《Destruction Angel Summoned After Being Dead For 500 Years Finds Love》Chapter 18: Lilies
Tara gave Silma a cup of camomile tea that she had prepared. The angel was extra careful in handing over the hot tea so as not to spill a drop on the elf's smooth pale skin.
"Drink this baby girl, it will help make you relaxed and at ease."
Earlier, Tara decided to take her elven companion back to the bakery where they had breakfast earlier to help calm her anxiety. She couldn't ignore the sight of Silma shaking with anger and dread at the same time.
"We could find an inn to relax for the rest of the day, you know… We could resume heading west tomorrow… besides, I am in no hurry to get there anyway…" The angel told the elf. Tara then discreetly touched the cursed ring, she once again slowly tried to remove it, hoping that this time, it might miraculously come off.
"Ah, damnit… still stuck!"
"Eh? What's stuck Tara?" Asked the elfmaid.
"Hahaha! Nothing baby girl, it's nothing…" answered the angel smiling.
The lady who manages the bakery gave Tara and Silma a small map leading to a decent inn she knows.
"Tell them that Morla is the one who recommended the place to you. You girls will be safe and comfortable there." The bakery manager told the girls as she gave them a pouch of her camomile tea mixture, as a parting gift.
The pair thanked the manager and promised to come back when their business is done.
The Inn of The Dancing Turtle turned out to be located on the easternmost part of town, near the Agu River which supplies most of the water for Triplance. The inn used to be a large house that was owned by a local merchant named Brutus Lorel, the owner's friends who were mostly merchants from neighbouring towns used to visit. As time went by, more and more merchants visited the house, and somewhat became a kind of a stop over for them.
Brutus, the business man that he is, saw the potential of the place... a place where merchants and travelers could gather to exchange information and goods, some of which are extremely rare and only sold exclusively in the inn's black market.
The Dancing Turtle was also famous for its specialty dish which is a spicy sausage sandwiched in a bun with a special topping made with tomato paste, ground pork and secret spices and is extremely spicy. The regulars call it Chilli Dog after the owner's pet dog who died after eating a whole pot of the sauce.
The inn has a wide open lawn in the front, and has a canopy that is about twenty feet high to protect the guests from rain. The lawn had tables and chairs to accommodate guests who wanted to dine outside in view of the river. It's like an amalgam of human engineering and natural beauty, and the old rustic look of the inn fills the very soul of the guest with a calm and content feeling.
Tara fell in love with the inn at first glance. To see such a very simplistic beauty of nature complementing the inn was too much for the angel, she did not realize that a single tear rolled down to her right cheek.
"Tara, are you crying?" The elf asked
Tarmora quickly wiped the tear away and smiled at the elf.
"Oh, it's nothing baby girl, it's just the wind stinging my eyes."
The elf stared at the angel's beautiful golden eyes, the same eyes as the bat-winged man, but somehow her eyes gave the elf a sense of ease and comfort, opposite from the bat-winged one.
Silma realized that she was staring for too long at Tara's eyes. Embarrassed by her actions, she averted her gaze while blushing heavily.
"What the hell are you doing Silma?" She thought to herself, blushing all the more.
Tara just observed her elven companion, clearly amused by Silma's cute reaction.
"Come, let's go inside" Tara excitedly said, pulling Silma with her.
"Uaah! W-wait Tara…"
The inside of the building was surprisingly cozy. There was a hearth on the left side which provided warmth and light, there were also tables available for guests, but mostly it was occupied by merchants having one on one dealings with each other.
The girls approached the reception counter and Silma rang the bell to summon the receptionist.
A petite girl in pigtails wearing oversized round eyeglasses hurriedly ran towards the counter. She seemed to be in her late teens, she has almond shaped dark eyes, slightly slanted, and she had an adorable face, she is dressed in a casual white dress with a blue apron over and tightly tied around her slim waist.
"Well met dear guests, welcome to the Dancing Turtle Inn, your riverside retreat." Greeted the receptionist, she then continued to introducing herself
"My name is Amuy Lorel, daughter of the proprietor of this humble establishment. How can I help you today?"
"We would like to book a room for two days please." Silma told Amuy as she handed over a piece of gold coin.
"Will this cover our lodgings and food?"
"Yes, it will cover everything up to three days of lodging and food." Amuy told her guests as she inspected the gold coin expertly.
The room they had was quite spacious, as it has its own bathroom and a study. The view was fantastic as the room faces the river and the lush vegetation that lines its banks. The room has one king sized bed at its center and a side table that has a candelabra to provide light for late night reading. A flower pot filled with white lilies is placed on top of the clothes drawer under the window.
Tara placed down their belongings in the corner near the door. She started to unstrap her tooled leather breastplate, eager to be out of the stuffy armor for the rest of the day.
