
Soft whispers awakened Bianca. Turning to her side, her eyelids gave way to the image of an unfamiliar man standing by the doorway with his back to her.

“Father?” She blinked, scrubbing her eyes with her sleeves.

She scanned the unfamiliar room briefly, remembering as she did so, the events of the last few days. Just then, the man closed the door and turned around. She snapped her eyelids shut, afraid he'd notice she was awake. She laid still for several seconds, listening to the sound of the unrelenting rainfall outside the window.

Perhaps it was time to start getting dressed so they could begin their journey early? Still, she was nervous and hesitant to face him considering his rejection the night before. What would she say to him? And would she be required to get dressed in his presence? She blushed and tore her eyelids apart. There was most likely no time to contemplate her questions.

She made to rise up, but her eyes immediately caught sight of Mr. Belington getting dressed by the fireplace.

Sucking in a breath, she laid motionless on the bed. Her eyes traveled down the length of him, drinking in the sight of his manly form. Surely he thought her asleep, for he stood so unashamedly before her.

She laid watching every move he made, until he was fully dressed. He didn't bother to comb his hair, before turning and making his way out of the room.

She pushed herself to a sitting position then, her eyes darting briefly to the window; the rain still fell unrestrained outside and while she doubted they would still be capable of traveling, she didn't want to upset Mr. Belington, so she slipped out of her nightdress and made her way to the trunk by the foot of the bed.

A creaking sound drifted to where she stood. Turning around sharply, she was just in time to find Mr. Belington standing by the door, his eyelids widened as he ran his gaze down the length of her.

Her lips fell open, her mind scrambling for ways to hide her unclad form from his wandering eyes. Still, her legs held her captive, leaving her exposed to his scrutiny.

They stood in silence for several minutes, her body warm from embarrassment. She tried to move, to scramble for the covers, but her limbs would not comply. She tried to listen to the fire as it consumed the wood in the hearth, but the sound did nothing to ease her anxiety.

“We cannot travel today,” He finally said.

Slowly, she lifted her eyes to him. His eyelids were back to normal, and the stern look on his face had returned.

“The continuous rain has left the roads flooded.” He motioned to the window but she didn't think she could bring herself to look away from him. “We are stuck in this boarding house.”

“F-f-for how-” She swallowed, trying and failing to sound calm. “For how long?” She glanced down, certain she couldn't think properly standing naked before a man.

“Until the rain stops and the roads are cleared.”

“Oh, very well.” She nodded.

“Mrs. Kent, the owner of the boarding house wanted me to pass across the information that breakfast is served. Would you like to come down for breakfast, or would you like to eat here?”


She shook her head, wanting to be in the company of people other than Mr. Belington. Perhaps it would ease the awkwardness between them.

“I will be down shortly.”

He nodded. “Very well.”

When the door slammed behind him, a puff of air escaped her lips, as her legs wobbled beneath her. Settling gingerly on the edge of the bed, she pressed a hand to her chest where her heart laid pounding loudly.

It was a few more minutes before she regained control of her composure. Choosing a simple green day dress, she slipped into it and pulled her hair into a simple French braid.

The boarding house was modest with several old furniture. It appeared to have been an old family house before it was changed to a boarding house. The dining room was small as well, with a table and six chairs.

She murmured a greeting to the few people in the room –an old couple, a man she assumed from his cheap outfit was most likely a miner or factory worker, and a younger woman who looked about three years older than she was. Mr. Belington shifted uncomfortably as she settled on the chair beside him but didn't say a word to her, not even in greeting.

Bianca could barely get her breakfast down her throat, her mind plagued with thoughts of the past few days. Just like that, her entire life was changed. She was no longer the girl scrambling for her father's love and attention, she was now the woman who would obviously need to scramble for the love and attention of her husband.

There was certainly no love in her marriage to Mr. Belington. The entire marriage was nothing but a big mistake and a necessity and for the life of her, she never imagined any of this would happen. She never imagined the man who sought her sister's hand in marriage would end up being her husband. Why would Mr. Belington mistake her for Carla? That was what he said, wasn't it? She vaguely remembered him calling their night together a mistake which meant he probably thought she was Carla.

Did he love Carla? A thin smile curved her lips. Certainly Carla would possess all the love in the world, leaving Bianca with none. She would possess the love of their father, and now Bianca's husband. Carla had always been the lucky one, and she was certainly the one who had all the attention of the men of the ton. Bianca on the other hand was left to stand by the walls in every ball room, hoping a man would find her attractive enough to ask for her hand in marriage. When none did, she decided to stay home and away from the social scene.

Breakfast ended. Mr. Belington turned briefly to excuse himself, before leaving the room. Bianca rose to her feet, thanked Mrs. Kent, and made her way back to her room.

She laid in bed alone all morning and afternoon, choosing to eat her lunch in her room. She skipped dinner and unable to fall asleep, laid awake in bed. It was several hours before Mr. Belington walked into the room that night. She heard the door creak open and his silent footsteps sneak in but she didn't feel his weight sink the mattress. Opening her eyes slightly, she saw him seated on the seat by the fireplace, his eyes closed and his head tilted back against the chair.


