《Beware of Zombies》Showing off equals 9+ charisma.. Who's sexier than me?
Next morning, we set out early.
We took turns scouting but I noticed Joe wasn’t shifting or relying on his shifting form. He was sweating oddly when he came back. Almost as if he was out of breath, not to mention, that he was bruised up.
I didn’t make much out of it as we skirted the back ways. The only major threat to me was a pack and with us scouting out, I was able to avoid them. Take out the loners or the threes and twos.
I swung my blade in a horizontal arc but the bitch stepped back. However it froze, stumbled and its' head slid off its' shoulders. This had happened twice but I didn’t understand why.
I shook my head, it didn’t matter.
I walked across the street to a sporting good store. Kicking in the door, I went in. Ignoring the useless equipment and aiming for more arrows. I was down to three.
The shelves were still stock with all kinds of bullshit. I walked through the aisles, listening for any sounds but nothing stood out. The only sound is the tapping of my boots. Sort of a tranquil walk through the fishing section.
I glanced up at the sign before moving on down the aisle. Fishing rods, fishing chairs, fishing vest, tools, and don’t know what that is.
I rounded the corner and saw guns. Jack pot. Guns and bows were usually in the same location. I glanced down a few aisles when I started picking off life signs. It was like a glowing stick at night, shining even in the high-cut grass. I could see their bodies outline, everytime an electrical pulse swept along their nervous system.
They were sitting down.
I could see that through three or four shelves and a counter. Sitting behind a counter, holding something. It was a weird feeling, seeing through objects but not really seeing.
“If you can hear me. Don’t fire that gun in your hand. If you shoot me, I’m going to be really pissed. I might even have to kill you.” I said in what I hope was a gentle voice.
The pair slowly rose.
I heard a click.
I pulled out an arrow, aiming for the dumbass in the front.
“I’m dead serious. I’m not a good guy. I killed people when I was in a gang, I beat women and men, I never raped anyone but I will. So don’t shoot me.” I etched backward.
The first head over the counter was a short black haired girl? I glanced at the other one to see a middle aged woman holding a pistol in shaky hands. The barrel was tilted down a bit. I don’t think she had the arm strength to hold the big gun correctly.
“I don’t want any trouble. Just take what you and leave.” the woman's voice trembled.
I probably could disabled her in seconds but there was no reason to. While I was a badass mobster, that wasn’t exactly saying I lack humanity. I lowered my bow and went back to searching for the arrows. Finding the aisle a moment later but the arrows were different than my single point. Better yet they had multiple points. Highest being a four point but it was like a grappling hook.
Which reminded me, I need to pick up rope.
I picked up a pack of three point broadheads and realized it was the twist ons. I glanced around and found the body of the arrow.
Clicking my teeth, I yelled out.
“Hey, if you guys don’t mind helping me fix some arrows. I’ll take you out. My crew is going to a compound that is safe.”
I checked my messages even though the path is safe. Nothing.
I heard footsteps after I ripped into a few packages and began assembling them. The woman and her daughter flew around the corner. I gestured at the packages and they began helping. It didn’t take the young girl long to start asking questions.
“Hey, are you one of those meta-humans?” She asked, taking out her phone.
She passed it over and I watched a video of someone fast demolishing the weaker type of zombies. I wasn’t sure he would have been able to do that to the bigger versions. I passed it back and grabbed another pack.
“Yeah but I have lightning.” I said, holding out my hands.
Lightning webs thick as a bat, flickered across my hands. Her mouth opened wide and she reached out a hand out like a typical idiot. I focused, the lightning dimmed, and weakened until it formed a net between my palms.
When she stuck her into it, she started giggling. I received a bundle of information like she was healthy. I wasn’t surprised about that but her electrical signals were much stronger. Plus she was thinking her ability was too weak.
All she could do was store small stuff. Unlike her mother who could conjure food. I pushed my ability a little and caught more of her thoughts. A glimpse of a memory of her mother conjuring a pizza before she jerked her hand back.
I glanced at the mother and went back to twisting the heads on.
“That’s cool.” she spoke with bubbly excitement. “Have you fought any of the grey skins?”
I nodded. “I killed a bunch outside the store. You’ll see it when we leave.”
