《The Devil's Chosen》Chapter 7
Chapter 7:
The giant monster stood on four legs, each foot equipped with dangerous-looking claws. Its head was covered with large strong plates, like a shield. Many yellow spikes stuck out from its head and sides, close to the color of its yellowish skin.
“What even is that?” Brett said, running around in circles. “How do we beat something that big?”
“That’s a Behemoth,” Evan’s voice wavered. “They can usually grow to be about 100 to 150 feet tall, though that one looks to be around 50 feet, still young.”
“Well, glad to have the human dictionary on our team!” Rich slapped Evan’s back. “Any weaknesses?”
Evan cleared his throat and straightened his back. “Our best bet is probably its eyes and underneath the neck, where the beast is least armored.”
“Okay, can do!” Rich said, drawing a sword from his back.
“Wait, where’d you get that?” I frowned.
“Oh, I picked it up on the way in, didn’t you guys see the weapon racks?” Rich said, scratching his chin dumbly.
I shrugged, equipping my claws. “Not like I need a weapon anyway.”
“Let’s do this,” Brett grinned, his orb of water turning into a spear. “This’s got me pumped!”
Evan looked at each of us, then sighed and equipped his ice gauntlets. “Fine, but don’t blame me if we all die.”
“Shut up, Evan,” Brett said, launching his first water spear at the behemoth. “Only thing dying is the behemoth.”
I ran forward, Rich beside me. As we shot toward the behemoth I felt a gust of wind pushing us from behind, speeding us up even more. As we neared, we split up, I ran left and he ran right. When I got right next to the behemoth’s giant, front, right foot, I really realized the difference in our sizes. I was much shorter than the behemoth’s ankle and had to quickly run to the side as the beast tried to stomp on me. Rolling in a plume of dust I got to my feet and ran at the ankle joint. My claws bursting into black flame, I stabbed in, running my hand through the chink in the scales. Black blood oozed from the wound as I ripped my hand out and repeatedly shoved it back in, each time in a different place under a different scale.
Looking up, I saw the beast staring down at me. It opened its gaping mouth and I was met with a foul stench, almost knocking me off balance. Slowly, the insides of the beast’s mouth started glowing brighter orange, and I realized it was about to make an attack. I jumped from the foot and tried to make my way underneath the beast, where it wouldn’t be able to attack me. Diving and rolling underneath the behemoth, I felt the burning sensation of fire blasting the floor behind me.
“Oh, shit,” I murmured, looking over to see Rich slashing at the Behemoth’s Achilles’ tendon. “Rich! Stab under the scales, it’s weak there!”
He looked over at me for a split second and nodded, running his blade clean through the back of the behemoth’s foot, black blood oozing out. Grinning, I looked up, at the beast’s soft underbelly.
Focusing hard on both fire and devil magic then pointing up, the black gash appeared, and a flaming black “X” flashed over the belly. The monster roared, and reeled back as the cut opened, blood coming down like rain as the blood in the cut boiled. I had to quickly run out from under the beast as it flattened itself down, defending its underside from further attacks. A sudden realization hit me, the shadow strike ability could fuse together fire and devil magic, why not all the magic?
Running back to Brett and Evan, I paused for a short break. Brett was constantly shooting spears of water as Evan froze them, making for a stronger combo. Rich also came over, quickly avoiding the behemoth’s body as it laid down.
“Guys, our attacks are barely even phasing this thing, we have to go for a final blow when it opens its mouth to breathe fire,” I said, catching my breath. “If we combine all of are ranged attacks, do we think we can defeat it?”
“It’s risky,” Brett said, still shooting spears. “We all need to be there, in contact, to pass energy to each other.”
“Yeah,” Evan said. “And if it fails, we’ll be sitting there cookin’.”
“It won’t fail,” I said. “Trust me, I have a spell that can combine all of our attacks into one.”
“Okay, I trust you,” Rich said. “Let’s end this.”
