《Deliverance》Fate Changing. . . Or Unchanging?


Days went perfectly fine.

There wasn’t much there to do aside from making more test papers, readying teaching and study materials for the classes he was assigned to teach to come back from their field isolation training, and making up plans on what to teach the kids on how to handle situations that would definitely happen in their normal daily lives and sometimes the unexpected.

If those were done, he’d go out into the night, change his appearance and clean the pests from the city.

Whatever the media goes around and talks about, there was nothing to worry about. If it makes the people safe at night, then it's something to be praised, not be scolded.

It was a weird feeling.

For the few months he has been in this world, he felt that he had adjusted quite well. Life is much better here. The similarities of the system in comparison to his world and this are there, but this world is just too liveable.

It was both unrestricted and at the same time restrictive.

[My Lord, forgive my disturbance, but there is something you need to know]

Darkem paused what he was doing. [What is it?] ‘I told them to {Message} me if something important happens… Hmmm.’

[My Lord, The League of Villains are launching an attack on the UA students in the forest]

“. . .”

He was glad to have Shadow Demons on the watch for the students.

[...Inform me should there be any casualties. You are allowed to protect the students so long as their lives are in complete danger, do not make your presence known unless absolutely necessary]

[As you command, my lord]

“. . .” Darkem was about to continue with his work but his fingers didn’t move. He simply stared at the screen of his computer for the longest time? He doesn't know.

He didn’t move an inch for the longest time, before he finally moved his hand on his mouse and…

Suddenly he stood up from his chair and growled in annoyance as he switched into his vigilante attire.

He’ll intervene should the situation get out of control.

…Oh and he needs to save his work before heading out. Wouldn't want to redo everything from scratch.

. . .

The situation was… chaotic when he arrived.

A massive cloud of purple smoke in the distance, fire and smoke burning in clusters, shouts and screams of battle - although they sounded quite far away, multiple shouts of emotions were mixing with one another.

There was one he was nearby… Wait, Izuku? And there was another releasing so much killing intent…

He went over to the boy’s position, noticing a person with a body that was covered with muscles. It was almost disgusting to think about having your muscles go inside-outside. “Wouldn't that hurt or leave you a stinging sensation to your nerves?” he thought.

They were someone who was recruited by the League of Villains.

From what he saw, the boy was having a hard time with the muscle-Quirked villain. The source of so much killing intent.

But Izuku was able to close the distance on the villain who was distracted by the child standing close by. He delivered a strong punch that caused a massive shockwave and almost blew the child away, if not for Izuku throwing himself almost off the cliff and grabbing the child with his mouth, the kid would have most certainly died.

It was honestly impressive.

Although the fight wasn’t over much to the anguished disbelief from Izuku.

At that moment Darkem fought with himself, a human who cared or an undead who felt nothing… Help and reveal himself, or wait until help comes…


He chose the obvious.

. . .

“Stay back, Kota.” Izuku said, gritting his teeth and swallowing the pain that his body was screaming in. “And then when it hits, you run as fast as you can back to camp.”

“’When it hits…’?” The boy then realised what his plan was…! “Wait, don’t tell me you’re-! It won’t work! Let’s just run! Your attack didn’t work earlier!”

“And besides, your arms are broken…” Kota grimaced.

“It's okay…” Izuku said calmly as he powered up his One For All. Bracing himself for his inevitable demise.

‘One For All, 100%!’

“Midorya!” Goto roared as he leaped towards the boy.

‘Lets go!’ Izuku stiffened his body and recoiled his left arm. It was painful, but it isn't broken yet. If he had to save Kota, he'd sacrifice his arm just for that!

“Detroit Smash!”

The two then meet with muscle against fist. The ground was shaking, crumbling, and cracking from the impact.

Izuku felt tears gushing out from his eyes in immense pain as he tried to push through. He tried. But it was not enough.

“What the hell was that!?” Goto shouted, almost sounding disappointed and yet pleased to see that his opponent was now easy prey. A struggling prey, but it was easy. “That was weaker than before!”

