《Savior (BWWM)》Twenty Five


"Talk." I said as I faced the man who I thought was Luis. He was chained to a wooden chair in the center of the basement still in and out of consciousness from his gunshot wound.

Kade, Colton, and Blake were the only people in here with us. Nobody else knew about this happening but them. I needed to figure out what the hell was going on before I allowed anyone else to know about this first.

He weakly smirked as he looked behind me to my left. I knew who he was looking at, Blake. She wanted to be here even though I told her it'd be a bad idea, but when does she ever listen. I warned her how gruesome it might be if things didn't go as I wanted them, but she claimed she'd be fine.

"Talk asshole." I said once again pulling a knife to his neck. I didn't have time to waste or games to play. Luis has already played with me enough.

"I remember when you were born." He said looking toward Blake. "I was at the hospital with your father and mother. Do you remember me?"

She didn't respond as she stared at him awkwardly.

"I watched you grow up. But who knew that you'd cause all of this much mess." He laughed. "Your mother. If only she was here now." He shook his head.

"Who are you?" She finally spoke.

"Your uncle, Rob." He gave her a weak smile as she looked back at him in confusion.

Well, that's where the resemblance came from. This was Luis's brother.

"Things weren't supposed to go this way. Nobody was supposed to find you, but now that you're in the hands of Roman Ferrari you must die." He said nonchalantly.

"Fuck you!" She yelled. I could tell by her trembly voice she was on the verge of breaking down.

"Luis won't stop until she's dead. You... You better be glad I... I didn't get my hands on her." He turned his attention toward me while breathing heavily, trying to catch his breath.

Not happy with his choice of words I moved the knife swiftly to his right hand cutting the tip of his index finger off in one motion. He grunted loudly. "You... you asshole!"

I threw a towel at him from my table. "Apply pressure. I'm not done with you yet."

I heard Blake's low gasps from behind, but I blocked them out. My main objective was getting information out of him and that's what I'm going to do.

"Why were you sent to the event." I cocked my head, playing with my knife. He didn't answer me, and I was very inpatient right now, I needed answers. I punched him right in the face. "Answer me damnit!"

Blake gasped loudly. "He can't answer you if you keep harming him!"

Whose side was she fucking on. It took everything in me from yelling at her but instead I shot her a look to shut her mouth. I knew I shouldn't have let her down here in the first place.

"You better listen to her." He looked up at me with a smirk.

"And you better start talking."

He sighed. "To throw you off, you could say. People do say my brother and I look like twins."

"Go on."


"You have enemies. Your own people turning on you." He weakly chuckled. "A Dr. Krue, is it? Gave us all the details on getting in here, who know it'd be that easy."

I clenched my fist. That fucking bitch. That's what I get for being so damn nice. I should've killed her. By the look on her face when I let her go, I should've known she would do something stupid like this, but it was still hard to believe she would.

I let my anger get over me, putting it all towards him. "Give me a reason not to kill you right now!" I angrily said clenching my teeth. I was pissed. I can't believe someone who I trusted turned their back on me. I want her; I want her dead.

"Our plan worked." He continued on, ignoring my question.

"What fucking plan?" I didn't quite understand what he was getting at.

"Getting me in here, worked just like Luis said it would. You..." He paused taking a breath. "Made a mistake."

The sirens around the empire started going off as he smiled. Fuck. This can't be happening right now. I ran a hand down my face in frustration.

"What the fuck is happening?" I pulled my gun from my waist aiming it at his head.

"Luis. He is here, for his daughter." He grinned at her. "Get ready darling, you're going home."

"Like hell she is. What's going on outside." I looked toward Colton.

"Men, lots of them trying to storm the front gates." He responded looking at his phone. "But our men are holding them off for the most part."

"We need to relocate. It's not safe." I spoke. "Get Blake out of here and to the jet."

"And what about you!" She stepped from the corner.


"Not without you Roman."

"This isn't the time for your stubbornness."

"And this isn't the time for you to be killed."

I rolled my eyes. I knew there was no way she'd leave now, and I couldn't risk her getting hurt if they succeeded in getting inside. The bunkers lock after 10 minutes after the alert and only I and Colton could override the code to get inside them. And I knew she wouldn't go to one at this moment.


"He's coming with us. Have the jets ready to leave."

We'll see if Luis love his brother as much as I did mine. Hell, he's trying to kill his own daughter, his blood. So, who knows, but I could at-least try to bribe him with his brother.

"And Roman..." Rob whispered as I walked closer to him. "I know you'll kill me soon anyways."

Before I could get any words out, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. "What the hell." I looked down to see a knife in the center of my stomach.

How the fuck did he get a knife. I see his right arm loose from the chains. And how the fuck did he even get loose.

I quickly backed away as I bit my tongue from the pain. "Bastard." I yelled.

"Roman, oh my god." Blake came towards me.

I was angry, pissed to be exact. None of this was supposed to happen, none of it. I pulled my gun from my waist and without hesitation, I fired. Leaving his body lifeless.



