《Nemidos: Tales of a Summoner》Chapter 8: Creation and Summoners
Hello guys, here's chapter 8! If you note some grammatical mistake, if there is some wording that sounds strange or that could be arranged better, please point them out! And now, on with the chapter!! Hope you enjoy it!
Chapter 8: Creation & Summoners
-1st of Creation-
A circular auditorium
White finely polished stone and luxury wooden frames
A big window on the right wall, its wave pattern made it possible for the morning sunlight to enter and bathe almost every corner in its warm embrace
Rectangular desks, arranged in a stepped way, let two people sit side by side and still have enough space to build their own kingdom of papers and other supplies…
Five rows with five columns each, with their inhabitants, facing the figure in front of them
A young woman
Gold as hair and clear emeralds as eyes, looking through small rectangular lens that gave her an intellectual look
With a matter of fact tone, started
“I welcome you all future Summoners to Arsebeilt’s institute Veritas, my name is Aurora Mcfiel and I will be guiding you all through this month, Creation…. Through the Summon & Element aptitude course...I hope we have a profitable time”
“( And here I was thinking that it's been awhile since we had new students... 2,5,9… Oh? Is that Qi Fun’s daughter? She looks so cute! I will talk with her after class!! Then…16.. 26 and 28… quite the number this cycle… Mmmm…strange, all seem about the same age… except Nei Feng... Am I overthinking this?)”
“First of all… Let’s see… How about this? [Shine, Svetlina]!”
Just a little above Aurora’s right shoulder, a small white dot appeared and within the next few seconds, white layers started to engulf the white nucleus until finally, an icosahedron crystal took shape or it seemed that way, as just the next moment, the polygonal thing started to deconstruct itself into smaller particles in a up to down motion… And began constructing itself with the same pattern again!
The death of every sound, as if for that moment, the world turned mute
That small transparent yet white floating object robbed the attention of the students… for a short moment
Blatant excitement bloomed and the now ablaze crowd were with their full attention towards summoner and summoning alike
“*Giggle* Now that’s better! As you can see, this fellow here is my spirit companion Svetlina...”
With a gesture, Aurora remained extending her right hand upfront. Following suit, Svetlina now placed itself just above her hand
“...Beautiful isn’t it? Spirits come in many forms... Be it animals or beasts, humanoid figures, even inanimate objects like this Svetlina, and even could have no form/shape at all!”
“...It’s still a mystery in what, how and why a Spirit comes to be… or why they choose Summoners at all… but you all being right here means, that you all have the qualifications to be a Summoner!...”
A small pause
With the short break, Aurora looked swiftly to each girl and boy emphasizing her last statement, and with it, the auditorium like classroom became full of murmurs
“So… Let’s start with the first step...”
Aurora proceeded to take the contents of the box that was on her desk, greyish blank papers and with a small glance at the classroom
“...Here you go guys!...”
With a weak flash, the papers were distributed over the students’ desks (and to their surprise)
“... What I have handed is a special paper, what you all are going to do from today and onwards is...”
Like a thin string being stretched, slowly but surely, fast yet not rushed… meticulously stretching every fiber of the cord, to get that perfect state which brings the full potential of the object in play...
“....Hope for the best!”
...But manipulating such fragile atmosphere requires just as much control over it
“What did she say?”
“I think she said hope for the best...”
“Did I misheard that?”
“She must be joking...”
“What kind of bullcrap is that...”
“Hope? What kind of joke is that?!”
The greatest institute in all of Nemidos holds its prestige because of its history of producing many, if not all, of the best Summoners that were recorded and continue to do so even today…
If suddenly being told to “Hope for the best” in such renowned place… They couldn’t help but think of it being, but a joke
“Umm, excuse me teacher Aurora… What… What do you mean by “Hope for the best”?”
An androgynous black haired youth dared to ask amidst the group
“What indeed….”
At the sight of the pondering teacher, the majority of the students started to get restless
Big introduction and an even bigger show… and not forgetting the sense of encouragement received just before… only to receive a big bucket of cold water and plummet the good mood she herself created!
“Let’s see… Imagine you’re on a stage in the open wilderness...”
For the time she spent thinking, Aurora came up with some mental exercise that, right off the bat made no sense whatsoever, and for the many that were hooked in the first place but got their expectations betrayed
What first were murmurs, now were plain shouts.
Like a calm surface of a lake, once you throw a rock, ripples start to appear… but as time passes so do the ripples, sometimes… Forcefully too
“SHUT... UP”
That word displayed the current situation with perfect accuracy
Like being trapped in the open plains whereas a sudden glacial storm shows its coldblooded wrath, where the wind goes through every fiber of muscle and every bone, and where raindrops fall like stabbing knives and spears of indifferent hatred…
What stood before them was not a teacher, It was an enemy… And very ready to take their lives…
Forgetting how to breath, how to move and how to think… In that stagnant atmosphere
Aurora spoke quietly
But even if it was a careless whisper, they would have heard it anyway… Because, who wouldn’t, when their life depended on it?
