《The fashion consultant | Sherlock Holmes x Reader|》|Chapter 24:Burn|


I'd gone grocery shopping for Sherlock and myself. Which lead to me coming back spotting Mycroft sitting opposite Sherlock playing a kids game.

"Having fun you two?" I questioned starting to unpack.

"We actually finished. Let's play deductions. (Y/n) want to play." Scoffing I shook my head.

"Against you two, I'd rather not." Although I wasn't looking I knew Sherlock smiling in my direction as everything was put away. Mycroft left soon after that and Sherlock went back to work, leading to mostly him going through the large map.


Sherlock asked me to help him out with cases today which was fine since I had the whole month free and I knew he wouldn't want to do this alone.

"(Y/n) didn't think you'd be here." Lestard said when meeting Sherlock and myself.

"John's still recovering from the shock. Common when a friend comes back alive after two years." I said and he nodded while watching Sherlock look at the skeleton in front of us.

"And you can do what here exactly." I raised an eyebrow at the inspector.

"Well, that's not from the victorian times, probably displayed in the same spot for a long time because the outfit is faided to one side and has been fire managed. The corps is not from that time either it wouldn't be in such good condition." Lestrade blinked at me.

"You're not even close it how did you...." Sherlock dropped a book to the table stopping the man's sentence.

"How I did it by jack the ripper. But it's all a fake?"

"Yes, clearly. Let's get going (Y/n)."


I stood next to Sherlock as he rang the doorbell to an apartment. He never mentioned why we were here, although he did hold the hat that's been sitting his apartment for a few days so assuming we were returning something I didn't think much of it. The bell made the sentence 'mind the gap' Which made me giggle and Sherlock smiled towards me.


"Oh thanks for holding onto it." The man said after he opened the door as sherlock raised the beany to eye level.

"No problem," Sherlock spoke while whilst walking into the apartment and I followed suit. "So what's this all about?" Stepping into the next room all that could be seen was trains and more trains.

"My girlfriend is a big fan of yours." That made sherlock laugh.

"Girlfriend." Frowning at him I nudged Sherlock's shoulder. "Sorry, do go on."

"I like trains." I raised an eyebrow at that sentence.

"Clearly," I whispered and Sherlock returned that with a nudge making my eyes roll. Although I saw the smallest of smiles come onto his face.

"I work on the tub line. A part of my job is to wipe the security footage once it's been cleared. I was just going through and I found something a bit bizarre." The man turned to his screen and sherlock gave me a look. I smiled stepping over to the screen to have a look. "This was a week ago. Last train on a Friday night. His man gets into the last car." I frowned slightly.

"Car?" He sighed at this tilting his head back in annoyance.

"There cars not carriages. Its a legacy of the early American involvement in the tube system." Stepping away from him a little I let out a long breath glancing to Sherlock.

"He said he liked trains." I held in a little laugh.

"Then at the next stop, he's gone. Explain that Mr Holmes." Now Sherlock was intrigued there was a glint in his eye it made me also excited. "But there's something else. The driver on the train hasn't been back since. He's on holiday, came into some money."


"Bought off." Then he went into a trance. The train nerd just stared at him.

"Sorry, he does this sometimes. I'll just take him out now. We'll be in touch." Waving behind me as I guided Sherlock out of the apartment he froze suddenly.

"The journey normally takes 5 minutes not 10. I'm going to need maps, lots of maps, all the maps. Fancy some chips?" a smile landed on my face as he rambled just a little.

"I'd love some." Sherlock smiled back walking down the steps to meet me in a kiss. Once out side in the brisk air I gripped tighter onto the coat I wore and the two of us walked in mostly silence enjoying our company. It wasn't until we got to the fish and chip shop that he struck up a conversation.

"(Y/n) if John doesn't ever turn around will you be there for me to help?" Smiling grimmly at the situation I let out a sigh.

"I'll try my best Sherlock but I have clients and a company to run. Some days I..... Sherlock John will turn around. He always does, the two of you are like brothers."

"He could ever be my brother. Hairs not right not to mention..."

"Sherlock you know what I meant." I laughed and Sherlock smiled towards me as we got the packet of chips and started eating them on the way back to the apartment.


The two of us were feeding each other one chip at a time. I sat on his lap with my legs hanging off the chair arm rest while my head was snugged into his shoulder.

"Why do couples feed one another? Isn't it just easier to feed yourself?" Letting out a breathless smile I kissed his neck a few times.

"You're adorable. Well it's fun isn't it?" He raised an eyebrow at me. "And it can be a way to foreplay." Going on to say this his eyebrow remained raised.

"Go on. Demonstrate." He went on to say holding up a chip to my mouth. I ate the chip like before but just as he went to move his hand away I went to suck on his thumb covered in sult. Swirling my tongue around his finger Sherlock didn't move but his pants poked me. Moving to the next finger I took a long lick up his pointer finger before sucking right down. "I see." He breathed out suddenly taking hold of one of my hands giving me the same treatment. Moaning lightly on the now two fingers in my mouth I began breathing heavier and we both moved in for a heated kiss.

"Sherlock I think John's been taken!" I knew that voice.... Mary?

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