《Savior (BWWM)》Seventeen


I glanced around at every building and house as we made our way toward the center of town where the meeting was being held. It looked like something you'd see in movies. I never knew someone could own a town like this. There were light poles, actual streets, houses, and flowers nicely planted everywhere. I knew it had to cost millions to be built.

Roman had his hand on my lower back as he guided me through the newly forming crowd.

"Calm down." He gave my hip a squeeze.

"I'm calm."

"Lies. I can feel how tense your body is."

"I'm just cold. But I'll be fine." I reassured him. It was terribly cold outside; I wish this meeting could've been done somewhere inside.

"Do you want my jacket?" He asked as he kissed my ear. "I need you on point."

I bit my tongue from the small pleasure that kiss gave me. Control yourself Blake, right now isn't the time. It's all an act anyways.

"Thank you, but I'll be fine."

People gave me unsure looks but greeted Roman as if he was royalty. I rolled my eyes. This is so stupid, why did I even go along with this.

I had on jeans and a basic hoodie. My hair was actually down this time and of course Roman out did me with his suit and tie. Everyone we passed had on expensive outfits. That's probably why they looked at me so awkwardly.

As we made it to the front, everyone's eyes shifted towards us. It was over 100 people standing here right now.

I started feeling uneasy. I was used to people staring at me as I danced on the pole, but this... felt different. Roman sensed my discomfort and put his hand around my waist, resting it on my hip.

"Everybody listen up." He scanned the area. "This may come as a shock to some people. But this was my decision 100 percent. This is Blake, my fiancé." He paused as gasps and whispers flowered through the crowd. "And I expect you all to treat her with the same respect you give me." He said in such a clear but demeaning voice.

"Is she going to be shared?" A guy in front of the crowd joked as he looked around for others to laugh but everyone else's eyes went wide.

Roman tilted his head to the side as a small smirk rose on his face. But his face quickly went straight as he pulled his gun from his waist. "Yeah, we can if you're willing to die though."

I looked around nervously as everyone else didn't looked phased by his actions. Was this normal? I cleared my throat. Of course, it was.

Roman put the tip of the gun into the guy's forehead and gave him a smile while his face turned into fear.

"You must be one big idiot." Roman teased pushing the gun harder into his forehead.

"I didn't mean it sir. It was just a joke."

"I know you're new around here. But don't ever, test me again, or I'll put a bullet in your fucking head."

Maybe I should've said something. But I knew stepping in would've pissed Roman off more. Nobody else stepped up or told Roman to stop, so I knew I shouldn't either.


"I'm sorry boss. It won't happen again." He frantically said taking a step back.

Roman came back beside me adjusting his suit while putting his gun away. I was in shock and didn't know what to say to him, but what did I expect. I knew what he was capable of. He gave me a nudge and I guess he was trying to tell me to play along.

I cleared my throat twice. I gave him a small smile as I felt everyone's eyes glued on us again. He kissed my forehead as he whispered in my ear. "Stop looking so scared."

"You we're going to shoot him over a mislead joke." I whispered back.

"He disrespected me. Nobody talks about my girl."

His girl. My stomach did mini flips. This was all a part of the act. He couldn't be serious.

He turned his attention back to his people. "Now let's get this meeting started."

He talked a lot about my father, well Luis. I don't consider him my father anymore.

Roman carefully explained different plans and missions he had set up. People seemed excited and interested in everything he said. Their full attention was on him.

I zoned out Roman's rants about shipments not being done on time. My focused shifted toward the cafe I noticed from where I was standing. I never got the chance to fully look around the empire. There was more to this place than I imagined. I was surprised to see a playground to my left. I didn't think people actually raised their kids here.

It was hard to believe people brought their families here to live. I wonder if they all knew what happened behind closed doors or if their just blinded by it all.

"And that how we're going to do it." Roman said as he pinched my hip. "And we won't stop until he's 6 feet under." He pinched my hip again.

I flinched. "What the hell?" I whispered angrily.

"You zoned out."

I rolled my eyes. "This is kind of boring, so of course."

I didn't notice how much time had gone by already. Everyone was more focused on Roman than me anyways.

He looked me up and down as he faced the crowd once more. "Everyone is free to go. Remember to stay on high alert for forehead skull tattoos."

They either nodded or said yes sir. The crowd slowly started decreasing. Only a couple people stayed behind talking.

"Don't roll your eyes at me again, unless..."

"Unless what?" I challenged.

"You'll be punished."

"Then punish me." I teased. I didn't know where I was going with this. Or why I was being so rebellious all over again. I told myself I wouldn't give in to Roman, but it wouldn't hurt to a have a little fun.

"Roman!" A woman's voice behind us yelled in an excited tone.

We both turned around to a woman with bright brown eyes and brown curly hair. She stood firmly as she held her hand together. She had on a light blue dress and heels, even though it was freezing cold out right now. She resembled the woman from their family portrait. This must be his mother.