“Me too,” Brett grinned, patting me on the shoulder.
Evan sighed, “Let’s do this, leader.”
I looked over to all of my friends, and they nodded at me. It felt nice, having people trust their lives in you. I couldn’t let them down. We ran forward, toward the behemoth. As we neared the behemoth stomped down, causing our group to split in two. I tumbled left with Rich as Evan and Brett dodged right. The beast looked down at me and started opening its mouth, it was time.
“It’s breathing fire!” I yelled, running over to Evan and Brett while dragging Rich along with me. “We only have a few seconds, everyone group!”
Skidding to a stop next to my friends, they all placed their hands on my shoulders. Looking up at the monster’s burning orange mouth, it felt as if time slowed. I felt a surge of energy as my friends placed every last ounce of power they had left into me. They collapsed to the floor as I felt their last bits of energy leave them and enter me.
Pointing my hand out at the monster’s mouth, I yelled, my hand changing into a new form of the claws. Instead of just my fingers, my forearm down was encased in black scales. The air inside the behemoth’s mouth ripped open and a giant black star appeared around its head. In an explosion of water, lightning, fire, darkness, and ice, the beast fell to the floor before its head slid into multiple different chunks of meat. As its black blood oozed, I collapsed to the floor and my vision slowly went blurry, black stars sparkling around my peripherals.
Opening my eyes quickly, I awoke in the white room.
“Jeez kid, using up your full magic power in one attack,” I heard Lucifer say from behind me. “I didn’t think you had it in you.”
Turning, I looked over at him. “Did I, die?”
He laughed, “No, no, you just fainted.”
I sighed with relief, “Why am I here?”
“When you lose consciousness you end up here,” Lucifer said. “Or, if you die, I guess.”
“Is time stopped?”
“No, it isn't, not when you’re unconscious. Unless you want me to make it stop?”
“No, let it run, I want to get back as soon as possible.”
Lucifer grinned, “Oh, I can make that happen!”
He made a diamond shape with his pointer fingers and thumbs, before a blast of fire shot into my head. My body lurched forward and I found myself sitting up in a bed. Pressing my palm against my forehead, I made sure there wasn’t a burn. There wasn’t, it seemed like Lucifer had just woken me up.
Name: Atch
Level: 10
Strength: 9
Power: 7
Speed: 11
Just like that, I had advanced two levels, and my stats had gone up substantially. This was all probably thanks to the pills I took. It seemed like it was a success today. Looking around the room, I didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary. The room was pretty fancy, marble walls with shiny stone flooring and a large, purple carpet. Getting out of the bed, I walked to the door and exited. It seemed like I was still at Rich’s house. Out the window the sun was just starting to set, I must have been out for an hour or two.
“Oh, you’re already awake?” I heard a voice say from across the long hallway I had entered.
Turning from the many large windows, I saw Abe.
“Oh, hello Abe,” I bowed slightly. “Is everyone else still sleeping?”
“Yes, it’s just you that’s awake,” Abe said, then crossed his arms. “So you’re the rumored Devil of Lotus, huh.”
“The Devil of Lotus?” I asked, confused.
“Yes, it’s a name that’s been going around the community for a week or two now,” Abe nodded his head. “The rumored Kindergartener at Lotus Academy who was blessed with a full, eight-point star.”
“Ah,” I scratched the back of my head nervously. “I guess that’s me.”
He looked down on me seriously, “Well you live up to your reputation, kid, good work out there.”
As Abe started turning around I spoke once more, “Oh, if you don’t mind me asking.”
“Go on,” Abe said, turning back to face me once more.
“Who were those people in the stands with you,” I asked. “The ones watching us fight the behemoth.”
“Oh, those guys are buddies of mine,” Abe said. “They’re all other Generals of the military, I’m sure a lot of them would love to meet you.”
“Ah, is that so,” I nodded. “Nice to hear, though I should be getting home soon.”
