《Devils Spawn》~Chapter 11~


Demon, Trey and Bass were sitting on there bikes in the lot waiting for me when I came out. I went to my car and slid into the drivers seat.

Demon tapped on my window, "Prospects ridding with you." He said before walking off to his bike and starting it, the ignition caught with a roar and he started rolling out of the lot with Trey behind him.

The prospect got in the car, I started my car and followed the boys out with Bass close behind.

Pink's Sober was playing on the radio as we drove in silence, well this is boring, the boy aint even trying to talk to me.

"What's your name?" I asked not wanting to call him prospect.

"Jason Lavine but my club names Sonic." He said, staring straight ahead at the road and the bikes.

"Why Sonic?" I asked curious.

"When I first started out with the club I would try get everything asked of me done fast so the boys started calling me Sonic. Why do they call yoy Ripper?"

"Chief is my uncle and when he came to visit when I was about two or three, I would rip up any paper put in front of me. He has called me Ripper ever since and when I came here thats the name he used to introduce me to everyone." I told him.

"So when did you and Demob hook up?" he asked.

I was confused, why would Demon tell eceryone that we had sex. "What the hell would you think we hooked up?" I asked frowning.

"I'm sorry it's just he told everyone to stay away from you, because you're his." He said looking just as confused as me at this point.

"We aren't together so I don't know why he would warn everyone off."


Conversation was stilted after that. We drove in silence and finally pulled of the highway after an hour.

Another hour late we pulled up at an old, abondoned warehouse. I parked my car beside Demon's bike and got out. "What are we doing here, David?"

He scowled, "We're here to pick up a few things. Just wait."

After waiting what felt like hours, in silence, I finally heard the rumble of a vehicle.

"Stay close and stay quiet." Demon said standing slightly in front of me.

A dark blue ford F-150 pulled up followed by a silver hummer. Four men got out of the cars and stood in front of Demon.

"New recruit Demon?" one of the men said eyeing me. "Maybe when we're done with business we can play with her."

Ew, gross. The guy had to be in his fifties, with grey hair, wrinkles around his eyes and mouth and tattoos faded from age. Not someone I would ever want playing with me.

"She's not a toy or part of the deal, Chris. Lets just get this over with, shall we?" Demon said, looking pissed.

I still have no fucken clue what the hell is going on. I wish they would just get on with it so we can get the hell out of here. Chris is starting to creep me out, staring at me like I'm the last peice of meat at a barbeque.

Chris signalled two of his guys and they started loading my car with four big brown paper bags. I think I kbow why we are here. I am trafficking drugs. Great I always wanted to be a drug mule.

Demon gave the third guy a small black bag, probably full of money, he handed it to Chris and the deal was done. Chris got into the hummer with one of his guys and gave a small signal to the two guys remaining.

Next thing I know they are pulling guns and firing at us. I panic, this can't be part of the plan.

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