‘Its fine… It's fine…’ Izuku thought calmly as he vainly tried to push the pain out of his mind, willing all of his strength and body to hold off the villain.

"I… Will not let him pass me!” Izuku screamed. Kota flinched and yet his body was unable to move. “Run!!!!”

“Oh this kid,” Goto smirked before going serious this time. Compressing and expanding all of his muscles, onto pushing the brat down! “Man, you're the best!”

“Shut the hell up!” Izuku screamed in anger and pain before he was pushed down to the ground back first, his strength failing him as death was coming close…

“Show me your blood!” Goto roared once more as he expanded his muscles, increasing his strength.

Izuku tried to push. He tried… He remembered the words of All Might saying to him…

‘A hero… can always break out of a tough spot!’

‘Sorry, mom…’ Izuku thought as he felt himself being pushed down onto the solid rock, deeper and deeper. ‘I’m so sorry mom!’

‘All Might… All Might!’

“I’m gonna crush ya!” Goto screamed in a wild rush as he pushed him down with an eager smile on his face, he was so close to killing the brat and adding to his kills.

“STOP IT!” Kota shouted in distress and tears. He didn’t want someone to die saving him… He didn’t want that!

“I believe… That is enough.”

“Huh-? Grk!” Goto heard a voice speak, distracting him for a second before feeling pain flood into his stomach. Looking down, he saw something sticking out of him… A hand.

A hand covered in his own blood.

“You reek of a tainted soul.” The voice spoke once more. It felt cold, calculating and yet its tone delivered fear into his spine. “Covered in the blood of many souls slain…”

Goto then raised his head and he felt his eyes widen in surprise as he recognized the figure!

It was that cloaked man who rescued Stain!


‘Why? The Black Shroud!? Why is he here!?’ Thoughts rolled into the villain’s head, questions that will never be answered… He couldn’t even speak, as he found himself having trouble breathing.


“You will slay no one… anymore.”

Those were the last words he heard before felt a burning sensation within him growing more painful by the second.


Black fire erupted from his insides. Everything was burning, he felt nothing but the stinging flames as he screamed out in agony.

And with that; Goto Imasuji, the villain “Muscular” died.

. . .

Darkem watched as the villain’s body dissolved from the black flames. There was no trace of him left. Not even ash.

{Soul Fire}, a spell that burns the enemy’s soul and would ignore any physical defence so long as the soul wasn't protected.

To be honest, he wanted to push the villain away from Midoriya, but instead exerted a bit too much strength and simply pushed through the man’s chest.

An accident had occurred, but it was nothing he had to worry about. The man was about to kill his student, not to mention about him killing the kid with the hat’s parents so gleefully, he ought to think that letting the man live would cause unwanted problems in the future.

He then heard pained, panting sounds from the Izuku. Realising that he is in a seriously critical condition, his arms and fingers shattered in multiple locations. It was surprising to see that he was still alive after that.

He held out his hand, hovering above the boy, and cast {Regenerate}. Izuku’s body glowed green, the wounds slowly fading away.

‘This is going to become a normal thing is it?’ He thought musingly.

“W-What…” He heard a meek voice speak behind him. “A-are you doing…?”

“You need not to worry about anything, child.” He said calmly as he watched the traces of Izuku’s wounds disappear. The only thing that was left on him was his ripped clothes. “He is fine.”

*GASP!* Izuku then sat up straight, gasping greedily for air as his body demanded it.

“M-Midoriya!” Kota ran up to him with tears in his eyes. “Y-You’re ok!”

Izuku blinked at the lack of pain in his body, not to mention he shouldn’t be able to move around his arms yet he can. He examined himself, where his wounds and bruises should be, he found none. To top it off he felt better than ever!

