

Ginger's pov

I pulled up to the house and looked over at Gia.

She was fast asleep, she had been asleep for about 10 minutes, I smiled and kissed her forehead.

I grabbed her keys and got out of the car, I walked to the door and unlocked it, I grabbed a blanket and headed back outside.

I opened her door and wrapped the blanket around her, I picked her up and carried her inside, I shut the door with my foot and walked over to the couch, I gently put her down and kissed her cheek.

I felt bad about what happened today, I didn't mean to make her feel like that hell I didn't even know she seen me and Avery, I mean yea she was flirting with me but Avery's a natural flirt which is why She's always in trouble with Beck.

I know I shouldn't have gotten so upset when she told Alicia and Hailey we weren't official but when she said it, I got so upset I thought she didn't want them to know or that she was embarrassed to say we were together.

I mean yes I haven't asked her to be my girlfriend yet but I'm working on it, I've been planning something since the day she told me she liked me, I don't know about the boys but I want her to be mine, I plan on marrying her one of these days and nothing is gonna stop me from doing so.

She's gonna be my wife, Now I don't know about the boys but I love her already I've loved her for a long time but I could never tell if she felt anything for me.

I picked her up slightly and sat down on the couch so her head was in my lap. I looked down at her and couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. She looks so beautiful, Her beautiful brown skin and her big plump lips.

Those big brown eyes everything about her I love.

I love how she walks, How she talks, Shit I love how she breaths. I love when she laughs, I love when she smiles, Everything about her makes me happy. She makes me happy, I hate when she cry's, I hate when she talks bad about herself.

I don't understand how someone so beautiful can hate themselves so much, She's way too pretty to not realize how much power she holds. She's perfect, I love this girl, and I plan to spend the rest of my life proving it to her.

Someone started knocking on the door and I groaned.

"Come in" I said. The door opened to reveal Kingston, Dante and Matteo.

"Where have you two been" Matteo asked as he sat down next to me placing her legs in his lap.

"We went to the mall to find her a dress for a company ball or something like that" I said looking up at him.

"Wait who told her about that we haven't asked her yet" Dante asked sitting in the chair across from us.

"Jordan called and asked her to come with him"

I said looking back down at her.

"Motherfucker" Matteo mumbled under his breath. I rolled my eyes and played with her hair.

"Did she find anything she liked" Kingston asked.

"No" I said quickly.

"What happened" Kingston asked.

"What do you mean" I asked.

"You answered very quickly which means something happened" Dante said looking at me.

"Nothing happened" I said.


"Don't fucking lie to us Ginger what the fuck happened" Matteo said lowly.

"She didn't find a fucking dress that's it, if you wanna know anything else then fucking ask her when she wakes up" I said glaring at him.


"Ginger" I looked down hearing Gianna calling my name.

"Yes kitten" I said.

"What's going on why are you yelling" She asked rubbing her eyes.

"Nothing kitten are you still sleepy" I asked rubbing her back as she slowly sat up.

She shook her head and looked up seeing Matteo, She gave him a little smile before she yawned.

"Hi" She said quietly.

"Hi baby" He said caressing her cheek.

"How was your day princess" She looked over hearing Kingston.

"Um it was fine" She said looking up at me, silently asking if I had told them anything, I shook my head slightly and she sighed.

"Are you sure" Dante asked.

"Yes" She mumbled.

"Then why did our men tell us that you were with another guy" Dante asked.

She turned around and looked at him with wide eyes before looking back at me, I was just as shocked.

"What" She asked.

"Who is he Gianna" Matteo asked lowly.

"He's just a friend, I literally just met him today"

She said.

"And why we're you alone" Kingston asked.

"Where the fuck were you" Matteo asked looking at me.

"I turned around for a second and she was gone and then she didn't answer the phone, So I don't know what the fuck your trying to say but don't" I said looking him up and down.

"Shut up Matteo" Kingston said glaring at him.

"Who the fuck-"

"SHUT UP" Gianna said standing up with the blanket still wrapped around her.

"YOU HAVE SOMEONE FOLLOWING ME AROUND" She yelled looking at them.

"Of course we do" Matteo said shrugging.


"Watch your mouth" Kingston said.

"Oh I'm sorry am I not allowed to be upset" She said looking at him.

"Baby your allowed to be upset,you just can't break your rules because of it" Dante said with a small smile.

"Explain to me why you have a stranger following me around" She said.

"Because if we aren't with you we need to know that someone can protect you" Kingston said.

"I don't need your protection, I was fine before and I'll be fine when you leave" She said and turned around stomping upstairs.

Dante's sighed before he started standing to go after her.

"Don't, you'll only make it worse" I said standing and go after her.

I opened the door and seen she was in her closet, She was putting on some shorts when she looked up and seen me.

"Go away" She said.

"No" She huffed and walked pasted me getting in her bed and wrapping up in the covers.

"Baby they don't mean any harm you know that, they just want to protect you baby" I said sitting down beside her.

"I know" she said quietly.

"Then why are you so upset" I asked.

"Because they think I can't protect myself" she said.

"Baby that's not it, they just feel better knowing there's someone they trust watching you and making sure your safe" I explained hoping she'd understand.

"Your right" She said pulling the cover off and looking at me.

"Don't you think you should apologize" I said rubbing her legs.

"Yes" She said, She stood up and hugged me.


"Can you come with me" She asked.

"Of course kitten" I said grabbing her hand.

