《Nemidos: Tales of a Summoner》Intermission: Fallen Angel
Intermission: Fallen Angel
-13th of Chaos-
Summer still fluttering its banner strongly
From 18:00 to 21:30 pm, the inn Bards&Beers would receive customers wanting to refresh themselves with a cold drink after a working day, as well as many who enjoyed a light meal while listening to the many shows that the bards displayed on the 3 stages in the extensive hall
At times, a storytelling with some reflexive conclusion
At times, improvised shows at the mercy of the musicians whims
And the never old classical musicalization of famous literary works
Whichever that took place, the ending result was the same, a jovial atmosphere.
But only them, customers and bards, could appreciate the mix of those two worlds
In the very same place, people that wore expressions as if the world was ending were running all over the place
A fight for the greater good or relinquishing an evil monster like that depicted in tales of old seemed little in comparison to the battle fought by them
“Angel, take the orders of tables 3, 4, 7 and 16. And clean table 8 please”
A tall blue haired woman prompted some orders while her gaze intensely looked over the hall. Oval shaped glasses hid sharp verdant eyes and helped accentuate her mature’s looks overall.
“I’m on it Samantha”
“Shua, tables 13 and 15… Ah, sector B, tables 1, 2, 5 and 9”
“Yes, yes...”
“Mia… Quit it with the puppy eyes and move your little ass, Sector C, tables 1, 4, 10, 11 and 13”
“How cruel Captain! How cruel! This delicate body of mine won’t last at this pace Samantha captain! *Sob...Sob*”
“I see… So your body won’t last… ”
“(Yes! My acting finally paid off!!) Captain!”
“Don’t worry Mia, I’ll be sure to attend to your funeral. On your gravestone I’m going to label “Finally, the sloth is dead… We can live in peace now””
“Oh, something wrong Mia?”
“You’re killing me off?!? And how mean! I’m not some evil Phantal!!”
“Then, move your not so Phantal ass right this moment, before I cut off your pay… NOW”
“I-I-I-I’m on it, I’m on it!!”
“Sector D, take care of tables 1 to 14”
“*Sigh* Mia never Learns...”
“*Giggle* Well, it’s true, rush hours in the summer are quite hectic, I can relate to her...”
“But, that Samantha sure is merciless”
“She is not the head waiter for nothing, the owner blindly trusts her in that regard...”
“Yeah, she was the first pupil or something? She inherited her vicious thirst for money too...”
“Ugh, don’t remind me of that, oh no, she is looking this way! Hurry Shua!”
“Gahhahaha! Samantha works them just fine!”
“Hahahah! You bet! I need someone like her in my fields! Hahahah! Ahem, Samantha, won’t you marry my son? With you by his side I can be at ease”
“Freinol, you bastard! Trying to get a head start! Samantha don’t listen to this old senile sack of bones, instead, marry my son!”
“You sure are a shameless one Tarde, you think Samantha would want to go to a run down shoe shop like yours? HAHAHA! It’s good to dream big but have some restraint!!”
“As if your stinking farm could ever hope to match my store!! You pig breeder!!”
“What did you say?!?!”
“Wanna fight?! HUH?!”
“My, my, dear customers, I appreciate your flattery... But, you’re disrupting the inn’s regulations… We can’t have that… can we?”
*We’re sorry, please forgive us*
“Oh my, forgiveness is it? You can have it... For a fair price”
The hot blooded men quickly lost all vigor as well as the alcohol intoxication that riddled them previously, and laid on their respectives chairs, defeat looming over them in contrast to the laughing audience that watched everything unfold, like many other situations so far.
Finally, after the rush hour was over and the last customer that did not stay in a room left the establishment.
Angel, Shua and Mia, as well as others, were tidying the place, preparing it again for another day.
“Marriage huh...”
“Mm? Did you say something, Angel?”
“Ah! No, no! Don’t mind me! Aha-hahahaha!”
“I heard it! She was brooding over marriage!”
Popping from under a table, Mia accusingly pointed her left index finger while making a smile that distorted her childlike face
“EH?!? Seriously?!? Angel and marriage? No way!”