“Yes, I’ll show you to the door,” Abe smiled, leading me through the hallway.
As I arrived at home, something felt off, there were no lights on even though my parents should still be awake. Looking around myself warily, I examined the area. Although nothing seemed out of the ordinary around the house, I couldn’t be sure. Carefully going up the staircase, I opened the door and slid inside.
There were no noises coming from inside the house, even though at this time dinner would be going on. Sliding through the short hallway into the kitchen, I peered inside. There were pots and pans strewn throughout the room, lining the floor and countertop.
“Something’s wrong,” I thought to myself, feeling panic begin to settle in.
Peering around each corner, I made my way into the living room. Through the dim light, I could see the silhouette of two figures sitting on the couch.
“Hello?” I asked, coming out from around the corner.
No response.
Walking toward the figures I already knew they were my parents, something was wrong. As I took another step, I heard a sloshing beneath me. My foot was soaking in a puddle of blood. My vision went blurry and my head started to spin as I took a step backward, falling onto my ass. I was too in shock to say anything, the only parents I had ever cared about, killed. Scrambling backward I ran into something hard.
Turning my head slowly and looking up, I looked at someone wearing a dark, charcoal grey cloak. Their face wasn’t visible, shrouded by the darkness of their hood. The person was around 5’9 and of slim build, though they were also holding a bloody dagger in each hand.
I stood up quickly, and lashed out with my claws, though the person easily blocked my attack.
Name: ???
Level: 140
Strength: 230
Power: 224
Speed: 331
Whoever this was, I stood no chance against them. Not even Abe, a general in the army, even came close to this person’s stats. However, in my blind fear and rage, I kept attacking. Covering my hands in black flames, I clawed out, singeing the air around us.
Then, I jumped backward, readying myself for a Shadow Strike, though before I could even attack, the person disappeared, and I felt a hand strike the back of my neck. My body went limp and I fell to the floor.
A voice silently whispered above my head as I laid limp, yet fully awake, “I’m sorry... this wasn’t supposed to happen.”
I grit my teeth as a laid there for the next few minutes, unable to move. As the man left, I felt my parents' blood slowly reach me, engulfing me.
Running from my house I headed straight to the military station, covered in blood. People along the streets stared at me confused, and in slight fear. However, I paid no attention to them as I passed. I only had one goal in mind, and that was to get to the station.
Skidding to a stop outside, I entered. I immediately drew attention and a man ran over to me, concerned.
“Are you okay, boy?” He asked, kneeling down. “I’m the police Sergeant, you can tell me what happened.”
“My parents,” I gulped. “I couldn’t defend them!”
“Your parents?” He asked. “What’s wrong?”
“There was a hooded man, he attacked them,” I said, wailing my arms in hysterics.
“Where do you live?”
“207 Pesca Road.”
He turned his head over his shoulder at the rest of the people in the room, “What are you idiots doing just standing there!”
The five or six men in the room quickly nodded and exited the room, drawing weapons.
“You’re gonna be okay, boy,” the sergeant said. “Go get washed up, and we can talk about what happened.”
After washing, I came back and told the sergeant what happened that evening. I was then lead to one of the empty soldier bunks and allowed to stay there for the night.
As I tried to go to sleep, all I could think about were the two lifeless corpses sitting in the shadows, blood pooling beneath their feet. The only two parents I had come to love during the years of my life had been taken away. Was this the curse of the Devil?
When I woke the next morning, the officers asked me questions for hours. Time flew by as I stared blankly ahead, it felt as if there was a mental wall being built. It felt like this hole that was struck into my heart would never be filled. I thought I had been so powerful, though I was actually just a helpless little boy. I had to take vengeance. Inside, I felt the fire from my last life flame up once more.
When I was finally released, I was met by Rich and his father.
“Hey, Atch,” Rich said nervously. “I… I heard the news.”
