《Savior (BWWM)》Fourteen


I was nervous as I walked downstairs. The house was huge, but with all the walking around I did last night I partially knew where I was going.

"Hey." Nora said as she came toward me.

I gave her a smile. "Hey."

"How you are feeling?" She asked inspecting my body. She touched my cheeks, then my neck and then proceeded to lift up my shirt.

"Woah." I caught her hand mid-way. "What are you doing?"

"Sorry." She laughed softly. "Roman told me to check on you. After I left the basement, I was furious and asked Colton what the hell was going on. He basically told me everything, of course." She rolled her eyes. "I'm a nursing student and this will be some good practice. Roman told me you didn't want to be seen by Dr Krue. So, if you don't mind." She looked at the bottom of my shirt.

Nursing student? She must be older than I thought. "Fine." I lifted my shirt.

She touched around the sore spot of my belly. I flinched from the pain.

"This is where he injected you." She mumbled to herself. "Seems like you're healing, but it's going to hurt like hell through the process. I'll let Julian talk to you later, he's one the best doctors besides Krue, he'll prescribe you some meds."

"Thank you." I smiled at her. I like Nora, she's caring and shows emotions unlike her brother.

"You're welcome. So, what do you have planned for today?"

"Nothing really." I rubbed my neck. "Roman hasn't told me much of what I could or couldn't do."

She nodded slowly. "Well, since you went to school for law, later I could show you our private law firm if you'd like."

I silently gasped. "Seriously?"

"Of course!"

I pulled her into a hug out of excitement. "Thank you, thank you."

I couldn't believe it. Even though it was something so small it made me light up with happiness. I could finally see and explore a law firm even though I wouldn't be working in one yet.

"Don't mention it. I'd go crazy if I was stuck in the house all day." She giggled softly.

I smiled as my gaze focused on a picture on the wall behind Nora. It was a large family portrait. They had all black on which I bet Roman wanted. It was five of them instead of four. I noticed a teenage boy standing beside Roman. He looked like their mother with brown hair and brown eyes.

I wonder how they coped after losing him.

Fuck. I forgot I was supposed to be meeting Roman.

"Do you know where Roman is by chance, he told me to meet him down here."

"In a meeting. I can take you there if you want."

"Last time we went looking for Roman it went bad, no thanks." I laughed. "I'll wait here."


She smirked. "Come on, it's a small meeting, if it was important the door would be closed. I walked past like 10 times trying to hear the conversation."

"Sneaky." I shook my head with a laugh.

She smiled. "Come on."


We stopped at the open door as I heard Roman's voice.

"You had no right!" He snapped. "I fucking pay you to work on people, not to voice your opinions."

"But sir. It's bad for business and you know that!" A familiar voice yelled but calmly.

It was Dr. Krue.

"Who the hell are you to tell me what's bad for my business? You're an asset, but I can get rid of you with no questions asked." He responded more tense than before.

"Son. Calm down." A deep voice spoke in the room. "There's better ways we can go about this."

I looked at Nora, she mouthed "That's my dad."


"You have to agree with me Sir Ferrari. That woman will only bring him down and you know that. She's a stripper for god's sake with no name to herself."

I bit my lip as I clenched my fist. Is she serious? If I had the chance, I could make a name for myself, bigger than Roman Ferrari. Okay- maybe that's too far, but just if I had the chance.

Nora grabbed my wrist. "Breathe." She whispered. "Not good for your health."

I nodded. Breathe Blake. Just breathe.

"I can't agree or disagree Krue. Who is this girl to you son, why haven't your mother and I met her?"

The room went silent. No one spoke. I knew it had to be a tense moment. Who was I to Roman anyways?

"She's, my Fiancé." He paused. "And if you can't respect her, I won't respect you." It was a long silence as nobody spoke. "Go before I kill you, Krue. I've never spared anyone, but because you've done good to me, I'm giving you this chance."

My eyes widened as I looked toward Nora. "What did he just say?"

I can't believe my ears right now. Why in the hell would he say something like that?

"You guys are getting married?" She lit up of excitement.

"No!" I said quickly. This cannot be happening right now.

Krue stormed out the room not noticing us crouched behind the door.

"Finally, she's gone. I've always hated Krue. She has a stuck-up personality." Nora said shaking her head.

"She's a bitch."

"Agreed." She laughed.

"We should go before they see us-."

"Too late for that." Roman cut me off stepping outside his office.

I paused. Damnit. "How did you know we were out here?"