“Thou appears we meet once again, child.” He hummed, grabbing both of their attention. “It seems fate didn’t want us to mingle in parted idleness…”

“You’re… You’re the ‘Black Shroud’…” Midoriya exhaled. The same person who took the Hero Killer away through some unknown ways. “You healed me?”

“That is what they call me… But that is not what I call myself…” He said as he turned around and overlooked the forest bathed in blue fire and smoke. Dodging his question at the same time. “Your friends are in a pickle… So it seems…”

That made Izuku realize that his friends and everyone else was in danger. And no doubt from what the villain said, they were looking for Bakugo!

“...It would be best for you to help your friends out.” The person said.

“...Why are you here?” Midoriya said, pulling Kota behind him slightly. On guard before this man.

He looked at him, making Midoriya flinch at the faceless stare. It was uncomfortable.

“...I came to see the successor’s chosen in interest…” Izuku looked at him in shock. “You did not disappoint.”

“You-!” Midoryia was about to call out on him before stopping himself. Kota was present, even if he was a kid, the secret of All Might shouldn't casually be spoken out loud!

Not to mention the Vigilante was saying it oddly vague… Is he also keeping it secret? Does All Might know about this? If so, why hasn’t he told him about others knowing about this?

“You should go to your friends, boy… We can speak on this when circumstances differ.” He hummed.

Midoriya was confused and conflicted whether to confront this man. But he saved him… why? And he didn’t seem to be with the League of Villains, and yet he rescued Stain…

“Whose side is he on?”

Reluctantly, he had Kota climb on his back and hang on, using Full Cowling on his legs as he headed back towards camp. Questions wondered around his head, but right now, he needs to focus on letting everyone know why the League of Villains are here.

Darkem sighed internally as he eyed the boy leaping onto the lush forest below. He was both glad and annoyed at the same time.

Glad that he managed to rescue the kid before the murderous bastard was about to kill his student. Annoyed that he had to intervene too early and let everyone know about his presence, should Izuku inform the rest about him.

His Shadow Demons will still be keeping an eye on the rest of the UA students and staff. Any deaths would no doubt cause problems in the future, and they are there to prevent any certain possible deaths.

Lives are precious, but naivety would be the cost of it.

He won't eradicate all the villains, as that would bring suspicion and questions to both sides. But that doesn't mean he cannot just let them go loose like that murderous bound quirk that fought against Izuku.

He’ll have to see which ones are victims… And which ones are pests.

“Forgive me for saying this Lord but…” He sighed quietly. “Being a Judge… is quite a stressful job.”

. . .

Midoriya managed to meet up with Aizawa-sensei, gave Kota to him for safety, and was given instructions for Mandalay to inform everyone via Telepathy that they now have permission to use their Quirks to defend themselves.

He managed to meet up with the Cat Troop, though he noticed one of them was knocked out on the ground. But his concerns were getting the instructions to Mandalay.

He shouted out to her the instructions, also adding information that the villains are targeting someone named ‘Kacchan’.

He ignored them as he ran through their fights. One of the villains noticed him and couldn’t help and shake the feeling that he was dangerous. Although the boy was fast and didn't look like he was seriously injured despite the ruined clothes, Magne Sis would have been able to stop him if not for Spinner stopping her from interfering with the boy.

Though their disputes had let the pro-heroes land a surprise hit on them, knocking them out cold finally.

He didn’t stop until he was to where Bakugo was supposed to be during their midnight tests.

Though he didn’t expect to run through Shoji and Tokoyami, and the latter’s Quirk growing to be unstable and dangerous.

He couldn’t help them as he needed to head to Bakugo and protect him, but at the same time he couldn’t abandon them when one of them was in serious trouble…

And so he devised a plan… Have the crazed Dark Shadow follow them, and head straight to where Bakugo and Shota were, and let them cast light from their Quirks onto Dark Shadow to calm him down.

It worked, not to mention that the crazed Dark Shadow also beat up the villain that the other two were fighting against.

“Kacchan! We need to move, we confirmed that one of the villains is targeting you!”