“Good… Now, let me continue with what I was saying before… You all are staying on the stage, now… What do you think is missing?”
Having regained their freedom, no, their life... The students now pondered over the question fearing the person who demanded that
“What is missing? What could it be?”
“You could at least try, let’s see...”
“She said we were on the wilderness, aren’t those places deserted? They lack everything!!”
“Lack everything? Maybe if we are talking from the human standpoint….”
“And what other standpoint would there be?!”
“You uncultured swines, the teacher said that we were on a stage, it is obvious that the theater is what is missing!”
“You sure have some nerve calling me uncultured swine, filthy dog of Gedos!”
“Oh? Did she hit a sensible nerve… fake prince?”
“Watch your mouth bo- oh excuse me, I almost mistook you for a man with how well trained your arms are!”
“Wanna have a go at it, matchstick bitch?”
“Come at me noodles haired bitch!”
“Hahaha! This is getting good!!”
“Mmmm so much hate between Rente and Gedos uh? Don’t you think so Asha?”
“(So noisy...I wanna take a nap… When will the class be over?)”
“Aurora! Aurora! I think the thing missing is people!!”
“Oh? I was thinking the same thing...”
Ignorance is bliss, but seemingly... youths further preached it, just some time without being under such oppressive bloodlust, and a little argument, let them make another mess of the class order, to this new spectacle, Aurora was
“*Sigh* I knew this would happen…. But to be on the 1st day…. Forget that, to be on the first 20 minutes since class started….Give me a break….
...That’s enough!! I’m going to give you a warning… We are in Arsebeilt’s territory, Veritas, and here, whatever weight your name, status, family name, etc; has in your homeland... F-O-R-G-E-T IT, Am I clear? This place is the home of all Summoners, if you come and dare to disrupt our home with your petty disputes, I will personally throw you out… no questions asked, okay?”
The previous night, Aurora had read the profiles of the students and grimaced
Of the 28 youths gathered, there was a bunch that stood out... and not in a good way
From the monarchy estate: Rente
Carol Ifrite and Siegfrido Rentes
From the republic estate: Gedos
Leurea Tonne, Arian Asmith and Iris Strikta
Those 5 foretold trouble and the reason behind it would be, in simple terms, because the rivalry between the estates was ingrained in their people. In the past, before the Great Unification, or known as the Obedin treaty, it was a common sight watching the before mentioned estates going at each other's throats... and after the treaty, war was halted… to an extent, skirmishes, while not so frequent, still happened in the borders and continue today…
Arsebeilt, being the principal perpetrator behind the Obedin treaty, holds an immense control over a specific matter.... Summoners
Human capable of defying nature
Not only defying, sometimes… rewriting nature is possible too
Mana is everywhere and part of everything, the first Summoners understood this, and at the same time, understood that if they wanted to be able to manipulate this substance, they needed something more than knowledge or understanding…
Many cycles and trials were carried out, until finally, the answer was found
In conjunction with such entities, Summoners became able to do, what seemed but an impossible dream… And yet, for that very reason, they became objects of admiration, vassals of power and source of fear for the masses which couldn’t see, neither understand them...
And with time they became tainted by those masses
If I can bond with that person...
With such skills, starvation be damned!
Riches shall be mine, and your hand... Will be the one to present them to me
There isn’t a need to do anything, after all... With just a thought... We get what we want...
My wishes are your command… And what I wish is WAR!
You which was blessed, why should we entrust ourselves? We have endured like this generation after generation, tradition of father to son, mother to daughter… why change now? The sweat in our backs, proof of our own might.
Being subdued to those desires… Summoners endured, and endured… Time and again...
Until a group put an end to it
The first thing they created, it was, Veritas.
The place where all summoners could take shelter, refuge from all the pointless struggle of the masses... A true homeland, to reunite with their kind…
With time, Veritas, became the point where most diplomatic affairs were addressed, but the management of the institute itself, never left the hands of the Summoners
For that reason, if someone wanted to take advantage of their upbringing, status, or the like, whatever measure the school decided to take against it, the party involved would have to cope with it, with no possible reconsideration
Which is why, the words Aurora said, had a big impact on them
The class turned dead silent
The party of students representing each Rente and Gedos’ faction, glared one another, but, finally swallowing their pride, said anything anymore
The spectators were divided also
Those that threw lumber to the fire as like the others that tried to pour water on it
Those that were just watching… and others that simply did not care what was happening…
...And finally, the small group that faithfully tried to solve Aurora’s previous question. All turned to their teacher and waited
Regaining control over the class for the third time, Aurora sat in her chair, and with a serious tone said
“Instead of playing fight, you should be playing with that paper...”
The students following the instruction, perceived the paper’s existence in different ways, some held it stronger, some shook it, others put the paper at backlight...
“*giggle* Not that kind of playing… you all understand that the playing I’m referring to, is Mana right? That paper... will act as a medium to help you connect with a spirit… or at least try”
A beautiful girl with silver hair posed a question
“It isn’t guaranteed?”