He didn't answer. He stared at me with his hands tucked in his pockets.

"I was never here." Nora said as she ran.


Seriously Nora. I giggled to myself. Of course, she leaves me alone with him.

"What's funny?" He raised a brow stepping closer to me.

I ignored him. "So, we're getting married now?" I crossed my arms. I wanted to hear his explanation of why he'd say something so stupid.

He rubbed his hands down his face. "You heard that?"

"I did."

"It's not what you think. It's for business."

I looked down. For business? That hurt. I don't know why it did, but it did. I thought of something quick to say to get out of his presence.

"I'm going for a walk." I turned but he grabbed my arm mid-way.

"No, you're not."

"Let go of me Roman!"

"Or what?" He teased as he pushed me back onto the wall.

"Roman." I warned staring into his eyes.

"I need to know where you are at all times. You can't just wonder off when you want Blake."

"You can't make me to do shit. Now let go of me."

He grinned. "You sure about that?"

He moved fast pinning my arms over my head as he started placing quick kisses on my neck.

He was distracting me, and he was sure doing a good job of it.

I moaned from his soft lips touching my skin. What the hell did I truly get myself into. The way his lips touched my skin made me feel a sensation I've never felt before.

"You're in my empire. Where people respect and would kill or die for me." He whispered in my ear as he kissed it.

I trembled.

"This is my home. I can make you do whatever I want." He looked into my eyes as he seen how disoriented I was from his touch.

I wanted him. He knew I wanted him. I never thought I'd say the words. It's like my body ached for him. Or maybe it's sexual desire. I haven't had sex in forever and my body wanted it.

"Say the words." He pressed his body against mine.

"Roman." I bit my cheek. I wouldn't give in. I wouldn't let him win. Even though my body was practically aching for it.

"Say it, Blake."

I hesitated. Was I really going to submit to him?

"Hmm, son?" A voice behind us spoke.

Thank God.

Roman pulled away to face a tall man with the same features as him. He looked in his late 50's.

"Sir?" He spoke annoyed. His fist we're clenched. I could tell he was annoyed his father interrupted our moment.

"You're needed in the bunker."

He rubbed his hand up his temple. "Okay, just." He groaned. "Blake wait for me in my room."

"I can watch her until you get back. It won't be a problem." His dad put his hands behind his back as he looked me up and down.

I bit my lip. No, no. Please no.

Roman looked at me. "Fine." He turned back to his father. "I'll be right back."

As Roman walked away, Mr. Ferrari stepped up.

"Ruein Ferrari." He held his hand out to me.

A sense of power came off him as he firmly said his name. The same thing that happens when Roman says his. Deep down I was afraid, but I wasn't going to let it show in front of him.

"Blake Myers." I shook his hand.

"My son has never brought a woman here before. Are you pregnant, is that why he's marrying you?"

I flinched at his words. "No, I'm not."

I can't believe this.

He nodded. "Nora talked about you this morning at breakfast. And Roman said a few things, but marriage wasn't something I expected..."

I rubbed my neck. What the hell was I supposed to say to that.

"Roman never tells us things, so this was a surprise." He spoke annoyed in his son's actions.

"Roman does things unexpectedly all the time." I tried to joke, but he squinted his eyes at me.

I bit my tongue.

"You studied law? But decided to become a stripper." He looked concerned and interested at the same time.

I knew Nora had to tell him about my past at breakfast.

He stood there waiting for me to speak. Oh, he wanted an answer. I took a deep breath before I told him my story. I didn't talk about myself much, but it seemed like I had no choice. It's not like there's somewhere I could run to right now.

I told him mostly everything about my childhood and growing up. How no law firms would hire me. He didn't judge, he listened the whole way without interrupting. He did look at me weirdly when I talked about my mother's death.

"Rough life kid." He looked down the hall then back at me. He took a long minute before he spoke again. "Would you like to work for me?"

I raised my eye at him. "What do you mean sir?"

"Work for me. Be one of my family's personal lawyers. It's only right if you're going to be marrying my son soon." He crossed his arms. "You'd be paid top dollar, even though I'm sure Roman's spoiling you already." He chuckled softly.

Yeah right. The money would be great though, especially for when I'm free to leave. I could start a new life and leave stripping behind.

I didn't know what to say. If I said yes, I'd be working for criminals. But if I said no, who knows what could happen. It's not like I had a choice.

I've always wanted to be a lawyer ... maybe this could be my chance, even though it's on the wrong side of the law.

I hesitated. "Yes."


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