《Destruction Angel Summoned After Being Dead For 500 Years Finds Love》Chapter 20: Falling Rain
Like a black shooting star, Declan dived at tremendous speed towards the three men who were enjoying tea on the terrace. Down he goes, seven hundred feet, five hundred feet, four hundred feet. The wind blasting his face like a force of a thousand razors... but on and on he dived…
Two hundred feet…
One hundred feet...
Inside the house, Chitose, despite the pain she was feeling from her sprained ankle, suddenly bolted up, surprising Lyn. The silver haired girl's face was livid with terror.
"Something terrible is coming… something very very strong… as strong as Tusk's dad… but full of malice and anger… full of hate"
Chitose held Lyn's shoulders with trembling hands, looking straight into her eyes, her face pale, the throbbing pain of her ankle, completely overwhelmed by a deep fear she has never before felt in her entire life, as she sensed the terrible aura emanating from the unknown intruder due to her passive mana field skill. Closer and closer it came.
"We need to run, all of us! NOW!!!"
Lyn can clearly see how scared Chi is. Her childhood friend has always been brave, even after seeing Bong being devoured by the green slime, she never showed any hint of fear, instead charging forward with a cocky smile. To see her unnerved like this is not to be taken lightly.
"Hunai! Good that you showed yourself! What's going on?!" Lyn asked, turning to the sprite for answers.
"It's an angel-class primordial. You guys need to get out of here if you want to live!" Said the tiny sprite as she tried to push Chitose towards the back of the house, urging them to move quickly.
"We need to wake mom, auntie Ayako and Miss Anne! Come, let us hurry upstairs!" Lyn said, grabbing Chitose's arm, making sure that she's with her at all times, as she runs towards the staircase with haste.
"Waah! Lyn, not too fast- my ankle… ah!" Chitose protested as she hobbled and hopped, trying to put as less pressure on the ankle as possible.
Invisible to the naked eye, the elf was one with the shadows, cowl over her head, her forest green cloak trailing silently behind her, swaying with the wind. Her emerald green eyes, peering from under the dark cowl carefully scanning the area for any signs of danger.
Holding a longbow by her left hand in a tight grip, she followed Tara from the darkness, always watching like a ghost, silent and deadly. Taking an arrow from her quiver, the elf readies herself for a possible confrontation. She positions herself behind the trunk of a huge oak tree, it's shadow hiding her from watchful eyes.
"Fweeeet" Whistled the elf, catching Tara's attention. She signaled her that she got this position and the angel can start to sneak at the back of the estate and get inside.
Tara, understanding what the elf was trying to say with those intricate hand gestures, nodded in agreement, she examined the wall surrounding the estate, looking for jutting stones that may serve as a hand and foothold. Carefully feeling the sides of the ten feet tall partition with her hands, she finds an uneven part of the wall, probably recently repaired. Giggling softly, proud of herself with the discovery, Tara backs a few feet away from the barrier, getting ready to attempt a wall run.
She started to run towards the wall, adding speed on her approach, she began pushing through it, translating her forward movement to vertical motion. Stepping on the small jut with her right foot, using it as a boost, propelling herself on an upward leap... her hands grabbing the top edge of the ten foot wall at the same time.
Now dangling above the ground, Tara readied to top out. She scrambled her feet beneath, pushing through with her legs as she pulled her chest above the top edge, and then continued pushing down her hands, lifting her entire body up the wall. Reaching the top, the angel nimbly jumped on the other side and scurried towards the backside of the mansion crouching, silent as a mouse.
On the front, just outside of the steel gates of the Holden Estate, Silma held the arrow shaft close to the nock behind the fletching… She proceeded to expertly place the shaft on the arrow rest of her longbow. Her keen eyes already locked on her possible targets, especially on the big man with long red hair.
From out of nowhere, Silma suddenly heard a faint pop from above the tree where she was hiding, an inaudible sound that only elvenkind can hear. The elfmaid, as tense as ever, hurriedly returned the arrow back unto its quiver, slinged her longbow across her back and started to gracefully climb towards the tree top.
Silma reached the topmost branch of the mighty oak tree, then peered through the dark night sky, looking for the source of that faint sound her elven ears picked up moments ago. Squinting her eyes for a better focus, she scanned the heavens that were bereft of moonlight and starlight.
At first she saw a black form falling from high above the clouds, diving very fast, looking more thoroughly, her green eyes started to widen in horror as she caught a glimpse of those dreaded bat-wings, descending nearer and nearer to the ground, finally landing with a tremendous crash right in front of the very house that she and Tara were heading, surprising the trio that were casually sitting on the terrace.
She clamped her mouth with both hands, suppressing the urge to scream. Tightly closing her teary eyes, she willed herself to rise above her fear, reaching deep within herself to find the courage needed to face this monster.