"Ahhh… that feels good" Tara sighed in relief as she stretched her body and arms upward to help ease her joints.
"Silma, why don't you take a bath first. It will help refresh your body and mind. Besides, you need a change of clothes."
The elf sniffed at herself and agreed with the angel's recommendation, she undressed herself unstrapping her leather breastplate, then proceeded to remove the leather bracers and greaves. Silma unbuttoned her dirty grey shirt, revealing smooth pale skin and tiny but perky breasts with pinkish nipples underneath. She hesitated for a moment, then took off her brown breeches and green panties from her slender hips.
Tara never took her golden eyes off on Silma's slim naked body the entire time.
Silma entered the bathroom and found a wooden bathtub already filled with warm water. The elf went in and immediately felt relaxed as she lay down and let the warm water cover her tired body.
"Waaah, feel so good!" Said the satisfied elf as she reached for the soap and some fragrant oil provided on top of the table beside the tub.
Silma, now feeling more relaxed, started contemplating everything that has happened so far, about what happened at the capital, and her chance meeting with Tara, the cavern that they conquered, the Minotaur's essence within her now, and the re-emergence of the bat-winged man. Through it all, she found a good friend in Tara, and it was the only joy she got in this sad life of hers.
"Tara… you are so beautiful, and so nice to me… I don't know where I would be if I hadn't met you…" Silma thought to herself.
"Take your time baby girl!" Tara playfully shouted from outside the bathroom.
Looking at the ring once again, the angel took this time to contemplate all the information she had on how to remove the cursed ring. Tara tried once more to pull it off to no success.
"Hmm… based on the information, I need a fellow angel to take this off… Why would another angel help a potential rival? I know I wouldn't…" Tara smirked at the absurdity of it all.
"Wait… I wonder…" Tara took out the small amber stone that was used to summon her back to life. She examined the stone carefully, peering hard, she noticed that it still had the faintest glow. She held up the amber stone towards the window, letting the sunlight wash over it, her eyes widened as she finally saw what she was looking for in the stone.
"I knew it! There is some residue of my essence that still remains on the stone… No wonder it still holds an amber color. This might actually work!"
Tara placed the stone on the base of the cursed ring, she took three deep breaths as if to ready herself. Slowly she tried to push the ring off her finger, but once again to no success. Miserable and about to get frustrated by the lack of success, Tara was about to throw the amber stone away, when a thought flashed in her head. She remembered the Minotaur and how it's essence was transferred to the elf.
"Silma probably doesn't know that she is part primordial now…" Then, like lightning, Tara's gold eyes lit up as the angel suddenly found the answer to her troubles.
Tara looked at the cursed ring, then the amber stone, then the door to the bathroom and back to the ring once again.
"It's worth a shot…"
Striding towards the door of the bathroom, the angel's determination was very evident in her eyes. Her plan is simple enough; share her essence with the elf, and hope it's enough to trick the ring into thinking that Silma is an angel as well.
"But if I do this, it would bind her to me for as long as we live… I don't mind it, but what if she hates me for it? Elves live for centuries too, and that's the reason why they don't easily commit themselves to someone. I am the worst… I am too selfish... I should at least ask for her permission first… like propose or something…"
Tara closed her eyes and took a deep breath, steeling her nerves. She could hear her own heart pounding like a drum as if trying to escape her chest. She lifts her left hand and gently clenches it and knocks on the bathroom door.
"Silma? I'm sorry, I am coming in…" Tara then opened the door, and as she turned after closing the bathroom door, the elf was already standing in front of her fully naked and wet as if expecting her to enter.
Tara was caught by surprise as she saw Silma staring at her. Tara felt her face heating up, as blood rushed to her cheeks, pumped by her heart that is now pounding like crazy.
"Silma, I ha--"
Tara tried to say, but was cut mid sentence as Silma suddenly locked her lips on the angel's and kissed her passionately. Tara did not resist, instead she accepted the kiss with all her heart. The angel opened her mouth and pushed her tongue inside Silma's mouth, wanting to taste her. The elf also pushed back and started sucking the angel's sweet soft tongue as she clasped Tara's face gently between her supple hands, softly caressing the angel's at the same time.
The elf, suddenly with such ferocity ripped Tara's blouse, scattering the buttons and spilling the angel's perfectly round breasts.
"Kyaah! S-Silma w-wait…"
Silma wasn't listening though, she started to softly lick Tara's small pink nipples and then proceeded to suck them, first it was gentle, then little by little, Silma started to get aggressive, as she was tasting Tara's breast, wanting to eat more and more of her.
All Tara could do at this point was to put her own forefinger on her mouth and gently bite on it as her body was overwhelmed with ecstasy.
