

I woke up in my bed and looked around, Ginger was beside me fast asleep. I smiled she looked so peaceful and so adorable.

I looked over to my nightstand and noticed a note.

Princess we had to leave but we'll be back later on today, We'll even bring you food to make it up to you,We're sorry we couldn't stay with you but we promise we'll make it up to you darling.

I smiled and slowly slid out of bed, Making my way to the bathroom, I used the bathroom and jumped in the shower. I got out about 15 minutes later and wrapped a towel around my waist.

I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste and quickly brushed my teeth. After I finished I headed to my closet. I sat down and applied some cocoa butter on my arms and legs and dabbed a little on my face before grabbing some red lace panties and a bra to match.

I quickly found an outfit for the day and went back to my room.

(Without nails and phone)

I grabbed some perfume and sprayed it on my neck and wrists, I went back to my bathroom grabbing some water and conditioner and sprayed my hair. I grabbed a comb and brushed out my naps, I grabbed a big hair tie and tied my hair up into a puff. I fluffed it out and walked back to my room.

I looked down at Ginger and smiled she was still fast asleep. I went back to my side and climb in the bed grabbing my phone and checking the time. 10:27.

Ginger groaned and I looked over at her, She was moving around in her sleep, She was feeling around for something, her hand brushed my thigh and she came closer to me cuddling into my thigh.


Her eye's fluttered open and she looked up at me, She smiled before putting her head in my lap, I brushed her hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead.

She giggled and spread my legs, I looked down at her wide eye as she pushed me back so I was laying down.

Then she laid down on my stomach, I looked at her like she was crazy and she smirked.

"You little tease" I mumbled and she lifted my shirt to kiss my stomach, She rubbed my stomach as she laid down.

"Jordan texted me" I said grabbing my phone.

"What did he say" She asked kissing my hand, I giggled as I read the text.

"He asked if I could come to that little company ball thing" I said.

"Are you gonna go" She asked looking up at me.

"Yea I guess I'll have to find a dress but I know he needs someone there as his assistant " I said shrugging.

I texted Jordan back telling him I would attend the ball with him. He told me I had 3 days until the ball.

"He said that I could invite people so you wanna come" I asked.

"Of course" She said smiling up at me.

"Are you gonna wear a dress" I asked excitedly.

"If you want me too" She said.

" I do I wanna see what your ass looks like in one" I said smirking. She smirked and leaned up to kiss me, She pulled away and licked her lips looking me up and down.

"Come on you need to take a shower, we need to go shopping" I said texting Alicia and Hailey to tell them.

"Ok ok" Ginger said standing and going to the bathroom.

Alicia and Hailey texted me back saying they were going to the ball as well and that we could go shopping today.


I hate shopping but I needed to get this done, I said Ginger would bring me so we could just meet at the mall.

Ginger had gotten out of the shower and walked in my room with nothing but a towel on. I turned and gasped as I looked at her. Her hair was wet and water was dripping down her chest to her cleavage.

"What's wrong kitten" She said coming closer to me.

"N-nothing I just uh thought you'd have clothes on" I said.

"Does this bother you" She said backing my up into my dresser.

I looked down and mumbled a moan. She scoffed and gripped my chin making me look up at her.

"Baby you should really get used to looking me in the eyes" She said.

"Why" I said confused.

"Because kitten when I make you eat my pussy, your gonna look at me while you do it" She said wrapping her hand around my throat and squeezing slightly.

"Do you understand kitten" She asked squeezing my neck.

"Yes ma'am" I said, She slowly let me go before kissing my neck and disappearing into my closet. Sh came back out a few minutes later fully dressed.

(Without bag and necklace)

"Did you leave that here" I asked

"Yes I always leave clothes here so when I stay I dont have to wear you clothes" She said smiling.

Not like you could fit them anyone I thought, she looked at me and her smile faded.

"What's wrong kitten" she asked.

"Huh nothing, let's go their probably there already" I said smiling and grabbing my phone,wallet, and keys and heading downstairs.

I opened the door waiting for ginger to come out. She walked out eyeing me and I smiled I closed my door Locking it in the process. I ran to Gingers truck but she stopped me.

"Do you wanna drive your car" She asked.

"We don't have too" I say.

"I want too your car always smells like you" She said, I smiled and threw her my keys before we got in my car.

We headed to the mall listening to music as we went, after about 20 minutes we pulled up.

I got out the car and grabbed gingers hand,


"Yep" And we headed in.

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