Shua directed her gaze to the subject in question, disbelief painted her small brown eyes
“(Tch, damn you Mia) No no no! I was just thinking how Samantha gets so many marriage proposals, doesn’t she? I was thinking if she will accept someone one of these days...”
Shooting a fabricated answer without delay, Angel hoped to divert their attention
“Mmmm…. That’s true, she even turned 28 this cycle, but, has yet to marry… AH! Could it be?! She swings to the girls side?!?!?”
“Shua! That must be it!! Gehehehe, now I will treat her with her secret and she will not be able to go against me! Hehehehe, finally, avoiding the rush hour is not a dream anymore!!”
“Wow, Mia, you sure you’re not a Phantal? You’re oozing miasma out...”
“(So her ambitions only take her that far….)”
Watching their coworker... With an skeptical sight, Shua, and with a pitying gaze, Angel. But before they could speak again
“What are you girls chatting so happily here?”
*AH! Samantha!*
Reacting in synch with a weird cry, the girls repositioned themselves, from the triangle chit-chat circle, to a column befitting a well trained army
“(???) Comon girls, the bath is ready, stop wasting time here… The others got ahead of us”
Not losing their harmony, they followed behind in a well paced march
*Splash* *Splash*
“Ah………… This…… Is….. Great…..”
“I know….. Right?”
Entering into the hot water, Angel and Shua surrendered themselves to the warm liquid. Not far from their position, they watched as Mia pestered Samantha
“Hehehehe, I know your secret Samantha!”
“Mmm? My secret? And stop fooling around or you won’t give your body a good rest, tomorrow’s work needs all of us in top condition... ”
“Hehehehe! Tsk! Tsk! I don’t think so Samantha!”
“You can pretend all you want, but I know your secret!”
“Well… Care to explain what’s this supposedly secret is about?”
“Hehe! I know what your love interest are!!”
*(Is she really going to test that?)*
“(My... Love interest?)”
“HA! So surprised that you can’t mutter a single word? Well, don’t worry, if you spare me from the rush hour starting tomorrow, I won’t say a single thing!”
*(So you will still work the rest of the time...)*
“Well? What do you say, deal?”
“Ha…. Mia, you silly girl… I’m already married!”
“Eh?! WHAT!?!”
“So… Do you want to take care of all sectors in tomorrow’s rush hour? Such diligent work spirit!”
“(Thinking for a second… It’s pretty improbable that Samantha would “fall” in love with someone, after all, she...)”
“(Did she really thought that would work? With such a half-assed reason? No, wait, she bought what I said didn’t she?..... Well, you reap what you sow… Besides, if you think about it… Samantha...)”
*(Loves money more than anything...)*
That night, the block surrounding the inn gave birth to the second mystery of Bards&Beers, [The screaming bath], strangely, despite the ominous name, the establishment's popularity grew even more… (And so did the screams)
-14th of Chaos-, early morning
Before Angel passed by the check-in counter, Veena stood from her seat and opened her mouth
“Ah, Angel, good morning. Can I talk with you for a second?”
“Owner! Good morning! Why, yes, of course!”
“Remember Lean?”
“Mm, ah, yes, the feverish customer, right? Is he okay?”
“Well, I examined him, and seems that his fever is still going strong, can I ask you to change the cold towels on him, while you clean rooms 4, 6 and 7 that are scheduled to vacate today?”
“I can do it, but...”
“Is there something wrong?”
“Ah, no, just that, I never thought you would go out of your way to care for a customer on your own accord, hehe! Since you always have money in your head...”
“Of course I have already deducted this from him, who do you take me for? Now go!”
“Aye aye!”
Watching as Angel went to respect her order, Veena muttered as she reminisced last night’s high suspiciously event
“Still, I can’t picture if he is trouble or not….”
“Ah, a good bath to wash away the fatigue and keeping my skin healthy… Still, I wish baths could also wash trouble away… Mm? What’s that?”
An object in the night table took her attention for a second. At a glance the object was undoubtedly a squared wooden box
“(Did I leave this? I don’t remember having this box before… Well, let’s see what do I have here…) What the?!”