“Hey, do you mind charging my phone? I’m on fifteen percent?” the girl asked with pouty eyes.
I had a feeling she would have clasped her hands in a prayer if I let her. I grabbed her phone and studied the electrical aura before attempting to attune my ability to it.
I licked my lips as I concentrated. Injecting tiny amounts until it reached ninety-five percent. I passed it back to the girl feeling good about accomplishing something I hadn’t thought of. My phone was on five percent because I was a dumbass that didn’t charge it before leaving.
“Ty ty.” she texted-talked to me.
I glanced at the pile of arrows, it looked enough. I started stacking them into my quiver and realized a big problem. The fatter heads couldn’t fit sixty into the quiver. It was like sixteen of them max or it would get hard to smoothly pull them out.
“I’ll be right back. If you find trouble, scream. I’ll be right there.” I said.
I stood up and glanced up at the aisle boards.
Sigh, no help.
The lady stood up and helped her daughter up.
She really had a nice figure.
“April, go hide behind the counter.” She turned to me. “I can show you where the bags are. I used to work here.”
I nodded and the little girl pouted as she ran off. “Don’t bully my mom, mister.” She stuck out her tongue from around the corner, disappearing quickly upon seeing her mother's shocked face.
I couldn’t help but chuckle and point for her to lead.
“Sorry about that.” She gave an apologetic smile while taking the lead.
I zoomed in on her bounce ass, it might not have been round but it was definitely impressive. The way it hugged those jeans pants and kept on moving with each step.
SS rating.
“How long have you been working here?” I asked to pass time.
She glanced back at me. “Not long, two years. I got promoted to Manager about four months ago. I was doing paywork when people started getting sick. You?”
“I own a cafe on the main strip. Work there for about four and half years?” I guess off the top of my nogging.
“These are the best kind hunters usually buy.” she said.
She pointed at a shelf of the shoulder-tote bags. I searched through them for one that didn’t look like sharp items would rip right through. Picking a semi-thick tan bag as the best choice.
I turned around to find the lady lifting up her top.
I am not going to lie, I watched her breast bounce upon the shirt rolling past it. However, I was kind of sated in sex department.
So I tapped her arm. All Gentlemen like, even maintaining eye contact.
This was all setting her up for the later snatch. Women love the white knight and since I was effective in that role. What better way to practice my charming ability than with showing off my good side?
Cocky smile activated.
“You don’t have to do that. While I admit to being attractive to you. I don’t think it's the proper time to be trying to seduce me. I’m scouting and your daughter is alone.” I said politely.
She pulled her shirt down with a blush. “My apologies. I wasn’t thinking.”
I nodded my head and pointed back. “We should get back.”
She didn’t stop sending me looks. The whole biting her lips, nervous touches of her hair, extra sway in those hips. Haha, am I handsome or what?
We made it back without incident. I began filling the bag with the fixed arrows. Moving on to loading up a few more prepack bags of arrowheads and the body of the arrows. I draped the bag over my shoulder and realized it wasn’t heavy at all.
We walked back to the counter and the girl jumped up with a smirk. “I see you didn’t bully my mom. Five plus like points.”
I laughed and messed up her hair. “Your mom bullied me. She punched and kicked me. Really hurt. Ah, look— bruising.” I pointed at my six pack.
Enjoying the look of the mother while the girl glances at the large fist shaped bruise with befuddlement.
“Damn, moms strong.” she covered her mouth, looking at her mom.
She went from sexy mouth look into a stern look in a second. “Watch your mouth, April.”
Damn, mothers can be really scary sometimes. With the way they go from zero to sixty at the drop of a hat.
We walked outside and found Jada and the crew walking around the corner.
“You can go with them. I need to finish scouting ahead.” I said, pointing.
“Bye, mister.” The girl waved.
The mother and daughter walked close. I laughed, watching the girl point at the corpse and talk about how this might be a sword wound or the cauterized burn wound of my lightning. The mother kept sending me glances until I disappeared around the corner.
That little girl was so adorable.
I sighed and ran back to the store. I forgot the rope, it didn’t take me long to find it, running through the store like I was. I grabbed stuff a handful of each length, stuffing into my bag. Then ran back out and around the corner.
