《Savior (BWWM)》Five


As he touched my body I relaxed. The way his hands explored my body made me want him to touch me in more depth.

I never let men touch me while I'm giving them dances, but for him I allowed it. And I didn't understand why. I didn't know this man; I didn't know what he was capable of. But I knew he was a dangerous man by the way people looked at him. He had bodyguards for god's sake and threatened Geraldo with ease.

"Nothing." I responded to his tease as I stood up.

My cheeks felt hot. I didn't know if it was from me being nervous, embarrassed or afraid that I truly didn't know what I was getting myself into.

He slouched himself into the chair spreading his legs. "If you want more, just say the word princess." He looked me up and down, licking his lips.


The way he said that made butterflies form in my stomach. No, he's teasing me. Men like him only want one thing.

I shifted from one foot to the other acting like I didn't hear what he said. I cleared my throat. "Excuse me?"

"Don't act like you didn't hear me." He stood backing me into the wall.

"Roman." I warned, his name cursing off my lips like poison.

He was so close to me, his lips almost touching mine.

"What's wrong princess?"

"We can't be doing this."

"And why not." He purposely licked my neck.

"You're my boss, it's unprofessional." I shivered, annoyed at myself for feeling pleasure from his touch.

His lips and body were so close to mine. His lips were so thick and plump. I wanted him to kiss me. No. What am I thinking? I don't do these kinds of things. Why am I acting rebellious for him? I don't do these kinds of things I kept repeating in my head. I'd do my private dances, get my money and leave. It's the pleasure over taking me.


"And I won't be your boss for long."

"Roman..." I sighed.

He started licking his lips. "You're so difficult." He shook his head backing away. "But I will break you and have you begging to fuck me."

I blinked my eyes at his words in shock. Did he really just say that to me. I didn't know what to say. Nobody has ever said such words to me.

"I'll see you later princess." He smirked as he walked out the room.

I laid back onto wall as I took deep breaths. What the hell just happened. Something in me wanted him to stay, but then again, I didn't.

What's wrong with me.


"So, you mean to tell me, he backed you into a wall and you didn't even do anything?" Rae questioned as we were changing in the dressing room.

Here we go again with her questions. I shouldn't have said anything to her about it. But she's my best friend and I trusted her with the events that happen in my life.

"I mean, no-, I-." I stuttered as I shook my head. "It's not like that."

"Makes 2 of us falling for the boss." She joked with a chuckle.

I shook my head with an eye roll. "I will never fall for him nor sleep with him, he's an asshole."

"Yeah, we'll see about that." She smirked.

"Do you know who Roman Ferrari really is?" May added as she took her shirt off.

Everyone turned to face her. She must've heard our conversation. Nosy bitch.

"Umm our new, sexy, hot boss, who else?" Rae raised her brow at her sarcastically.

"You've never heard of him? What he's known for?" She paused looking around at everyone in the dressing room.

Nobody responded to her. I didn't understand what she was implying. What did she know about him that we didn't?


"Can you just tell us already?" Teddy said putting his hands on his hips. Yes, teddy changed in the dressing room with us. He made it clear serval times he wasn't interested in our 'lady parts'.

"He's known for exporting and trading guns. Number one actually. He's dangerous. He's killed people before and I'm sure he wouldn't hesitate to kill any of you." She fanned her finger around at us.

"You're lying." Rae stared at her while removing her makeup.

"Look it up, it's one Google search away. He doesn't care if people know his identity nor what he does for a living." She was serious as she spoke. "He's like a ghost, I'm surprised he's showing his face as the owner of this club."

"Why would he risk getting arrested like that?" Teddy crossed his arms.

May started laughing as she rolled her eyes. " He has everyone under him. Corrupted cops, lawyers, judges. They'd just get him out in a heartbeat."

Everyone went silent.

I didn't know if what I was hearing was true or not. It all made sense though. The things he'd say. The power he'd give off when he walked in a room. The way he even said his damn name.

But I knew all it would take was a Google search to figure out if it was true or not.

I took a deep breath as I finished changing. I didn't understand why something like this was bothering me so much. It's not like I cared about the guy. He was my boss nothing more. I shouldn't care what he does in and out of work anyways.

"You ready to go?" Rae asked.



"Okay what movie are we watching tonight?" Rae held up five different movies. Four were horror, which were my favorite and the last one was romance. Romance was too sad and dramatic for me.

"Horror it is." I smiled.

We watched Friday the thirteenth, which was one of my favorites because it wasn't very scary, but instead interesting.

I filled popcorn in my mouth as Rae kept staring at me awkwardly. "What?" I finally said as she looked at me for the fifth time.

"Are you going to search him up?" Rae asked which threw me off guard.

Okay that's not what I was expecting her to ask.

Why would she think I'd want to look him up? or I even cared who he was. Well, I was kind of worried. I did almost kiss a murderer, but she didn't have to know that.

"No, why would I."

"You looked pretty shocked when May was talking about him. Like you didn't believe what she was saying."

I shrugged. "It could be true, it probably couldn't."

"Okay, let's search and see, it's been on my mind all night and I'm sure it's been on yours too. And I would still like to know what went down in the back room." She winked.

I laughed, rolling my eyes at her. "Okay fine."

She was right. Ever since we got home, I was wondering if what I heard was true or not. I mean it wouldn't change anything. He's still my boss. But could he really be this horrible person May was making him out to be?

I hesitated at first. Did I really want to know though?

I did.

I pulled my phone out and typed his name in.

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