The ordinary looking object revealed its contents, and helped Veena let a cry
A small paper was serving as a blanket, and underneath it, a beautiful jewel laid resting
A captivating pristine azure painted the well sculpt piece of art, breathtaking was an understatement for the treasure big as a medium sized apple, the angular cuts on the diamond shaped stone were in such a way, that some ray lights remained trapped in the crystal jail, revealing a complex mixture of secondary colours that created a new rainbow concealed in the conical end of the jewel.
“For sure… This wasn’t here before… Is this a prank? Eh? This paper...”
Without realizing she was letting her thoughts out loud, Veena inspected the second and last foreign object
“Here’s a gift.
Take care of floor 2 room 9’s inhabitant.”
PD: Let the girl who received him first do it, something interesting will happen!
“I knew Lean had something going on, but this is beyond me…*Sigh*”
Veena’s sharp insight always had been spot on, calling it a 6th sense was little of an underestimate. Figuring out what kind of person entered her establishment was but a child’s play, and in the field of her work, such ability was a godsend…
“Now an unexpected situation turned into a fishy one… Mmm? There is something on the reverse side”
“This gem is called [Eye of Okeanot] if you sell it, you can expect along the lines of 700.000.000.000 hari”
“Well, it feels good to do a good deed once in awhile...”
An oval mirror reflected a smile not quite true to the contents just mentioned...
“Whew… That makes it for room 4, I guess I will go and change the towels and start with room 7”
Angel now remained at an arm's reach from the door with a bronze 9 fixed on it
“I’m coming in…”
Closing the door, Angel quickly ventured inside and sat on the stool next to the bed. In front of her, laid Lean with towels scattered by his sides.
“3 towels? Ah, I see, these cover the arms, well… Let’s do th-Ah!”
Before she could pull out the first piece of cloth, the seemingly sleeping person wiggled accompanied with a small and painful groan
“Geez… Don’t startle me like that...”
Slightly contorting, the unresponsive Lean remained with a pained expression while his new caretaker took and changed the old rags with new towels. Carefully soaking the new pieces in the bucket filled with cold water and squeezing them just enough to not let the excess of liquid fall into the sheet and bed
Relief soon washed away the discomfort in Lean, as his face as well as his body relaxed and gained a peaceful demeanor.
“Ah, that’s much better isn’t it? But still, such high temperature… Is Veena sure that, changing towels every so often will be enough?”
Leaving the room with a monologue, Angel retook her cleaning task…
“Oh, Angel, why the long sigh? It’s said that happiness won’t find you if you do that...”
“Shua… I don’t think happiness is a thing to care if you sigh or not….”
“Mmm if you say so... Then, what’s the problem? Something bothering you?”
“No, bothering no, just… A little concerned about a patient...”
“A patient? Did you go to the [Religa temple]?”
“No no, a customer that arrived yesterday fell ill and the Owner made me keep an eye on him… I just came back from changing the towels for the 6th time, but the fever doesn’t seem to go down… Frankly, it seems to be going up for every turn I take to go...”
“Is it that bad?”
“Really, the 5th time I changed it, nonchalantly touched his forehead and thought for a second that my hand was burnt”
“Uwaah that’s… Ah, why not use a [Koza torba]? If you put ice in it, that will last much longer than just cold soaked towels!”
“Oh! You’re right! How did I not think of that? Damn, I feel stupid now”
“Hahaha, now now, instead of that, let’s search for one and give that to him, okay?”
“Are you sure… This is okay?”
“Why not, the more the better! Isn’t that right?”
“Well… I’m not so sure about that….”
With a worried tone Angel said so to Shua, while looking at the sight in front of her. Many leather bags were now covering the young man and the resemblance the sight had with a burial was quite close…
“Well, at least he stopped quivering…”
“Yeah, with this he will be fine!”
“I hope you are right on that...”
“But I must say, you got a nice catch here Angel”
“I don’t know what you are talking about”
“*Giggle* Stubborn as ever, I see”
“Please, just kill me… Let it end already….”
White adorned her eyes and a ghastly fog escaped from the mouth of the girl as she muttered what seemed to be her last will.
“Come on Mia! Today’s rush hour wasn’t so bad!”
