《Claimed By The Devil》Chapter 20


Padgett Eve:

I was disturbed from my sleep, but not by the sunlight it was because of a phone ringing continuosly. I was finally wide awake and it was Sebestian's phone ringing for the the third consecutive time. I just turned my body towards Sebestian because getting up from his tight death grip would be impossible for me.

"Sebestian" I said hoping he would wake up but he didn't he didn't even bulge. I put my palm over his bicep slightly stroking it. "Sebestian, wake up please." His phone rang again.

After trying again he finally woke up. "What?" He said in a husky voice making me shiver.

"Your p-phone is been ringing for a while now." I hesitantly said.

"Let it be." He said and then his phone rang again. He just groaned in annoyance and streached his arm out to reach for his phone.

"What the fuck Alan? Do you realise your calling me at fucking 3:45 am. This better be important or else tell your family to prepare a funeral for you." Sebestian said as soon as he picked up the call.

After listening to Alan Sebestian just dipped his head in my neck in annoyance and said, "I'll be there." Sebestian said disconnecting the call. He just burried his head in my neck, and said, "I have to somewhere to be right now I'll probably be back for breakfast." He said and I just nodded my head, dissapointed.

"Bye" he said wearing his clothes and kissing me deeply before going. I wasn't able to resume my sleep, but I took a nice shower later.

As Sebestian said he was back for breakfast which thankfully went by peacefully since Olga was back. She looked much better than before.

The day was going fine, yet. But today I decided to bake something as I was so bored and I literally had nothing to do in this big mansion.


The unsual thing I noticed today was that Sebestian was in his office and many people were coming and going to his office. The mansion was very busy today. Out of the many people coming I could only recognise Bradly and Alan. They both were very worried and stressed about something even Sebestian, infact everybody was. Everybody was running back and forth his office and the entrance gate.

I was baking while Olga was constantly warning me to be careful and chuckeled. She made me remember of mother, even Amelda did. I may not remember my mother but I always miss her.

Right now I was currently applying and ice pack to my finger which was burnt, while Olga was scolding me like a mother reacting to her child who broke his hand.

"You should've taken that out carefully. You should've wore that glove correctly. And most importantly you should've listened to me while I was saying I will do it." She said still focused on applying the ointment on my burned finger.

"Sorry, I will be careful next time." I said a bit sad because she was scolding me. She just chuckeled and walked to the kitchen island where I had kept kept my cupcakes. She took a bite and said, "They taste really good, sweetie." She said while being happy and also feeding me some. She wasn't lying it surely was delicious.

By the time I was finished with the dressing of the cupcake, Albert was there telling Olga about some arrangement to be made. I also made Albert eat some to which he just said, "Thank you, Mrs. Knight. They are delicious." I was happy that everybody liked what I made. Knowing that there was an entire staff in this massive mansion, I made a lot of cupcakes. I gave it all the people I could in the mansion. I was happy, after a very long time. The last time I was a bit happy was when I went out to a cozy restaurant with Colton. Just the thought of Colton brought so many questions and tears in my eyes. I was cut from my thoughts by Olga.


"You should offer some to Mr. Knight. He will be very happy."

"He will?" I questioned amused that even the devil can get happy.

Listening to her I went towards Sebestian who was in his office. The tension in the air of the mansion was not finished yet, but was just forgotten for a while by my cupcakes. I was walking down these cold and scary hallways which led me to his office. Each inch of his mansion screamed money and danger.

I was looking for his office door, and when I finally spotted it. The door was open and a man whose face was covered with blood. He came running towards me and the plate I was holding fell down and was broken. The cupcakes were mixed with the broke pieces of the plate.

I could hear Sebestian shout "Get a fucking hold of him"

The man ran towards my direction a little faster, and said, "Help me, p-p-please help me." I was too numb to react.

I saw Sebestian, Bradly, Alan and some other men coming out of his office.

The man just cursed and picked up a sharp broken glass piece and held it against my neck. Holding me as a hostage.

Sebestian's eyes were in thier darkest form and the man said, "Stay away or I'll kill her, Sebestian. And if I were you I wouldn't try to do anything smart if I had this beautiful wife held as a captive."

Sebestian just stood there angry as hell while the others were the same. Brad and Alan were thinking hard while the others were ready to shoot the man with thier guns aimed at him.

"Tell your men to put the gun down or else I kill her." He said bringing the glass piece even more closer to my neck. I was shivering while Sebestian was just shooting death glares at the man.

"What do you want?" Sebestian said. While Brad and Alan were busy looking at the ceiling.

"Woah.... Seriously what power does this girl hold to make The Sebestian Knight surrender." The man asked suprised.

"Leave her while I'm asking you nicely." Sebestian said with a very dangerous voice.

"And why would I leave such a beauty?" The man asked in return.

"You know, you're in my house, right?" Sebestian asked while he smirked. And I could the man's body stiffen.

"S-so w-what?" The man asked a bit terrified.

"Nothing much. You get killed" Sebestian casually said and nodded his head like a signal.

As soon as he nodded his head I heard a gun shot and I felt the man behind me collapsing and I was shocked. I turned around to see myself standing in a pool of the man blood as his head was shot. The floor was messed up with broken pieces of glass, and cupcake mixed with the man's blood.

Tears were blurring my vision and I felt my body go loose. I turned to see Sebestian who just stood there like nothing happened. I wanted to utter some damn words but I could just open my mouth my voice was not coming out.

I could hear Bradly say, "Hey, Padgett calm down. There's nothing to fear." I could hear him say this while I felt like falling on the ground and I actually was falling on the ground while Sebestian was fast enough to catch me. The last thing I heard before loosing my consciousness was.

"It's fine, love. I got you. Your safe."

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