《Savior (BWWM)》Three


"Come on, tell me everything." Rae smiled as she poured herself a glass of wine in the kitchen.

It was the next morning and I was exhausted. I was able to go home early, because of the club shutting down for the rest of the day. Something dealing with Geraldo.

I slouched on the couch, relaxing my body. "Nothing happened, I gave him a lap dance. That's all."

Rae sat across from me as she rolled her eyes. "I don't believe you one bit. So you tell me a sexy man comes in, wants a dance from you and you do nothing?"

"Exactly." I sarcastically smiled.

"When's the last time you've had sex?" She asked taking a sip of wine.

"Wha-. Do we have to talk about this right now?"

"Come onn." She dragged on. "Maybe that's why you're always grumpy."

"I'm not grumpy."

I didn't need a man. I never had my mind set on a man, only on my career. Which was tragically failing.

She grinned. "You sure about that? Now tell me more about this sexy man."

I rolled my eyes as I gave in. "He was tall, about 6 feet, black curly hair. Nothing too special." I said nonchalantly. I lied terribly; he was something special. He was the most handsome man I've ever seen.

"Was he white or black?" She raised a brow.

"Does that matter?" I widened my eyes at her question.

"I'm sure he was white. You have a thing for white men." She giggled.

"What? I do not." I mumbled. "I've never been with a white man before."

"Or a man at all," She lightly chuckled. "But I've always noticed you taking interest in the white ones." She took another sip of wine.

I shook my head at her with a laugh. "Can we talk about Geraldo?" I needed to change the subject; I didn't want to talk about Roman anymore. He was hot, yes. But it was just a dance, it wasn't like I was going to see him again. Plus, I only did it for the money.

She rolled her eyes. "He got shot or something. We have a new owner taking over until he recovers." She responded. "Well, that's what Kelly told me."

"Are you sure you weren't the one to shoot him?" I asked jokingly.


She started laughing, "Yeah right, I hate the guy but not that much."

We both started laughing.

"Have you contacted your dad?" She asked seriously.

I felt my heart drop by her words. I haven't told Rae everything about my past, about my parents to be exact. It was something I wanted to forget. My father was never around. After my mother died when I was 18, I was alone. She was my world. My dad would show up here and there and easily controlled my mom into believing she needed him when she didn't. God, I wish she was stronger. Somehow, she died in a car accident, but till this day I don't believe that bullshit story my dad told me. I hate him. He hasn't done anything for me.

After I finished college, I was off to law school, I was dedicated into becoming a lawyer and following in her footsteps. But with all the debt I'm in and not finding a single job to look forward to, I went to stripping. The only job I thought of to make money quick.

I lied to Rae telling her my dad was living in New York and my mom died. It was half the truth, even though I have no idea where my dad is. I didn't want to drown her in my sad story and make her feel sad for me. I didn't need anyone's sympathy.

"Oh yeah, I did." I rubbed my neck sheepishly.

"Good, you should talk more about your family, it'll probably help." She added giving me a reassuring smile.

Rae always talked about her family. They were supportive of the way she wanted to live. She knew I had family issues, but she never pressured me into talking about it. That's why I love her so much.

Her phone started ringing as she answered on the second ring. "Hey girl." She spoke into the phone. "Yeah, Blake and I will be there soon."

"Who is it?" I asked as she ended the call.

"Kelly. She said the new owner is at the club and ready to introduce himself."

I nodded. "Let me get dressed."

"I'm sure he's some old man, no need to dress up for him." She chuckled.

I rolled my eyes at her with a laugh. I walked into my room, looking into the mirror. My hair was messier than usual. I'll go with a basic outfit today, leggings and a tank top.


I threw my hair into a messy bun and applied some makeup to make my face look a little appealing.


The bar gave off a fresh smell. It usually smelt of liquor, sweat and tobacco, but today it smelled like it was deep cleaned with bleach and sprayed with Lysol.

Rae and I walked over to Teddy and Kelly as they were enjoying a drink.

"Hey guys." I smiled at them. "Any idea who our new boss is?"

"Not yet, but I hope he's smoking hot and like men." Teddy smirked as he sipped his drink.

We all died of laughter. Teddy was one of the male strippers. He never failed to keep everyone laughing at the club.

"I hope he's hot too." Rae added fixing herself a drink.

"Not you are going for another owner." Kelly joked.

Rae rolled her eyes. "Hey, you guys know I never liked Geraldo."

"Sure, you didn't." I added.

Teddy crossed his arms, "We've practically seen you go into his office after your shifts."

"Okay fine, he was flirting, and we were drunk." She admitted gulping down a drink, trying to wash away what she said to us.

"I knew it." Teddy said with a grin.

I started laughing, "And it's a bad thing because?"

"Because I actually enjoyed it and he wasn't that bad." She shook her head.

"I say go for it." Kelly shrugged.

"Agreed." I pitched in.

She shook her head again, "This is Geraldo we're taking about." She joked like she was vomiting which made us laugh.

"Look who's looking at you Blake." Teddy glanced over to the other side of the bar.

I looked over to see Nick leaned against a table with his eyes stuck on me. Nick was one of the bartenders. He was sweet and would flirt with me from time to time. But I was never interested. It's not that he was ugly, because he was hot. Light blue eyes, blonde hair, amazingly fit. But guys weren't really on my mind at the moment.

I shook my head. "I told you guys he's not my type."

"He's so into you though." Kelly exaggerated. "Give him a chance."

"I'll just be wasting his time." I shrugged.

"I agree, he's short and I bet he has a small di-."

"Okay, let's change the subject." Kelly cut Teddy off, which made us laugh.

"Hey Blake." Nick smiled as he approached me.

I looked around to see my friends slowly walking away, leaving me with him. Damn it.

"Good luck." Rae whispered as she walked away.


"Hey." I faked a smile.

"You look really gorgeous today." He said confidently standing up straight. "I was wondering if-."

"If what?" A familiar voice behind me spoke.

I turned around to see Roman.

"What are you doing here?" I asked confused.

"Not happy to see me princess?" He smirked.

"Don't call me that."

"Hey dude, I was talking to her!" Nick yelled.

I was taken back by the anger in his words. Nick was never the type to yell at anybody.

"And I don't give a fuck. Don't ever raise your voice at me." Roman warned as he kept his voice low.

"And what are you going to do about it tough guy?" Nick threatened crossing his arms.

I wanted to step in and say something, but I didn't. This was going to be interesting.

All I seen was a grin rise on Roman's face which told me it was nothing good. "I could kill you." He shrugged. "But instead, I'll fire you."

Nick eyes went wide as mine did the same. Did he really just say that. He must be joking.

"Yes, I'm your new boss." He smirked as he brushed past us, making his way in front of the crowd.

My mouth flew open with confusion and shock.

Nick stared at me in disbelief. I shrugged. I was as confused as he was.

Roman was standing in front of everyone as he gave me a seductive wink before speaking.

"Hello everyone." He smiled at the crowd. "I'm your new boss, Roman Ferrari."

He said his name like it held so much power. And by the looks of everyone faces, it did. The girls stared at him like they haven't ate in days and he was a piece of delicious meat. I could tell he liked the attention, but I wasn't going to give him any.

I walked away to get myself a drink before I froze in place from his words.

"I will have myself a personal stripper."

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