《The Legacy of a Pirate》Chapter 17 Forbidden Weapon


"Derek! What do we do!?" I shouted as I looked at Derek with genuine fear in my eyes.

"We just need to hold on until the captain is awake!" Derek answered as his brows furrowed.

"It seems we have no choice now....Get the particle cannon! Now!"

The entire crew became wide-eyed after that order.

"Are you sure about that, sir?" The chief gunner asked. Gideon was his name, and he was one of the first people to join the crew. Gideon wore the standard outfit for the Axe Lions, but what made him stand out was his weird magnifying goggles on top of his head. He was also a bit old, but that didn't stop him from doing what he loved.

Blowing things up!

Derek nodded, "Yes, I'm certain! Now hurry up! We need it to hold back the queen at least for 30 more minutes!"

"Aye, sir!"Gideon laughed happily as he rapidly moved his old body down into the lower deck like a monkey. Anyone could tell that he was really excited.

He quickly made his way to the gun deck which was forbidden to go-to for the longest time. The entrance was blocked off with wood, but he quickly took it down with a nearby sledgehammer.

"Alright, time to see what this old girl can do. And hopefully, it doesn't blow us up." Gideon laughed again as he slid into a metallic chair.

A massive cannon made out of an unusual material was attached to chair through a console. The cannon looked as if it didn't belong on this ship, and yet there it was slightly covered in dust.

He reached for his goggles and pulled them over his eyes as he gripped the controls. The large hatch obstructing the view of the cannon opened soon after.


The queen was on the move!

The remaining Qualze swam with all their might to avoid being accidentally eaten by the massive fish as it liked to keep its mouth open.

*Wooom Woom Woooom!*

Light particles started to gather in front of the cannon as it made an unusual deafening noise.

The queen had been only minutes away before it jumped high into the air with its large mouth agape. It felt like I was looking right into the eyes of death. The terrifying scene would probably send an average person into a state of shock.


I unconsciously closed my eyes and covered the weakened Fay with my body even though I knew it was useless. I could hear everyone hold their breath during those few moments.

Derek stared right at the queen without shrinking back and yelled, "Fire!"

I opened my eyes to see a blue pillar of dazzling light that collided with the Qualze Queen! The entire ship moved several miles back just from the force of the cannon!


The queen roared in great pain as it was sent flying several hundred miles away and crashed into the ocean.

I couldn't believe my eyes on what happened, and I would look at Ellie who showed the same dumbfounded look I had on my face.

(We always had something that powerful on the ship?!)

I looked to Derek for answers, and he would merely shrug his shoulders.

"It's just a relic of the past. I guess it is still able to function."Derek placed his hand onto my shoulder, "Ian, I need you to take Fay back down to the infirmary!"

I realized I still had Fay in my hands. The little fairy was sleeping with a bit of difficulty, and I could only shake my head at how forgetful I was.

I willed my legs to move and started my way down into the lower deck to drop off Fay in the infirmary. Once I secured Fay into bed, I asked the doctor to take care of her before making my way back up to the main deck.

"Hmm...I really want to see that particle cannon..." I said as curiosity got the best of me and rushed to the gun deck.

I made my way into the gun deck which was already cleared of the debris blocking the entrance, and I immediately see Gideon sitting down in a chair.

"Oi, Gideon is that the particle cannon!" My eyes seemed to sparkle as I looked at the strange object, and the gunner Gideon simply laughed.

"Yup and I'm the only one with enough clearance to use it in its current state. It's falling apart!"Gideon said as I took a closer look at the cannon. The cannon did seem to have much wear and tear issues.


I placed my hand on the cannon, and it felt hot to touch although it wasn't hot enough for me to yelp in pain. I realized that I had a slight fire-resistance after that incident with Liam. I suddenly started having images flash through my head as I stood there silently with my eyes wide opened.

"Are you crazy?! Get your hand off of that!"Gideon's yelling snapped me out of my daze.

I rubbed my head a little, "Ah...sorry I was just thinking a little."

Gideon noticed that I was fine, and he shook his head. He then directed his attention back to the ocean.

I could hear Derek shouting above, "I need people to go down to the lower deck to row the boat!" The ship started to slow down considerably as the wind began to blow in another direction.

"Aye, sir!" The crew would split up into two groups. One scrambled for the lower deck to move the oars. The other group rushed to lower the sails to get rid of drag. Once the oars entered the water, the members used all of their strength to move forward. The ship steadily moved forward.

"But isn't the queen dead?" I asked Gideon after I heard all of the commotions.

(Shouldn't we just wait for Ellie finish resting?")

"Pffft! Hahaha! Hell no! That ugly bitch is still alive!"Gideon gripped the controls even tighter as he grinned.


The queen resurfaced from the ocean, and it glared in the direction of the ship with their glowing eyes. How dare they injure me?! Its bloodlust became heightened as gallons of water started to surround its massive body. Gideon would also begin to charge the cannon for another shot.

The queen hissed loudly as it leaped into the air, and its power of water propelled it forward at insane speeds.

"Aren't you going to shoot it?!" I shouted as my eyes bulged from how fast the queen was coming towards us.

"Shut up! I know what I'm doing! I'm just waiting for the order!"Gideon barked as he licked his lips in anticipation.

Several intense moments later, the queen was about 100 feet away, and Derek still hasn't ordered Gideon to shoot. I could feel sweat started to drip from my brow and before I could say anything.

Derek shouted again."Fire!"


The particle cannon shot out its pillar of light, and it collided with the queen. It instantly became a test of power as neither side showed signs of giving up!

But ultimately the queen would lose the power exchange. The massive fish crashed into the water again hundreds of miles away from the ship.

The queen was becoming infuriated that she couldn't destroy her prey. That pillar of light! After the queen resurfaced, it instead started to charge it's water cannon magic. The sphere of water was almost the size of its own body!

Before Gideon could charge another shot, he noticed the cannon started to spark, "SHIT!"He shrieked as he sprung into action, jumping out of the chair.

"Kid! Shoot those bolts off on the floor! NOW!"

I took out my gun-blade without question and shot the bolts Gideon was talking about that kept the cannon in place. He then quickly gave the chair a good kick, and out the hatch, it went. The cannon sank instantly into the ocean due to its weight.

Several moments later after sinking into the ocean.


The particle cannon exploded with enough force to propel the ship off course with minor damage.

"That was the only one this obsolete ship has..." Gideon sighed as he gripped his grey hair.

My heart started to beat uncontrollably I didn't see any way out of this, and I thought about using that power again.

(But...I don't want to use it! It's too...much.)

I gritted my teeth as I became angry at how weak I became after that incident.

"I'll...go to-"


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