Suddenly from out of nowhere she faintly heard a throaty laugh, louder and louder it came.
A guttural voice that only she can hear, answered her unspoken prayer.
"So you finally reached me eh? Khe khe khe… Tell me, what do you seek?"
The voice surprised the elf, she didn't know who spoke or where it came from, keeping her eyes tightly shut, gravely scared and on the verge of a mental breakdown, she answered nonetheless.
"I- I seek power to crush my enemies…"
"So be it… I leave my essence to you... forever!"
Heat began to surge from her center, pulsating beneath her skin at the tempo of her pounding heart.
*Lub-dub, Lub-dub, Lub-dub*
Silma slowly opened her eyes, gone are it's emerald green color natural to elvenkind, replaced instead by a crimson-red, flaring with fiery fury- Minotaur eyes.
Declan landed with a crash, forming a crater on the ground, clouds of dust rising around him obscuring him from view. He can see his target clearly enough in front of him all standing up with a surprised look on their faces.
"I see you little boy…" Declan smirks coldly, as he spotted his prey. The angel starts to grow his claws, not taking any more chances, this time he will go all out from the beginning.
Declan moved quickly, launching himself forward... towards the three men with breakneck speed, his gold eyes glowing, claws positioned for a sideward slash.
Ars Regnum shoved Tusk and Mr. Holden away from him and away from danger, then wasted no time activating a protective spell. The angel might move insanely fast, but he can match this speed with his own.
"Lightning control MAGIC; STATIC SHIELD!"
"There it is…" Declan said in his head. A smirk formed on the angel's lips as he was waiting for that particular spell to be casted. He gouged the distance between him and the Balekon, and between him and the boy, making sure that the Balekon, even with his speed won't be able to reach him on time.
"I never expected him to be back so soon. To return even… and it seems his injuries have healed in just a short amount of time " The Balekon took a mental note of this knowledge, as it may be of use to him in future battles. Fighting the angel earlier at school had made Ars very familiar with the fighting style of Declan, such was the Red Lightning's battle prowess.
His instincts sensed that the angel would not push through with the frontal assault, Ars quickly dispelled his shield, and instead moved forward to intercept Declan.
Ars, upon reaching just a few feet away from Declan... suddenly planted his left foot firmly on the ground, turning his body to the right, facing directly away from the angel as he pivoted on his left foot, gaining speed and momentum at the same time. He continued turning to the right, looking over his right shoulder at his target – making sure not to miss his target's nose. He swept his right leg in a big arc delivering the kick, as it neared the angel's head, Ars activated his offensive spell.
"Lightning control MAGIC: THUNDER DRILL!"
Declan acted fast, using the Balekon's unstoppable momentum, he quickly side-stepped, directly in the path of the attack, meeting the spinning heel kick head on, absorbing the kick's power, ignoring the pain from the Thunder Drill spell, he let himself be thrown back by the force of the blow, towards his true target.
Tusk's eyes were full of awe as he finally saw his father in action. Even when he was young, all he knew about his father's reputation as a fighter, comes from stories. Almost everyone living in the capital has heard of the Red Lightning. A deep sense of pride welled within the youth. For the first time in his life, Tusk is truly proud to be Arsenon Regnum's son.
"Wow… just look at him go…" Tusk muttered silently, clearly entranced by his father's skills.
"YEAH!!!" He roared in triumph, pumping his fist in the air with such ferocity as he saw his lord father connect with a beautiful spinning heel kick, enhanced with an extremely advanced lightning spell, sending his opponent flying towards... him.
Declan was sent flying by the powerful attack. Despite crossing his arms at the last possible second to block in an effort to somehow lessen the impact of the blow, he felt a rib or two cracked, causing him to cough blood. It didn't matter, the pain didn't matter, only his mission mattered. He is now parallel to the boy… just as he planned.
With great effort, blocking the pain, Declan twisted his body while in mid-air. He used his leathery wings as a sail to catch the wind, forcing his body to change trajectory towards Tusk's general direction. He could smell the fear and confusion of the boy as he grabbed Tusk's left shoulder in a tight grip, his claws digging through his flesh and bone. The angel pulled the boy in a quick jerking motion towards him.
"NOOO!" Shouted Ars as he ran towards his son in an attempt to save him.
"That's far enough!" Declan warned the Balekon, making him stop just short of fourteen feet away from Tusk and Declan. The angel now positioned himself at the back of the boy, his left claw tightly lodged to Tusk's already bleeding shoulder, while the right claw was dangerously close to the young man's neck, ready to rip out his throat.
"You forced me to do this… this despicable and cowardly act!" The angel blurted out in sheer frustration. He lightly tapped Tusk's neck, just to accentuate his point to the boy's father.