“Bakugo?” Tokoyami inquired. “They’re trying to kill him? Why?”

“I don’t know.” Midoryia shook his head admittedly. “Anyways, I think the camp is the safest place since Vlad King and Aizawa-sensei are there.”

“I see,” Tokoyami nodded in understanding. “so now our mission is to escort Bakugo there, huh?”

As Midoriya began to devise a rough plan with the others, Bakugo looked like a confused child angrily shaking his head back and forth between them…

“...What the hell is with you guys!?” Bakugo exclaimed, pissed off.

“Oi, you walk in the middle.” Shota told the explosive teen.

“Don’t protect me, you piece of shit!” Shouted the blonde teen!

“Let's go!”

“Don’t ignore me!”

“Make sure you keep up.”

“Don’t tell me what to do!”

As they walked back towards camp, Midoriya couldn’t help but think of the Vigilante that saved him being close by. Was he here to help them? Or was he here to stop them?

. . .

Situation was a mish-mash of good and bad. The teachers are ok, with the exception of one of them being knocked out of everything, several students are still in tight spots against their enemies, a pair of students - although one was knocked out and being carried - being chased by an amalgamation of chainsaw-wielding Nomu. He was certain that the Shadow Demon assigned to the pair would rescue them should they be on the verge of death.

The villains have their priorities in their mission, but killing would just be something that might occur in the wake of their passing. He’ll have to monitor them, but not too close for him to be noticed.

They need to learn from this. As harsh as this was, it was necessary. A small evil, in exchange for the greater good.

No Evil cannot exist without Good. And Good cannot exist without Evil.

He’ll have to be there to control the line in between…


He then noticed a portal opening up to where two of the cat-themed teachers were currently tying up the villains.

“Ah, the warp villain…” Darkem hummed as the person mentioned pushed the teachers away, and pulled the other two villains into the warp. “So it's probably coming to a close…”

Speaking of the cat-themed teachers, one of the Shadow Demons managed to save the green-haired one from an ambush, as they were very much in a critical condition. No doubt would have been kidnapped by them for vile reasons he didn't want to dwell on such thoughts too much.

He flew towards where he felt multiple souls seemingly gathering up in one area… No doubt the extraction point of the villains. Most of them gathered, with the others being incapacitated somewhere, his Shadow Demons should no doubt be gathering them for him to judge and see.

Izuku, Shota and Shoji were on top of the top-hat wearing villain, pinning him down as they fell onto the ground.

And then almost without any hesitation, the badly-disfigured person, Dabi, unleashed his Quirk upon the students pinning on top of Mister, who immediately compressed himself to escape from getting burnt from his ally.

The students dodged, although Midoriya and Shoji barely managed to dodge the fire as they were burnt lightly. Todoroki remained unharmed.

The other two villains didn’t stand still and watch as they immediately sprang into action. Twice was pushed back by Todoroki as he was about to attack, whilst Toga ran gleefully towards Midoriya in a mad rush. The girl managed to pin down the boy, raising up her knife dangerously despite her face looking quite like she was having a good time.

‘Almost like those Yanderes in those romance games… I didn’t expect to see one personally.’ Darkem thought.

Midoriya had his arms locked between the blood-lustiled girl’s legs; he would be too late to use Full Cowling to escape before she’d put a knife down onto his chest. Shoji managed to recover and push the girl away from him. Though she was looking quite murderous after that.

Todoroki on the other hand, was dealing with quite a trickster opponent. Twice. What information he gained was that he is able to make clones of either himself or anyone he comes into contact with. If enough damage is done on the clone that Twice made, its duration will expire and turn into mud-like substance. And not to mention he never parts away with his mask…

His attitude was similar to an old comic series back in his world before… Though the colors were the opposite of grim than flashy.

Mister Compress uncompressed himself from his shell and shambled towards Dabi, the latter inquiring for their target. It seemed that Shoji managed to steal their compressed companions and told the rest to run away but… the villains’ attitude seemed laid back… it was suspicious.