Everything was moving so fast. We were rushed onto a jet and Roman's condition wasn't as bad as we thought, but he was still in terrible pain that he tried to hide, but I could tell he was hurting.

After everything was under control Roman was stitched up by one of the empire doctors. It was hard to leave everything behind so quickly. His men were able to keep out Luis's men and they retreated back. Roman had them begun tightening their security and making sure only five people knew security codes and had access to certain things instead of everyone who worked at the empire.

I didn't notice the man that Roman ended up killing. Even though it was an unsettling scene to even see. Who knew my life would be full of so much death now?

I couldn't tell if he was lying or not being my uncle, but I for sure knew he wasn't Luis, even though he looked exactly like him.

I sat beside Roman on his private jet as his eyes were closed. I took a second to admire his face. His curls were loose and messy, but his beard was cut in perfection. There was a tattoo on his neck that I've never seen before. It was a rose that looked like it had the letter B in it. I tilted my head to get a better view.

"What are you thinking about." Roman opened his eyes facing me.

I jumped back as I felt heat rushing to my face. I hope he didn't catch me staring.

"Nothing, rest." I patted his chest.

"I'm fine Blake."

"Your face and stomach say otherwise." I looked down at his patched-up stomach and swelling face.

A sly smile appeared on his face as his eyes closed. I wonder what he's smiling about.

"We'll be there in about three more hours." Colton spoke from behind us. "Your parents are on the next flight here."

I have no idea where were flying too, but Roman said I had to get away from the empire. After what happened and Luis playing all these dirty tricks, the empire was definitely unsafe for me.

"Where are we exactly going?" I asked.

"Romania. Roman has some family there that nobody knows about. It's the safest place for you to be as of right now." Colton said.

Well, I thought the empire was the safest place for me be...

I nodded, even though I knew he couldn't see me. I wonder what side of the family these people we're a part of.

I felt Roman's hand touch my thigh as he rubbed it in rotations. I didn't move his hand away, it felt quite calming.

"You're always so tense." He mumbled.

"Aren't you supposed to be resting? And I have a reason to be."

He opened his eyes as he looked up at me. "Soon."

"Soon what?"

"Soon you'll be safe." He closed his eyes again. I couldn't tell if he was trying to sleep or not. His breathing stayed steady and in sync. I wanted to stay up and watch over him, but I was too tired myself and ended up falling asleep.

I woke up to a hand shaking my shoulder. "We're here."

I groaned as I opened my eyes to Roman. "Did you get any sleep?" I asked as I stood up to stretch.


I cocked my head at him. "No?"

"I couldn't sleep." He stood slowly as he shut his eyes from the pain.

I can tell he didn't want help by how he never asked and tried doing it alone even though he knew he was in pain. I came beside him guiding him up.

"You don't hav-."

"You're hurt. Let me."

He nodded as I helped him up and off the jet.

"So, what do we do next?" Colton asked as he came up beside us.

"We plan a wedding." Roman responded.

I almost tripped over my feet as I remembered we were fake engaged. I cleared my throat as we continued walking toward the car in front of us.

"Christmas is in a couple days, will it happen then?" Colton looked at the both of us. "Or tomorrow or any other day?"

"Enough with the questions. You sound like my mother. We'll talk about this later." Roman waved him off.

Colton chuckled. "Alright."

I opened the back door, carefully helping Roman get in. I suggested to drive, but Colton and Roman both disagreed on that. Instead, Colton drove while Roman and I sat in the back. The ride was quiet. It gave me time to think about everything that's happened. A couple weeks ago I was a normal girl who worked at a Club. Now I'm about to be married to a man who has millions and known by many. The feeling made me anxious. This wasn't how my life was supposed to go.

We drive for a while until we came to a stop at a house that looked like it cost millions. Everything looked so beautiful and elegant outside. A man came outside approaching the car.

The man spoke as he opened the door. "Sir Roman, it's nice of you to be joining us. And you must be Mrs. Ferrari."

"No i'm-."

"Soon." Roman smiled at the man.

I silently cursed at him for cutting me off.

"Very well. Madam Penelope is waiting for you in the den."

"Thank you." Roman said as I helped him from the car.

"What's up with the formal talking?" I giggled.

Roman rolled his eyes. "Something my mom's side of the family likes. I haven't been here since I was young, so lots of things have changed since then."

"Interesting." So, this was his mom's side. I wonder why nobody knows about them.

As we entered the house, I felt a welcoming presence as Roman lead the way toward the den.

There was a woman and maid that stood beside the women who dressed like Royalty. The maid looked so familiar... way too familiar. She stared at me with her eyes wide as I didn't understand why.

"Blake?" She spoke as she inched forward.

Roman looked toward me confused as much as I was. I shrugged my shoulders at him.

"Back in your place!" The woman spoke who I assumed was Penelope.

The woman didn't listen as she kept walking toward me. "Blake... is this really my Blake?" Her voice started trembling.

Roman limped in front of me as a sort of protection. "What are you doing?" He said to the woman. "Back up!"

As she got closer, I took a good look at her face...



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