“Ah… yea,” I sighed, looking down.
“Atch,” Abe said, nudging his son out of the way. “One of the generals would like to take you in.”
I looked up, still staring blankly ahead. I couldn’t pull myself to put on a good front. No matter how hard I tried, my mood was too far in shambles to become happy.
“Hello,” A young man said, stepping up. “I’m Chez.”
Name: Chez
Level: 115
Strength: 102
Power: 127
Speed: 180
He was around 5’11 with blond hair, blue eyes, and a pretty boy face with small freckles. He was also of relatively small build, seemingly opposite of Abe’s large stature.
Chez kneeled down to my low height.
“Atch, I know how you feel,” he said, taking a deep breath. “When I was young, my parents were killed by beasts on the outside.”
I looked up at him.
“I was left helpless until General Breeze found me,” he nodded over to Abe, then paused. “So, I would like to take you in, as General Breeze did for me.”
“Huh, okay,” I said, going with the flow, not fully thinking. It wasn’t like I had anywhere to go anyway.
“Great!” Chez said holding out his fist, waiting for me to bump it. “Don’t worry Atch, it might take some getting used to, though I’ll train you into a powerful knight!”
“Thanks,” was all I could say as the crowd began to clear.
“Atch, I’ll be here if you need it,” Rich said, extending his hand.
I grabbed it, “Thanks, Rich.”
There was the sound of many small footsteps firing toward us. Turning my head, I saw Brett and Evan running around the corner.
“Atch!” Brett yelled. “I’m sorry I’m late, I slept in too long!”
“Atch!” Evan yelled as well. “I know this will sound stupid, though I’m only late because Brett was supposed to come get me!”
“Hey guys,” I put on a false grin and looked over at them. “I don’t think I’ll be at school for a while, try holding down the fort for me while I’m gone.”
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Countless twenty-something-year-olds around the world wish every day for a chance to go back in time to start practicing their passions sooner in life. Tabitha is one such woman. With all of her youth spent playing online games where crafting was as simple as gathering materials and clicking a "craft" button to put them together, she never gained any actual experience in making things. Every attempt to create something in the real world is met with disaster. Her heart yearns for being the master crafter of her virtual youth, but she's the type who burns water when trying to cook. That changes when she wakes up and finds herself in a game-like fantasy world where crafting comes as naturally to her as breathing. She still has to put in the hard work of crafting herself, but the system helps her out to make what was once impossible for her possible. She gets all the fun of making things and flexing her creative spirit while not needing any years of training nor study to build her skill up! While she might not have any idea how she got to this strange world, she does know that she's not going to waste her chance and is going to make the most out of this new opportunity to craft everything! An "Omnicrafter" was what they called people in the MMORPGs she played who maxed out every single crafting class, and that is exactly what Tabitha plans on doing with her new life! The crafting side of this series is heavily inspired by games like the Atelier series and the critically-acclaimed Final Fantasy XIV (which has a free trial, you know!)*. If there's a problem, it can be solved by crafting. Also, in case the title and synopsis didn't make it obvious enough, this series is going to focus on crafting all the things. Wooden spears and protective cuirasses? You got it! Healing tonics and farming equipment? Sure! Elaborate cupcakes and customizable fantasy golems? Darn straight! Weapons with a broken amount of different buffs applied to them due to the crafting process and materials used? You know it! The most amazing fishing rod to ever exist? Well, obviously. Fishing is the true endgame only after crafting, after all! So, if you like alchemy, blacksmithing, carpentry, cooking, leatherworking, tailoring, engineering, rune forging, magical enchanting, or basically any other type of crafting found in RPGs, come check the story out! An omnicrafter doesn't just focus on one specific type of crafting. A true omnicrafter is the best at all types of crafting! *This is a meme, I'm not sponsored by FFXIV, please don't hate me. I couldn't resist. Cover by https://twitter.com/rajah_etc
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