"Mom?" He sounded surprised. "I thought you were out of town for a couple more days."


"Once I heard my son was engaged, I took the first flight back." She smiled hugely as she approached me. "And you must be Blake." She gave me a tight hug.

Okay she's very friendly and welcoming.

"Ruien told me you agreed to being our personal lawyer. This is just wonderful."

"Mom, you're being-."

"Oh, how rude I am." She cut Roman off. "Rayley Ferrari." She held her hand out.

"Blake Myers." I shook it.

"So where did you guys meet?" She asked me.

I literally just thought of words and said them. "At a club. He literally took my breath away when I met him." I smiled up at Roman as he gave me seductive smirk. I literally felt like throwing up after saying that.

"He is my little charmer." She smiled at the both of us. "So have you guys started wedding planning, when is the wedding. Who's on the guest list?" She asked as she started scrolling through her phone.

Okay she's nothing like Roman at all, or Nora, or Ruein. She was happy and talked like the world was full of kittens and puppies.

"Mom it's been a long day; we can talk about this tomorrow." Roman said as he slowly started walking forward dragging me with him.

She stepped in front of us. "You're right. First thing tomorrow we'll start planning. Blake, I want you in the kitchen. This stuff needs to be done by next week and you guys need to tell me the date of the wedding." She scrolled on her phone once more before she looked up at us showing her pearly white teeth. "It feels great to be home." She turned around heading toward the house.

"Wow." I mumbled as I faced Roman.

"We'll that's my mom." He shook his head. "She handles our business out of the country, she charms people easily."

"I can see. So now we're planning an actual wedding?" I sighed. "Roman what are we going to do?"

"Just go along with it until I get this Luis situation under control."

"And how long is that going to be?"

"We're currently looking for him. We got some intel on where he was last. We'll start there tomorrow, but he's good at covering his tracks."

I nodded as I let an out a tired sigh. Things are starting to become more difficult than I imagined. None of this was supposed to happen.

"Oh, Roman there you are." A woman came up wrapping her arms around his neck.

Now who the hell is this. I stepped back as I looked between the two. She was all up in his face and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"I've been looking for you everywhere." She said dramatically.

"What are you doing Verona." He pushed her off. "I told you this before, we're fucking over."

She grunted as he pushed her back. She looked toward me as anger grew on her face.

"Is this the bitch you replaced me for? You got to be kidding me." She shook her head with a laugh.

"And what's that supposed to mean bitch?" I didn't mean to come off so rude, but she disrespected me first.

She stepped up to me. "Do you know who I am?"

"Do you know who I am?" I cocked my head at her.

"Okay, that's enough." Roman said as he stepped in between us.

I pushed Roman back. He was more taken back by the force I put into the push than I was. "No. If she wants to be tough, let her."

This wasn't my life, and it might be hers. She probably knew how to use a gun, I didn't. I didn't work aside people in this little business Roman ran, she did. She could be tough but so could I. I knew how to stand up for myself and I most definitely wouldn't let this girl sit here and talk to me however she wanted.

She laughed hard and I mean hard. "I never knew you had a thing for black bitches. Look at her, compared to me. I'm classy and she's..." She shook her head. "There's nothing special about her actually."

Okay that's it. She hit a nerve. Fuck that. I didn't know who she was, but she was about to learn who I am. I grabbed the rubber band from my wrist and put my hair up.

"Blake." Roman warned in a low voice.

"Fuck that." I spat back at him. "She can talk to her momma like that, but not me!"

I ran at Verona knocking her to the ground. We went back and forth hitting each other before I gained the advantage as I swirled myself on top of her.

I'm going to show her who this black bitch is. I punched her serval times as she screamed for help. Roman kept pulling on my arm but I wouldn't budge. I knew he silently enjoyed it because he didn't try hard enough to get me off her.

I never thought I'd be so worked up over a few words. But she tested my patience and I've had a long day.

"Get the fuck off of me!" She yelled as I punched her again.

Roman finally used all his weight and picked me up. I kicked her as he pulled me away. A few people were gathered around as they watched.

"Calm the fuck down." Roman seriously said. "You're making a scene."

"Fuck off." I pushed his hand off.

"Blake." He grabbed me. "Calm the fuck down."

I closed my eyes as I took a deep breath. "I'm sorry." I said in a whisper. "I didn't mean to go as far as I did. She just pissed me off."

"Don't apologize. I low-key enjoyed it." He smirked as he brushed a piece of my hair from my face.

I rolled my eyes at him as I laughed.

"What did I tell you about rolling your eyes at me?"

"Punish me then." I stood firmly. Okay now I was just speaking off adrenaline. I should've stopped Roman and told him no, but maybe I wanted this more than I thought I did.

He grabbed my arm, pulling me toward the house.


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