A Nomu appeared, but the students immediately went around it… What stopped them was Kurogiri, PTSD coming back to the students as they recalled being warped around the USJ in the past.

The warp villain looming over the students like a boogeyman.

The villains began to move into the warp portals, Dabi being reluctant as he thought that they weren't able to capture Bakugo but… Mister Compress was feeling quite confident and almost arrogant.

He smugly explained and told them the two compressed balls were simply decoys, ice that he had acquired during their fight. While the real ones, he was holding onto them in his mouth.

The villain was flauntingly on his prideful accomplishment as he slowly backed into the warp like a magician making up with his last show.

The trio made a mad dash back towards the magician villain, still flaunting as he made a bow in his monologue. Only for a laser beam from the bushes to hit his mask, making him recoil in surprise and making him open his mouth in pain, releasing the balls in his mouth (ooohh).

The trio students leaped towards the balls with their friends inside, Midoriya making use of his Full Cowling and leaped towards the ball that was holding Bakugo.

Shoji reached out and snatched the ball holding Tokoyami, Shoto and Midoriya reaching out onto the other ball no doubt holding Bakogu...

Midoriya just inches away on grabbing the ball, only to be swallowed up by the warp portal and being spurt out in the opposite direction to where he was facing.

Shoto was swatted away with a backhand by Dabi, causing him to tumble to the side uncontrollably. Dabi ordered Mister Compress to release his hold on the students. The compressing magician, feeling pissed having his show abruptly ended by something unexpected, snapped his fingers, causing his hold on the two boys to be released.

Dabi had his hand gripped around Bakugo’s neck dangerously, the boy feeling it as he was helplessly dragged into the portal. Midoriya made a fast recovery and made another dash back towards the portal.

And almost feeling like it was making a mockery out of him, he was still too slow even with Full Cowling. Bakugo completely disappeared into the portal, with Midoriya just inches away.

It took a moment for all of them to realise that they failed…

On that day, they failed to save and protect Bakugo from the villains. They, who were aiming to become Heroes… completely lost to the villains.

And so… Midoriya screamed in anguish despair.

All as Darkem simply sat watching on the sidelines…

“In order to progress… One must suffer to continue…” Darkem said neutrally. Hearing the anguish screams of the boy… It made a piercing hole in his heart.

“It is but a necessary thing to experience…”

He then felt a tug on his coat, turning around to see the essence of a Shadow Demon hovering around his shoulder. It informed him briefly of them gathering around the two incapacitated villains on the attack, left behind by their own comrades.

With one last quick look back at the students, leaving behind his last feeling of regret in his soul for not doing anything, he went onwards to where the villains were placed.

It wasn’t far from where the path was taken, but around the area it was void of any presence.

He stared down at the two villains that were left behind. One a death row criminal, and the other a student younger than the UA in attendance…

The former unconscious, but he wouldn't bother with someone who’s soul was tainted beyond redemption. But the latter however… Woke up to a startling sight.

“...Among all the paths you’ve taken, this is what you’ve chosen…” Darkem said slowly, almost like he was scolding his own child. “What did it? What made you pick this path?”

“Revenge? Disillusioned? Spitefulness? Hatred? Selfishness?” He questioned calmly.

Darkem leaned forward, his face so close to the boy’s face that he froze in fear.

“Or was it all of the above?”

“...” The boy would have backpedaled out of fear if not for the tree behind his back, just as he looked like he wanted to say something his face froze in a wordless expression.

“And now you feel regret… Regret of being caught? Failure to accomplish your task? Failure to beat your enemies? Failure that you’ve tried to avoid being what you tried to overcome? You’ve turned to one of them. Your ambition is no doubt something to be smiled upon, if not for the injustice against them… You will not be a hero, you will never be, not after this night…”

The boy looked down, ashamed of his deeds. A moment later, his eyes began to fill in with tears. Tears were threatening to escape from his eye, but he held on as he quietly sobbed in realisation.

