《Savior (BWWM)》One


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be transmitted or reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without permission from the author. However, I the author don't own the rights to the images on the book cover and throughout the book. All rights go to the rightful owner.


Mature and violent content!

You've been warned!


I worked my body against the cold, silver pole as Rae my dance partner was behind me swaying her hips to the music. We we're what people called the "dynamic duo." I looked around as I seen people scream our names.

"Damn look at Rae and Blake work." Over and over.

We didn't go by stage names.

Playbunnies den was the most packed today, basically because it was a Friday night and the most packed night out've the week. The music was loud, the lights were flashing, and the money was being thrown.

I didn't hate this job, but it's not what I wish I was doing right now. Being a lawyer was my future, but things didn't go as planned, as you can see.

I continued my seductive dance as men and women threw money, filling the stage.


"You were hot out there." Rae squealed as she threw the money we made into the air.

"Not as hot at you." I winked with a laugh wiping the sweat off my forehead.

Rae and I we're roommates. She was the best, crazy, red headed friend a girl could have. Ever since I started working here, we instantly connected.

"Ah, my favorite ladies." Geraldo, our boss spoke making his way into our dressing room.

"What are you doing in here!" Rae groaned as she looked at him in disgust.

Geraldo was a 40-year-old man, nearly 200 pounds, tall, dark brown hair and a beard that hasn't been shaved in months.

"Hey, hey, I'm not interested." He looked at her with an eye roll that made everyone in the room laugh. Rae and Geraldo have an interesting relationship. They flirt whenever they think someone isn't watching, but everyone knew they were sleeping together but she always denied it, never him.

Geraldo put his hands together, bringing them to his chest as he started speaking, "Well, you know how we're short staffed." He paused looking around, "I need someone to work the bar tonight."

"Come on, we all just worked at 8-hour shift." May, the new girl whined.

"Yeah, no thanks." Rae responded closing her locker.

I mean I wouldn't mind working the bar. I've done it plenty of times. Plus, I wanted to save more money to move into my own place and pay off my debt from law school.

After a long silence I spoke, "I'll do it."


Everyone looked at me as if there was a ghost in the room. We've always worked up to 8–12-hour shifts. And I was accepting another 8 hours, but I knew the money would be good, so I don't mind.

"Ah, I knew I could count on you." Geraldo smiled as he came closer to me. "You'll always be my favorite." He whispered in my ear.

I gave him an awkward smile as I felt uncomfortable.

"I thought I was your favorite." Jessica, one of the strippers sarcastically said.

"Yeah, no. See you ladies later." Geraldo waved as he walked out.

I looked into the mirror taking deep breaths. This job could be overwhelming at times. My body was the money maker, but I couldn't complain. It paid the bills.

I changed from my tight lingerie into some skinny jeans and a crop top. I fixed my curly hair as I applied some makeup to make my brown skin shine.

"I'll see you at home." Rae smiled as she gave me a hug.

"Bye, be safe."



As I made my way behind the bar, men and women were already sitting down waiting to be served. The smell of alcohol and sweat hit my nose.

Let's get this over with.

I've never wanted to do anything else but be a lawyer growing up. My mom was a big impact in my life. Seeing her fight some of the toughest cases and beating them. It was a dream of mine to follow in her footsteps. If I could make money without stripping to pay off my debt I would, but this was my only option for now. I've applied to many law firms, but they've always responded back with 'how they don't have an opening,' which I thought was complete bullshit and didn't make sense.

After serving drink after drink, I noticed a mysterious man entering the building. He wasn't one of our regulars. He had two men walk in behind him, as if they were his bodyguards. Everyone moved out of his way as he walked toward the bar. He had on a navy-blue suit that looked more expensive than any outfit I've ever worn. His hair was jet black and his perfectly defined curls fell over his forehead. His beautiful green eyes met my brown ones for a quick second before I looked toward his thick black beard. I never thought I'd see myself drooling over a white man.

But I couldn't lie, he was handsome, devastatingly handsome. I caught myself staring until I moved away to serve another person.

He sat down as those men sat on each side of him, like he needed to be protected. Who was this man? I cleared my throat and spoke.