"Oh, ah-- Silma, wait-- the… bed…" Tara struggled to say, her voice quivering from the pleasure she is feeling as the elf continues to suck her pink perky nipples.
The angel weakly opens the bathroom door and points to the bed in the center of the room.
It is clear that the elf is the more dominant between the two, as Silma took the initiative and pushed Tara down on the bed. The elf then started to lick Tara's flat abdomen, savouring the warm smooth pale skin of the angel, she started to move lower and lower until she reached Tara's breeches.
Tara would not be dominated, she grabbed the elf's slender shoulders and turned, placing Silma under her. Tara then licked her right middle finger, making sure it's very wet with her saliva. She then slowly and gently inserted it inside Silma's pink pussy, slowly and gently pushing it in, little by little.
"So tight…" Tara whispered as she bit Silma's pointed elven ear gently.
Silma gasped as she felt a sharp pain as Tara finally took her first time. Droplets of blood stained the clean white sheets of the bed, proof of the elf's lost virginity.
Tara gently moved her finger in and out of Silma. The pain has turned into pleasure that was previously unknown to the elf.
Gently, Tara kissed the elf's slender neck, slowly going lower and lower, until she reached Silma's tiny breasts. Tara tenderly kissed Silma's pink nipples and sucked them as she continued to stroke and insert her slender fingers inside the elf's vagina, it was warm, deep and extremely wet. Tara could feel her fingers getting sucked in as Silma arches her back from the sheer pleasure.
Silma's mind was going blank, the pure ecstasy that she was experiencing at the moment was all new to her. All she knew was she doesn't want it to end… her knees were shaking as she felt something rise from deep within her…
"I'm about to.. AHH!" moaned the elf
Silma bit her lower lip as she lost herself in the pure rapture of her very first orgasm.
Once again, the elf took matters into her own hands, this time pinning Tara down and flat on her back.
Silma pulled off the angel's breeches, then started to kiss Tara's smooth slender thighs moving up towards her panties.
The elf bit the hem of Tara's panties and slowly removed it by pulling it down. Silma then raises and pauses to look down at her, admiring a fully naked Tara in all of her radiant and striking charm.
Those long pinkish wavy locks that end on drill curls, those innocent golden eyes, long eyelashes, supple lips, perfectly sculpted face, perfect breasts with small pink nipples, a slender frame and pale smooth skin that is as soft as the dawn.
Silma could not believe that such a beautiful woman is hers for the taking, elves only make love to the person that they truly want to spend a long long time with, and Silma has never been with anyone ever. This is her first time and she decided that it would be the most special part of her long life. Silma gently pushed Tara's legs apart, revealing the most treasured part of the angel.
"Tara, you are so beautiful… let me eat you all up…"
Tara looked up at the elf, her face flushed and looked so vulnerable.
"So cute," Silma said as she started to kiss Tara's clitoris and started to gently suck it while continuously licking it with her tongue, making the angel arc her back and moan. The elf continued eating Tara's pussy while her hands groped and fondled Tara's breasts.
Tara, still arching her back lost in ecstasy, grabbed the back of Silma's hair and pushed her face deeper into her pussy.
"Eat me more-- baby girl… ah"
"Yes, faster--"
"I'm cumming… oh-- Ahh! Hah…"
With a rush of pure bliss, Tara reached the peak. It was so perfect, so wonderful, the whole world opened up just for them, time stopped for everyone else and only the two of them are what matters to the world. Such a feeling of love and joy flowed through Tara and she knew at that very moment, she would spend the rest of her days with the elf.
Dragon Hack
Rich's life sucks. He lives in a dystopia, His father's an abusive creep, his mother's up to some shady stuff, and he's pretty sure he's going to die a virgin. He can't do much about the first few problems, but a new darknet game might give him a shot at getting laid. But even the most well-laid plans go astray, and he ends up with way, way more than he bargained for. He gains a character with the rarest of all races: Dragon. But it's a two-way street, and strange occurances and problems soon have Rich wondering if this is truly a game, or something far more sinister... WARNING: Contains verbal abuse and harsh language. The language and sentiments used do not represent the views of the author. The dystopia portrayed is meant to be a cautionary tale, rather than a criticism of any existing group or political faction. CLAIMER: My name is Andrew Seiple. I am a writer, and I both write this story and own the rights to it. I will be posting this story on Spacebattles.com, SufficientVelocity.com, RoyalRoad.com, and my Patreon. I reserve the right to remove it from any and all platforms as needed to facilitate my sinister long-term plans. (Except for Patreon. The story there ain't leaving.) If you desire to read this story faster, note that my Patreon is generally going to be several updates ahead of all publicly-available threads. Cover art created by Ambelia Parris, licensed per agreement.
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