“I will not kill you boy, as I will give you a chance…” The boy looked up in surprise.

“But if you’re not been able to overcome what you do not want to be…”

Just as the boy was about to open his mouth, Darkem simply stared back down at the boy, once again in a frozen fright.

“Then be prepared to have your last breath taken away in your last peaceful moment.”

Darkem turned around, leaving behind the child who pissed his pants in fear. He’d feel disgusted but… it was a normal reaction… But a sign of weakness.

“Do not waste it…” Darkem paused in his steps, speaking his last words to the boy who was no doubt listening. “Do not waste your life.”

And without any warning, he vanished without a trace. And with that, the child villain Mustard, finally cried out in fear and shame.

. . .

In the aftermath, Darkem watched in secret as the emergency services arrived shortly as one of the teachers called for them 15 minutes after the villains had left.

It was a fast response. Firefighters dosing out the blue wild flames, search parties conducted by the police as they made a surrounding perimeter along with helicopters to ensure safety and spot any strays.

They made to check the condition of every student that was injured - no matter if it was serious or lightly, they were all taken care of - and unconscious from the villains’ gas attack.

In all of that, one of the students was reported missing… For the pro heroes, a couple of them were in a serious condition, and the other in a critical condition with a lot of blood loss. Both are being taken care of.

For the villains however, one was reported missing, and the other two arrested. He had one of the Shadow Demons to murder the escaped criminal in cold blood the moment he is to leave back to jail. Letting someone like that leave and have him return to his cell?

Another murderous person dead, is another soul safe from an unfortunate death.

There was nothing to worry about Bakugo… Yet. Not unless he manages to make a decision that would put his life at risk. But despite the teenager having an explosive behavior, he was not stupid. Brash but smart.

A Shadow Demon was there hiding in his shadow, ready to assist him should he need it to either escape, or protect his life should he be endangered.

The League of Villains are there to try and the opportunity to convert him to their cause, seeing him making his arrogant speech as the top first-year student.

But that wouldn't mean he can just leave the boy alone. And a Shadow Demon alone would not be able to handle the entirety of the League of Villains; it can hold them off for only a time in a direct battle.

Next Day. . .

The UA School was in a bad spot.

The school halted all classes until further notice. Though it will only resume once they manage to rescue Bakugo.

Unfortunately, the media is lashing out at the school for their failure in preventing a kidnapping of their student.

It ticked Darkem off, but he cooled his jets… It still ticked him off though.

It was like a reminder that he could have literally prevented the kidnapping but he just let it happen under his watch. He felt like it was the universes’ way of telling him ‘you could have done it’.

Hell, he might have felt the occasion that God was disappointed in his decision. But he wouldn't believe that… Would he though? It is certainly not out of the realm of possibilities.

Or perhaps it was the Devil mocking him…?

Bah, anyways, there were alot of reporters just outside the entrance of UA . It was crowded to the point where if one were to go out right now, they’d be bombarded with mics, questions, cameras, and more mics. There were a lot more right now than before.

He didn’t hate journalism, but they are really quite annoying.

And right now, he is currently in a meeting conducted by Nezu along with the rest of the available teachers of the UA. Aizawa and Vlad King are with the police giving their statements and information of what they know, so they’ll be briefly informed on what went on during the meeting with the others.

He was here as an observer… for now he won't say anything. It is his obligation to handle the situation as a teacher and member of the UA school afterall.

But not in this case.

He listened in on their words. No doubt about what to do in handling this incident. Talk of possible traitors lying around the school grounds…

It was a plausible saying, a risky but a needed suggestion that needed to be said out loud and be heard.

“Darkem-sama… If I may ask, do you have anything that can help us finding Bakugo?” Nezu asked politely.

“...On a limited aspect, yes. Bakugo, right now, is confined with Quirk, restricting equipment provided by Tomura’s mentor. He is unharmed and safe as of this moment.”

