《A new zombie apocalypse》NOW WHAT!!!
Waking up to max’s Loud barking (in the other room because he’s still blue and she’s afraid he might hurt her any minute) Delilah walks into the other room in the house to find max barking out the window and everyone running to the house Teara and jarrad lived at.
Me: max what’s going own buddy.
Max: ruff? (Look at Delilah like I can’t talk or I’d tell ya, runs out of room and walking down the stairs)
me: well ok max, let’s go see!
Delilah putting on some clothes for The day and hurriedly running down the stairs her and max run’s over to all the commotion.
Me: hey what’s heppening.
Maddy: I don’t know I just got here. Oliver said something about Jarrad getting him to come to there house that it was urgent.
Me: do you think it’s the baby.
Maddy: maybe let get in there. Everyone move let us threw where Doctors to help oliver.
Everyone moving out of the way we inter the house to see Teara on the couch with a pale color on her face and in a lot of pain.
Dr.oliver: Delilah, it’s the baby she’s trying to have the baby already but it’s only been 6months and a few weeks it will be born prematurely. We need to get her to the lab but she can’t get up.
Me: then will bring the lab to her.
Dr.oliver: what!?
Me: yes, ok maddy go get the baby dopler and some of the gue for it and bring a bucket and some towels and sence its a premature baby bring the blood transfusions machine. My blood type is already in her system and the vaccine has already corrupted her normal blood so mine will work. So if she loses to much blood I can help her.
Maddy: ok
Dr.oliver: have you done this before:
me: oliver, I was raised on a plantation. I’ve helped birth baby’s and animals.
Dr.oliver: how are u going to help her give birth if she needs the blood transfusions.
Me: that why your here oliver.
Dr.oliver: well yah, ok.
Me: Teara how are you doing can you here me.
Teara: yeah, uuuggghhhh get this baby outa me.
me: Ok ok we will we just have to wait for maddy to get back with the dopler it’s the closest thing we have to a Ultrasound, we need to make sure there’s still a heart beat.
Teara: ok, ugggghhhh
maddy inters the room with everything inside the bucket
maddy: Delilah, here!
Me: ok good, everyone but Jarrad we ask to leave the room. Plz
everyone leaves the room and waits outside
me: Teara I’m gonna put this on your belly to listen for a heart beat and once we get it you start pushing.
Teara: ok.
me: ok here we go......there! There it’s is....... wait there’s another one. Wait no there’s three there’s three heart beats. Teara you having triplets. Push
Teara: wow realy ugggghhhh JARRAD!!!
Jarrad: I’m right here Teara hold my hand.
10 hours later and one long delivery the baby’s where born.....well two of them.
Me: come on Teara push!!
Teara: ugggghhh (squeezing jarrads hand)
me: good I see one!!! Teara th...the baby it’s blue.
Teara: what!? Dose that mean there all gonna.. uuugggghhhhhh.
Me: wait Teara it’s alive it’s screaming it’s blue but it’s alive it’s eyes are fine it’s just blue. And it’s a girl. here maddy get it to and start blood test.
Teara: wait why don’t I get to see them uuuggghhh
me: you will you have two more to push out..
teara: ughh.............
me: Teara, teara oh no oliver take over she needs a blood transfusions Mr. Daniels hold her arm still I’m going to hook up the bag of blood and put it threw an IV.
Mr.daniels: ok
me: oliver that one bag is all we had of my blood if she needs more will have to take it from me but untell then I can help her give birth.
Dr.oliver: ok good, I’ve got no idea what I’m doing here.
Me: Teara: even if you can’t here me push!
Teara: I....I can here you..... I’m just tired.
me: ok stay with us just push. There we go hey wait this baby not blue.
Jarrad: what realy!
Me: yeah it’s eyes are fine to and it’s a girl also Let hope for the best, maddy here get her to and take her to the other room and get started on her next Mr. Daniels help her. Push!!!
Teara: ugggghhhhhh JARRAD!!!!
Jarrad: it’s ok. It’s ok push.
me: Teara: I’ve got the baby it.....it’s putting up a fight o.....oh no.
Teara: what!
Me: Teara it’s...it’s infected
Teara: nooooo. M....my baby
me: Teara, I’m sorry it’s scworming and it’s eyes are yellow and it already has teeth.
Teara: how did it not kill me.
Me: I’m I’m not sure maybe the vaccine. Dr.oliver a little help here it’s trying to get away! Oh no it’s jumped outa my hands. Mr Daniels quick try to catch it. Before it hurts everyone.
Mr. Daniels wait what do u mean it was infected
me: yes go, Oliver stay with Teara I’m going to help catch it..... Teara. It was a boy.
3 hours of running down the baby they catch it to get blood work thankfully the baby didn’t hurt anyone.
(Back at the Teara house)
Dr.oliver: maddy are you almost done Teara wont to see her children.
Maddy: yeah, they just need some clothes.
Dr.oliver: ok I’ll be right back....Teara, Jarrad did you all have some baby clothes.
Jarrad: yeah there up stairs I’ll go get them.
Dr.oliver: Teara how are you holding up.
Teara: I’ve been better. What are they going to do with my baby boy.
Dr.oliver: Teara: I’m not sure it would be best not to worry.
Teara: that my child I’m going to worry.
Dr.oliver: no Teara no he wasn’t he might of been at fisrt but the infected got him he’s one of them now.
Teara:.....yeah your right.
Jarrad: here
Dr.oliver: thanks you will get to see your baby girls soon. They are both healthy.
returning to maddy, dressing the baby’s they bring them back to Teara.
Maddy: Teara, your very lucky
teara: what
maddy: ....well I’ll explain after you name them to make it less confusing.
Teara: oh right Jarrad, what are we naming them.
Jarrad: I like the name Alice
teara: I think we should name the blue one after Delilah, the baby wouldn’t be here without her.
Jarrad: true, I like it will name her Delilah Jr and will call her DJ for short.
teara: hhhmmm. DJ and Alice. I like it.
maddy: ok, I’ll explain now. DJ is blue because, when you got bit only two of the baby’s had time to get infected DJ was one of them, but luckily for her she took after her mommy and had the same blood type so when Delilah, gave you the vaccine it cured you and the baby but why the baby’s still blue we don’t no it could have to do with maybe her gens being altered due to the vaccine because her blood type is OA- and being born that way is totally different then mutating that way as In delilah’s case. So that could explain her being blue. But she is very healthy and for alice’s Case she one very lucky lady very very lucky we don’t know why she’s not blue but after you having the vaccine with her blood type she shouldn’t of made it but instead of killing her it mutated her blood type to OB+ even so her skin is normal. We wouldn’t no what would happen if she got bit. But Alice’s eyes are bright blue and DJ’s eyes are a very bright red. Them both being perfectly healthy I don’t think the infected could hurt either of them. But I wouldn’t take any chances. So what I’ve gathered DJ had your blood type and Alice had her daddy’s burn not being infected made her very lucky. Me assuming the boy probably had jarrads blood type and also got infected and there was nothing the vaccine could do to help. Even tho the vaccine got to all 3 baby’s the boy shoudnt of lived either. Everyone with same blood type as Jarrad hadn’t made it.
Teara: so what about my baby boy.
Maddy: I can’t promise the best. We will get his blood type and examine it for you. My assumption may not be right.
Teara: ....ok
Jarrad: hey 2 outa 3 ain’t bad
Teara: realy Jarrad.
Maddy: well, I’ll leave you to it if you need anything feel free to come find me. I’ll come back after we get the boys blood type And I’ll inform you about him.
Teara: thanks
maddy: no problem.
to be continued.........
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