"You don't have to do this D-Declan…" Ars reasoned, the Balekon slowly lowered his hands palms down to show that he wanted to settle things peacefully. Taking a deep breath, he looked straight in the gold eyes of the angel in all sincerity.
Declan felt the pure intensity of the Balekon's eyes, he felt very ashamed of his actions, the guilt of doing such a disgraceful act clearly visible on the angel's handsome face. Declan felt conflicted and scared, he tried but failed to hold the tears that began to form from his gold eyes.
"I always knew that you are not evil… our first battle proved it. You are a true warrior, a worthy opponent that deserves to be remembered for all eternity." Ars told the angel, his sincere words cutting through Declan's heart like the sharpest sword in the world.
"How… How can I be free of him? I am a summoned primordial, I have no will of my own… I am trapped..." Cried the angel, finally unable to hold back his tears. Slowly his left claw loosened its grip on the young man's shoulder.
The rain slowly started to fall, stronger and stronger it became, lightning flashed and thunder booming and crashing it's loud protest. The angel, the young man and the Balekon, standing still under the rainstorm, not even feeling the biting chill of the cold wind that accompanies it.
The mighty Balekon finally understood his enemy's true situation. It all made perfect sense now. He always wondered why someone as powerful as the angel spared the Headmaster and his party when he could just kill them on a whim. He was right all along, this being is not evil, he is a true and honourable warrior, worthy of his respect.
"Let me help you…" Ars' words were spoken softly, but carries a reassuring strength of sincerity. He truly believed that he could turn Declan back towards the light. He could see himself training the angel and his son as his successor.
The prospect filled him with inspiration and renewed vigor. He will help Declan, no matter what. This he solemnly vowed in his heart.
Lord Arsenon Regnum calmly walked towards his son and Declan, he no longer feared the worst, he had seen through the mask and saw the real Declan, and he is not evil. A sincere smile formed on his lips as he slowly offered his hand in friendship.
Declan's grip on Tusk's shoulder loosened, his right claw limply fell back to his side, their intent to kill was finally gone. Declan hangs his head as he cries in shame of what he was about to do to the young man just mere moments ago. An innocent being... he was so desperate that he was willing to hurt someone that had nothing to do with his business.
Ars finally stood in front of the angel... he placed his right hand on Declan's shoulder, offering his support. Tusk was finally free from Declan's grasp, but he did not run away, despite bleeding from his shoulder, he stayed and faced the handsome angel, his face full of sympathy, he too understood what Declan must have endured and the pain he is suffering. He cannot look away at this.
Declan slowly and calmly looked up to Ars' eyes, his own eyes still tearful and pleading. Like he was asking the mighty Balekon to save him.
They finally stood face to face, a Balekon and an angel… two warriors who had lived their lives one battle at a time. They may be enemies, but even enemies respect each other. A warrior's honor is above anything else.
Lord Ars Regnum understood the unspoken plea very clearly, he nodded, assuring the angel that he will stand by his side, no matter what or whoever the true enemy is. He felt very happy with his decision... Ars smiled at the angel sincerely, like a loving father to his son... His pure smile was the last expression he will ever have... as Declan ripped his heart out from his chest.
The rain continued falling hard on the world that night.
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Vast Asleep
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I Have Even Read the Rulebook!
As all stories begin, Prof died. Yes, truck-kun had something to do with that, but also a bird, a cat and some rebar. When he was presented with with the opportunity in the Afterlife Administration Bureau to be transmigrated into a game-like fantasy world, he did something, no one ever did: he read the Rulebook. Follow Prof on his road to be rich without working, touring a whole new world without a care and witness his realisation, that despite having read the Rulebook the folks living with the System for untold millennia know more about the rules. Important notes: 1, I'm not a native speaker, so be prepared for occassional typos, iffy grammar and maybe awkward sentences. The spell check was running, when I wrote the chapters, but it works in strange ways... If you point out mistakes, I will try to correct them 2, Scheduling will be two chapters a week, posted Saturdays before noon (CET). Depending on how much new chapters I can write consistently there will be probably more but as long as I have leftover chapters, the two per week will be posted no matter what. Chapters will be around 1500-2500 words as MS Word counts it. 3, I did not and will not post this novel on another site, if you find it somewhere else, please inform me 4, The Main Character's progression is slow, there will be no Levels, Skills, Abilities, Feats, Perks and Cheat Powers raining down on him 5, I've put Comedy as a genre because of my writing style not because the novel is a comedy per se. On the other hand, Traumatising Content is there because there is a lot of speciesism - those Elves are not nice people. 6, I put a lot of pop-cultural references into the chapters, try to find them! Enjoy!
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