《Uzziye became a florist》Chapter 17 - Nightmare


They take me to a room with cages big enough for a person. The cages are separated from each other and are embedded into the deepest wall.

They can see my every move with these cages. There’s no way to escape. I’ll have to run twenty steps before reaching the door, and by that moment, they’ll be waiting for me with their spears. The only light in this place is the candles, so we must be underground. I give up.

If things become awful, I’ll kill myself. I have hope, seeing that I’m alone in this place. Mm? What’s good about it? I don’t have to hear the laments and cries of help.

They remove the chains and collar but keep the shackles. They chain my right leg on the wall. I can reach most of the cage except the door.

“Ahem. Uzziye Bakker, for participating with monsters you’re sentenced to imprisonment for an undefined time until the investigation ends. If you’re a monster, we’ll extract any useful information before your execution. If you’re human and betrayed your kind, we’ll execute you. If you’re human and innocent, depending on your personal situation, you’ll work under the security force in a suitable place.”

I nod.

“I’m in charge of the security. My name is Oliver Moss. The other guys won’t tell you their names for security reasons. The rules are simple. Follow the orders all the time, go to the corner with your hands up and facing the wall when someone will open the door, and don’t attack other people. Questions?”

“Can I go out to see the sky?”



“About my food?”

“You can’t choose what to eat, unfortunately. We’ll bring food twice or once a day.”

“Can I have company?”

“What type of company?”


“Someone to talk to.”

“These guys can’t talk to you. They can only answer basic questions. If we capture someone else, you can talk to them.”

“Can I read something?”

“If you behave, I’ll get some books for you.”

“How will you find out the truth?”

“You’ll find out soon.”

What else should I ask? AH!

“Can I have my saber?”



“The Overseer will see you tomorrow. Let’s go.”

I’m left with four guards near the door. I have nothing better to do, so I inspect the place.

There’s a bed made of straw. It looks comfier than sleeping in the forest. The wooden chair is in a terrible state. A bucket and a sponge. For bathing? I don’t see another for when I need to pee or poop.

“Hey, guys. About bathing, when and how will it happen?”

“We’ll take you to another room for that. The Overseer will determine when.”

So it’s like that. Well, I guess I’m alone again.

I make myself comfy on the bed and stare at the ceiling. I stretch my arms and legs before crossing them. It’s cold and dark. Super frustrating to not be able to tell when is night and day.

With how dismal this place is, I can’t help but think of dying. You see, I have terrible memories. I can’t forget them ‘cause the nightmares make me remember. Honestly, I don’t even know why I’m still alive. I won’t tell you about it, though. I want to believe that never happened.

Argh! Why do I keep thinking about it? Stop, stop, stop.

I exhale in frustration. I turn to my right to look at the guards. Maybe we can become friends? I imagine them sitting outside the cage and talking with me. They bring candies and a game. We laugh and enjoy a few matches, with me winning all. Then they enter the cage and punch me-.


AHHH!!! Fucking shit! Why?! Stop!

I punch my head with both hands.

Okay, let’s try something else. I’m outside, surrounded by flowers and the sound of water flowing. I’m playing with kids, teaching them how to make a crown of flowers. We chat about the insects and I tell them to respect their lives. They understand and tell me they won’t kill insects anymore. This is good.

I put my arms around my head and turn to the side to block the light. Then I let myself drift away into my dreams.

I go into the house to bring candies for the kids. It’s something easy I made with fruits and peanuts. But when I return, the kids are dead. The culprit is a girl around five years old that is dismembering them while humming. She looks at me and comes running.

“Mom, you’re finally here!”

Even though I try my hardest, I can’t speak. The girl grabs the candies from my hand in exchange for the knife. I continue dismembering the kids, and when I’m done, the girl gives me a kiss.


“Ha, ha, ha…”

With my wrist, I clean the sweat from my forehead. The guards just stare at me. It feels lonely, though no one ever came to see if I was okay after my nightmares. But was this a nightmare? It felt too real.

Nothing would be worse than having a murderous kid.

See, this is the reason I hate this place and I’m considering the option of killing myself. It’s messing with my mind.

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