《The Trial She Faces》Chapter 22


Eve had sat patiently for the last hour as Maya fussed around her, making sure her hair and light makeup were absolutely perfect. Finally, Maya announced that she was done.

Gazing at herself in the mirror, Eve was surprised at how Maya had chosen to frame her face, mainly focusing on accentuating her eyelashes and lips.

Her hair was softly pulled up into two French braids that were tucked in the back. Scattered throughout, Maya had placed delicate pearl clips that stood out against her brown hair.

'So, what do you think?' Maya asked her as she stepped into the background of the mirror, hands clasped together.

'Wow... I look... you have done an amazing job. I can't ... just wow,' Eve managed to say.

'Well, you are a beautiful canvas darlin', I just put a little sparkle on,' Maya gushed. 'Come now, I can practically feel Kirk's anxiety at being late from here. He never wants to tell me to hurry – cause ya know beauty takes time – but he hates to be late,' Maya giggled pushing Eve to the door and down the hallway.

Kirk and Curtis stood waiting by the front door for the two women.

'My love, you look stunning,' Kirk exclaimed as he took in Maya's appearance. She was wearing a black off the shoulder dress with full length sleeves.

'Oh, stop that, come on let's go,' Maya said giving Kirk a light slap and heading out the front door.

After a short moment of silence, Curtis and Eve followed the pair. Walking in the direction of the main cluster of buildings, Curtis broke the silence of the crisp night air.

'That dress really suits you. I think you look lovely,' he managed to say after clearing his throat.

'Um thanks, you like nice as well,' Eve said. A light blush spread out over her cheeks after noting that Curtis did indeed look quite nice. He was wearing a navy suit jacket over a white button-down shirt with a tan pair of trousers.

Arriving at the hall, Eve admired the atmosphere. The ceiling had large flowy sheets hanging down and the walls were covered in a variety of flowers, balloons and streamers. Emerald Eye had never even come close to hosting such an impressive event.


Maya handed Eve a flute of champagne just as a tapping came over the microphone.

'Good evening everybody, I am so glad to see you all,' Alpha Sean's booming voice rang out.

'I'd like to thank our wonderful house and kitchen staff for putting together this shindig. They have done a fantastic job. Next, a warm welcome goes out to our visitors from our neighbours – Gold Claw, Cliff's Peak, and Blind Eye. Please enjoy the booze, the food, and the company – who knows, there might be a few mates out there who find each other,' Alpha Sean finished off with a wink. He handed off the microphone and noise quickly filled the hall.

'You ladies mingle while Curtis and I go say hello to council member Dale – he has been staying with Blind Eye for the last few months. I want to check and see how he is going,' Kirk said to Eve and Maya before walking into the mass of people.

'Oh Eve! Look over there. How sweet, mates meeting for the first time,' Maya sighed out.

Eve nodded in agreement pulling a tight smile across her face, on having briefly glanced over at the couple how already looked completely enamoured with each other.

'Come on love, there are a few people I want to introduce you to,' Maya said walking toward a cluster of women.

Introductions, pleasantries, and small gossip consumed the next hour or so before Eve managed to excuse herself. She slipped through the crowd before arriving at the bar. She ordered herself a glass of water.

Taking a moment to rest she lent back against the bar taking a slip from her glass and surveying the room.

'Hey there, care for a dance,' a man said walking in her direction.

'No thank you. I'm good,' Eve replied turning back to the room.

'Aw come on, don't be a party pooper,' he said throwing an arm around her shoulders.

'I am sure that there are other women here who are much better dancers than me and would like to dance with you. Perhaps you should go and ask someone else,' Eve said firmly as she stepped out of his grasp.


'Well, I'm not asking someone else am I. You're acting very rude, you know,' the man said once again stepping closer. Eve could smell the stench of whiskey on his breathe and see the stains on his shirt.

'I said no. Now back off,' Eve said harshly – she was done trying to be polite.

'Do you kn- '

'Eve, are you okay?' Curtis interrupted the man and placed his hand on Eve's shoulder.

'I was just telling this asshole that I don't want to dance with him and that he ought to buzz off,' Eve glared at the man as she spoke.

'Well, I suppose you have your answer then friend. She does not want to dance with you. Have a goodnight,' Curtis said leaving the man standing at the bar looking gobsmacked.

The pair weaved through the crowd and disappeared from the man's view.

'Do you want to get some air?' Curtis leaned over and spoke into Eve's ear so she could hear him over the loud music and chatter filling the room.

She gave him a quick nod and the two headed towards the exit. The cool night air caused the skin on Eve's arms to prickle, and the hairs stood on end.

'Sorry, I should not have left you alone for so long,' Curtis said rubbing the back of his neck.

'Its alright. I have been having a good time – your mum sure loves to gossip,' Eve smiled as she replied.

'Yeah, she does. Um... this is probably going to seem super douche-y considering you basically told that last guy to get lost – but I was going to ask before so I feel like I should just go through with it. Um so yeah...' Curtis said speaking so fast Eve only just managed to understand the words coming out of his mouth.

'Curtis, your rambling,' Eve said.

'Yeah, yeah of course. I suppose I was just wondering; would you want to have a dance? A dance with me that is,' Curtis finally managed to ask, cringing at the way he sounded.

'Yes, I would,' Eve smirked as she spoke.

'Are you sure? I don't want you to feel pressured into saying yes,' Curtis asked concerned.

'Yep, I'm sure.' Eve said confident in her answer.

'Well, alright then,' Curtis said, although he still felt kind of weird for asking.

Eve held out her hand for him to take as a smile grew ever wider on her face. In return, a grin spread across Curtis' face as he reached out to grasp her outstretched hand.

Eve stepped forward so that there was only a small gap between herself and Curtis. After a moment of hesitation, Curtis grabbed Eve's other hand and the pair began to sway.

From an outside view, the attempt at dancing probably seemed almost comical and bordering on childlike. However, for the pair it was anything but.

Eve leaned in even closer, resting her head on Curtis' chest as she was overcome with emotion. She felt tired and she just wanted someone to hold her on that moment. She just wanted someone to love and someone to love her back. Someone to vulnerable and intimate with.

The nerves causing Curtis' stomach to twist, and turn settled as Eve leaned forward into him. Both of her hands were still cupped in his as he let his head drop to rest on top of hers. Somewhere along the way, she had managed to worm her way into his heart – although he was only recognising it now.

Curtis let his eyes close as contentment washed over him. The rhythmic swaying and the body pressed up against him were the only things he thought of.

Feeling the weight of Curtis' head on top of her own, Eve enjoyed the moment of intimacy before stepping back from his grasp. Tears gathered at the edges of her eyes as Curtis looked at her confused.

'Eve, are you okay?' He asked reaching out to bring her back into his embrace.

'I'm sorry, I can't,' she said, tears having escaped and running down her cheeks.

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