked at it under better lighting. Seemingly glowing there appeared to be bugs moving within. Certainty the devils work.

Sunday, October 11th

Elizabeth foolishly let her husband feel the excrement, physically putting his hand in the jar. Why he would want to do such a thing I will never understand. But she should have known to stop him. Mother always said she was the reckless one. With Half the congregation now being sick. I cut sermon short. allowing me more time to study what exactly “Susanna’s flu”, as the community has taken to calling it, is. I talked to Elizabeth and she told me the jar was empty. As if it the excrement got up and walked away. Maybe it did, the bugs inside certainly were moving. I suppose that if they were to all move in one direction, the entire mass would begin moving. Returning at night to gathered more in another jar. I also brought a measuring tape. There is a pool of it on the floor by Susanna's bedroom door. Did it move here or did she get up. Make it this far and go back to bed. I scoop some into the jar. I hear the heavy breathing and early stage of this “flu” upon entering the parents room. I see both have been infected. I preform an exorcism on the Father and out comes the Devil slime. Measuring the distance from where it landed to the door I’ll come back in the morning to see how far its progressed, if at all.


Monday, October 12th

It is gone. There are 54 inches from the bed to the door. Its gone past that and left. I do not know where it is now. I do not want to entirely jump to conclusions here but it seems to be travelling somehow. Luckily with the jar I took last night I have a plan for how to track it. A simply box. Glass sides and a measurements on the bottom. regularly used for our annual baby turtle races the kids love so much. I bring it into my office pour it in and watch.

1 hour 7 inches

2 hours 16 inches

3 hours 27 inches

the box is only 36 inches long. I pour the slime back in the jar and seal it. Then I take the box outside and wash it out with a water pump. Not only had I concluded that it is in fact moving. But it gradually increases in speed. I went to tell Elizabeth, but she has fallen ill as well. I then make my rounds as minister. Praying over those that are unwell, comforting the families I am met with much strife and heartache. These people need guidance. I call an emergency sermon. I won’t yet tell them of my findings. No need to cause a panic. No what we need now is order.

Monday, October 12th - Evening

Going back out to check on the sick after my sermon. Many more had thrown up silver. Ruling out my theory of an exorcism being required. Leading me to believe its not in fact the devils work but instead the work of man. More troubling is the fact that some people are throwing up within hours of first getting infected. These things are not just getting faster externally, but internally as well. seemingly each new person it infects goes through the stages much faster than the person before. I will be checking in on Susanna again predawn. using her as a benchmark for how we should expect to see others progress.

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