By the time I got back into the front, I noticed there was a denser crowd of zombies. The grey skin kind. I dropped my bag and channel my ability through my body. Six and half grey skins. A challenge but it was a training exercise.
“Hey, I wondered who has the most overpowering ability?” I pondered.
Dancing through them like they were moving at a walking pace. Each stroke well placed, cutting through the joints instead of bones. Saving the blade from further damage to the edge. Even being titanium and coated with a lightning sharp edge. I could still feel the vibrations of cutting through one of these things.
I was pretty sure that was what left me sore the first two days. Now, I felt like I was walking on water, amen.
I flipped into the air after being punched. Grabbing an arrow with my left hand, I flicked it like I saw a railgun girl do. The whole thing glowed and disappeared into a blue streak. Piercing through the head of the grey skin like it was nothing.
I landed like a cat, sliding, twisting, my blade swept forth. Cutting off the head of my last foe. I wondered why they didn’t run when losing this bad. The others before would have run giving the failure of removing their capability to do so.
I just finished cleaning the blade when I heard the sounds of car engines flying down the road. I walked off to the side and stared.
Six large Suvs and twelve, four wheelers came roaring down. They spotted me.
One of the atm guys spotted the dead corpse. He slowed down and turned towards me. Parking and getting off the four wheelers. One of the big men walked towards me with a medieval mace in his hand, a little flesh stuck between some of the spikes.
“Are you with Miss Emily Harper?” the big man had a gruff voice.
I nodded. “They’ll be here any second.” I pointed at the zombies.
Right behind them was the type of zombies I had never seen before. Half the zombies were moving at a snail pace. Some were moving at what I could describe as fast as the convoy of cars. They reached us in about half the time it took for the six suvs to park.
I never saw a slow grey skin before but there size. Jeez louise. They could definitely give us some trouble if they hit us. Big jokers that look like linebackers for a professional team.
The crew, the big man, had all kinds of interesting abilities. From speed, strength, to some touch a decay ability. Though the zombies only allowed him to do it once and before he was used as a treadmill.
The big man shook his head and walked over. His muscles flexing in that tight suit. This is a guy who looks really good while flexing.
Sadly, I was the King of flexing. Didn’t I used to kill-steal like a pro from large guilds? Type a paragraph while dancing to kill a corpse before fleeing? Cough, wait embarrassing moment. Never happen.
I walked over, building up.
Thick as a bat, lightning crackled and flickered around me.
Each step was getting faster and faster.
I caught the first unaware and the feeling slicing through it was like cutting tofu.
I flashed to the next but it tossed its prey aside like a toy. It came at me with swift swipes of its' talon. I couldn't dodge them like I wished. Leaving me no choice, but to block them with a double hold of my blade. Using my left hand to brace the flat edge of the blade, it gave me time to study my opposition.
It had very poor combat skills. However, its reactions were fast. Its movements were swift even with the extra steps it was taking. The most annoying thing was that its’ arms were thick and I only left a deep cut on it. Which bloody fucking healed seconds later.
I had no choice.
It was time to act cool to the maximum.
We danced closer to one of its companions and I baited it into a power punch. My blade met it at the perfect angle to lift me off my feet and into a backflip over the two fighters. Like a swift cobra, I struck, landing on my feet and rushing my former target.
It glanced at the enemy that crumbled, the poor thing head rolling off. It glared at me before roaring. I attacked it the moment its mouth opened. Strike after strike, putting it on the back pedal. I pushed it in the direction of another one of its' allies.
The grey skin comrade was paying attention this time. It noticed my maneuvering ahead of time and tried to change paths. I laughed, kicked its abdomen when it overstepped. Sending it staggering into its companion.
Not giving it any time to react, I flash closer, cutting the pal’s legs off before its neck.
My comrade attacked me fast. I laughed, blocking its even faster attack, guiding it. It definitely did not seem to like me and I noticed one of the four wheeler’s guys was ripping the grey skins apart.
The big man?
Did he have increased strength or was he some kind of shifter?