In contrast, a jovial Shua exclaimed in high spirits
“That’s because my share of work increased 4 times!!! 4!! If you just-”
Regaining her irises, Mia shouted back as she directed her hostility to her friend, but as soon as she did
“Oh my, Mia, complaining again? Should I cut today’s pay around 70%?”
Samantha showed herself as if waiting for Mia to mutter a complaint and with a voice devoid of candid emotions mercilessly said so to her
“My pay… I… 68 tables… Tables….Ahah-hahaha-hahahahaha!”
“Samantha, Mia lost it...”
“Mmm, maybe I went to far… 65% will it be then… Well Mia, stop babbling nonsense and come with me, you too Shua, don’t waste too much time here and refresh yourself in the bath”
“Ah, yes...”
Gesturing a triangular cross sign, Shua prayed for her friend’s sanity sake as she followed Samantha who led Mia by the hand like a mother with a small child.
“Owner, it’s rare to see you in the open bath… *Ahhh* The water is just right….”
“Oh, Angel, it’s a change of pace, once in awhile won’t hurt me, come sit beside me”
“I will take your offer then”
“How was today’s work?”
“Ah, everything was allright, Samantha made Mia work plenty of Shua and mine’s share, so the fearful rush hour was more tranquil than usual”
“I see… What about Lean? Could you manage him?”
“...Yes, not a... Problem… But thanks to Shua’s suggestion, I placed many [Koza torbas] on him, it were more useful than cold towels...”
“Certainly, now that you mention it, those would have been the very first thing to use, good job on that”
“Haha, it was thanks to Shua, but thanks...”
“Can I assign you to continue taking care of him then?”
“I… Yes...”
“I wanted to use this opportunity to help you, but if it’s still too much, then I will not force you into it… Why not think about it? In fact, I thought Lean was your type, was I mistaken somewhere?”
“Please stop with the jokes Owner...”
“Sharp yet refined features, and despite his wild demeanor, pure and innocent eyes… Youthful and brimming with energy, a full trained body yet not a bulky mass of muscle… Did you notice his wide back? Let me tell you, I had a short conversation with him, and his personality seems to lean to the positive spectrum, what’s more, he even came to this inn, and paid without batting an eye, so money is not something he is lacking. Honestly, what more could you hope for?”
“Owner… The change of trying to help me, to shameless promoting a customer as a potential marriage candidate… Is too forced… What are you planning?”
“Really? Even though Samantha mentioned something about you brooding about the future...”
“*Ahem* No comment on that….”
“Ah, look at the time, I will take my leave here… Well, pros and cons, jokes or not, why not take this chance as a side job? I’m not making you doing this for free after all...”
“Just think about it...Ah, Samantha will give you girls the details tomorrow, but I’m planning to go and make some purchases, well, if something happens, just talk with Samantha. Good night Angel”
“Ah, good night Owner...”
15th of Chaos
“In the end… Here I am huh? Still, it looks like the [Koza torbas] did their work… Good for you Lean”
[Sharp yet refined features, and despite his wild demeanor, pure and innocent eyes… Youthful brimming with energy, a full trained body yet not a bulky mass of muscle…]
“No no no, don’t fall for it, the Owner surely has something up her sleeve… Surely….”
“Shua, she is the same age as me, yet, already living with her boyfriend and Mia, despite being 3 cycles less than me already got an engagement...”
[Did you notice his wide back? Let me tell you, I had a short conversation with him, and his personality seems to lean to the positive spectrum, what’s more, he even came to this inn, and paid without batting an eye, so money is not something he is lacking. Honestly, what more could you hope for?]
“Let’s just do some work...”
18th of Chaos
“Hey Shua, don’t you think Angel is sighing…. Almost too much these days?”
“Mmm, now that you mention it Mia...”
“Hehehe, that distant look…. I bet it, no, it must be! She’s got love problems!”
“You think? All I see is anxiety for the future...”
“Of course it is! She is concerned because there must be something with her partner! Maybe an unrequited love? Hee! Could it be?! An affair with an already married m-Gee! Ouch! Why would you do that?”
“Now you’re just spouting nonsense, come, let’s see what’s troubling her”
“Ah, wait for me Shua!”
“*Che* Here I was thinking you were in some relationship… But you are brooding over a delusion…. What are you? 12?”
