《The Tale Of A Golem Master》Chapter 9


After that point, I shook my head and headed back with my group to the hideout. Hopefully the goblins made good progress. That reminds me, I need to furnish the place so I decided to head to the auction house since most of the NPC stores were closed down due to the competition and guards hired by the mero company taking them in for various false reasons. Eh, not my problem, I'm sure Grid can solve it. After buying a ton of furniture along with items for a few more workshops, we headed back to the hideout. Martimer's team went back to level in the dungeon after several head pats and the same could be said for Torva except, she went to her smithy in the hideout. She preferred to call it a smithy rather than a workshop since it was modified for only blacksmithing. I didn't really mind though. In even better news, the goblin golems were halfway done with the second floor layout I gave them so I started furnishing the rooms they mined out and did some mining myself to fine tune the rooms before resting on a couch I placed near Torva's smithy.

What was strange to me when I looked at Torva's stats is that she was prioritizing strength and vitality, but thankfully she still did distribute some into dexterity. If she solely relied on making items to get the stats for dexterity then it would take much longer. I was going to command her to focus on raising her dexterity but she said that, 'it felt right'. She hasn't been wrong about that yet so I left her alone after making a few strong suggestions on her stat distribution if she was going that route, then she should at least make it equal. After a few hours of constant work on the second floor, I noticed that Grid, Huroi, and Khan broke out of the prison. Good for them. Grid also spoke about a production method for orbs. Huh, I didn't know that they could be bade by blacksmith's. Good thing to note if any of my golems come across a production method for one. I also got a production method for golem horned rabbits and dire wolves. A dark smile came across my face when I imagined a small horned rabbit annihilating a large amount of monsters or players with a delicate appearance. It was at that time that the thoughts of the strongest rabbit that would wreak havoc in Satisfy would be conceived, but that would be for another time.

Another thing that I noticed was that Torva earned was a new title. It was called 'Unbroken Determination'. She got it from working on weapons non-stop for four days straight. It granted her an additional 400 stat points in dexterity which I found to be absurd, so she once again focused on strength and vitality. I didn't bother her about it this time since I couldn't think of a good reason to do so. So I got started on my wolf and rabbit legion that would rule the world, ha ha ha ha!

From what I could tell, I think the first second class user was Huroi, because he should have been in jail for a quest and gotten it when Grid rescued him. I wonder if golems could obtain a second class? That would be a good thing to experiment with once they get to a higher level. I logged off for the day after being satisfied with the completion of the second floor and the start of the third.

A month passed by and the hideout made insane progress. It currently has eight floors with various facilities. The amount of golem teams also grew to 10 and we found a second set of dungeons to run that had a theme of orcs. The average level of my golems was around 70 with Martimer being the highest at 85. I was personally at level 71, the main reason I rapidly leveled was due to the fact that I got experience from everyone of my golems. In other amazing news, Martimer, Torva, and I upgraded our classes to Epic class. However, When I looked at the requirements for unique rating, I realized it would take a long time for me to get there. Martimer and Torva won't have those problems and will probably get to unique rating in their classes within the next few months at minimum and by the end of the year at max. The reason for this was very simple. For Martimer, as long as she kept absorbing more powerful monsters and making strong undead out of her fallen enemies then she would rapidly progress, and considering she runs dungeons 24/7, it's only a matter of time.


Torva on the other hand, just had to watch Grid and improve her blacksmithing at a rapid pace because of it. The main reason I say that she just needs to watch Grid is because of the notifications I constantly get whenever she learns something new from him.

[Your golem 'Torva' has received new enlightenment by watching User 'Grid's' blacksmithing skill. She will gain an increased rate of growth the longer she observes superior techniques.]

The reason I managed to get my class to Epic rating was because I made my last growth type golem that was an Epic rated Horned Rabbit that had the growth attribute. It happened when I was just grinding out my monster legion and sending them out after evenly distributing them between the golem teams, I made a horned rabbit that was the size of a dire wolf and once its rarity was determined, it's skin color turned to a crimson red and its eyes turned pitch black. Another great thing about my horned rabbit that I named crimson due to its color and the dire wolves, is that they can serve as mounts. I assigned Crimson to guard TOrva when it isn't hunting to level up since my named golems all had rare Dire wolves that could be used as mounts guarding them.