"Hello, what can I get you guys started on tonight?"

No answer.

The two men looked around patrolling the area with their eyes, as the mystery man in front of me scanned me with his.

He finally spoke. "Give me the strongest thing here."

I tilted my head at him, "You sure?"

"I didn't stutter."

Asshole. Why are all attractive men such rude, arrogant bastards?

I turned around to make his drink. We had a really strong drink called the 'killer bunny.' Ingredients not to be told to the public though. It makes you act all crazy and out of your body. I hope it makes this asshole act a fool of himself.

"Here you go sir." I slid him the drink as he didn't hesitate to grab it, pouring it down his throat. The sleeves of his shirt slid down as I seen tattoos forming up his arm. He had lots of detailed artworks around his wrist, crawling toward his elbow. I was upset I couldn't see the rest.

He sat the empty glass down as he chuckled which was so damn hot.

"That's the best you got?"

I crossed my arms at his words. He easily drunk it as if he's been through more than a drink that'll make him act deranged.

He cleared his throat. "Where's your boss."

"Why?" I questioned wiping the counter off.

"Don't question me, just answer me."

I cocked my head at him. Who does this guy think he is? Just because he's wearing a fancy suit and have bodyguards that looked like they'd break someone's neck, doesn't mean he gets to talk to anyone however he wanted. Well, maybe.

"He's minding his business, just like you should." I shot back at him.

I noticed his jaw tighten by my response. The men beside him shifted in their seats, glancing at him, like they were waiting for his next move.

"Do you know who I am?" He choked out, trying to look calm, but I knew he was pissed.

"A typical white man, drinking at a bar. I get them every day. Welcome to the club." I answered with a wink.

He slightly tilted his head at me as a grin rose on his face, which made me uncomfortable.

"Look, I don't know who you are, but you need to leave. My boss doesn't want to see you." I had to say something. Geraldo hated when we told people where he was. I knew Geraldo had something shady going on, but I've never questioned it.

He hit the counter twice as he shook his head. "Such a pretty woman, but that mouth of yours," He paused shaking his head, "Needs to be fixed."

I rolled my eyes as I started serving other people. Tonight, was going great, I was getting amazing tips and enjoying the people around me. I wasn't going to let this man ruin my night.

About 30 minutes had passed and I glanced over to see the mystery man still have his eyes on me.

His phone started ringing. "About fucking time." He spoke into the phone. "I'm here at your shitty bar, with your waitress," He glanced over at me. "You should get down here, before I start shooting people." He chuckled slowly.

I blinked awkwardly at his words as I looked around to see if anyone else heard him. Shooting people?

Before he ended the call, Geraldo was already making his way from his office in a hurry. "I'm sorry for keeping you waiting Roman." He said with deep breaths bringing his hands to his knees.

So, his name was Roman.

"I'm sorry about Blake, she's a bit... hostile." He frowned at me.

"Enough talking, where's my money?" Roman crossed his arms.

"I don't have it right now, but I will.... soon."

Roman started shaking his head. "I gave you two weeks, and you still don't, have it?" Roman stood up. He was much taller than Geraldo. He had to be around 6 feet tall.

"Look, I can give you something else, anything else until I can get your money." I saw straight fear flash in Geroldo's eyes as he spoke to him, but he tried playing it off. What the hell did he get himself into.

Roman paused. A deep smirk rising on his face as he faced me. "A dance, with her."

I froze in shock. How did he know I was a stripper? "Hell no." I fanned my hand in the air.

"Blake, please. You're the only one who can save my life right now. I'll double your pay at the end of the night, anything you want!" He begged, something he never does.

Double my pay? I needed the money bad. The sooner I could pay off my debt, the better. I hesitated a bit before I answered. Come on Blake, just think of the money. How bad could it be to give him a dance. I give them every week, even though I don't like the men I'm dancing on.

"Fine." I said nonchalantly. Roman was more shocked by my answer than I was. But I needed the money, more than he could know.

"Thank you." Geraldo relaxed his shoulders with relief. Now I was more curious on who this guy was and why Geraldo owed him.

"You have one week." Roman said as his eyes were pierced on me, even though he was talking to Geraldo.


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