My comrade caught me by surprise. Clipping me with its arm as I tried to duck into the punch. I flew back, but that was enough time for me to pull out an arrow, infuse it, and send it slamming into an unsuspected target. Piercing straight through its head.
Damn, I was a better aim throwing these bloody things than shooting them. What a let down.
I landed on my feet, sliding back as it continued to attack me with such hatred that I feared I wouldn’t get away.
Laughing harder, I direct it closer to the strongman.
“Incoming.” I jest.
The strongman had finished off the last one of the grey skins. When he heard me, he swung his mace.
My comrade who has been with me so far spun around. Grabbing the mace out the guy hand, flipping him onto his back.
I sliced off its arm, dropping down with a spin to cut through its knee. It swung the mace down at me but I was already sliding backward. My feet hit the curb, flipping me onto my feet. I pulled out an arrow and flicked it at my falling friend.
It stared at me with eyes full of frustration.
“Next time, don’t take your eyes off the prize.”
The arrow penetrated deep into the skull of the grey-skin. its eyes were still locked onto me though.
I chuckled before surveying the crowd. I remember there were twelve men on the atms but only nine climbed back on. The big man snatched his mace and gave me an approving look.
Jada and the crew rounded the corner a bit away. Picking up their footsteps upon noticing the rides. They never seemed this happy when I was around. What a let down.
I deactivated my thunder god mode. Cleaning my weapon before doing a figure eight and smoothly sheathing it. Taking in those worshipping looks and shock glances.
Sigh, it hurt being this handsome.
One of the Suv’s doors opened and a man dressed in a suit walked out with a smirk.
- In Serial187 Chapters
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Just because you can’t explain it, doesn’t make it a miracle. Something like that happened to Aaron, an introverted youth, who expected to live a normal, boring life. But it took a little for the expectation to go wrong. Who knew he would transmigrate into his favourite Web novel, Forbidden Realms? Waking up in the mysterious land, Aaron finds himself reincarnated as Scar, the loyal sidekick. But soon he found out it was not the only change. Magic still exists in Forbidden realms, with the blessing of the twelve heroes who had stood against the end of time in the sky-breaking, catastrophic war fifteen hundred years ago. Unfortunately, the end of time comes once again. From the bleeding moons in the broken sky, to the wind of the end that sweeps across the rocky terrain to the snow-filled land, all cry the foretell of desolation. Who will decide the fate of the Forbidden realms? The twelve heroes lost in the void of time. The Knights who lost half of their dominions. The order of Magi with broken high arts. The forsakers with their policy of non-intervention. Or the religious zealots and their dead God. Bearing the responsibility and knowledge imparted to him through the book, Scar unravels the mysteries shrouded in the pages of history and myth, while slowly developing his newfound powers and others to stand against the end of time. Follow Scar as he commands the ember in his heart, shouldering the love, hate, sorrow and frustration he never deserves, on his exciting journey to conclude the tale. _____________________ Special thanks to Mysteries (Editor) and kqwxz (proofreader) for showing enthusiasm in this book and working long hours along with me.
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Kissing Her Scars (+18)
"𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢'𝐦 𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐫"✯✯✯"I want to kiss you so bad" he whispered huskily running his thumb over my bottom lip."What's stopping you?" I asked slowly leaning into his touch."I'm afraid once I start I won't be able to stop" he replied in a hoarse voice kissing my neck."Then don't" I mumbled gulping down the nerves.Isabella Rosa UsoroA ordinary 21 year old , but her life not so ordinaryshe is the heiress to the italy's second most richest company in Italy Roso Industriesshe lives a happy life with her parents and brother but what happens when it all goes south.Leonardo Matteo GiovanniA not so ordinary Italian Mafia bossOwns the richest company in Italy as coverup for his real buisnessKnown as the Hottest yet coldest billionaireis known to show no type of affection and has been like that since his parents murder.join the rollercoaster ride to the life of Isabella Usoro and Leonardo Giovanni full of love, betrayal,pain, anger and bloodA/N Hey guys hresha here this is my first Wattpad story so bare with me. do comment how you like my story but gonna go on a limb and say it do not fucking post any hate comments or start a fight (No offense love you guys) i guess that's it oh wait i forgot do vote and commentuntil next time Adios bitches
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