The main reason that I would have a difficult time upgrading my class is because I have to make 15 unique rated golems and six of them had to be growth types! I haven't made a single unique rated golem yet and this damn class expects me to make 15?! No matter, I just have to keep grinding until it happens. Keep full focus and determination to get through everything. I'm just glad that my golems can still go one grade higher than I am through upgrading their class or themselves. On another note, Martimer gained a title called 'Mad Hunter'. She got it when she reached two weeks of running dungeons with barely any stops other than to get head pats and the occasional conversation from me. It grants her an additional 10% to her strength and vitality stat, because of this, she is very hard to damage, let alone defeat. It boggles my mind that Satisfy would put such absurd titles into the game when the capsules provided by several different companies that were used to play the game would stop players from playing after a certain amount of time. Maybe these were titles that only NPCs could gain? I'm not sure.

I also checked on Piaro throughout the month and he gained a few more cameagle companions aside from Duke that were made by Torva so that any swordsman type golems could view him. Oh, I should probably mention that I gained the swordsman class type golem production method from a random player since I realized I didn't have it. The enlightenment they received from him was so absurd that all ten of my swordsman golems managed to upgrade their class to rare rating without being growth types! They just broke through from watching him, and from what I can tell, they will probably become the white swordsman class soon enough. If they can manage to get to the great swordsman class and get to the same skill level in the sword as Piaro, they might break through to Sword Saints! Although I shouldn't get my hopes up, I don't expect any of them to get to that point in all honesty, since Piaro is on the border of being one and his skills are absurd. All I can do is hope that I get one from the ten I currently have, I'm fine with a bunch of Great Swordsman though.


Another crazy thing that happened though was the changes that Duke went through since it spent the most time with Piaro and from what I could tell, was the closest to him. Duke became Epic rank and was the highest level among my golems at a staggering level of 150. It also evolved into a new type of golem called 'Skydraft Cameagle'. This evolution provided it combat capabilities along with its normal observing abilities. It's speed is also extremely fast, its like a cheetah in the sky or rather a car that can drive 140mph at max speed. It's also great at mobbing whenever Piaro goes out to hunt monsters for food or so that he doesn't dull his blade as he would say. While still riding on the learning train, all of my golems of the basic classes like assassin, archer, guardian knight, spear knight, etc. Are learning from a respective member of the Tzedakah guild since even though they only have 17 members currently, they are among the elite of the player base, and I don't have access to observe better players or NPCs.

I managed to lighten Torva's workload by making seven blacksmith golems for her to lead. They easily kept up with the workload of all the golem teams. Another thing I decided to provide a name and apparently endless head pats at their leisure as an award for achieving a huge breakthrough in their class or providing a substantial change or reward to the golem community. For example, upgrading to unique class, discovering an important figure with a class that I haven't learned the production method or one that could be observed to teach the golem masses. The reason why endless head pats, in moderation of course, was added as a reward because even Satisfy thinks that I should be doing it by a title I gained.

Title: [Father of Head Patting]

*When Head patting a target, there is a 100% chance that the target will feel extreme comfort and relaxation.

*When Head patting a target, there is a 40% chance of boosting targets stats by 5% for six hours. Can be stacked up to four times.

*Targets will feel an instinctive need for more head patting regardless of the amount initially received. The more sessions of head patting they receive, the more they will want.