And Aurora replied
“I have said so before, that you should ‘hope for the best’ didn’t I? Besides, if it was that easy to contract a Spirit, Veritas wouldn’t be needed… Isn’t it kinda strange? The last census revealed that the population of Nemidos is around 10.000.000 of people, and yet, at most, there are only 500 Summoners…
But don’t worry, what I first said still holds true! You all being here means, that with a little push, you will be able to contract with a spirit! Why the reason, you spend the month Creation with this!”
“What happens if one can’t contract before Creation ends?”
A restlessly high pitched voice escaped from the short girl that asked from the left side of the room
“Well… Rarely, such cases happen… We call those, Irregular Summoners, they make contracts outside of Creation as the school cycle goes, but since I have been appointed as the Summon & Element aptitude teacher, haven’t seen one myself...”
“Isn’t that the same as saying that we can’t become a Summoner at all?!?!?”
Growing anxiety and desperation could be felt at the almost screaming girl that questioned before
“(What’s the deal with this girl… I hope this calms her a little) No, just that their contracts are not bound by Creation’s timeframe… You will learn more about that starting Fondation, what you need to do now, is concentrating in contracting a Spirit... I will say it as many times as it’s needed, being here means, that you’re about to become a Summoner, so have more faith in yourselves!”
“Yeah, right….I bet you just want us to fail and laugh at it… How nice, being a Summoner… Having an easy life...”
Casting her head down and murmuring to herself, the girl said no more, letting Aurora continue her lesson
“For the next 40 days, keep that paper close to you and play with it, when a Spirit calls… You will feel it, so be sure to-”
A small burnt essence permeated through the room, and shortly after
“Look! The paper burnt!”
“He contracted already!! Impossible!!”
“Hey! How did you do it?!?! Tell me!”
“What’s wrong over there?”
"It seems someone already made a contract!!"
“You! What’s your name?”
“Amazing, did you see that? The paper became black and then…. Poof! It burnt just like that!”
“Hey hey, what did you contract with?!”
“The paper burnt… so a fire Spirit?”
“Hey, you okay? You look kind of pale...”
“Do you have rocks for eyes? He is white as a sheet! Hey man, what’s wrong?!”
“Teacher! Teacher! A guy made a contract!!”
“Awwww he beat me to it! Damn it!”
“Wow, what the teacher said was true! Hey you, did you see what he did?”
“Nothing? Really, he just hold the paper and closed his eyes… he may have been concentrating though...”
“Okay okay! Calm down a little! Let me pass! (Damn it, forgot about it… we do have an Irregular Summoner here...) Lean, are y-”
“OI! You okay man!!? OI!”
“What the? He passed out?”
“Holy, his body temperature is pretty darn high!!”
“Teacher! Teacher!”
“A contract with a Spirit makes you faint? Scary...”
“If only fainting was the consequence, didn’t you hear? He is overheating there!”
“Fire Spirit, was it? Damn, but I’m so jealous! He contracted something!! But I don’t want to fall sick...”
“Jealous? Are you stupid or super stupid? Go to the corner and try to contract or something then!”
“Is he gonna be okay?”
“Yeah, I remember that ‘Warm embrance’ is in charge of the infirmary...”
“‘Warm embrance’ THAT famous person is here!?!?!”
“Didn’t you know? All members of the 6 Titans party are currently working here...”
“Would you all, PLEASE QUIET DOWN A LITTLE!!!”
“That’s better, now, I will carry Lean to the infirmary, while I am at that, you guys go and play with the paper…Remember that we only have 40 days, stop wasting your time and get to work!”
“Teacher, do you need help moving Lean to the infirmary?”
“No, it’s okay, your name… It was Isen, right?”
“Yes, is something wrong teacher?”
“No, not that, but after class, could I ask you to give this guy a check?”
“Uh? Sure… I don’t think that will be a problem...”
“Good, now I will be going… Ah! Close your eyes everybody!”
Lifting Lean, Aurora exclaimed such indication. But, to those that were enthralled with the paper or were distracted, that order served only to attract their attention, an action they all regretted doing soon
A fulminating white sun manifested, and without mercy, showered the youths in the room with its deadly white embrance
The Summoning class was delayed…. again.
- In Serial13 Chapters
Nemidos: Tales of a Summoner
NemidosA world where magic exists, but there are few that can perceive it and even fewer who can make use of it.Summoners, beings that hold the privilege to manipulate the so coveted magic, and Veritas, the place where only the talented gather. Reidmo, the (self proclaimed) best hunter in the world, raised his son in the depths of a forest isolated from any outer contact. Yet, one day, decides that it’s time for him to experience that very place which he so adamantly refuses to come into contact…*********************************************************************************Hello there! Nice to meet you guys, I'm trying my hand at writing this story but please be kind as I'm nothing but a novice! I will try to improve as the story goes! also, note that english is my second language so there will be some spelling mistakes here and there, so... without further to add...I hope you can enjoy my fiction!The cover image I took it from google.
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