‘Based on what his Shadow Demons told him. And looking through their eyes, it was confirmed to be true.’

“...I’m sorry but how certain are you? And how do you know that?” Snipe inquired, with the others looking at the reaper-in-disguise suspiciously - with the exception of Nezu simply looking at him with the same smiling expression.

“I have eyes and ears in the shadows of the city, on every person, and on every soul I feel…” He answered calmly. “I merely observe what kind of fate is handed to them, and I only interfere whether I decide for them to live or not.”

“Did you… you gave them the location of the camp?” Yamada breathed out in a whisper, nervousness mixed with anger in his voice.

Darkem raised his head and looked at the man, making him flinch at the stare and void his sight. “No, I did not… It was bound to happen again as what happened back when I first arrived at your USJ building…”

“...So you know where Bakugo is right now?” As much as Nezu could inquire in the most polite tone he could.

“Yes.” Darkem said casually, making everyone look at him in shock, in disbelief at the revelation of such information. “But I will not say.”

“Why not!?” Yagi almost slammed his hand onto the desk. “If you know where he is right now, we’d be able to rescue him immediately-!”

“Because it would be interfering with progress.” The reaper said coldly, looking at the skinny man who flinched back from the look. “There are many things that most of you shan’t ever known… Mortals like you will no doubt have a mental collapse, your mind will ponder upon the crisis of existence, the calamity of knowing things that needed to be remained… buried.” He said cryptically.

“But… Aren't you part of the school? Shouldn't you also be responsible in helping us find the kid?” Snipe leaned forward on his seat in frustration.

“True, but I prioritise the responsibility of Fate and Progress.” Darkem turned towards the gunslinging hero. “If I am to assist you on this endeavour, you will depend on me. And then none of you will progress as you will seek help from me, and not find the solutions to the problem yourselves. On that which I will not allow. My presence on this world, and my words are enough to bring an imbalance to this world. Remember that I should not exist on this plane, and yet I do. I am an anomaly of this world, and I shouldn't be here and yet here I am. But God has decided to place me on this very world for reasons unknown and the answers to the questions I seek will not be answered by anyone bound to this world…”

As he spoke, slowly and slowly the shadows around him began to ripple and crawl around him. The others present let out a gasp of shock, disbelief and dreaded fear. Nezu on the outside looked calm, yet his tiny paws shook vibrantly that betrayed his shocked-still smiling expression on his face.

“…But what I said of Bakugo is true,” Darkem wanted to facepalm himself so hard that he didn't notice he almost rambled on with an active {Aura of Dread}. He then noticed others slowly eased themselves in their seats, but still remained nervous and almost twitchy whilst looking at him. “He is alive and well. Unable to escape but he is alive. That information alone is enough to grant you a sense of relief. If not, then others will do it aside from me.”

Suddenly he stood up from his seat. “I will let your minds clear in time. For now, I will only observe and intervene should it go wrong.”

And with that, he vanished from where he stood.

“…” The teachers and principal at present could only stare at his seat before Nezu broke the silence a minute passed by.

“It appears he won't be assisting us.” The Principal unconsciously let out a tensed sigh of relief.

“You don’t say…” Midnight said, her voice almost wavering just as her entirety trembled. “Do you think that he was the one who…”

“No, I don't think so.” Nezu shook his head.

“How can… you be sure?” Present Mic took a couple of moments to breathe. “He doesn't seem to leave the school premises much.”

“Perhaps he didn't need to…” Yagi muttered.

“What did you say, All Might?” Midnight turned to him.

“Perhaps he didn't need to leave the school.” He repeated. “He said something about having ‘eyes and ears in the shadows of the city’… Perhaps there wasn't need for him to leave the school.”

“If that is possible, then is he listening to us right now?” Present Mic inquired, looking at every corner of the room. Others looked paranoid as they now took quick glances around the room.

“Everyone, calm yourselves…” Nezu said calmly. “We shouldn't rush things… We still do not know the capabilities of Sir Darkem, but we should remain vigilant around him.”

