

I woke up when I heard someone calling my name,I turned over slowly and looked up. Everything was kinda blurry because I still had sleep in my eyes.

"Kitten" I smiled hearing the pet name.

Ginger was looking down at me with a smile on her face.

I slowly sat up and wrapped my arms around her neck, I sighed and she rubbed my back.

"Are you still sleepy" She asked pulling away from me. I shook my head and she smiled, She turned around and pulled out a plastic bowl.

I could tell by the aroma that it was grilled shrimp with rice and cheese.

I smiled and grabbed the container and pulled the lid off, Ginger laughing and grabbed a fork from the bag and handed it to me. I grabbed it mumbling a small "thank you".I took a bite and moaned at the taste. ginger grabbed a fork and sat next to me, She took a bite and laughed as I stared at her.

She grabbed the remote and turned on the tv, she got on Netflix and turned on criminal minds. I smiled and leaned up placing a quick kiss on her cheek.

We finished our food and she grabbed the container and the rest of the trash and disappearing into my kitchen to throw away the trash.

She came back in and sat down beside me wrapping her arm around me.

"How was the ranch" I asked my voice still kinda hoarse. She looked down at me and smiled.

"It was good actually, you remember precious" She asked.

" uh the pig right" I asked hoping I remembered correctly.

"Yea she finally gave birth" She said smiling and me and twisting my hair around her finger.

"Oh my god really I wanna see, why didn't you tell me I would've came to see the babies" I said pouting.


"Because kitten I didn't have time too, I'm sorry baby , I'll take you up there one of these days I promise" She said kissing my forehead.

"Fine I guess I forgive you" I said smirking.

She giggled and kissed my cheek.

"So, how sore is your ass" She said smirking down at me.

"WHAT" I asked looking up at her.

"You know what I'm talking about" She said pulling on my hair slightly.

"They told you" I said looking down.

"Yes, now what happened" She asked her voice slightly more authoritative.

"Matteo got mad at me and spanked me" I said.

"What did you do too make him mad" She asked me.

"I uh well I hung up on him and then ignored him when he texted me" She sighed and shook her head.

"And then I had someone over and didn't tell him or Dante or Kingston" I said, She looked down at me wide eyed before shaking her head.

"You just love getting in trouble don't you" She asked pulling me into her lap.

I shrugged and twisted her red hair around my finger.

She laughed and kissed my cheek. Just then a thought popped up.Tease her.

I shifted me body down so I was closer to her neck. I kissed her neck gently and then started sucking gently. She gripped my neck and groaned as I sucked harder leaving hickeys as I went on.

"Kitten I suggest you stop fucking teasing me" She said grabbing my ass with one hand and tangling the other hand in my hair.

"What the fuck are you gonna do" I said grinding my hips against her.

She grabbed me by my waist and flipped me so I was on the couch and she was was on top of me.

She wrapped her hand around my throat and gripped it tightly.


"You must love being punished" She said gripping the bottom of my shirt and pulling it over my head.

I smiled and pushed my body closer to her. She pushed my hips back down with one hand and started undoing my bra with the other.

She pulled my bra off and threw it, I gasped as the cool air made contact with my nipples,They were almost immediately hard.

I groaned and she slid her finger across my nipple. I whimpered as she pinched both my Nipples and pulled them.

She smiled down at me before leaning down And kissing my cheek before trailing down to my neck, She left a few hickeys before she eventually got to my breast.

She looked up at me as she sucked on my right nipple, She pinched and pulled my left one and I groan as she twisted it.

"Please Ginger" I begged pushing up against her.

"No you'll take whatever I give you" She said biting my nipple I whimpered and tried pushing her away as she bit down harder.

She slowly made her way down my body, She kissed down my stomach and stopped just above my shorts. I squirmed as she pulled them down slowly, She threw them on the table before sliding down between my legs.

She slid my panties to the side and blew on my pussy. I gasped as the cool air made contact with my warm center.

I whimpered as she slid her finger over clit, She looked up at me and smirked before kissing up and down my pussy.

She leaned up and kissed my cheek before leaning down and whispering in my ear.

"You don't deserve it" She said simply before pulling away and grabbing my shorts sliding them back on, She grabbed my shirt and pulled me into her lap and slid it over my head.

I pouted and slid off her lap going to the far end of the couch and glaring at her. She looked at me and smiled.

"What's wrong kitten" She asked coming closer.

"You know what's wrong" I said.

"If you were a good girl I wouldn't have had too punish you" She said smirking.

"Where's my bra" I asked looking around.

"Your not getting that back" She said looking at the tv.

"Why not" I asked looking up at her.

"Easy access" She said shrugging her shoulders and sitting right next to me.

"No I don't wanna sit by you, your mean" I whined, pushing her away.

"Aw kitten it's cute you think you can push me away" She said grabbing my arms and pulling me to her.

She kissed my forested and I giggled as she started tickling me.

" Now how about we have a little movie night" She said kissing my cheek.

I nodded and we headed to the room in the back. I closed the blinds on the slid door and jumped on the couch beside ginger. We started off with romance movies then went to comedy.

Eventually I wanted snacks so Ginger offered to go to the store and get some. I stayed in case the brothers came back early.

I laid on the couch scrolling through instagram waiting for Ginger.

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