“Mia, that’s just mean, besides, you’re 16 and only have flowers in your head… Talking about immaturity…”
“Mee, so, what about this guy in room 9… Was it, Lonan? Is he any good?”
“Oh, that one, Lean is his name mmmm… his looks are fine, but in that state… His personality remains a mystery, so I can’t really judge...”
“My first impression of him… A little oblivious? Or maybe too earnest?”
“So… an airhead? Well, if his looks are good, that only leaves us with the last hurdle, what does the guy do for a living?”
“It’s amazing how easy you make mean remarks about anything”
“Just the other day you branded me as a Phantal, so? What does he do? Farmer? Merchant? Artesan? For staying here, he must be from other state and make a decent sum, right?”
“If I had to guess… He looks... Like a soldier? He's got a dagger with him...”
“Uwah, suspicious, but if the Owner let him stay, he is not a dangerous individual… Maybe he works as a guard?”
“Oh, that could be! Escort guards are quite well paid, don’t them?”
“Oh my, such a leisured talk you have here girls…”
“Oh? Why the pale faces? It’s not like you are all skipping work.... Right?”
“Not at all Samantha!”
“Of course not, of course not, aha-hahaha!”
“Mm? Angel, something wrong?”
“(Angel… You won’t rat us all right? We are friends, right? RIGHT?!)”
“(Mia… Your intentions are too evident if you make a face like that...)”
“Samantha, could I talk with you… For a moment?”
“....Okay, Shua, Mia, go and do your jobs, we are approaching lunch hour”
“Well, Let’s talk a little, shall we?”
“Thank you Samantha… The thing is...”
“Finally, the fever is gone for once and for all… But, this smell, sweat?… If my memory serves me right, Lean came the 13th and now is 19th… That means, it’s been 7 days since he took a bath?”
“I have no choice…. Right?”
-21st of Chaos-
“Hey, isn’t Angel strangely happy since the other day?”
“Hey, why are you making that expression? I’m serious here!”
“No, just had a sense of deja vu...”
“Look! That old geezer just touched her buttocks! And she just scolded him!”
“Eh? You’re right… She would call Samantha in such cases, even Freinol is at a loss for words...”
“See? Something happened to her!”
“While I think you’re right, so is Samantha looking at us. Let’s have a conversation with Angel tonight”
“Don’t you dare to forget!”
“What… did you just say?”
An incredulous look formed on Shua’s face
“Men have such amazing bodies, don’t they? It’s funny how I used to be so uncomfortable around them...”
“This is ridiculous!”
“Oh Mia, you’re funny, even though you previously said I was immature and now I can relate to that… Shua, you’re so lucky, aren’t you?”
“I’m afraid to ask, so please spare me...”
“Wha-wha-what happened to my friend?!?! You’re not the Angel I know! Come back to your senses Angel!”
“I can’t wait to tell the Owner, she was right, oh, so right…*Giggle*”
“Shua… I’m scared! What happened to our Angel!”
“Be brave Mia, a few more days till Veena comes back”
“Ah… Finally back home, damn those merchants acting all high and mighty, I’ll be sure to-”
“Owner, good to see you back! How was the trip?”
“Oh, Angel, good day. Could have been better, those sheet and blankets merchants sure don’t give in easily… Nonetheless, could get new goods to change in the single rooms… Ah that reminds me, did you take care of Lean?”
“That’s good to hear Owner, congratulations on your successful trade. Regarding that matter, I would like you to help me a little...”
“Mm? Your expression… That’s not one makes if you’re uncomfortable around men, I assume?”
“*Giggle* Nothing escapes you Owner. And you are right, I have been heavily considering in courting him”
“Oh my, that’s… A surprise for sure, so? Did he leave some contact info?”
“Huh? Why would he?”
“What? Didn’t he left already? He paid for 5 days after all”
“Um, he hasn’t woken up still...”
“Um Owner…. Veena?”
“I’m so kicking that freeloader into the streets!”
“No, wait! Owner?!?! That’s too sudden of a change!”
“Sudden change my ass!”
“No, Owner, hear me first! I have a solution! Owner!”
Once again, Veena’s love for money crossed the boundarie called limit with the force of a million Taurine making a stampede...
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