《Pocket Dungeon Lite》Chapter 3 - Decisions, Decisions…


[Step 1 (Default): Terrain Generation]

I sat down and looked over my world once again, right now it just looks like Earth but with two moons, different underwater geography, and flat ground wherever there is any ground. So I looked over my options and noticed that I didn’t simulate continental drift or erosion yet so I’ll do that in a second. I first did the settings for generating landmasses, I made it so that there would have to be at least 4 big continents with multiple islands ranging from Japan to Australia sized and that they all had to be between the 2 polar zones which house the poles. That done I randomized a few times and found one that would work well for my idea.

The map I choose was then sent through the erosion and continental drift program which produced my final world layout. I very quickly sketched the map on my drawing pad and marked some areas of it I planned on using for certain biomes. Though I did have a few I didn’t know what to do with which I will just leave that up to the system and the RNG gods.


(For the people who enjoy getting a word explanation to this map -

The two polar biomes containing the world poles are at the top and bottom, The top left-hand corner houses some islands with a Japan-like island the biggest in the group of three. Below that is 2 big continents that look like Australia for the top one and like 2 animal heads glued to a rectangle for the bottom one. On the right side is a big supercontinent similar to Afro-Eurasia with a small offshoot from the top that looks like a gear. Next to that is a South America look-alike with some islands. Below the supercontinent is some smaller islands around Saudi Arabia size.)


(I couldn't figure out how to put the image in here if anyone knows please tell me as I am semi-proud of my work in making the dang map.)

Tet seeming annoyed with my lack of progress for the 10 minutes it took me to draw the map said, “Hey Nadezh, what does that map even mean it looks like gibberish to me.”

I stared and shook my head, “Of course it does, you and your peanut of a brain-

“Bro! Low move”, Tet yelled interrupting.

“-can’t possibly understand, well let me help you out my intellectually challenged friend. The top and bottom of the map with those big spanning continents are the North and South pole of my world. All of the yellow-highlighted areas are sea areas I plan to make into special/specific biomes and the pink dots are there to remind me to put a Central Focus there. Oh, I almost forgot the question marks are for the areas I don’t know what to do with for now I’ll just wait for the program to deal it out later and see if I get any ideas from that”, I explained with fond exasperation in my tone.

Anyway onto →

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