"Thank you" She said walking downstairs and pulling me along.

We got to the bottom of the stairs and they all looked up at her.

"Im sorry I yelled at you, I just didn't understand why you did it but I understand now and I'm really sorry I yelled at you" She said looking up at them.

"It's ok princess we understand just don't ever yell at us again" Kingston said.

"Yes sir" She said smiling.

She let go of my hand and jumped in Dante's lap,

He chuckled as she kissed his cheek.

"So can I meet the guy who follows me around"

she asked, Dante looked back at Kingston and Matteo before telling her yes.

I sat down on the couch with Matteo beside me as Kingston called someone and told them to come to the door.

She turned around so she was facing away from Dante. A few seconds later someone was knocking on the door, I stood up and answered the door.

There was a big tall man with tattoos everywhere. He had a tear drop under his eyes, And a name on top of his eyebrow, He had short dreads and a million dollar smile.

"Hi I'm Henry" He said.

"Ginger" I said smiling.

"Come on in" I said stepping aside so he could come in.

He walked in and Gia stood up and turned around to say hi but instead she just looked at him.

"Jesus your huge how have I not noticed you" She said causing everyone to laugh.

"I'm just that good" He said smiling at her.

"I'm Gianna but you can call me Gia" She said sticking her hand out for him to shake.

"I'm Henry" He said shaking her hand.

"It's nice to finally meet you" She said.

"Likewise" He said smiling.

"Ok I feel better now" She said sitting in Dante's lap.

"That's all it took" Matteo asked rolling his eyes.

"Yes, if you were honest in the first place this would have never happened" She said looking him up and down.

"Lose the attitude" Matteo said glaring at her.

"If I had an attitude then you'd know" she said glaring right back at him.

Henry turned and looked back at me with a worried expression, I smiled and walked over to the door opening it so he could escape.

"I'm gonna go it was nice to meet you Gia" Henry said smiling at her before turning and heading to the door.

"Bye Henry" She said smiling and waving at him.

He chuckled and waved back at her before going out the door, I closed the door and sat back down on the couch.

"You know your really starting to piss me off with that attitude" Matteo said looking at Gia.

" And you-"

"Shut the fuck up both of you" Kingston said.

"You two need to stop arguing" Dante said.

"Fine" She said pouting.

"Whatever" Matteo said.

"What is the problem" Kingston asked.

"She's a brat"

"He's mean"

" I know what the problem is" Dante said smirking.

"What" Kingston asked.

"He's mad because he can't fuck her and she's mad because he won't fuck her" Dante said smiling.

"Nuh uh" Gia said looking at him.

"Oh please, you two are just horny that's what's wrong with you" Dante said.

"Is that true" She asked looking at Matteo.

"Maybe" He said.

"Ok next topic because this is boring" Kingston said rolling his eyes.

"Ginger are you going to the company party" He asked me.

"Yea" I said.

"Good since we're all going we'll be going together and there will be no arguing and everybody will be on there best behavior" He said looking at Matteo and Gia.

"And if you act up" he said looking at Gia.

"Then I'm going to make you regret meeting me"

"I'll be good I promise" She said.

"Good girl" Dante said kissing her cheek.

After awhile we all sat around and watched movies until she fell asleep. Matteo carried her upstairs while the rest of us cleaned up slightly.

"Ginger I'm sorry about Matteo, He's jealous because of your relationship with Gia" Dante said.

"It's ok I understand I would be jealous too" I said smiling.

Matteo came back downstairs and smiled at me.I turned and looked at Kingston and Dante, they just shrugged.

"Can I talk to you" he asked me.

"Uh yea sure" I said, He walked to the kitchen and I followed him.

"What's wrong" I asked.

"I'm sorry for being a dick " He said.

"What did she say to you" I asked.

"She said I was being a dick and I felt bad" He said shrugging.

"It's fine" I said. He looked at me then down at my lips.

"Ginger I don't hate you I hope you know that" He said.

"I know it's ok" I said shrugging.

"I actually like you well as a person and kinda of like a-"

"Wait does Gia know you feel like that" I asked the last thing I want is for her to think that I want Matteo more then I want her, I mean Matteo's attractive and I would love to see what that tongue do but I want Gia to be ok with it.

"Yea, She woke up when I was putting her in bed, She told me she knew and that she was ok with it" He said.

"Oh" I said.

"Ginger I'm not saying that I want to fuck you right here in her kitchen I'm just saying that I think we all could actually be together" He said.

"Oh yea I do too" I said and gave him a small smile.

"Good you should go upstairs she's waiting for you" He said, I nodded and said goodnight before walking upstairs, I said good night to Kingston and Dante and headed to Gia's room.

"Did he tell you" She asked rubbing her eyes.

"Yea he told me" I said taking my shorts off and climbing in bed with her.

"Do you like him" She asked getting on top of me.

"I do" I said rubbing her thighs.

"Good now we just have to get Kingston and Dante" She said leaning down and laying on my chest.

"You want all of us to be together like romantically" I asked.

"Yes I want you to be my girlfriend and theirs and I want them to be my boyfriend and yours" She said wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Ok" I said smiling.

"You mean you'll do it you'll try to be with them" she asked smiling up at me.

"Of course baby anything for you" I said kissing her cheek.

"Thank you" she said.

"Your welcome baby, now go to sleep" I said laughing, she giggled and kissed my neck before going to sleep.

I started drifting off when I heard her breathing even out.

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