“He literally erased a gigantic pillar of ice that young Todoroki created during the UA Festival.” Present Mic deadpanned. “I think we already know how careful we need to be around him…”

“And maybe he is able to see the future?” Midnight nervously gave her 2 cents. “And can also read thoughts?”

“He can also heal wounds,” All Might commented. “He has healed young Midoriya a few times, his bones were supposed to have a fracture, but there wasn't even a single one when we checked him. Recovery Girl isn't even able to do such a feat. He even healed me a couple of times…”

“Was he…?” Nezu inquired.

“No, but he was offering. I… am not sure about my decision yet…” All Might said as he looked down and began pondering on the thought.

“I see…”

“Can he also sense souls as well?” Snipe quipped. “He said some words about ‘souls’ here and there…”

“I mean, he has this ‘Death Reaper’ vibe around him doesn't he?” Present Mic said as if it were obvious. “I mean, he could be the literal Reaper couldn’t he!?”

“If he were, then he doesn't seem to act like Death would in recorded mythologies…” Nezu saidas his mind began to ponder... But he quickly shook his head lest his thoughts wander. “But I believe we are getting distracted by him… We need to focus on finding Bakugo. Sir Darkem is out of our options, so we’ll have to make due with others.”

“But Nezu, what do you make him out when he said those words?” Midnight said slowly. “Something about… Fate…?”

“W-What do you think he meant by that?” Present Mic gulped.

“…I really do not know,” Nezu admitted.

“A phone call is here! A phone call is-!”


“U-Um excuse me, I have to take this.” All Might said, sounding ashamed as he quickly made his way to exit the room.

“We’re in a meeting. Turn off your phone!” Present Mic scolded.

“…His ringtone’s so lame…” Midnight and Snipe sweatdropped.

“Sorry!” All Might said before shutting the door behind him and releasing a sigh. “Sorry, what is it, Tsukauchi?”

“Yagi! It looks like we got some clues on where Bakugo is.”


“I really made a mess over there…” He muttered as he laid back on the seat in his own room.

“They’re probably thinking about what I said then…” He frowned.

His statement back in the meeting room was not true, but also not false either. He didn't want to mess with the progression of students’ learning such a valuable lesson in this kind of a situation, same goes to the staff members and other people.

And also helping them would mean that they would most likely depend on him to fix their problems, and not fix it themselves.

He is not worried about the boy’s situation either. If they are concerned about the LoV converting the boy to their cause, it wouldn't work. He is too prideful, pissed and angry to join their cause as he declared himself to be the Number 1 Hero…

Which was the trigger for the LoV to capture him in the first place.

But if they managed to convert him, then he might have to go plan C and rewrite his memories on some points. Plan B would be the last resort…

Wait, was it Plan C the last resort or Plan B? Never mind that, but he is certain that the school will be sending out a rescue group for Bakugo.

And not to mention, this could be the chance that he would need to find the research on the Nomus. While they are practically somewhat akin to a Flesh Golem, their souls felt young and in tortured pain.

It was possible that some horrid experimentation was done to make the Nomus… And if he confirmed what he thought it was procured…

He’ll probably have to think out some ways on making the person pay for their sins before dying in the most painful way possible.

“…Another hunt completed…” Spoke the quiet, gruffly voice of Stain as he spoke to the Shadow of the wall within the safezone near downtown.

Ever since that… revelation on the Angel of Vengeance, the moment he spoke those words was that he felt his own literal soul trembling upon the sight of that burning skull looking upon him…

He had an eerie thought coming across his mind after that, was that he thought he had made a mistake in his actions.

He was then enlightened by the Angel to seek and hunt down the false Heroes, on those who have done heinous acts that no one in the public has ever noticed.

This was better than he had expected, they were heroes that had done such evil things and yet wearing the title of one he believed to be sacred and only be imparted to those who were worthy to wear it.

They would be punished for it.

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