《A new zombie apocalypse》So far so good


oliver: where are they.

Terry: listen oli we’va toldya If theys’s didn’t show use’s would be’s Specken to tha big man.

Jeff: yeah, terry’s right you’re comein with us.

oliver: gahhhh they made me out to be a fool.

terry: you just save’s the pleading for tha big man.

......back at the store......

andrea: hey Delilah

me: yeah.

Andrea: are we realy gonna let the old man come with us what if he’s lieing about being a changer.

me: i dont think he’s lieing and if he was Alfred said that the changers can only stayed changed for so long and plus it’s still morning we have all day for some one to keep and eye on him but where not going to be rude to him.

andrea: ok that makes since

the group gathers everything they’ve needed are about about to leave.

me: you coming toby

toby: yeah I’ll come. That lil girl can even keep and eye on me if she wonts I’ve got a game of Chess I’ve been wonting to play with someone and haven’t gotten to in a while.

Me: ok then let get going. Oh! But wait we won’t to warn you we have a little girl and a dog that’s blue.

toby: what in tarnation, why

me: there not infected there special they have ability no one else does that we no of.

toby: as long as they don’t try to bit me.

me: they won’t, max is a dog so he’s playful he won’t bit you though. And the girls name is DJ she had a twin sister named Alice and there’s a few more in the group.

Toby: alright then I believe you don’t wont to go out that way and get eaten come own. I’ll take yuns out back and we can go around.

me: ok.

......back at the prison.......

teara: I’m getting worried girls.

DJ: we no Aunt D can handle anything.

teara: well that might be true but it’s been a few hours now.

Alice: yes, but she said she would send andrea if anything happened.

Alex: what if they all got captured.

Teara: let not think like that will give them a few more hours and if not. then we can worry for all we no they could of ran Into the infected and had a problem.

DJ: I think there fine.

“Loud clanking sound”

alice: what was that!?!

DJ: i dont no there’s not any new foot steps that I hear. Wait there is some getting closer.


Alice: what where from.

DJ: There coming from up top.

Alex: how did they notice us.

Teara: they smelled us.

alex: quick we need to shut that door we can’t kill them all.

Alice: oh no! This is all my fault.

teara: what do you mean honey.

Alice: earlier we all got separated and I was bye my self and I got stuck in a horde a huge horde of the infected and when I made my way out I didn’t shut the door.

teara: WHAT!!!! Your waiting till now to tell me this.

Alice: it’s not aunt D’s fault I didn’t listen.

teara: “sighs” it’s not your fault either honey you was scared. will just shut the door and lock it till everyone else gets back we have the keys when they get back will take action.

........else where........

me: where almost to the prison. It’s just a few more miles this way.

Toby: I no I’ve just about lived here all my life did some time in that prison in my younger days.

Me: oh

toby: nothing to serious I didn’t kill anyone or anything like that just, got cault up in the wrong growd I guess you could say.

me: well quit frankly Toby I think I’d preferred it if you did kill some one “laughs” something like that now a days would come in handy.

toby: ahhh as true as that is I try to refrain from it. I wasn’t in most parts of the prison for long but I no my way around pretty good.

me: that’s grate we could use your help.

......inside the prison......

DJ: hey mom!

Teara: what

DJ: I hear aunt D’s and everyone’s foot steps but there’s a new pare hhmm

teara: what is it.

DJ: this new pare is walking very lightly similar but a little different from the others like maybe it’s an old person I would say child but most children are energetic and have heavily foot steps.

Teara: why would they have an old person with them.

DJ: i dont no, don’t ask me I can hear foot steps not read minds.

Teara: you take your humor from your father that’s for sure.

DJ: what’s that supposed to mean.

teara: “laughs” nothing.

about that time a few of the infected have made the way down to the group but thankfully so did delilah and the others.

me: hey you guys where back.


alex: thank goodness we have a bit of a problem. “Points at locked gate door”

me: how did they get down here.

teara: I think they smelled us down here.

Me: everyone this is toby he was once a prisoner here but don’t worry we are safe he’s not bad we need to work on getting those infected out of here so we can have a safe place to sleep tonight.

alice: aunt D I’m hungry though

DJ: yeah me to and cold.

me: well I guess the infected would be ok behind the gate doors; Matt, Alex do you two won’t toby go find some wood for the fire place over there. And Teara and I can work on getting the food ready and will let the girls and max get to no toby some, I Believe toby had a game of chess he wonted to play.

Everyone: ok!

As the night drew darker the group began to clear out the first few of the infected in the front area marking room for 5 cells to be available with bunk beds. It getting to dark, not to see they decided to call it a night and have people take turns on grade throughout the night.

......A few days later.....

me: wow we’ve made some progress!

DJ: yeah me and alice is going to help daddy make the wall on infected.

me: once again you two realy scare me sometimes.

toby: well your group sure is an enthusiastic one. The world now days swallows children like her a spits them out.

Me: what are you suggesting.

toby: she can’t be protected for ever she needs to learn to protect her self. Alice and Andrea to

me: you have a point but, there still just children we still have a lot to do around here to before we start on anything like that.

toby: ahh I suppose your right as well.

me: we still have that top floor to clear out the one alice had left open a few days ago. even so it helped us clear a few more out it was horrible trying to close the doors after wards. Hey DJ honey come here for a second

DJ: yeah aunt D

me: how many foot steps can you hear now.

DJ: well there’s your mine, sis, moms and dads and 732 of the infected in the prison still but out around us close is about 14 one of them seems to be crawling and!! “Look of shock”

me: what, what Is it.

DJ: there’s a pear of new foot steps out the west side.

Me: new as in you haven’t hurd them before or new and in someone we no.

DJ: I haven’t hurd them before.

me: ok hey everyone in side now.

everyone: look of shock and panic.

jarrad: why what’s wrong.

me: DJ herd foot steps on the west side that were new in every we need to send a small group out to lock.

matt: we have the stair case to the roof cleared out me and Alex could use our snipers we found and cover you.

me: ok do that and me and Jarrad will head out there and see what or who it is. Alice you take max inside Teara can you and toby watch the girls and Max.

Toby and Teara: yeah!

Me: you ready Jarrad.

jarrad: yeah let’s go!

DJ: hey wait!! Aunt D can I go on the roof with Matt and Alex.

Delilah looks at Toby thinking about what he had told her earlier.

Me: Teara, she wouldn’t be in any trouble I think you should let her she could help us.

Teara: ok but you be very carful.

DJ: I will, the only reason I won’t rob is because I have the same bad feeling about this as I did the day we came across the changer here at the prison that day he changed I could hear his foot steps when he was human but when he changed back they vanished like he was never there they didn’t sound like infected foot steps anymore either. It was like he didn’t exist anymore.

Me: so if we get out there and these feet steps you hear vanish you can tell Alex and Matt to shoot.

DJ: yeah!!

Me: ok everyone ready

DJ: wait there’s another set of foot steps that appeared.

Jarrad: you no delilah that is rather odd just the other day we were taking our normal guard duty and the west side was over runned with the infected nobody could get threw there without getting bitten.

Me: that is odd

Jarrad: Maybe we should just let Matt and Alex snip them.

DJ: wait there’s a third one.

Me: what!?!

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