《Savior (BWWM)》Nine


My heart pounded as I walked back and forth in his office. I didn't know what I was thinking slapping him. He could've killed me with no hesitation, but he didn't. To me he wasn't that evil person everyone else seen him as. There was a good side to him, and I was going to reveal that. It felt like something I needed to do. It felt like a case I needed to solve.

I wondered if he was about to kiss me before one of his men came in interrupting us. The way he touched me made me want him even more. Even though he was an asshole, there was a part of him I wanted to explore. As he talked about his brother, he looked broken. I wonder if that's what made him go down his destructive path.

I always knew my father was an evil person. I had a strong feeling he was behind my mother's death. I never wanted to see that bastard ever again and I'm glad I haven't in the past years.

I wanted to listen to Roman and stay in his office, but what if something is happening. I had to warn my friends. I couldn't be selfish and keep myself safe while there in the middle of a fight.

I left the room, making my way to the bottom of the stairs. Nothing bad had went off yet. I see Teddy giving a guy a lap dance and Rae dancing center stage. Everything seemed normal. Thank God. I took a deep breath. Maybe that guy was wrong. I walked over to the bar to get myself a drink. I needed to calm my nerves. I didn't know what to think right now.

I felt a strong pull on my neck as I flew backwards into someone's chest. My eyes almost popped out from the sudden rush. Someone's strong arm was around my neck, and I could barely breath. I yelled as loud as I could before I gave out of breath. Everyone's attention turned toward me.


"BLAKE!" I heard Rae yell from the crowd of people.

I had my hand on the persons arm trying to set myself free, but it was no good. He was too strong, way too strong.

"The daughter of Luis." His grouchy voice whispered in my ear. "We've been looking for you."

"Let me the fuck go!" I yelled as I tried wiggling myself free.

He pulled a knife out aiming it toward my neck. "I suggest you stay still before I cut that pretty neck of yours."

I looked around at the forming crowd. I felt a tear fall down my face. Someone fucking help me, stop staring. This can't be happening right now. I should've listened to Roman. Fuck. What the hell could they want with me.

"Now everyone, you didn't see a thing, go back to what you were doing." The man said as he turned around to walk away with me wrapped in his arms.

As he turned, there was Roman with his gun pointed directly at his head. Roman's men we're standing behind him with their guns pointed at the man also.

"I suggest you let her go." Roman's husky voice roared. I never heard him sound so pissed and demeaning.

"Or what." He pulled the knife closer to my neck, releasing his tight grip on my neck, giving me time to catch my breath.

Roman chuckled. As he took a step closer. "Jared, is it?"

The man looked right into Roman's eyes with a form of shock. "How do you know my name?"

"Oh, don't worry about that. What you need to worry about is your next move."

Roman looked into my eyes as he shook his head in disappointed. I mouthed the words 'I'm sorry' giving him a pouting look.


Jared looked around, like he was looking for someone.

"Oh no need to look for your men, they've been taken care of." Roman smiled.

"You bastard!"

"Tell me why you're here and I'll let you go." Roman said nonchalantly gripping his gun harder.

I knew he was lying. I knew he'd never let him walk out of here. It was too much of a risk for him.

"Oh, it's no secret why we're here." He smirked. "Luis needs his beloved daughter back. She has a very wealthy bounty over her head."

Roman took a step closer.

A what? My heart started pounding out my chest. A bounty. I have a bounty on me. "Wha-. Why?" I blurted out. Who would do something like this?

"You're Luis's heiress, the next person to take over his empire. You're worth a lot of money. Once people found out that Luis has a daughter and how hot she was, of course they'd want a piece of her. Your father doesn't want any of them marrying you and taking his empire from him." Jared finished off.

I swallowed hard as I was grasping everything he said. This can't be right. His empire? My dad runs an empire. I thought he was just a cold-blooded killer, with people by his side, but this is even worse.

"Clear out the room." Roman mumbled to one of his men beside him. People started being escorted out of the club. I see Rae from a distance trying to stay but she was carried out. Oh Rae.

Roman turned his attention back to Jared and I. "Luis is one stupid son of a bitch if he thinks he's going to take her."

"More people will come for her." Jared shrugged. "Luis will capture her and nobody will see her again. And his empire will be saved. Damn him for having a damn child." He chuckled shaking his head. "But enough of this."

I looked around as everyone and everything started fading from my eyes. My heart was beating faster than usual. I felt hot, like fire. "Roman..." I mumbled as I felt my body slowly go numb. I looked down noticing a needle sticking from my side. "Roman..." I yelled but it was more of a whisper.

"You bastard." I heard Roman yell as everything went dark.


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