*There is a 5% chance per session to increase targets production rate by 10% if they are a production class or increase their attack and defense by 15% if they are a combat orientated class. Both can apply at the same time if both are applicable. Last for 8 hours. Cooldown per target is one day

Honestly this title is absurd and it makes me wonder how the heck I received it. Due to it, I gave each of my golems, female, male, androgynous, or animal, head pats each day. Some received more than others but I won't say who just in case my golems can somehow read my thoughts. During the second and a half months after I received this class, the leveling speed of my golems became monstrous because of these buffs. Even if they had time limits, I made sure that every time I logged on, I would give out head pats to everyone before I got to work. I also made a good amount of money from this as well since even though my golems were pretty high maintenance, they still made me tons of gold since outside of buying the occasional materials, furnishing the rapid expansion of the hideout, and buying trinkets for some of my golems, I kept all the leftover gold. I made around 2,000 gold a week, not including the occasional equipment drops from the dungeon that I have assassin golems auction off for extra gold as well, since I have the blacksmiths to make all the gear they need. That reminds me, I need to find a jewel crafter so I could give accessories with options and better stats to my golems. This could be a good way to motivate my golems if any of them finds a jewel crafter.

"Hey everyone! Sorry to bother you all while you are working hard but I decided to issue out the Golem communities first quest! The first to find my a Jewel crafter with an intermediate rating then I will give endless head pats for three days, redeemable at any time!"

After I made that statement, my golems went into a frenzy and the competition I saw in their eyes was borderline insane, but I let it be since they would never hurt or hinder each other anyway.

[Shade] "Those are your words master! Don't be taking them back when I return with good news!"

[Torva] "I'm participating as well, and you better let me sit on your lap as well Praetor! I won't accept it otherwise!"

It was at that moment that everyone else that wasn't Shade, Martimer, and Joul realized that they didn't get to sit on my lap as I head patted them. If their looks could kill, Torva would have been recalled to me a while ago. She didn't shrink back though, and stood proudly as if it were some sort of achievement. After a few more minutes, everyone dispersed. It was decided that they would only go and look for a jewel crafter around the time I would rest, aka log off. A sad thing that I discovered was that, even though I was at the same rating as Euphimia, I still couldn't make a golem out of it due to the huge level disparity. This would be negated if I was at unique rating of my class regardless of the level but sadly I'm not anywhere near that since I have still yet to make a unique rated golem or one with a unique class. When I thought about it some more, I wondered if it still counted if my current golems upgraded to unique class. It would probably count for the growth type requirement but not for the remainder of them.

When Agnus heard that I upgraded my class to Epic, he wanted to offer himself up since he had an epic class but then he also learned about the level requirement and just told me to level faster. He also told me about a target that would be good to observe named Yura. He recently had an encounter with her and apparently she is working for the Yatan church. I decided to send a cameagle to Agnus so that he could direct it to her. She would be a good target for my mages to learn from and I could make a production method of any possible classes she gets in the future. Agnust will just tell her that it is a pet that chooses its own owner as a way to have the cameagle get closer to her. Although I doubt Agnus would physically interact with her in anyway, he will probably just send her a message and send the cameagle her way. Anyway, I got another target that I can observe.

Torva requested for me to see what Grid is doing. At first I wondered why since he was probably just gonna make another low rated equipment or an epic rated one I almost coughed in surprise by the sword I saw that he forged.

[Sword of Self-transcendence]

Rating: Legendary

Durability: 365/365 Attack Power: 356 Attack Speed: +6% Accuracy: +10%

Attack and Defense Rate: +10%

*Will do an additional +200 damage during each attack

*The skill 'Perfect State of Self-transcendence' will be generated.

A sword made by a craftsman with great skill and potential but lacking in experience and reputation. He has abandoned all thoughts and desires while only concentrating on his skills.

The craftsman doesn't realize it himself, but he has competed a sword that has never existed in this world before.

User Restriction: Level 160 or higher. More than 950 strength. Advanced Sword Mastery level 2 or higher.

Weight: 400

From Grid's perspective, a notification and title reward popped up that surprised him and bewildered him at the same time.

[A Legendary rated item was produced so all stats have permanently risen by +25 and reputation throughout the continent has risen by +1,000.]

[The title 'First Legendary Item Maker' has been acquired.]

It was then that he came to a small realization that he wasn't the only one who could craft legendary items. However his current situation and Khan made him put those thoughts to the very recesses of his mind to look into in the future.

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