Unable to sleep, Bianca watched him sleep on the uncomfortable chair as the storm raged outside. The wind tore open the window, lifting the curtains and letting rain into the room.

Springing to her feet, Bianca rushed to the window and pulled it back close. She drew the curtains back in place and turned from the window. Her eyes shifted to the wet wooden floor, where her feet were now buried in water. Frowning at the sight, she made to reach for a towel to wipe the floor, when her eyes caught sight of Mr Belington trembling in his sleep.

Certainly the window had let in a gush of cold air and Mr. Belington was dressed in nothing but a curtain night shirt.

Choosing to ignore the towel, she instead carried the blanket off of the bed and draped it over him.

He groaned softly as the blanket covered his body. Turning once more to the bed, she took a pillow and tipped his head forward until she had settled the pillow behind his neck. Gently, she resettled his head on the pillow and ran her thumb across his forehead, sweeping his curly brown hair aside.

Even while he slept, he was handsome. She slipped her thumb from his forehead and to his cheek. Perhaps he would be kind to her? Perhaps love would eventually come? Theirs wasn't the first marriage that wasn't built on love. Would he be willing to fall in love with her? She knew she wasn't half as beautiful as Carla, but she hoped her good heart would endear him.

Pulling away, she turned and made her way back to the bed.

The next day went by the same way as the first; she ate breakfast in the dining area, Mr. Belington disappeared after breakfast, she ate lunch in her room, skipped dinner, and laid alone in bed until he snuck into the room in the middle of the night. She waited until he was asleep before placing the pillow behind his neck and the blanket over him.

After a week of being trapped in the boarding house, the rain finally stopped falling. She was sitting in bed one evening, when the door pushed open and Mr. Belington walked in.

“We'll have to wait until the roads are cleared.” He announced, barely glancing at her.

She nodded, pushing herself to a sitting position. “Then we shall journey to Bath?”

He nodded, and made to turn around when she blurted:

“What is it like?!”

A small frown settling on his face, he turned to her. “You have already been to my manor in Bath.” His words held a hint of accusation.

“I- well, I meant what it's like living in Bath.”

He shrugged. “Certainly nothing like your life in London, I lead a very quiet life and hardly ever participate in the season.”

“Then it is like my life in London.” She smiled. “I stayed home while the rest of my family socialized.”

“Then you will adjust well.”

“And you?” The words were out of her mouth before she could stop them.


“Shall you adjust to being married to me?” She sat up straighter and met his gaze.

He hesitated, his frown deepening. “I shall be cordial. ”

“Surely much more than cordiality is expected in a marriage.”

“What else do you expect, Lady Sterling?”

“I have- well, not many expectations, Mr. Belington. Perhaps for a start you could refrain from referring to me by my maiden name.”

“And what shall I call you?”




A small smile tugged on the edges of his lips. “I shall call you Bea, you remind me of her.”

“Of whom, Mr. Belington?”

He opened his mouth, but just as quickly, closed it again. Folding his arms across his chest, “What else do you expect?”

Bianca was speechless because his questions left her feeling unsettled. What was expected of a marriage? Love? Children? Companionship? She was uncertain but they were things she desired.

“Perhaps heirs...”

“I am without a title, my lady, did you fail to realize that when you snuck into my room to seduce me?”

Bianca felt heat climb rapidly up her face. “Seduce? I would nev-”

He crossed the room and leaned down over her, his hand settling on her face. He stroked her cheek, his action leaving her mouth dry. “I have thought this through,” His hand slided gently down her cheek, and to her jaw. His thumb brushed her lower lip, causing it to fall open. “Like the rain is keeping up trapped in this boarding house, we are trapped in this marriage and while I desire to do nothing but kick and scream to be released, while I would rather be anywhere but here, Bea, I am here and I am without any options of getting out.” He leaned forward, his thumb still stroking her lip, his body now making contact with hers.

Bianca tried to think past her pounding heart and aching stomach, but she couldn't.

“So, we must endure our imprisonment, mustn't we?” He leaned forward once more, a loud gasp escaping her lips as he placed his other hand on her shoulder.

“Mr. Belington, I am uncertain what you mea-”

He kissed her then, his lips claiming hers in fierce possession. Shocked at his actions, her body fell backward against the mattress. Her hands shot out, her palms gliding up and down his back as she returned his kiss.

“Endurance, Bea, not love.” He pulled away suddenly, so suddenly, it left her gasping for air. “Never love.”

She sprang to a sitting position as he turned around and began making his way to the door. “Why not? I'm your wife, Mr. Belington, surely love shall come of this.”

He slipped his shirt over his head. “Children, Bea. Children shall come.”

“And with them, love?” When he shook his head, tears sprang to her eyes. Rising to her feet, “Why not?”

He turned to her, his eyes devoid of emotions. “I am already in love with your sister.”

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